The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries (135 page)

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Liaison Committee 272, 273, 424, 425, 602, 614, 615, 633, 634, 685, 687

Libby, Scooter 66, 306, 640

Liberal Democrats 109, 110, 159, 410, 467, 489, 509, 562, 637; defection to 104, 105;
local elections 222
and n
, 562
see also
Kennedy, Charles

Liddell, Helen 176, 430, 549, 597, 605

Liddle, Roger 80, 279, 623

Lighthouse Family 404

Lindsay, Charles 282, 544, 546

Littlejohn, Richard 249

Littlemore, Sue 337

Livermore, Spencer 369, 381, 399, 448

Livesey, Tim 93–4

Livingstone, Ken 146, 223

Llewellyn, Edward 32

Lloyd, Liz 136, 208, 209, 313, 433

Lloyd, Terry 517, 545

London Marathon 213
and n
, 409; AC in (2003) xviii, 329, 334, 526–7, 528, 544, 545–7, 548; his sponsorship appeal 330, 343, 347, 349, 356, 401, 417, 425–6, 433, 444, 538, 547

London School of Economics 188
and n
, 452

London Underground: and terrorist threats 355, 356, 365

Lopez, Jennifer 545
, 546

Lords reform
House of Lords

Lowe, Keith 134, 282

Lubbers, Ruud 454

Lynch, Private Jessica 530

Lyne, Rod 36, 37, 591


McAfee, Annalena 249

McAvoy, Tommy 606

McCaffrey, Tom 207

McCarthy, Mick 233, 234

McCartney, Ian: and reshuffles 336, 338, 531, 542; warns GB not to be divisive 542; on local elections 567; on Commonwealth Games 574; on division between government and party 577, 578, 582; on euro 577–8; defends reshuffle 607; praises AC 619; at strategy meetings 627, 646; in USA with PG 664; and AC’s departure 691, 692

McCartney, Mary 640

McColl, Major General John 135–6

McConnell, Jack 291

McDonagh, Margaret 225

Macdonald, Alisdair 530

Macdonald, Gus 355

MacDonald, Mavis 244

McDonald, Simon 63

McDonald, Trevor 202, 366, 367, 485, 693

McElhone, Natascha 157, 158, 190

McEwan, Ian 249

McFadden, Pat 92, 95, 96, 99, 102, 132, 264, 347, 367, 373, 381, 478, 613, 615, 627, 645, 664

McFall, John 554–5

McGuinness, Martin 44, 325, 413, 540, 560, 584

McGuire, Stryker 25–6

Machiavelli, Niccolò:
The Prince

Macintyre, Don 208

McKane, Tom 172, 215, 272, 293

MacKinlay, Andrew 623, 632, 647

Maclean, Alan 670, 671, 673, 674, 676, 682, 683

McLeish, Henry 82–3
and n
, 200–1

McLenny, Lee 69, 73, 80, 81

MacLeod, Catherine 386, 549, 663

McLeod, Olivia 232

MacMahon, Peter 82–3

McMenemy, Lawrie 169

Macmillan, Harold 219, 353
and n

McShane, Chris 86

MacShane, Denis 113, 341, 342

Maddox, Bronwen 228

Madeley, Richard 576

Madrid (2003) 470–72

Maguire, Kevin 209, 368

Mahajan, Pramod 130

Mahmoud, Ahmad Wali 154

Mahon, Alice 247

Mail on Sunday
85, 95, 113, 143, 181, 213, 214, 215, 216, 228, 229, 240, 247, 252, 253, 262, 305, 350, 378, 385, 391
, 461, 569, 592, 599, 600, 626, 650

al-Majid, Ali Hassan (‘Chemical Ali’) 520, 535, 541

Major, John 11, 30, 128, 210, 219, 324, 353, 636; affair with Edwina Currie 311–12, 319

Major, Norma 219, 350

Majorca (2003) 551

Malloch-Brown, Mark 142

Mallon, Ray 222

Manchester (2002) 193–4, 312; Commonwealth Games 280, 281, 282–3, 574; murder of policeman (2003) 417

Manchester United 31, 123, 127, 146, 164, 190, 197, 213, 359, 380, 467, 545, 551, 552–3, 564, 603, 690

Mandela, Nelson 639

Mandelson, Peter (Peter M) xxi; blamed by Balls for TB/GB split 100 and media leaks 434; and TB 114, 117, 145; on his resignation 116–17, 119–20, 187, 662; on GB 117, 118, 120, 355, 367, 368, 449, 512, 554, 560; on TB 117, 118–19, 187–8, 216, 270; on AC 120, 173; and Hammond Inquiry 118
and n
, 120, 158, 179–80; at Northern group meeting 165; critical of government 187, 188, 211, 264, 300; advises TB about AC 199; annoyed at not being recalled to government 238; organises Third Way event 242, 248; on AC’s departure 246, 584, 651, 653, 661; good at meetings 246; on CSR 271; on Tories 324; on Estelle Morris 336; at German ambassador’s 343; a ‘wasting talent’ 344; pro John Reid 347; advises on CB/Caplin affair 387–8, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 398; and press report on AC 415; at his marathon sponsorship appeal 426; on FM 531–2, 542; attacked in
560; sympathetic to CB 577; makes public comments on TB/GB rift 578–9; plans to move to the country 580; denies press leak 598–9; embarrasses himself at PLP 604; and the reshuffle 608, 611; on TB/GB relations 611; and political strategy 612, 617, 628; on Hain 613; on BBC and dossier 623, 625, 626, 628, 629;
at BC lunch 640; at meeting re TB 645–6; ‘skewers’ Humphrys 654; and Hutton Inquiry 662, 669, 679; mentioned 301, 663

Manning, Catherine 237

Manning, David (DM) 564; post 9/11 11, 12, 13, 14; on Afghanistan 16; with TB in US 22, 23; reads TB’s words on Afghanistan to the White House 33–4; advises AC on Kashmir 36; and TB/Putin meeting 37; and need for better American media-coordination 40; impresses TB 46; in Oman 47, 49; at TB/Arafat meeting 54; in US with JS and AC 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 67; briefs on Russia and NATO 90; and CENTCOM negotiations 111, 113; in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan 128, 130, 132, 133; in Afghanistan 134; at ‘Phase 2’ war meeting 172; on divisions in US government 199; in Texas 202–3; shocked by Black Rod’s behaviour 247; and Iraq 272, 285, 293, 294; does ‘a bloody good job’ at Camp David 295, 296, 297; on need for US to go down UN route 306, 318; on Saddam and weapons inspections 320; in Russia 325; and TB/Chirac clash 344; and US impatience with weapons inspections 392, 411, 427, 435, 437; on need for more time 440; on Franco-German plan 454; conversations with Condi Rice 461, 464, 475, 477, 482; in Mexico and Chile 473; on US confidence of second resolution 476; irritated by Americans 477, 490, 503; on TB’s key position 492; on French position 500–1, 502; discussions with Americans 532, 535; at TB/Putin discussions 555, 557, 558, 559; at Basra 586; on US attitude to Iraq 588; on AC’s departure 589; Greenstock’s view of 594; farewell dinner 619; becomes ambassador to Washington 619; mentioned 25, 53, 76, 82, 83, 205, 237, 287, 300, 319, 442

Manningham-Buller, Eliza 355, 449, 454, 455, 600

Maples, John 627

al-Marashi, Dr Ibrahim 451
, 599, 616, 617

Mardell, Mark 610

Margaret, Princess 162–3, 164, 167–8

Margolick, David 505, 563

Marie Claire
magazine 289, 568

Marr, Andrew 34, 92, 116, 221, 239, 308, 444, 572, 593, 603, 612, 627, 635, 636, 661, 662, 664, 693

Marsden, Paul 102, 104, 105–6

Marsh, Kevin 630

Marshall, Tim 308

Marshall-Andrews, Bob 623–4

Martin, Michael 161, 277, 299

Massie, Allan 675

Massoud, Ahmad Wali 154

Matalin, Mary 66, 67, 69, 81, 87, 286

Mates, Michael 646

Matthews, Nick 162, 515

Matussek, Thomas 343–4, 568

May, Theresa 178, 330, 692


Mbeki, Thabo 192, 227, 291

Meacher, Michael 235, 605, 606

Medical Aid for Palestinians 262

Megawati Sukarnoputri, President of Indonesia 248, 329

Mello, Sérgio de 525

Middle East Peace Process

Merritt, Ellie 426

Merritt, Hope 426

Merritt, John 347, 426, 432, 545

Messelink, Anne 283

Mexico 473, 475, 477, 482, 483, 484, 486, 487, 491, 496;
see also
Fox, Vicente

Meyer, Sir Christopher: throws a tantrum 22–3; at Congress 25; on lack of US strategy 64; and TB’s US visit (2001) 80, 81, 82; wants TB to visit US (2002) 138; gets Texan boots 201; warns of right-wing element in US government 306; on TB as lecturer 441; sends AC boot-legged version of Powell presentation 447; and Olympic bid 576; mentioned 53, 67, 114, 199, 295, 442

Michael, Alun 193

Michel, Louis 60, 111

Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) xv, 10, 16, 18, 31, 50, 54, 55, 76–7, 81, 142, 183, 187, 199–200, 201, 204, 206, 295, 307, 365, 439, 451, 466, 468, 494, 495, 496, 498, 499, 501, 503, 504, 507, 508, 524, 525, 532, 537, 538, 559, 583

Middlesbrough: elections (2002) 222

MI5 355, 364–5

Milburn, Alan (AM): as future leader 18; demoralised 28; clashes with GB over NHS 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104; on Labour caution 109, 184; and Byers 137, 235, 237; a reformer 138, 140; stock still high 142; and Rose Addis case 147, 148; and MMR vaccinations 159; and ‘health communications’ 165; on GB 184, 284; political views 186, 193, 232, 429; responds to Tory health document 209; worried by Cabinet row 249;
article excites PG 284; has profound effect on TB 284; supportive of TB 300; at Cabinet 307; and GB’s attack on foundation hospitals 310, 311, 322, 323, 324; refuses education post 336, 338, 339; on JP 348; and consultants’ contracts 348; and GICS review 351; and security threats 356; on health reforms 358; on TB/AC relations 400; and Wood Green arrests 410; on CS 413, 485; and Olympics bid 439; angry with GB 465, 468, 541, 542, 561; and Iraq 468; on Dobson 468; threatens resignation 566, 567; and reshuffle 604, 607; resigns 603, 604–5; mentioned 191, 207, 548, 563

Milburn, Jackie 225

Miles, Alice 140, 335

Miliband, David: shocked at GB’s behaviour 123; and Northerners 165; becomes
Minister for Education 236, 237; helped with speech by AC 240, 241; missed in Policy Unit 252, 264, 351; supportive of AC 254; works on TB’s conference speech 312; and Estelle Morris’s resignation 334, 337, 338; writes script for CC 339; on top-up fees 342; feels government is losing its way 403; on backbenchers and Iraq 469; and schools funding 563

Miliband, Ed 182, 193, 209, 220, 230, 274–5, 401, 583, 639–40

Miliband, Louise 123, 583

Millar, Audrey 53, 432, 618, 619–20, 661, 671, 673, 679, 680, 683, 694

Millar, Bob 680

Millar, Fiona (FM): and 9/11 7; wants AC to quit xx, 31, 36, 68, 155, 497, 513, 576, 649; complains about his absences 25, 41, 160; and security review 46; TB’s advice on 68; AC afraid of losing 69; rows with AC 73, 91; and GB’s
interview 100; sees Yelland 102; at Desmond party 104; and CB’s image 121; wants AC to make Burnley film 122; a happy birthday 125; and GB’s baby 130, 138, 154; on need for new people 138; at the end of her tether 146; on Anji Hunter 155; ‘nice as pie’ to TB 157; in Devon
en famille
195; visits Holloway jail 209; at No. 10 dinner for Queen 219; buys AC a pedometer 233; and AC’s depressions 234; against AC leaving now 246; at book launch and Thomson dinner 249; at the ballet 251, 597; angry with DB 256–7; praised by TB 261; and Roger Bannister 265–6; and Jan Taylor 269; spots reporter 274; discusses GB with Ed Miliband 274–5; and TB’s departure date 276; in France (2002) 282, 283, 284; and CB/Cate Haste book project 289, 309, 330, 350, 354; on TB’s TV image 290; at
dinner 318; against AC’s sponsored marathon 343, 347; and Caplin/Foster affair 375, 377, 380, 382, 383–4, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 397, 398, 403, 461; ‘down’ 404, 405; a pleasant birthday 406; and AC’s FA job offer 406, 408; and article on AC 414; dinner with DB 424; at AC’s sponsorship appeal 426; feels TB’s on kamikaze mission 470; pizzas
en famille
482; rows and unhappiness 511, 512, 524, 528, 531–2, 535, 552, 558, 572, 654; discussion with TB 542–3; at Marathon finish 547; in Majorca
en famille
551; and Alex Ferguson 553; definitely leaving job 561, 589; and Iraq 562; bad relations with CB 568, 569, 570, 577, 582, 583; her leaving reported in press 582, 583; understands AC’s difficulty in leaving 584; fed up with CB’s behaviour 596; old email causes problems 607; suspects bugging 612; advised to leave by Hillary Clinton aide 614; angry with AC for going on
Channel 4 News
621; thinks he’s author of his own problems 628; at plaque unveiling by Mandela 639; BC’s views on 642–3; organises Michael Foot’s 90th 646; on Lord Hutton 653–4; receives abusive letters 657; fired by CB 660–61, 666; and AC’s Hutton Inquiry appearance 668, 669, 671, 678; gets on well with AC 687, 689; leaves job with him 693–4; more relaxed 694; mentioned 102, 161, 200, 213, 230, 237, 359, 414

Millar, Gavin 100, 190, 626, 630, 682

Millennium Dome 234, 438, 573

Miller, Julian 186, 293, 301, 303, 355, 589, 593

Miller, Leszek 589

Mills, David 27, 443, 650

Mills, Jessie 27

‘Mind Out’ mental health campaign 94

MI6 297

Mittal, Lakshmi 163, 164, 165–7, 168, 176

MMR vaccinations 120–2, 123, 156, 158, 159, 160

Mohammed (Prophet) 6

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh 473
and n

Mombasa, Kenya: Paradise Hotel bombing 376
and n

Monde, Le

Monk, Ian 376, 377, 380, 384, 647

Monks, John xiii, 4, 157, 184, 190, 298, 372, 373, 374, 380

Moonie, Lewis 454, 605, 606

Moore, Charles 250, 624

Moore, Jane 401

Moore, Jo xix, 44–5, 46, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 98, 142, 156, 167, 168–9, 170, 187

Morgan, Piers 73, 98, 139, 148, 153, 155, 160, 173, 247, 250, 274, 309, 317, 372, 399, 412, 463, 571, 649

Morgan, Sally (SM) 28; and GB 110, 231, 245–6; on TB and Anji Hunter 155; and Byers 177, 237; worried about TB’s Iraq article 182, and his health 212; and diary meeting 220, 221; and Dobson 227; on TB becoming a lame duck 245, 276; TB suspects of protecting him 290; on US trip 294, 296; at TB/Piers Morgan interview 309; and Estelle Morris’s resignation 334, 336, 337; on TB/GB relations 367; and TB 378, 409, 414, 574, 578; and CB and Caplin 382, 388, 391, 396, 663–4; and Iraq 426, 427, 474, 501; at TB/GWB joint press conference 442; in Glasgow for conference 459; and TB’s Commons speech 509; and FM 511, 514, 531–2; on GB and euro 533; on support for AC 602; and reshuffle 604, 606, 608; and AC’s departure 603, 605, 654; at meeting re TB 645–6; mentioned 33, 102, 187, 233, 247, 490, 602

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