The Burden of Power: Countdown to Iraq - The Alastair Campbell Diaries (134 page)

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Hewitt, Patricia 10; and Post Office 164; on Murdoch 189, 191; on
266; and legal position re Saddam 307; and reshuffle 335, 338; and PPS resignations 479–80; at Cabinet 567; and euro 578, 581, 597; and reshuffle 604, 608; at political Cabinet 636, 637

Heywood, Jeremy: and GB’s non-cooperation 92, 151; on public services 122; on public spending 138; and Queen Mother’s death and controversy 195, 196, 206, 214, 215, 244, 250; on TB/GB phone call 217; at No. 10 dinner for Queen 219; and CSR 263, 267; and FMD draft statement 277; and GB and EMU/euro 320–21, 533, 572, 573, 575, 577, 578; on TG/GB meeting 329; at fire-strike meeting 363; and Irvine’s pay rise 453; going to leave 564; opposed to Sumption’s strategy 675–6, 680; and AC’s notice 691; mentioned 237, 310, 654, 658

Hill, David 406, 423, 537, 554, 578, 611, 645, 664, 688

Hill, Peter 151, 367

Hill, Robert 4, 11, 73, 82, 187, 221, 233, 237, 347

Hinduja, Srichand 118
, 179

Hinton, Les 142, 161–2, 218, 457, 575, 594, 661, 689

Hinton, Mary 161

Hislop, Ian 42

Hodge, Henry 190

Hodge, Margaret 190, 193, 237, 365, 606

Hoey, Kate 469

Holbrooke, Richard 284

Hollick, Clive 651, 654

Holmes, John xx, 214, 281, 664–5

Holmes, Penny 281, 664

honours list (2002) 329, 404

Hoon, Geoff (GH): post 9/11 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18; and US indecisiveness 30, 31, 35, 54; on Afghan targets 43; negative 58, 61; misrepresented in press 84; reports progress 85, 93; clashes with GB 98; on
105; and Boyce’s RUSI speech 107; on Territorial Army 137; and Chinook helicopter crash 153; and Iraq 183, 278, 279, 306, 307, 331, 392, 399; announces troops going to Afghanistan 191; on Fylingdales 301; clashes with JS over Iraq 411, 412; and CS 412; and need for UN resolution 438, 489, 543–4; pro Olympics bid 439; spat with JS over DIS leak 449; and Rumsfeld 490, 532; post invasion 514, 532, 571, 591; casual with Top Secret documents 530; on reshuffle 608; supports AC 622; refused appearance on
628; and Gilligan source 629, 631, 633; bad on
634; gets apology from BBC 636; at political Cabinet 636, 637; and Dr Kelly 648–9, 655, 656; goes to British Grand Prix 652–3, 654; visits Mrs Kelly 657; against AC’s departure 658; and Hutton Inquiry 679–80, 686, 687, 690; mentioned 41, 42, 75, 114, 232, 362, 458

Hopkins, Helena 174

House of Lords: reform 97, 138, 148, 153, 161, 339, 413, 438
and n
, 444, 447, 448
and n

Howard, John 192, 328, 436, 437, 457, 566

Howard, Martin 215, 631, 634

Howard, Michael 268, 375, 601, 613, 631

Howells, Kim 250, 339, 606, 650

Howes, Peter 671, 672

Hudson, Hugh 284

Hughes, Bev 485, 606

Hughes, Karen: AC’s note to 17, 21, 25; works with AC 41, 44, 50, 52; and lack of communications 54; sent further notes by AC 55, 56, 63, 68; and need for improving American image 64, 65; meetings and calls with AC 64–5, 68, 73, 74, 76, 81–2; angry at GWB being called a ‘product’ 85; criticisms of 124, 146; and TB’s US trips 201, 203, 295, 296; at Azores summit 503; mentioned 84, 115, 532

Hughes, Lee 651, 694

Humphrys, John 62, 227, 392, 512, 621, 630, 654

Hunt, Lord Philip 509, 510

Hunter, Anji (AH) 11; on AC at Congress 25; TB and CB row about 35; in Delhi 39; departure 46, 82, 83, 86, 114, 129–30, 145; and TB 155, 378; and TB 155, 378; and Adam Boulton 271, 273–4; and the press 384–5, 607; mentioned 53, 94, 102, 448

Hunter, Sarah 402

hunting 138, 178, 191, 192, 193, 302–3, 305, 609–10, 624, 625, 626

Huntley, Ian 282

Hurst, Martin 215

Hussain, Nasser 403

Hussein, King of Jordan 75, 76

Hussein, Qusai 655

Hussein, Saddam xii, xiv–xv; US attitude toward 23, 56, 198–9, 295; RC’s analysis of 183; TB on 184, 197–8, 273, 286, 287, 288; allows weapons inspectors in 302, 431; denies having WMD 304; wins election 330, 364; and Radio Monte Carlo 362–3, 364; GWB/US views on 370, 392, 430; and WMD 413, 414, 418, 419, 421, 422, 425, 428, 432, 450–51; non-cooperation with weapons inspectors 433, 435, 439, 440, 441, 444, 451, 459; interviewed by Benn 447
and n
; and British anti-war march 458; interview with Rather 467; challenges GWB to TV debate 467; decommissions missiles 471, 473; and US ultimatum 491; and Britain’s six tests 492
and n
; in hiding 511, 513; TV broadcast 520; plans to attack holy sites 530; pictures of 534; statue toppled 540; regime collapses 541

Hussein, Uday 466, 655

Hutton, Lord xvii–xviii, 653–4, 659, 681, 684, 685, 686, 688, 692, 694

Hutton Inquiry xvii, 649, 651, 653, 655, 660, 666; AC’s preparation for 654, 657–9, 662, 663, 666, 667–8, 669, 670– 82
; AC’s appearance at 682–5, 686–7; and MoD 651, 666, 667, 668, 673, 689;
see also
BBC; Hoon, Geoff

Hyman, Peter: as TB’s speechwriter 3, 31, 32, 310, 312, 609, 619; on TB 138; on CC 151; and Byers’ resignation 177, 180; wants Budget strategy meetings 205; and TB’s conversion to spontaneity 213; and the euro 246; appalled at Cabinet 257; on importance of Queen’s Speech 322; critical of CC 335, 338; thinks party is complacent 367; sees CC re student finance 423; and euro referendum bill 529, 596; against AC’s departure 653; worried about Peter M’s influence on TB 689, 693; mentioned 220, 265, 414


International Atomic Energy Agency

Illsley, Eric 614, 667

immigration 161, 162, 215, 216;
see also

, 140, 158, 241, 242, 243, 271, 318, 416, 599, 664, 669, 687;
see also
Grice, Andy

Independent on Sunday
105, 614

India 35, 38–9, 41, 124, 126, 133, 137, 555, 556, 557; TB’s visits 39–41 (2001), 125, 128–32, 136 (2002)

Inge, Field Marshal Lord Peter 159–60

Ingram, Adam 621

Inkster, Nigel 456

Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) 547

Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) inquiry 334, 593, 594, 598
and n
; and AC 599, 601, 602, 645, 646–7, 654, 669; and Dearlove 600; and TB 602, 612, 631, 634, 644, 645; report 655, 656, 659

Intergovernmental Conference, EU (IGC) 287, 563, 577, 582, 585

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 294, 446, 501

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) 142, 544, 548

International Institute for Strategic Studies: report 299

International Security Assistance Force, UN (ISAF) 115, 126, 127, 135, 145
, 154, 199

IRA 27, 61, 63, 67, 273, 325, 428, 543, 584

Iran xiv, 5, 21, 30, 152, 279; JS in 24–5, 28, 92–3

Iraq march, anti-war 455, 458, 459, 450
and n

Iraqi National Congress 536

Irvine, Alastair 85
and n
, 86, 282

Irvine, Alison 85

Irvine, Derry: and press reports on his son xix, 85, 86, 282; and Byers 178; advises on Black Rod/PCC affair 238, 249; not a natural politician 270; clashes with DB on asylum 322; hosts Queen’s Speech reception 363; angers TB re sentencing 408
409–10, 411, 415–16; and AC’s appeal for sponsorship 425; and pay rise 452–3; on second resolution 507, 509; and reshuffle 552, 598, 601, 604, 605; blanks TB 619; AC asks advice from 671

International Security Assistance Force

Intelligence and Security Committee

Islamabad: TB’s visits 37–9 (2001), 132–3 (2002); CIC 65, 68, 72, 83, 90, 95, 96, 99, 101, 124, 132, 146

Israel: and terror groups 6–7; and JS 28, 29; not helpful 42; and Palestine/Arafat 49, 53, 54, 60, 206, 224, 251, 409, 414; TB in (2001) 73, 74, 76–7; and US 59, 66, 107, 202, 259, 266, 496, 501; suicide bombs 224, 559
and n
; endorses road map 583; mentioned 46, 62, 266, 307, 522, 556;
see also
Sharon, Ariel

ITN 355, 517, 652

Ivanov, Igor 475, 486

Ivanov, Sergei 36


Jackson, Glenda 469

Jackson, General Sir Mike 522, 544, 548, 628

Jackson, Robert 628

Jaish-e-Mohammed 40

James, David: report 115, 116

James, Howell 406

Janvrin, Sir Robin 163, 164, 195, 196, 205, 214, 215, 216, 219, 305

Jarvis, Sian 142

Jay, Margaret 207, 315

Jay, Sir Michael 145, 165–6, 354, 455, 564, 616, 618

Jay, Peter 207

Jay, Tamsin 315

Jean, Al 545

Jeffreys, Rosemary 671

Jenkins, Roy 407, 408

Jenkins, Sue 171

Jiang Zemin 17, 480

Joint Intelligence Committee

Johannesburg: summit (2002) 285, 287, 288, 290

John Paul II, Pope 465, 590

Johnson, Alan 607

Johnson, Boris 209, 217

Johnson, Melanie 606

Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC): report 334, 441, 596, 646

Jones, Hugh 409, 428, 431, 528

Jones, Ian 173, 176

Jones, Kevan 560

Jones, Michael 267

Jonsson, Ulrika 104, 212, 213, 323

Jordan 57; TB visits (2001) 74, 75–6

Joseph, Tanya 72, 95, 132, 163

Jospin, Lionel 6, 15, 59, 108, 214, 216

Jowell, Tessa: and 9/11 victims 10, 17, 44, 69, 72; in Cabinet 109; and Wembley Stadium 115–16, 119; asks AC for advice on her image/profile 158; wants media control 189, 191; against AC leaving 247; and Treasury letters 271; and Estelle Morris’s resignation 335, 337, 338; on GB 339; and sports policy 364, 374; angry with CS over Zimbabwe/cricket
controversy 403; and student finance 412; supports AC 416; and Olympic bid 423, 425, 430, 439, 573; at AC’s marathon sponsorship appeal 426; on Iraq 450; on euro 597; offers to help AC 600; on reshuffle 608, 609; interviews 630, 633, 664; mentioned 27


Kabul, Afghanistan 57, 61; liberation 85, 87, 88; football matches 103, 106, 145, 146, 155, 162, 169; new administration 120, 121, 136; getting more dangerous 199

Kagame, Paul, President of Rwanda 567

Kananaskis, Canada: G8 summit (2002) 257, 258–61

Kandahar, Afghanistan 88, 95, 103

Karam, Afghanistan 53–4

Karzai, Hamid 133, 134–5, 151, 152, 154

Kashmir 19, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 126, 128, 132, 133, 137, 239

Kaufman, Gerald 193, 226

Kavanagh, Trevor 94, 105, 221, 247, 389, 433, 435, 555, 575, 590, 610, 644

Keane, Fergal 62

Keane, Roy 197, 233–4, 397, 400, 553

Kearney, Martha 572

Keen, Ann 560

Keith, Kenton 90, 95, 96, 124, 132

Kellner, Peter 145

Kelly, Dr David xvii, 634, 636, 645, 648–50, 651, 652, 656, 657, 660, 664, 667, 668, 669, 684–5, 687, 689

Kelly, Janice 648, 657, 669, 670

Kelly, Tom: in Russia 37; and Jo Moore 45; line contradicted by Powell 107; and MMR vaccinations 121; and Vajpayee 131; and Guantanamo Bay 143, 144; and Whittington Hospital row 147, 149; warns AC re Karzai 154; and Byers/Sixsmith affair 167, 170, 177; and announcement on lobby briefings 221, 222; briefs on Black Rod affair 247; and CSR briefing 271; and TB’s Sedgefield press conference on Iraq 291, 292; and CB/Caplin affair 380, 382, 383, 389, 393, 394; in US 441, 442, 443; on CS 449–50; on Iraq 588; in Greece 612; on BBC 621; on boredom of press 631; and press release on ‘source’ 633, 634; reports on FAC 647; and Dr Kelly 648, 649, 654, 669; and AC’s departure 658; mentioned 60, 69, 75, 87, 125, 140, 221, 238, 245, 260, 298, 465, 479, 685

Kemp, Fraser 230, 249, 617

Kemp, Ross 161, 273, 667

Kennedy, Andrea 670, 673, 687

Kennedy, Charles 36, 159, 300, 346, 468, 510, 626

Kennedy, Ian 670, 671, 673, 679, 687

Kerr, Sir John 15, 42, 55, 58, 61, 62, 68–9, 145

Kerry, Senator John 442

Khan, Saeed 256

Khatami, Mohammed, President of Iran 24

Kilfoyle, Peter 178, 469, 482, 564, 623

King’s Fund 174

Kingsley, Ben 576

Kinnock, Glenys 112, 175, 284, 432, 501, 562, 607, 608, 621, 622, 694

Kinnock, Neil 157, 185; and CS 26, 93; at launch of biography 95; critical of Cabinet members 112; on TB/GB relationship 175, 432; on TB 283, 432; in France with AC 284; on GB 284, 562; thrilled at reshuffle 339; at Burnley match 432; asked by AC to speak to FM 497; and Iraq 501, 562; on RC 508; on BBC 531; and QPR 583; and euro 599; thinks AC should be next European commissioner 608; on AC’s departure 611–12, 654, 655, 658, 694; and AC’s FAC appearance 617, 621, 622; in a rage 622; and Dr Kelly’s death 649; and AC’s idea for a sports greats series 668; supportive of AC 668

Kinnock, Rachel 175, 667, 694

Kinnock, Stephen 112, 432

Kirkbride, Julie 620

Koizumi, Junichiro 29, 259

Kok, Wim 78, 111

Korea, North 152, 172, 191, 279, 392, 417, 556, 557

Kosovo conflict 11, 17, 34, 40, 42, 44, 63, 77, 81, 83, 145, 183, 308
, 427, 524, 525

Kufuor, John 162

Kunduz, Afghanistan 94–5

Kuwait 278, 294, 515, 529; TB’s visit (2003) 585–6, 587

Kwasniewski, Aleksander, President of Poland 590

Kyoto protocol (1997) 288, 289
and n


Laeken, Belgium: EU summit (2001) 108, 110, 112, 113, 114

Lagos, Ricardo, President of Chile 475, 476, 477, 479, 483, 484, 486, 487, 489, 490, 491, 493, 500

Laity, Mark 72, 73, 74, 87

Lamport, Stephen 57

Lander, Stephen: post 9/11 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16; and US plans 18; briefs TB 27; on India/Pakistan relations 35; and UK security 42, 45–6, 54, 58, 103

Langdale, Mark 179

Lawson, Dominic 607

Lee-Potter, Linda 585

Le Pen, Jean-Marie 214, 216

Leslie, Chris 29

L’Estrange, Michael 73

Leuchars, RAF 549

Leukaemia Research 330, 343, 347, 426, 433, 538, 618

Lever, Simon 672

Leveson Inquiry xvii, xix

Levy, Geoffrey 582

Levy, Lord Michael 18, 54–5, 166, 232–3, 236

Lewin, Matthew 666

Lewinsky, Monica 642

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