The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (2 page)

Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

BOOK: The Body Sculpting Bible for Women
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Body Sculpting Bible
series has been around for over 11 years now. That’s an extraordinary length of time for a fitness book series. Most fitness books only last a year or two in the marketplace, if they even last that long.

So why have our books survived the test of time, and even flourished, when others seem to just disappear? Here are a few reasons why the
Body Sculpting Bible
series has differed from other fitness books:


Who are the Creators:
James Villepigue and Hugo Rivera have been in the fitness industry and lifted in the trenches for a combined amount of over 40 years. They walk the talk and play the part.

What are They Most Recognized For:
The essence of the
Body Sculpting Bible
books is the underlying original 14-Day Body Sculpting Program—one of the very first periodized weight training programs for the mainstream fitness enthusiast. These systems utilize a logically arranged ‘muscle confusion’ approach that yields the fastest and most consistent long-term body composition results possible.

When Were the Books First Created:
Back in 1998, the authors just happened to meet in Florida while working out separately. They started talking and two years later, they had developed this best-selling fitness book series.

James and Hugo spent over one year writing the books and accomplished the collaborative work by way of phone and Internet.

The authors had discovered that average people needed top-tier fitness information and more guidance to help them achieve their dream physiques.

James and Hugo created step-by-step guidelines and a direct plan of action that anyone could follow, all based on scientific analysis. Much like a business plan, where everything is laid out for success, the
Body Sculpting Bible
books equip people with the means to achieve body sculpting perfection.

Why is it that the
Body Sculpting Bibles
have sold well over one million copies and are revered as one of the most successful fitness book franchises in history? Well, they’re solid books and provide a comprehensive, yet solid, plan of specific action steps to help you on your way. When we first set out, we offered one of the very first mainstream periodization programs called “The 14 Day Body Sculpting Program”. Many of our innovative training principles were initially considered radical, but they were quickly embraced by our readers and fans because they worked (and worked very well).

So, yes, the
Body Sculpting Bible
books have had wild success, but we are not sitting pretty. Yes, we’ve managed to help hundreds of thousands of average people just like you to shape up, gain confidence, preserve their youth, and improve many areas of their lives. But still, there are millions of people we still need to help.

We came to the realization that we needed to come back and refresh some of the material within the book. As time passes, things naturally change as new research is conducted and new science comes about. It is up to us, as fitness experts, to take the science, decipher it, and pass it on in a way that makes sense and is easy for you to understand.

So, with that said, we’re on a mission to help millions more people get up and get out of their own way. Get up off that couch, rid yourself of the fast food, do what most people won’t take the time to do, and let’s get you to a place of total body transformation and life empowerment.

Over the years, we have had to rely mostly on the books and e-mail to stay in communication with our fans. No longer do we each exist in a place where we are isolated in our homeland or limited to our own cities and close surroundings. The internet has allowed us to reach out and digitally shake hands with our global friends.

The new global approach of this latest edition was developed for two reasons. First, we want you to be an ambassador for fitness in your hometown. We want you to stand proud and represent where you’re from. Gather your local friends, family, co-workers, and anyone else and create a fitness force. With this book, we want you to lead your clan and build them up to extraordinary health and fitness levels. Together, we can combat fat, obliterate obesity, do-in diabetes, kill many cardiac problems, and take more control over our lives than ever before.

The second reason for this global approach is that, even though we have greater reach to the world than ever before, many of us still hide behind our computers. It’s time to reach out and tell the world who you are. We know the world is facing a lot of difficulties right now, and there is no better time to take a stand and refuse to give in to adversity. Today we are battling wars, a bullied economy, and the fight against obesity. The grim reality is that most people have not gotten healthier over the last decade. In fact, they have gotten even unhealthier! Perhaps this is partly a result of the negative things that are going on in the world at this time. Maybe the stress from everything that is happening has affected people and thus, they take comfort in food.

However, here is our advice to you: there is too much going on in the world that we have little or absolutely no control over. But here’s the great news: there are some things that we can control. We can control our ability to do our very best in building ourselves up, both inside and out, so that we create better outcomes for ourselves and for the people around us. When we build ourselves up both physically and emotionally, we empower ourselves and we place ourselves in a rare position that
allows us to have more control over many different things in our lives.

It is our hope that you will take advantage of this powerful opportunity by following our lead, and we promise to help you achieve many truly remarkable and life-altering changes.



In this new edition we have updated our supplements section in order to make it current. We have also added new Body Sculpting Workouts to offer more variety and provide you with a workout that best fits your needs. In addition, we have added more sample diet plans to give you more concrete ideas of what you should be eating on a daily basis.

Since the beginning of the series, over 10 years ago, our goal has been to help people achieve the physique that they desire without having to deal with the pitfalls and the challenges that we experienced ourselves. A decade later, our commitment to help others is larger than ever! And thanks to the internet and to social networks like Facebook, we can now reach millions of people with just one click!

Before you put this book down today, go to your computer and visit us here:
. This will now become the new
Body Sculpting Bible
home base and it’s a place where you will find accountability from us and your fellow readers, where you will maintain motivation to keep going, and where you can communicate with us directly.

By frequenting our Facebook Fan Page, you will always be on top of your game and you can count on it. Whether you have questions, need support, motivation, or information on training, nutrition, or supplementations, we are here to help you succeed in achieving your physique goals. We want to turn this page into a massive community of like-minded people whose goal is to not only improve their physiques but also their lives and the lives of many others!

Over the years, we have been blessed with the great opportunity to touch the lives of well over 1 million people and now that we have Facebook, we feel that we can reach more people than we ever thought possible. And now, we are not alone, since we have you to help us spread the word and finally get people off the couch and into shape!

With that said, we’re calling on you to help us make great change. We need you to help us touch the lives of many other people. The way to do this is simple:

Become a fan of our Facebook Fan Page
Share this page with your friends:
In this manner, you can help us reach out to others who are looking to get in shape but may not know how to do it.
Share your expertise:
Don’t be shy. Many of you are very talented and can help others by sharing your expertise. If you have read the books and used the information to transform your own life, this puts you in a position of power to help others achieve the same.

In fact, we have thousands of readers who, after reading the
Body Sculpting Bible
, decided to make a career out of fitness! While that may not be your goal, definitely don’t be shy in sharing your expertise as just a simple word of encouragement can make a huge difference in the life of someone who could use a helping hand.

We look forward to working with all of you as we continue to improve our bodies (and lives). We are so excited to be connecting with new people throughout the world and together we can have a huge impact on global health!

See you soon on Facebook!

Best Always,

James & Hugo

Quick Start

To get started with the
14-Day Body Sculpting Workout
as quickly as possible, follow the reading outline below. It will take you approximately 60 minutes at the most to go through this outline. We feel you’ll need this basic understanding of the
14-Day Body Sculpting Workout
principles in order to harness the maximum benefits of the program.


Zone-Tone Concept
The First Component: Determination


Putting It All Together
How Does the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout Work?
Best Time to Work Out
Workout Clothing
How Fast Should You Lift The Weight?
Muscle Soreness
Breathing While Performing an Exercise
Warming Up Before Training and Stretching
Selecting the Weight for Each Exercise


Nutrition Basics
Characteristics of a Good Nutrition Program
Designing your Diet
Beverage Tips
Cooking Tips


Choose between:

The Break-in Program
The 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout
The 14-Day Rapid Body Sculpting Workout
The Advanced 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout
The 14-Day Body Sculpting Definition Workout
The 14-Day Body Bodyweight Sculpting Workout

Depending on your knowledge of how to perform the exercises, read the exercise descriptions that pertain to the routine that you choose.

We do recommend that you read through the entire book progressively to obtain the full benefits of the program (there is much more than just training information). This book will not only teach you how to change your physique, but also how to change your life!

Table of Contents


Title Page



Special Thanks from James Villepigue

Foreword to the Original Edition


Quick Start


The Weight Loss Obsession
A Book Designed Only for Women
The 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout
More on the 14-Day Body Sculpting Workout



Common Myths Debunked
Unnecessary Gadgets
Cellulite Creams
Weight Loss Clinics
Drugs for Weight Loss
The Most Common Dieter’s Mistake: Less is Better
Low Carb/High Protein/ High Fat Diets
Menopause & Hormone Replacement


Things Don’t Have To Be So Complicated; Not When You Have an Arsenal of Results Ammo!
Different Routines: Some Work, Most Don’t!
Expectations and Desire; Expect and You Shall Receive
Mind Sculpting: Visualization and Mental Imagery (Think and Become!)
Applying the Visualization Technique: An Introduction to Self-Hypnosis for Unprecedented Results
Zone-Tone Concept
The 10 Commandments of Body Sculpting Perfection

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