The Chosen - Stone Dance of the Chameleon 01 (10 page)

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Authors: Ricardo Pinto

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: The Chosen - Stone Dance of the Chameleon 01
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'As the Master commands,' Tain said, a cold fire in his eyes.

Carnelian had finally made up his mind. The destruction he saw everywhere strengthened his resolution. He reminded himself of the empty storerooms and the gluttony of the ship. He catalogued all the desperate looks he had seen on the faces of his people. But when he reached his father's door all he felt was the shivering cold.

Through the doors he saw a huge shape standing before the fire. It lifted up a hand in a sign of welcome. Carnelian crossed the floor to it. Its face was a shadow.

The Ruling Lord Aurum has brought you this,' said his father's voice.

The mass of his body swung round and Carnelian could see the hand held out in the firelight. He approached it. On the palm there was something like a hole. He reached out and took it. It was hard and warm. A ring of iron. A blood-ring that entitled him to cast votes in the elections of the Masters. He turned it in the firelight. Around the band's edge were the raised glyphs for his names and the spots and bars of numbers.

'He was given it by the Wise who had it set aside for you.' He gave his son a tender look that Carnelian did not see. The ring had him wholly in its spell. Its symbols were in mirrored form so that it could be used as a seal with both ink and wax. The eleven numbers confirmed the fractional tainting of his blood. He knew that it should be put on the smallest finger of the right hand. As the right hand signified the world of light so its smallest finger signified purity. It was too big.

There is no time for proper ritual. Even the preliminaries take many days. But there is much that is not essential. It is the Examination and the Rite of Blood that are the very nub and core of it.'

Carnelian looked up warmly at his father, then froze when he saw Aurum's face floating beyond his father's shoulder. Turning round he saw that Vennel was there too, his pupils the merest spots, and Jaspar with his idolic smile. Carnelian felt betrayed, as if his father had led him into an ambush.

Suth saw the change come across his son's face and said quickly, 'Witnesses are essential.'

The Masters circled Carnelian like sleek predators.

'Shall we begin?' said Aurum. His voice reverberated round the chamber. 'Lord Jaspar, it might please you to read the rings.'

Jaspar gave a little bow and accepted something from Aurum's hand.

The blood-rings of the Lord Suth and of his Lady wife, now long expired,' said Aurum. He turned to Vennel. 'Perhaps, my Lord, you would care to read the scars.'

'My hands do not have the seeing of the Wise.'

'Nevertheless, my Lord, we wish to be certain of impartiality, is that not so?'

'Oh, very well!'

Vennel began to move round behind Carnelian who, alarmed, turned to keep the Master in sight.

'Keep still, my son,' his father said.

Carnelian stopped turning and felt Vennel come up behind him.

The robe must be opened for your taint scars to be read as proof of your parentage.'

Carnelian fought a grimace as he felt the robe begin to slip off as Vennel undid the hooks down his back. He hunched his shoulders so that the robe would not fall to the ground.

'Exquisite,' he heard Jaspar say.

He closed his eyes. His perception was all in the skin of his back. He could not suppress a shudder when he felt Vennel's hands on him. Fingers sliding down the right of his spine, feeling the bumps and ridges that had been put there by the Wise at his birth, with a scarring comb.

'Zero, zero
three, aaah
Vennel was reading out his father's blood-taint, 'fifteen, ahhm
nineteen, another fifteen . . . ten
two, no, three, now two, a final ten.'

'Is that what is inscribed on Lord Suth's ring?' asked Aurum.

'Exactly,' said Jaspar.

Carnelian felt the fingers lift away. He waited, grimacing. Vermel's hand was there again, to the left of his spine.

'Zero, zero, zero, two, one
nineteen, aaah
. nine, six
teen, aaah
seventeen and a final

The eleven fractions of his mother's taint. 'Confirmed,' said Jaspar. 'You can do the boy up, Vennel.' 'I certainly shall not. Am I now to become a body slave?'

'I will do it, my Lords,' said Suth.

Carnelian's shoulder was squeezed and the robe quickly hooked up. He turned and glared at the other Masters. Vennel was rubbing his hands as if he had touched something unclean. Jaspar was smiling. Aurum was as impassive as marble.

The Rite of Blood,' he said.

He came towards him until Carnelian was enveloped in his odour of lilies. He held out a vast leaf of a hand. An oval bowl lay along the palm, of jade so thin it might have been water.

This is the edge of the night,' intoned his father. Carnelian saw that his left hand held a razor of obsidian like a mussel shell. It sliced into the palm of his other hand. The cut beaded blood all along its length. The bowl in Aurum's hand was there to catch each drop.

Thou art my son, dewed from my flesh, Chosen. The ichor of the Two will burn thy veins; the same that once gushed from the Turtle's rending.' His father dipped his finger in the bowl. 'With this fire I anoint thee. In the names of He-whose-face-is-spiralling-jade.' He daubed a vertical stroke upon Carnelian's forehead. 'In the unspoken names of He-whose-face-is-the-mirror-in-the-night.' Dipping his finger once more, his father applied a second stroke beside the first.

Then Aurum's hand offered Carnelian the bowl. He stared at it, not knowing what it was he was supposed to do.

'Drink now thy father's blood that its fire might ignite thine to its own
burning,' said Aurum.

When Carnelian took the bowl he could not avoid touching the Master's stone skin. He looked up at his face. It seemed fashioned from dead bone with only two points of living light. Carnelian resisted its menace and drained the bowl with a single gulp, grimacing at the metal taste.

'On this day thou art come of age,' his father said.

Truly thou art chosen a Lord of the Hidden Land,' the others chanted, then they glimmered away like a tide on a moonless night leaving Carnelian angry, amazed, uneasy that he was now fully one of them.

'Soon the fire will begin its burning in your veins,' sang Vennel.

'Some days it will course like naphtha in a flame-pipe,' Aurum growled.

'It is one of the myriad burdens that we bear,' said Jaspar.

The price that must be paid for near divinity,' said Aurum.

.'Nothing is without cost,' said Vennel.

Suth allowed his hand to brush Carnelian's. 'Yet, for many years, I have felt no burning.'

'How so?' said Vennel, his eyes frost.

Suth shrugged. 'Perhaps so far from its source its vigour fades.'

'Perhaps,' said Aurum. 'Perhaps.'

Tell me, my Lord Suth
said Vennel.

Suth raised his eyebrows.

'Why did you have us perform this ritual here and now?'

'My son was past his time, and we had the ring here

'Aaah, the ring. My Lord Aurum was so thoughtful to remember to bring the ring. But still, are you sure that the Wise will consider it valid?'

The ritual had my Lords as witness,' said Suth.

'Are we qualified?'

'Our journey will be perilous. The awakening of his blood might afford my son some protection.'

Vermel nodded sagely. 'I see. And I suppose this coming of age could have nothing to do with the fact that the Lord Carnelian is now entitled to cast his twenty votes.'

'I do not entirely comprehend your meaning, my Lord.'

'My meaning, Great Lord, is that with your son and one other of us,' he glanced at Aurum, 'you can henceforth determine every decision that we make in formal conclave.'

That presupposes that my son will always choose to vote with me.'

'My Lord,' Carnelian said. His stomach knotted when his father turned towards him. 'My Lord, this conflict is unnecessary since I have decided that I shall stay with our household and follow after. It is for the best. I could be nothing but an encumbrance to you.'

His father's face hardened. He turned to the others. 'Great Lords, it would seem that I have need to talk with my son. It would be unforgivable that we should presume so much upon your patience, my Lords, as to expect you to stand by while we resolve a matter internal to our House. The baran is ready now. If the wind be not against us we shall depart on the morrow. I am sure my Lords must have numerous arrangements to make.'

Vennel looked amused. Jaspar looked uncharacteristically serious. He stepped forward. 'Lord Suth, your rings.' Carnelian watched his father take them.

'Perhaps, Sardian, I should stay,' said Aurum, his eyes like evening sky.

Carnelian stared, startled by the use of his father's personal name.

'I would rather you did not, my Lord.' He was threading his blood-ring back onto his finger.

Aurum stood for a moment, then turned away. He and the other Masters drifted off towards the door like tall ships.
watched them to put off facing his father's anger. He could feel it beating upon his back like a scorching wind. The last of the Masters disappeared through the door. It closed.

Round the circuit of the chamber the shutters rattled. Twigs snapped in the fire and jiggled up a spray of sparks. Carnelian's forehead itched. He was determined to brave the heat of his father's fury. He turned. His father's face seemed cut from polished stone.

'Why did you feel it necessary, my Lord, to defy me before our guests?' his father asked in a quiet voice.

'I had made my decision and would inform you of it.'

'And no doubt you thought that if you spoke it in the presence of the other Lords you would ensure that my response should be constrained?'

Carnelian drooped. Though there were several reasons, my Lord, I am ashamed to say that was one of them.'

Tell me, my son, of this decision you have made.'

Carnelian looked up and saw his father's face had softened. 'Our people and the famine that will come here once the baran is gone — it is a betrayal, my Lord, that we should leave them here to face it all, alone.'

'But, Carnelian, they live to serve us. Besides, I have put into motion certain policies that might somewhat reduce the severity of their need.'

'Nevertheless, I would stay. I cannot find it in my heart to abandon Ebeny, but to mention one of them. Our people will miss your rule, my Lord, and though I would not presume to suggest I could replace you, I might provide some measure of compensation. The sight of a Master sharing their privations will give them hope, and hope is the mother of strength.'

'Ebeny is a stubborn woman. I will command her to come with us. I am leaving Grane to rule here in my stead and, without too much offending you, my Lord, I would suggest that it is evident that he would do it better than you. As for this notion of yours to share their privations, have you completely taken leave of your senses? You would choose to sink yourself down to their level? Do you forget who and what you are, my Lord? Where is your pride?'

'I have pride, my Lord, and because of it the feelings of duty that you taught—'

'It seems I have taught you badly. I blame myself. Too long have I made myself blind to your familiarity with our slaves. Perhaps indeed I have shared in it. Being so far from Osrakum we have sunk into a mire of barbarism. It should come as no surprise to me. But that you should dare to speak to
of your feelings of duty to
slaves. Do I hear you speak of your feelings of duty to your father and your blood? Is my blood to be so traduced in you? Does that ring you newly wear mean so little to you, my Lord?'

Suth had become a tower of wrath but Carnelian squared up to him. 'Your blood I cannot give back to you, but this
He pulled off the blood-ring. This trinket you can take back to Osrakum or hurl in the sea for all I care, for I see that in the receiving of it I have acquired nothing.' He stopped. In the vibrating silence his father seemed to have narrowed to a blade.

'You will put that ring back on.' The tone was level, dangerous. Suth lifted up his hand. Upon it were several rings, but above his blood-ring was another, the Ruling Ring of House Suth. Its black adamant was forced into the centre of Carnelian's vision. 'While I still wear this,' the level voi
ce continued, 'I will be obeyed
within the borders of my House. Tomorrow you will leave with me, my Lord. The only choice you have is whether you shall walk down to the baran or be carried. Reconcile yourself, my Lord, for you
cross the sea with me.'

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