The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (4 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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• Adjusts the duration of cardiovascular activities every 14 days.
• Varies caloric intake every 14 days.

Also included in the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout are: mind and visualization techniques to help you get the most out of your workouts, the Zone-Tone, a technique that dramatically increases the mind to muscle connection, and award-winning exercise descriptions. With all these unique features, you can easily see how this workout is designed to help you successfully reach all your fitness goals!


You may wonder how a 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout can exist, right? We at Custom Physiques, Inc. have created the most powerful, dynamic, and simple system for creating lean muscle tissue and eliminating unwanted body-fat for good! We do not believe in starvation diets or long, exhaustive workouts in order to achieve results. We believe in a healthy, systematic, and scientific approach to fitness, offering a complete fat loss/muscle-building program providing fast and consistent results. Fast results? Yes, you heard it right! Did you think we were just going to leave the “14 day” part out? No way! Although it is physically impossible for you to completely change your body shape within 14 days (Unless you have a referral to a good plastic surgeon!), you can still make some very respectable changes within that time frame. Not just some changes to your physical body, but also some major changes to your whole self. This book contains the finest fat loss and muscle building information available. How can we be so confident? We realized that we would have to take a different approach to fitness in order to make this program work best. Our strategy was to combine our own breakthrough knowledge with some of the traditional methods of fitness and health, to create the most thorough and complete fitness program ever produced. What you get is a complete and balanced approach to losing fat, building muscle and sculpting the body of your dreams.

Is your 14-Day Body Sculpting program just a marketing gimmick?
We are proud to say that the Body Sculpting Bibles are among the very first books to bring the very powerful principles of periodization training to the commercial market. Back in 2000, periodization training was known only to Olympic and elite athletes. Since 2000, with the release of the first Body Sculpting Bibles, periodization training has become widely known and regarded as the #1 type of training for eliciting remarkable and consistent results.

We are about to introduce you to a new fitness training philosophy widely accepted by athletes ranging from the Olympic elite to weekend warriors and college athletes. It is called periodization training, which is defined as “a training regimen done a specific way for a specific period of time and then modified and done a different way for a specific period of time.” What would be the significance of
changing a fitness routine from time to time? Have you ever started a weight training routine, hoping to lose some fat while simultaneously putting on some muscle and found that it was much easier to do so in the very beginning? Do you remember how motivated you were at first and how easy it was to make immediate progress? What happened next? All of a sudden you stopped gaining muscle, you still had those last five pounds of fat attached to your body and because of that, you probably lost your motivation and desire to train. You hit a plateau and no matter how hard you trained or how much you dieted, you just couldn’t make any more progress, right? What happened? Your body simply adapted! That’s right, your body, in an attempt to neutralize and protect your system from further breakdown (tearing down muscle and losing fat), suddenly stopped responding to the catalyst (resistance training and diet).

Periodization training prevents this adaptation. It helps to avoid plateaus, thus increasing and continually creating results. This version of the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout was completely designed for the woman whose goal is to create a more muscular and lean physique. Up until now, you have probably tried every fitness routine, gadget and/or supplement under the sun and still not reached your goals. Well don’t lose hope! You will discover shortly just how powerful this program truly is.

We want to help the average woman attain her goal of sculpting a lean and muscular physique. We quickly realized that this would require certain criteria within the traditional periodization program to be customized. We knew that key components of the traditional periodization model such as sports specific training would not be necessary since the program would not be used for sports conditioning. At the same time, we realized that there had to be many specialized additions to help customize the program according to our female readers’ objectives. Our main objective is to provide a direct plan of action for expediting the development of the ideal female physique (a lean and muscular body). We balanced this unique and complete revolutionary training program with the nutrition plan and a healthy mind-set method. The 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout’s mind/muscle approach will help you to realize your potential!

We cannot and will not promise you unachievable results. Unrealistic promises can both sabotage your motivation to get in shape or, even worse, jeopardize your health. Companies that make such far-fetched claims are not concerned with your well-being. They only care about what they can get from you—your money. We, on the other hand, are concerned about your health. We are here to help you achieve amazing results, and to explain exactly what you should do to become and stay fit and healthy forever.

Both of us have been in situations where our health and self-esteems were in jeopardy. I (James) can remember when I was 14 years old. I was very heavy and very depressed. One day while watching television, I was drawn to a commercial advertisement for a new type of diet pill called the grapefruit diet. The ad guaranteed tremendous results within a very short time period. I was young and vulnerable to such claims. I also felt desperate and immediately decided, without conducting any type of research on the company or product, to rob my piggy bank. That very same day, I sent them my money through the mail. Do you see where this is leading? I received those pills, no questions asked! They had no concern for my health, my age, or my overall wellbeing. I took those pills and luckily, I didn’t die. I see kids and adults all the time who make very similar mistakes. They have been struggling for some time, listening to this claim and that claim, promising to instantly and miraculously
change their physical appearance. Do these companies ever stop to think that some people are just so frustrated, that they are blinded by the wonderful claims and left playing Russian roulette with their lives? Do these companies realize that a good portion of these frustrated people happen to be young kids, who from being abused and ridiculed about their physical appearance, become even more frustrated and are even more willing to take any product promising to change their appearance? These kids most likely will not stop to think about the major health implications involved with taking some of these potentially life threatening products. Although there are some great companies out there who pride themselves on creating safety for their customers, many have very little or no concern for their customers. They fulfill any order they receive, without screening or qualifying one person. We would never and could never hurt or deceive anyone. We have both come from painful childhoods and can both empathize completely with anyone who has a weight problem or any problem that relates to the body and can affect one’s self-esteem. Either too heavy or too thin, we have both been through each scenario and because of that, our primary goal is to help anyone who needs or could benefit from our guidance and support. From now on, your new motto must be, “If the product or business has even a trace of uncertainty, move on!” If you don’t learn to follow this motto, you will either get taken for your money and/or jeopardize your own health.

Our 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout contains only the safest, top-notch health and fitness information and techniques you need to become fit and healthy. Our program takes into account the importance of physical and mental health, and how they must be combined, in order to reach the pinnacle of good health and fitness. Our program was derived from our over 20-year combined knowledge base of health, fitness and nutrition. What we can do for you in 14 days is to totally supply you with everything you need to reach and surpass your weight loss goals. In two weeks not only will you know exactly what to do, you will actually begin to see remarkable results. Even more exciting is the fact that the results you make during that very short time period will be permanent (provided you stick to the program) and only the beginning of your body sculpting success. Our one-of-a-kind program integrates the body and mind, offering you a completely fit body. A body that looks and feels great! Finally, we are most excited to let you know that this will be the last weight reduction and fitness book or program that you will ever need to buy. If your goal is to lose weight and get in amazing shape, welcome to results country: This is the place where you’ll find both and then some! So now it’s time to get excited, as you begin the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout, for the body of your dreams. Enjoy!

Part 1
The, Foundations of Physical Perfection

Chapter 1

Common Myths & Misconceptions
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In this chapter we will cover several topics that cause confusion in the fitness industry.


Myth #1: Weight training makes you bulky
. Due to the fact that women do not produce as much testosterone (the hormone responsible for increasing muscle size) as males do, it is impossible for a woman to gain huge amounts of muscle mass. The image that may come to your mind is of professional female bodybuilders. Many of those women unfortunately use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity. In addition, most also have good genetics that enable them to gain muscle quickly when they spend hours in the gym lifting very heavy weights. Believe us when we say that they do not look like that by accident. Women who conduct weight training without the use of steroids get the firm and fit cellulite-free looking body that you see in most fitness shows these days.

Myth #2: Exercise increases your chest size
. Women’s breasts are composed mostly of fatty tissue. Therefore, it is impossible to increase their size through weight training. As a matter of fact, if you go below 12 percent body fat (which we don’t recommend as you’ll see later), your breast size will decrease. Weight training does increase the size of the back, so this misconception probably comes from confusing an increase in back size with an increase in cup size. The only way to increase your breast size is by gaining fat or getting breast implants.

Myth #3: Weight training makes you stiff
. If you perform all exercises through their full range of motion, flexibility will increase. Exercises like flys, stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell presses, and chin-ups stretch the muscle in the bottom range of the movement. Therefore, by performing these exercises correctly, your stretching capabilities will increase.

Myth #4: If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat
. This is like saying that gold can turn into brass. Muscle and fat are two totally different types of tissue. What happens many times is that when people decide to go off their weight training programs they start losing muscle due to inactivity (use it or lose it) and they also usually drop the diet as well. Therefore bad eating habits, combined with the fact that metabolism is lower due to inactivity and lower degrees of muscle mass, give the impression that the subject’s muscle is being turned into fat while in reality what is happening is that muscle is being lost and fat is being accumulated.

Myth #5: Weight training turns fat into muscle
. More alchemy. This is the equivalent of saying that you can turn any metal into gold. The way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

Myth #6: As long as you exercise you can eat anything that you want
. How we wish this were true! However, this could not be further from the truth. Our individual metabolism determines how many calories we burn at rest and while we exercise. If we eat more calories than we burn on a consistent basis, our bodies will accumulate these extra calories as fat regardless of the amount that we exercise. This myth may have been created by people with such high metabolic rates (lucky them) that no matter how much they eat or what they eat, they never meet or exceed the amount of calories that they burn in one day. Therefore, their weight either remains stable or goes down.

Myth #7: Once you lose motivation, it’s impossible to get back to a healthy routine
. It’s true that it’s difficult to get back on track after losing motivation, but it’s not impossible!
When you get bored, it’s easier for you to get depressed and your productivity can come to a screeching halt. Your body reacts similarly and stops producing results when you do the same exact activities day in and day out. How do you create results consistently? Change your action plan! In the following chapters, we will show you exactly how to constantly evolve your training and nutrition plan in order to keep getting results.

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