The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle (2 page)

Read The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Online

Authors: Piper Phoenix

Tags: #New adult romance

BOOK: The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle
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He walked around and pulled himself up into the truck, started it up and drove away from the bar.







“Beautiful night,” she said breaking the silence.

“Perfect for a beautiful girl,” he said with a smile and turned on the radio. She knew she was blushing, but it was dark enough that Sawyer wouldn’t be able to tell.

Traci looked out the window a silly grin glued to her face. She wasn’t sure if it was because she kept letting thoughts of that sexy cowboy creep into her head or if it was because she was glad to be with someone who found her beautiful.

Being alone in this truck with Sawyer she found herself getting more turned on with each passing minute. She didn’t know if it was because of the glowing moonlight from the full moon, the big truck or Sawyer. Every time his truck hit a bump her tits would bounce and she could feel Sawyers eyes on her.

“Why don’t you move a little closer?” he said after a rather large bump.

Traci eagerly slid down the seat without giving it much thought, she had no problem being closer to him. He was good looking, she loved how tall he was, and on top of it all, he was a sweetheart. Why bother wasting time thinking about the cowboy who was long gone with his groupies? She could just keep the thoughts of him tucked away in her mind to use in her own time. Whenever she’d feel the need to slide her fingers into her pussy and pinch her nipples, she’d be thinking of the cowboy.

Sawyer nonchalantly put his arm up on the back of the seat, waited three minutes or so before building up the courage to rest it on her shoulder. They looked at each other and smiled. He pulled into a long driveway and stopped when he got up to the enormous three-story house.

“Wow,” Traci said.

“Just had it remodeled,” he said looking as if he was very proud to show off his home.

“It’s amazing!”

“It’s nothing compared to you,” he said barely glancing at her.

There was something about how timid he was that she found endearing, and a turn on. She reached up and put her hand on his and slid it down to her breast. If he didn’t have the courage to make a move she’d give a little push to help things along. He caressed her breast which was more than a handful even for his big hands. His massage was sensual and Traci bit her lip ever so slightly when he began to stroke her nipple. She shivered in delight, she loved a man teasing her nipples, and nothing got her wetter faster.

She leaned her head back lightly against his arm so he’d see how much she was enjoying his touch. Traci turned to him, she licked her silky lips seductively. He brought his head down and pressed his lips to hers, soft at first but his appetite for her quickly became apparent by the growing bulge in his pants. He was kissing her as if she were the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted. She pulled back only to let out a breathless moan.

Traci’s fingers were on his shirt quickly but carefully undoing the buttons. It seemed to take forever but once she finally got his shirt off she pressed her hands all over his moonlit skin. She could feel his muscles move under her fingertips and she lightly ran her fingernails over the indentations. Sawyer shuddered at her touch.

When he leaned back slightly to help her with her shirt, he saw her hard nipples pressing against the fabric. When she saw him looking she grabbed her tits dipped her head back and pinched her nipples, purring at her own touch. Seeing her touch herself only sent him into more of a frenzy than he already was in. Traci knew a few things that would drive a man wild, touching herself in front of him was one of them.

“Jane,” he said shakily, “we’ve only just met. We don’t have to do any of this. I can do slow. I can take you on dates.”

She wasn’t interested in dates, at least she didn’t think she was, and definitely wasn’t in the mood for talking about that. Traci lifted her shirt overhead, exposing her bare tits and engorged pink nipples. She grabbed them again, “Don’t you like me Sawyer?” she teased.

“I most definitely do,” he said in a deep, raspy voice, “I just don’t want you to think I’m that guy.”

“I don’t, and I won’t,” she said suddenly wishing she would have came clean about her name. She climbed on top of him and straddled him, even though the steering wheel pressed against her round ass. She slid her hands around his neck, pressed her tits against his bare chest and kissed him. His erection pushed so hard against his pants she thought the button would just pop open on its own.

He slid his hand around her backside lazily stroking his fingers until he got bold enough to slide them down to her pussy. Traci’s jean shorts were soaked from her arousal. She bit her lip to hold back her moan. The tingling electricity that jolted through her from his touch was her idea of heaven. What he was doing was exceptionally delightful even with her shorts in the way, in fact, her shorts may have actually been enhancing the experience for all she knew. She swallowed hard as he kept dancing his fingers playfully around her covered pussy.

Traci started to grind down on his cock. He pressed back into her with each tormenting dip. Sawyer’s hands found themselves on her tits, grabbing and pinching, he seemed to find as much pleasure in it as she did. She held onto the door and headrest so she could keep herself steady while she rode his jean-covered cock harder.

Even though it was a dry fuck, Sawyer appeared to be enjoying it all the same, as he increased the friction against her pussy as much as he could given the limitations of the car. She started to feel light-headed, and could feel that everything that had been building was about to come to the surface.

“Sawyer,” she breathed.

“Yes Jane?”

“I’m going to come,”

“Fuck.” He looked dazed. Traci assumed that no other women had ever vocalized much of anything during sex with him before based on his reaction. It was clear that she didn’t have to say much to turn him on and how he looked at her, like she were the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen, was a big turn on for her. She bounced harder and faster on his lap, crying out while she orgasmed against him. He moaned as he came in his pants.

She rested her head down on his shoulder as she allowed herself to come back down from the exhilarating ride, and Sawyer was quite a ride, she was actually pleasantly surprised. Moving against his height made her feel like she was flying. They both held on to each other while they caught their breath.

Traci kissed him on the cheek and climbed down. She located her top and slipped it back on. Sawyer didn’t bother with putting his back on and she could see even better now what good shape he was in. He was muscular with a long, lean torso, she could see what farming had done for this country boy’s body.

“I’m sorry,” she said shaking her head.

“Don’t be! I’m the one that should be sorry,” he said slipping his fingers around hers, “I don’t normally do this type of thing.”

“Me either,” she said quickly, but the truth was she did this way too frequently, she was borderline addicted to making out and dry fucking, but she didn’t normally do it topless while grabbing her own tits. There was just something about Sawyer that made her go there. She loved how he had looked shocked at first but then the look would change to an insatiable craving for her.

“Can I please take you out sometime? Just a date, maybe a kiss at the end,” Sawyer asked with big puppy dog eyes.

“Sure,” she said and squeezed his hand, “But I should really get going now.” The clock displayed 3:45 in its bright aqua numbers.

“Oh, OK. I mean you can crash here if you want to. No funny business. I have a guest room, it's never been used!”

It sounded appealing, it really did, but she didn’t know what kind of message it would send staying overnight at his house. In fact, she hadn’t even decided if she was really going to let him take her out.

“Thanks, but I should really get home, got things to do in the morning,” she said adding to her list of lies. The only thing she had to do in the morning was take a shower and no doubt she’d think about that cowboy. At least when she was on top of Sawyer she hadn’t thought about him.

“Right,” he said and buttoned up his shirt, “Can I drop you off somewhere?”

“Just the bar, my car is there.”

“You sure? Kind of late for lady to be out driving by herself.”

“I’ll be fine, got pepper spray,” she said. Another lie.
What is wrong with me?
She thought.

The fact that he’d called her a lady after she’d just grabbed her tits in front of him fascinated her. He was too kind. She sat tucked in next to him for the ride back to the bar while he kept his arm around her. If she had been honest with herself she would have admitted it had felt nice.

“Thanks for the ride,” she said as she scooted down the seat. He burst out of his door before she had even finished her sentence and was opening her door reaching his hand out to help her down.

“So… can I get your number?”

Part of her had hoped he would have forgotten, but Sawyer wasn’t the type of guy that would forget. She took a piece of paper and a pen out of her purse and wrote down her number. Her real number. Folded it up and curled it into his hand. She didn’t want him to open it here in front of her because she hadn’t written ‘Jane’ on the paper, she’d written ‘Traci’ with a smiley face.






The next morning Traci didn’t want to be thinking about the cowboy in the shower, she told herself she should be thinking about Sawyer. He was the one that everyone would want her to be with. She knew with every ounce of her being that they worked. Although after he saw that she hadn’t told the truth about her name, he probably wouldn’t call and would probably think she’d lied about everything, which wasn’t true, she’d only fibbed a few times about practically meaningless things.

As the water beaded up on her skin her thoughts kept going back to that mysterious cowboy no matter how much she tried to push them towards Sawyer. Before she knew it she was rolling her nipples between her fingertips. She took a deep breath and sighed. Traci rested her back against the wall and slid her hand down to her pussy and imagined what the cowboy would do to her if he was in the shower with her. She pictured his rough cowboy hands fingering her while she’s writhed against the shower wall. Her lips parted as she came with her imaginary cowboy.


* * *


Three months had passed. Traci had come back to that same bar most weekend nights hoping to see the cowboy again. She didn’t know if he would even live up to the fantasy she had created in her head. Every time she came it was the same thing, sitting at the bar, sipping diet soda and watching the door like an obsessed fool. She just had to see him one more time, she told herself that then she would be able to get him out of her head once and for all and go on with her life.

After her one last look, maybe she’d even try to find Sawyer house again and try to explain, tell him she was sorry. He hadn’t called, and he hadn’t come back to the bar again. She felt as though she had royally screwed that up, but the timing was off, she hadn’t been ready for anything with Sawyer. He was older… he was probably ready to settle down. Traci wasn’t ready for that and she knew it.

At first she wasn’t sure what she should wear, but eventually she decided to wear a cute pink ruffled skirt that hit mid-thigh with a tight pale yellow tank top and a cute cropped jean jacket. She’d curled her hair, and it floated down around her shoulders. She accessorized her outfit with a long necklace that had a small but weighted oval that pulled the chain down between her cleavage. Even Traci had to admit she looked pretty smokin’ hot.

Traci had been waiting for less than an hour when the door swung open and the cowboy walked in. Her heart threatened to leap out of her body. He was just as gorgeous as she remembered, maybe even more so. He walked in just as he had last time and leaned into the bar across from her, ordered his beer, but this time instead of walking off to the booth in the back, he tilted his hat up and looked at her. It was only for a moment or two, but it felt like forever to Traci.

She wanted to do something, so he’d notice her, really notice her, but instead she just stared at him her lips parted but not in a sexy way, in the -I can’t stop staring I’m in awe-way. His mouth curled up on one side, he was amused. Better than being invisible she supposed.

He turned his head and watched the football game on TV while he drank his beer. Traci didn’t know what to do with herself and found she had sipped her diet soda way too fast. She was reaching into her purse for both her mirror to slyly get a look to make sure her makeup still looked right, and to gather some money for another drink.

She was about to motion to the bartender, when the cowboy appeared next to her, “What you drinkin?” he asked.

“Oh, um, just a diet soda,” she said feeling altogether stupid. Who comes to a bar to drink soda? Traci laughed nervously. The bartender put a new glass down on a napkin and took the empty one away. “Thank you,” she smiled.

He glanced back up at the TV which gave her an opportunity to look him over while he was standing next to her. He was so hot she almost couldn’t stand being this close to him, it made her oddly nervous. Typically, she wasn’t nervous around the opposite sex, but there was something about him that made her feel vulnerable and not her typical confident self.

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