The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries (129 page)

BOOK: The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries
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Lord Hutton headed the inquiry into David Kelly’s death.

BBC reporter Andrew Gilligan arrives to give evidence.

Campbell arrives to give evidence.

This artist’s impression shows Campbell being quizzed by the inquiry’s counsel, James Dingemans QC.

Campbell arrives home on the day of his resignation, 29 August 2003 ...

... an event enjoyed by
Private Eye.


The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Aaronovitch, David 140, 512

Abbas, Ali Ismaeel 548
and n
, 549

Abbas, Mahmoud
Abu Mazen

Abdullah, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia 151

Abdullah II, King of Jordan 75–6, 83

Abdullah, Abdullah 90, 134

Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) 496, 499, 511

ACAS 380

Adams, Gerry 44, 61, 325, 413, 540, 584, 659

Addis, Rose 147–8, 149

Adie, Kate 45

Adonis, Andrew (AA): on billions wasted on GB’s projects 138; as Head of Policy Unit 252, 351; and CSR figures 263; at brainstorming session 265; and foundation hospitals 310, 320; and TB 328; attacked by Dobson 351; and student finance 366, 423, 464; and Roy Jenkins 407; against euro referendum bill 529; irritates TB 615

Advani, Lal Krishna 131

Afghanistan xii; and OBL 8, 12, 16, 36
, 86; Allied invasion 12–13, 15, 33–4, 35; humanitarian issues 43–4, 46, 57, 58, 89, 103, 348; battle damage assessment 48; lack of strategy 56; support for NA 56,
Northern Alliance; battle for Mazar-e-Sharif 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 66, 70–71, 83, 84, 86, 95, 135; Muslim poll on war 88
and n
; liberation of aid workers 89; and diplomatic problems 90, 91; UK/US split over future 91, 92; fall of Kandahar 103; TB on its future 106; TB’s visit (2002) 133–6; US ‘wants out’ 187; British troops in 191; AC meets journalists 267; al-Qaeda documents seized 425;
see also
Kabul; Omar, Mullah; Taliban

Agence France-Presse (AFP) 344

Agyepong, Kwabena 162

Ahern, Bertie 324, 428, 539, 540

Ahmad, Asif 323

Ahmed, Kamal 402

Ahmed, Naji Saberi 304

Ahmed, Lord Nazir 113

Ainsworth, Bob 376, 606

Alexander, Douglas (DA) 182, 233; ‘snappy’ 238; TB solicitous about 238; and TB/GB rift 239, 245, 401; and London’s special problems 265; impresses AC 277, 331; on New Labour 300; and euro debates 342, 348; and GICS review 350–51; drafts asylum communications plan 428; semi-permanent in war room 531; on need for reconnection with party 582; and reshuffle 604, 606; conference call with AC 622; at strategy meeting 627; on political Cabinet 636, 639; TB wants on NEC 651; in US with PG 664

Al Jazeera: impact of 75, 369; TB interview 43, 44; OBL video 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 83–4, 85; visits BBC 414

Allan, Colin 594

Allan, Tim 209

Allason, Rupert 682
and n

al-Qaeda 8, 38, 45, 110; and OBL 4, 21, 36
and n
; and New York air crash 87
; and Mullah Omar 102, 103; tape on 9/11 104; and Richard Reid 122
; Guantanamo Bay prisoners 140; Leicester suspects 143; and Iraq 285, 414, 448
and n
, 449; and WMD 356
, 411, 425; No. 3 arrested 473; Riyadh bombings 571

Amanpour, Christiane 305

American Airlines Flight 587 87
and n

Amos, Baroness Valerie 570, 622

Ancram, Michael 255, 389

Anda, Bela 591

Anderson, Bruce 664

Anderson, Clive 374

Anderson, Donald 614, 615, 618, 631, 632, 633

Anderson, Dr Iain 218, 273, 277

Andrew, Prince 241, 254

Angola 476
, 483

Annan, Kofi 22, 26, 183, 278, 291, 302, 471, 501, 503, 504, 506, 525, 526
and n
, 550

anthrax 55, 56, 63, 64, 65, 450

antisocial behaviour/orders (ASB/ASBOs) 152, 186, 211, 220, 223, 230, 347, 348, 349, 352, 358, 381, 398, 636

Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill (2001) 110

Arafat, Yasser: and Sharon 16, 24; needed to condemn OBL 53; meeting with TB 54; ‘Big Three’ discussion on 59–60; and TB’s visit 77; and Cheney 187; and GWB 202, 204, 205, 257, 258, 259, 494; and bombings in Israel 224

Archer, Jeffrey 319

Ark Royal
, HMS 414

Armstrong, Anne 203

Armstrong, Hilary (HA): on PLP 11; and Marsden’s defection 104; on hunting 192, 302–3; and Queen Mother’s death 195; and reshuffle 236, 338; on GB and the unions 262; on expectations re dossier 302; on CS 331; speaks well on two-tier service 357; and CB 384; names those ‘organising’ for GB 409, 411; worried about Iraq and hunting 409; on PLP 454, 490, 492–3, 616, 637; and Commons vote 466, 468; on UNSCR 485; very stoic 494; praised for whips’ operation 514; on GB’s strategy against foundation hospitals 559, 561; on euro discussions 577; offers to help AC 600; AC suggests her for Health 603; and reshuffle 604, 606; on hunting bill 609–10; and AC’s FAC appearance 616, 626, 627; mentioned 114, 237, 501, 509

Arnold, Harry 683

Ashley, Jackie 351, 470, 471

Ashton, Joe 624, 659


al-Assad, Bashar, President of Syria 29;

gives TB ‘a total banjaxing’ 74–5;

London visit (2002) 394, 396–7, 398;

supports Saddam regime 548

asylum/asylum seekers 8, 227, 417, 419, 430, 489, 585; DB and 9, 17, 215, 322
and n
, 423, 424, 430, 433, 454, 567; TB on 200, 216, 287, 302, 420, 423–4, 426, 427, 428, 430, 431, 432, 435, 437, 577, 581, 582; and Europe 229, 230, 232, 255, 355; and CS 233, 256;
on 433, 435

Athens (2003) 550

Augusta, Georgia: golf club 296–7

Austin, Ian 90–91, 99, 100, 123, 136, 176, 191, 192, 193, 205, 311, 351–2, 421, 453, 561, 562

Avon, Clarissa Eden, Countess of 219

Aziz, Shaukat 83, 133

Aziz, Tariq 308–9, 552

Aziz Khan, General Muhammed 133

Aznar, José María: and TB 83, 84, 190, 228, 257–8, 439; and Gibraltar 229–30; and GWB 464, 465; and second UNSCR 471; and relations with US 472, 494; at Azores summit 497, 503, 504


Badawi, Zeinab 161

Baghdad 449, 511, 516, 519, 520, 522, 523, 526, 527, 529, 530, 534, 535, 536, 544, 560, 566, 574; museum 561
and n

Baghram airbase, Kabul 90, 91, 129, 133–4

Bahra, Mohni 326, 526

Bain, Professor Sir George 360, 361, 365, 374, 375, 398

Baker, James III 249, 284, 285–6

Baker, Kenneth 180

Baker, Susan 249

Baldwin, Tom 212, 221, 223, 681

Bali: bombing (2002) 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 362

Balkenende, Jan Peter 502

Ball, Gabriela 104, 426

Ball, Tony 104–5, 426

Balls, Ed: queries TB’s position on euro 46; his behaviour towards TB 92, 207, 231, 318; and PBR 96; overreacts 99; on TB/GB split 100–1; criticised by Kinnock 112; influence on GB 112, 115, 239, 320; and the Budget 206; briefs DTLR 217–18; on crime 220; ‘surly’ 230; and Yvette Cooper 237, 238; and CSR 263, 267; shocked by GB 306; goes berserk 324;
interview 351, 352, 358; denies GB’s against top-up fees 368; speech on euro 380; discusses TB/GB relations 433–5, 436, 448; and
story 436; and GB speech 444; complains about TB article 464; at TB/GB meeting on euro 467; claims GB wants to do more on Iraq 474; on Milburn 474–5; and EMU 533; has a civilised discussion with AC 533–4; and euro 553–4, 572, 596; TB’s view of 587; and GB’s Commons statement 601; mentioned 142

Band, Doug 108, 315, 321, 640

Banerji, Arnab 448, 551

Bangladesh (2002) 126–30

Bannister, Sir Roger 265–6

Barber, Brendan 4, 298, 380

Barber, Michael 265, 280, 353, 663

Barcelona: riots (2002) 189

Barker, Sue 547

Barroso, José Manuel 488, 497
, 503

Barschak, Aaron 615
and n

Bartlett, Dan: discussions with AC 63–4; at Meyer dinner 80, 81; on US aid 92; informs AC of OBL video 105; and Iraq 295, 302; and BC’s speech 321; dinner with AC in Prague 369, 370; on US PR challenges 416–17; and Iraq 421, 427, 437, 440, 441, 463, 464; and OBL rumour 477; on Blix report 479; conference calls with AC and run-up to war 482, 494–9
, 509, 510; and TB’s US visit 519, 523, 525; on Perle 527; on GWB 528–9, 646 692; discusses NI with AC 531, 534; ORHA 535, 569; and TB/GWB TV broadcast 536; on Tutwiler 563; mentioned 68, 435, 442, 465, 532, 538, 639, 648

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