The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (9 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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Commandment #10: Remember that only you control what goes in your mouth
. Food does not control you!
I’ve read your techniques concerning Zone-Tone and I’m having difficulty actually making it work for me
Harnessing the power of your mind can sometimes be challenging. Just like exercising the body, you must practice your mental form and technique in order to truly harness the power of your mind. When you have perfected form and technique for both mind and body, the exercise begins to feel effortless and fluid. Then, you can trust that every movement you make is doing exactly what it should, and you are getting the most out of your training. It may take some time to get the hang of this, but with practice and dedication, your mind can quickly become your biggest and most valuable asset.

The key to improving the mind-to-muscle connection is to become attuned to our bodies before and throughout the movement. This means knowing what muscles you are targeting before you start the exercise and moving the muscle from its fully extended position to its fully contracted position while feeling the muscles (and only the intended muscles) contract and extend throughout the movement. Carelessly going through the motions of exercise is a complete waste of time and a great way to get nowhere quickly.


While at the beginning the Zone-Tone concept might seem difficult to learn, it really is not! You might think that you won’t be able to do it effectively but we know you can! We have taught it successfully to many others and now we will do the same for you.

There are only two simple steps to the Zone-Tone method:

Step #1: Focus and zone in on the individual muscle/s you intend to train before you begin the exercise
. Knowledge of where each muscle is located is crucial; look at the anatomical chart in
Appendix I
of this book. Tense and flex the muscle to be trained as hard as comfortably possible before you even start to execute the exercise. This way you will be sending a message to that muscle, preparing it by completely isolating it even before the exercise begins. By doing so you have successfully created a mind-to-muscle connection.

Step #2: Maintain your mind-to-muscle connection during the execution of the exercise
. Throughout the execution of the exercise feel the muscle extend and contract as you move from point A to point B. What we really want you to do while you are performing the exercise is to flex the muscle as hard as you can in the same way you did on Step 1, but this time with the exception that now you have a weight in your hand. This is crucial as it is of no benefit to activate the muscles before the exercise begins if the mind-to-muscle connection is lost as the movement starts. Many people waste their time by exercising without thinking about what they’re doing. They exercise on a physical plane rather than on both the mental and physical planes. This is fine if you are content with average results, but who really wants to be average? On the other hand, if you want to compound your efforts exponentially and undeniably create the body you’ve always dreamed about having, then you must
effectively develop the mind-to-muscle connection that we have been describing.

When you effectively call out to that muscle and prepare it for the following set, you create a mind-to-muscle connection. By maintaining this connection throughout the execution of the exercise that one set will produce the results of five sets! Did you read that? Do you realize what this can mean for you? If you implement these principles into your training regimen, you can create unbelievably toned and incredibly defined muscles in half the time. Imagine then the type of results you will get by combining the Zone-Tone method with the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout and the exercise execution techniques that are presented later in this book. We guarantee that by combining all of these concepts you will achieve the most astounding and unbelievable physical transformation in the minimum amount of time.



How would you like to multiply the effects of the Zone-Tone method? Here is a way to compound your efforts with little or no additional time expenditure.

Remember what you did during your meditation and visualization sessions as you focused on relaxing each and every muscle in your body starting with the feet? Well, at this time you have an invaluable opportunity to implement the Zone-Tone method.


Starting with the feet, as you begin to relax and focus upon your toes, slightly wiggle each toe and concentrate on feeling the slightest movement in each individual toe.

You might feel a strange tingling sensation as you may never have stopped to pay attention to the feeling of these individual parts of your body. You might wonder why we would waste time focusing on the feet first, right? We want to do this so that you become completely familiar and in sync with each and every part of your body. This will eventually give you the ability to isolate any muscle you desire at will. It is very important to remember and focus upon each and every part of your body without neglecting any specific part! As you move on from the feet towards your knees and up, zone in on every body part along the way.
Now here’s where it can get tricky, so pay attention
. Simply focusing on the individual muscles of the body is not enough. When you simply think about them you cannot truly get a feel for how they feel when they are in action. To help you hone in and experience the feel for each of these muscles you should do the following:

• As you get to each individual body part, stop and contract the muscle as best as you know how. Do this three to five times and then relax.
• Remember the exact area where you felt that muscle contract and now focus all of your attention and energy on relaxing that same area. Do you realize what you will be accomplishing here? You are giving yourself an amazing ability to become in complete control of your entire superficial muscular system and will have the opportunity to call upon their action for maximum muscular efficiency.

Here is yet another technique you should use to further enhance the effects of the Zone-Tone method:

After you complete each set of an exercise, stand in the mirror and flex the muscles that you were exercising as hard as you can and hold for a count of 3-5 seconds. What will this do for you? It will help you to create a stronger mind-to-muscle connection and help you to accurately
identify and call upon those individual muscles during exercise.

We can’t tell you enough how important it is to practice the Zone-Tone method both when you’re working out and also while at rest. As with anything, the more you practice the Zone-Tone method the quicker and more powerful the method will become. Soon you will realize, firsthand, the astonishing results gained from this powerful concept. Good luck!


In life we are bound to face adversity or dilemmas at one time or another. When this happens the key is to not freeze up. This is the problem many people have. Instead of doing something about their problems, they dwell upon them, feel sorry for themselves, and let the problems overtake them. In order to be successful at anything in life, instead of accepting adversity,
combat it!
Instead of finding a reason to be sad about a problem,
find solutions for the problem!
By finding solutions, you never give in to failure. You never admit defeat, and therefore are never defeated. It is only when you admit and give in to failure that you become a failure. The most successful people in the world have learned this philosophy and adapt it to their lives on a daily basis. Finding a solution to a problem is not as hard as it seems. You must use your imagination in order to achieve solutions. You must be willing to do what most people are not willing to do. Namely, you must create solutions by using your God-given talents. Brainstorming is one such talent, in which you write down any and all ideas to help solve your problem. It might be a quick fix, such as changing an exercise. It might be a long-term solution, such as the one you discovered by applying these new principles into your life. Whatever solution or strategy you choose to apply, just make sure it is realistic and based on sound knowledge.

In the next section, you will learn why it is important for you to understand that your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience and one that you imagine.


The method below is an extremely powerful tool that can help you accomplish any of your goals (both in and outside the gym). If you’re as skeptical as we once were, try to let go of your inhibitions and open up your mind to endless possibilities. People don’t realize how incredibly happy and successful they can be with just this one technique. So we hope that you make good use of it.

The conscious mind has the ability to conjure up fantastic dreamlike images of the things you most desire. However, it is the subconscious mind (that feeds from the information you program into it with your conscious mind) that can turn your imagined visions into realities. Your subconscious mind reacts not only to what is true, but also to what you imagine. Your subconscious mind will store your emotional fantasies or dreams as reality. For instance, if you see yourself with a perfectly lean and muscular body, and if you truly believe this is possible, you are programming your subconscious mind with your imagination to bring this dream into reality.

Creating a mental blueprint of your dream body with your conscious mind is the first step. But when you program these mental blueprints into your subconscious mind believing that you can have them, or better yet, believing that you already have them, your subconscious mind will go to work for you to devise the methods that will make your fantasy
come true. The value in creating mental pictures is enormous in that it gives the mind a constructive course of action to follow. It can and will help guide and motivate the practitioner into doing what is necessary in order to emerge with the desire. How would you like to see yourself, say in the next two months? Would you like to lose five inches around your waist? Would you like to gain five pounds of muscle for an unbelievably attractive body? Would you like to make a complete metamorphosis of your body type? If you said yes to any one of these, or perhaps have other desires which you’d like to attain, it is to your utmost advantage to incorporate the “mental-blueprint” method into your life. This same technique can be applied to any other aspect of your life as well.

In order to receive the best results from your visualization and mental blueprint principles, you must learn to create the proper mindset. Creation of the proper mindset is not a “think positive and everything will be great” type of method. This powerful weapon is fantastic for wiping out any negative thoughts, helping to keep you on the right track to success! Combining the right attitude with the proper training (visualization and blueprint imaging) is the surest way to reach your goals in no time. When training our clients we explain the importance of paying attention to their thoughts and mindset at all times. The attitudes that you project during your daily life can play a significant role in determining future occurrences. In other words, paying attention to your thoughts and changing them if necessary into positive thoughts is important for an optimal life and the creation of wonderful things.

Too many people have little faith in themselves. They have no belief that they can actually create better things or a better life for themselves. If you believe in yourself, have strong desires and act upon them with faith, desire and diligence, then that dream body, that beautiful house, that nice car, that wonderful life can all be yours. Your subconscious mind will react automatically to give you whatever you program into it, either real or imagined. Haven’t you noticed that when we have a bad dream, the body reacts as if it were a reality; heart rate, adrenaline and blood pressure go up. The mind cannot distinguish the difference! However, your subconscious mind will not take the trouble to work for you unless you truly believe what you program into it. You must visualize or see yourself the way you want to look. It is also highly important that while transmitting your intended message to your subconscious mind, that you do so in the spirit that you already possess your dream body (or possess whatever it might be that you wish for). Have confidence in yourself and your goals, making sure that nothing or no one gets in the way of reaching them. You must realize, unfortunately, that many people will not want you to reach your objectives, not always by fault and sometimes because of insecurities of their own. You must learn to stay clear of these people and, even more, to stay strong in your convictions. If someone says that you cannot do or achieve certain things, use that negative energy as a way to fuel your determination in order to get there. By doing this, you will conquer any and all obstacles in your way and reach your goals.

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