The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle (8 page)

Read The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle Online

Authors: Piper Phoenix

Tags: #New adult romance

BOOK: The Choice - A Small Town Love Triangle
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“Oh my God Sawyer!”

“What?” he said with an impish grin.

“The table looks amazing! Like a fancy restaurant. I can’t believe you did all this! Oh boy, you must have had a lot of practice. Do you do this for all the girls?” Traci teased.

His mood shifted slightly, “ Aw I told you I’m not like that, I haven’t had a lot of girls in my life. You’re the first I’ve ever cooked dinner for…,” he said letting his mood brighten once again.

“Well I think it’s incredible, and I can’t believe you went to all this trouble! You didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to. Glad you like it,” he said as he pulled out her chair. She sat down and he poured her small glass of wine, which she took a sip of right away. She didn’t know why but she felt a little nervous tonight. It was the first time around Sawyer that she’d felt this way and it threw her off her game. It felt like a real date. While she’d had very short term boyfriends before, this was like her first real date. “Be right back with the food,” he said before stepping out of the room. Traci took a big gulp of the wine and felt the warmth enter her. A few more gulps and she’d relax.

He carefully served up a mound of spaghetti for both of them and sat down. Sawyer placed the napkin on his lap, twirled the noodles on his fork and took a bite.

“Go ahead, dig in,” he urged when he saw her watching him.

She took a small fork full trying her best not to splash sauce all over herself, “Mmm! It’s really good, Sawyer! I’m impressed!”

“Aw, come on now, it’s just spaghetti,” he said pleased she was enjoying it. They made pleasant conversation, asking about the day each other had, the weather and other random small talk. Traci was careful to leave out anything related to Cash and leaving out the part of her day where she’d driven out here to snoop around. Sawyer had only talked about farm work and nothing about the horse fair with Cash which suited her just fine. She was afraid her body would react at hearing his name. Even if it was just a twitch she feared he’d notice it and start asking questions.

“That was delicious,” Traci said after she’d finished. Sawyer hopped up to pull out her chair. He was such a gentleman, such a sweetheart, she almost couldn’t handle it. It was not something she was used to, not by a long shot.

“Thank you. Would you like to see the house?” Sawyer asked. It was a little obvious he was afraid she might leave, and wanted to keep her around as long as he could.

“Yes!” Traci folded her hands together to keep herself from clapping. She didn’t want to look foolish but she was excited to see his beautiful home.






He led her upstairs first and showed her the guest room. It had its own private bathroom, a TV and even a little sitting area with a stocked bookshelf. The guest room took up half of the upstairs, it was bigger and better than your average hotel room. He showed her the main bathroom, and three more bedrooms all decorated very nice, country-style, but plain, because they all seemed unused. Then there was another staircase leading up, but he didn’t take her up.

“That floor is mostly just storage space right now,” he explained, “It’s dusty and dirty. I plan to finish it when I decide what I want to put up there, don’t really need any more bedrooms. Already have too many.” Sawyer guided her back down stairs. He showed her a sun-room that overlooked his farm, his office, a smaller room with a TV, a computer, a PlayStation, and an Xbox which was the most disorganized room she’d seen. He shoved everything in here that didn’t make sense in the other rooms.

“This place is huge Sawyer,” she said barely able to keep it together. She had lived with her parents so long she couldn’t help but imagine herself living in this mansion.

“It is… felt smaller when we all lived here.”

“We all?”

“Yeah, mom, dad, my brother and me, but it’s just me now, everyone else is gone, well except for my brother but he might as well be.” His eyes looked dark for a moment. She wished she could ask about it but she could tell it wasn’t something he wanted to talk about. When he was ready he’d tell her or maybe he wouldn’t ever tell her.

“Must have been amazing growing up here!”

Sawyer forced a quick smile, “And this is my bedroom,” he said, “sorry it’s a mess, probably the most used room in the house. When I’m not working I’m in here trying to catch up on sleep.”

Traci peeked in and other than a few items of clothing scattered on the floor it was pristine. He had a huge king-sized bed, beautiful real wood dressers, and a TV hung on the wall facing the bed. “Well if you think that’s messy you’ll never see my bedroom!”

“Darn,” he teased, “I don’t really have anything more planned, but I’d love it if you stayed?”

“Sure,” she said, a little butterfly in her stomach. Traci missed the confidence she used to have around Sawyer. She had become too afraid that she’d scare him off. She worried that she’d become weak. What was there to be afraid of with Sawyer? Another butterfly flitted around as she realized it was simply because she liked Sawyer. She liked being with him and she liked how he made her feel. She wasn’t ready to risk losing that. Although she already had when she’d met Cash at the beach. However, at that time she didn’t realize what Sawyer meant to her, that she was feeling something more real towards him. These feelings were new to her, and she wasn’t exactly sure what to do with them.

He led her to the living room, “You want something to drink?”

“No I’m fine, thanks.”

“TV? A movie? Maybe something a little shorter?” he said looking amused.

“Sure.” She sat down on at the end of the couch and he sat down next to her putting his arm around her without any awkwardness. It was as if that was how it was supposed to be. He looked happy. She relaxed.

Sawyer clicked the remote and started surfing through the channels. Traci was curious what show he’d stop on if anything, or if he was waiting for her to say something. It was oddly comfortable and nice. He squeezed her closer and smiled.

“Tonight has been really great, Traci, perfect even,” Sawyer said with his eyes on the TV.

“Yeah, it has.”

“I was just wondering if, it would be alright for me to kiss you.” His eyes still on the TV.

“Of course you can,” Traci said shifting a little. She had never been asked before.

He leaned down and kissed her, it was soft and gentle… sensual. He pulled back and their eyes locked, time seemed to stand still. It felt like an eternity had passed before they realized they couldn’t hold back any longer. Their need for each other was too overwhelming. Traci reached out frantically trying to unbutton his shirt while he had his hands around the back of her neck. Their kiss was deep and passionate as if they needed to kiss to live.

Sawyer started to help Traci with his shirt, “Thanks,” she said only stopping the kiss to breathe out the word. Once his shirt was off, she tried to feel every inch of his bare skin. The feel of his chest, his arms, his abs… it was simply divine. She’d never in a million years tire of touching his perfect, silky skin, feeling the hard muscles underneath.

He was roughly trying to undo her shirt but failing. She smiled and untied the knot and swiftly undid the buttons. Traci slipped out of her shirt exposing her bare tits.

“Fuuuck me,” Sawyer rasped as their bare skin melted into one another. Traci reached down for his pants fully expecting him to stop her, but this time he didn’t. She popped the button and carefully unzipped his pants, he kicked off his boots and lifted his hips helping her pull them down, until they were on the floor. She wanted to ask him if he was sure about it, but she was afraid if she said anything, he’d rethink the whole thing and put an end to it.

Traci started kissing his neck, down his chest and down to his stomach. Sawyer put his arms up on the couch and moaned as she made her way down his body. He looked absolutely incredible in only his boxers. She tugged at his waist band and let his rock hard cock spring out.

Traci’s lips were swollen and pink from kissing Sawyer. She looked up at him, “Christ,” he moaned at the sight of her so close to him.

Her panties were soaked. She wanted them off and Sawyer’s superb length stuffed inside her. But first she wanted to feel it in her mouth. She’d only done this once before, with his brother nonetheless, but she was eager to do it with Sawyer. She wanted to please him in this way. When she put her lips around the head he jerked. She glanced up making eye contact with him worried she’d done something wrong, but his eyes were closed and the look on his face said it all.

She glided her lips up and down his length while she grasped him at the base. Sawyer’s hips lightly rolled with her movements. He grabbed the couch so hard his knuckles were white from holding on. She applied more pressure with her tongue, but he grabbed her head and stopped her, “I can’t take anymore, come up here,” he pleaded. She dragged her tits against him as she rose up to meet his hungry lips.

Sawyer laid her down on the couch and removed his boxers. He hiked her skirt up, and shook his head, “I can’t believe you are on my couch,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re so beautiful, I don’t deserve you,” he said kissing her again. He pulled himself up with the help of the couch and started to slowly remove her wet panties.

“No, I don’t deserve you,” Traci moaned. Other than her skirt bunched up around her hips they were naked with one another. She felt… warm… and safe.

Sawyer cupped her breasts and started kissing her neck, she arched her back and wrapped her legs around his backside but there was a knock at the back door. He looked up briefly, but then was back on her caressing and pinching her hard nipples. Traci was dying for him to enter her, she almost wanted to beg him for it.

Sawyer had his cock at her entrance, touching her, teasing her, she was anticipating that first delightful moment. She was grabbing his flesh with her fingers, bracing herself. She was so wet and so ready for him, but right as he was about to thrust inside her, they heard the knock again. This time it was louder, it sounded more urgent. Whoever it was knew Sawyer was home. Then they both heard the key jiggling around in the lock.

“Son of a bitch,” Sawyer yelled, “I’m fucking coming!”

Traci looked at him confused. She didn’t know what was going or what she should do. He took an afghan down off the back of a chair and gave it to her to cover herself. He pulled on his jeans and went to the back door. She hadn’t ever seen him angry before.

When the person at the door spoke she instantly recognized the voice. It was Cash. Had he seen her car? Did he know she was here? Why did she care? She started putting her clothes back on, she knew Sawyer’s mood would be different and to be honest hers was too.

Sawyer slammed the door and came back into the living room, “I’m so sorry about that,” he said but then realized she had started to dress, “You don’t have to go! Shit!”

“It’s OK Sawyer,” she said standing on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek.

“Look you can stay, it’s late you don’t have to drive home, you can stay in my guest room, or…, shit,” he said pounding his fist against the wall. She could tell he was upset and frustrated about Cash, not her leaving, “he wasn’t supposed to be back.”

“Really it’s OK, another time.” Traci was fully dressed. She felt weird about Cash being so close as she was about to be with Sawyer, he wasn’t just another man, he was his brother. She didn’t know exactly how she had gotten herself into this situation.

“Yeah OK,” he pulled her against his body and she placed her palm against his chest. He kissed her, “Let me walk you out.”

She worried Cash might still be out there and see her with Sawyer, but perhaps he’d already recognized her car anyway. Her stomach felt queasy. Sawyer walked her to the car and opened her car door. He lingered for a kiss, but Traci gave him a quick peck. She felt awkward about Cash’s close proximity to do any more than that. Sawyer looked a little hurt, but gently closed her door. She started the car and waved as she drove down the driveway.

She didn’t drive far before she pulled off into the ditch, turned off the lights and cut the engine. Somehow her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she made her way through the trees towards Cash’s trailer.






Traci looked back at Sawyer’s house as she approached the trailer. All of his lights were out except for the one in his bedroom. There was absolutely no way he’d be able to see her from his window, and even if he could, all he’d be able to see was the shadow of someone standing in the darkness. He likely wouldn’t be able to tell that it was Traci at Cash’s door.

She probably should have kept driving until she got home, but she felt as though she didn’t have control over herself. It was as if she was running on autopilot and her brain and willpower were just along for the ride. Her hand was pounding against the thin wood like material of the trailer door before she even realized what she was doing. Almost as if she was watching herself in a movie. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a light inside flick off. Then she heard movement inside. Her heart jumped into her throat. He was coming.

The door creaked as it swung open. Cash stood there in his boxers, and Traci felt that familiar flip in her stomach at seeing him. The one she had every time she saw Cash’s perfect body. “Hi,” she said looking up at him.

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