The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (7 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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(16) Crypt 33: The Saga of Marilyn Monroe-The Final Word, by Adela Gregory and Milo Speriglio, Birch Lane Press, 1993.


(17) This would be amazing since no one in government knew that James Angleton worked for the CIA much less his existence since there were few pictures of Angleton and very few within the agency knew who he was and what he did. It is also interesting, that until his appearance before the Church Committee in 1975, the public did not know about Angleton nor his counterintelligence position at the CIA. His identity was kept secret for 20 years.


(18) National Security Action Memorandum No. 271 dated November 12, 1963 to the Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Subject: Cooperation with the USSR on Outer Space Matters. President Kennedy instructs James Webb as Administrator of NASA to “assume personally the initiative and central responsibility within the Government for the development of a program of substantive cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space, including the development of specific technical proposals. I assume that you will work closely with the Department of State and other agencies as appropriate.” Kennedy had requested an interim report on NASA’s progress in this adventure by December 15, 1963. Of course, after he was killed, this program was never acted upon.


(19)  It should be pointed out here that James E. Webb had served on President Truman’s Psychological Warfare Strategy Board and had assisted in revising NSC 10/2 for the Office of Policy Coordination (Covert Operations) in 1948 for the CIA, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for emergency plans in case of war. He also was the author of the “Webb Staff Study” that worked out cooperation between the military and the CIA concerning IAC intelligence sharing of foreign atomic research with the AEC which allowed the DCI prerogatives in the dissemination to key executive officials... At one time, he had been considered for the DCI slot after Rear Admiral Hillenkoetter left office in 1950.


(20) “Top Secret” Kennedy memorandum to the Director [of Counter Intelligence], Subject: Classification review of all UFO intelligence files affecting National Security dated 12 November, 1963.


(21) Ibid.

(22) Ibid.

(23) Ibid.

(24) Ibid.


(25) An MJTWELVE directive to kill JFK:


(26) “The Men Who Killed Kennedy:”


The CIA’s David Morales was the key CIA player in the JFK assassination. And, Luc
ien Sarti was the prime hit man according to E. Howard Hunt, Christian David and others.


(27) According to an IPU draft report JFK knew about Roswell and other crashes in July 1947.


"22 July 47 

Headquarters Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate


...It has become known to CIC that some of the recovery operation was shared with Representative JOHN F. KENNEDY, Massachusetts Democrat elected to congress in 46. Son of JOSEPH P. KENNEDY, Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. KENNEDY had limited duty as naval officer assigned to Naval Intelligence during war. It is believed that information was obtained from source in Congress who is close to Secretary for Air Force..."


Chapter 2





When candidate John F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election on November 7,  Allen W. Dulles, then Director of Central Intelligence had already briefed Kennedy on three occasions exposing him to the world of covert operations of the CIA. Dulles had cultivated an intellectual relationship with the young Kennedy. USAF General Charles P. Cabell, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, had also briefed Kennedy earlier in the summer of 1960 on certain political targets deemed critical by President Eisenhower to national security. For the young Kennedy, it would be an eye opener to the big league game of conspiracy, assassination, and political expediency. All this was necessary to maintain the U.S. intelligence power structure and the cold war diversion required by the military-industrial complex in its ongoing MJ-12 scientific and technical “black world” project programs.


     One of the programs on the briefing agenda was ZR/RIFLE, the CIA’s “Murder, Inc.” which was a political assassination unit created by Vice President Richard M. Nixon in 1960 also known as “Project 40.” This state- sanctioned assassination unit was the outgrowth of the ever expanding conflict between the CIA and KGB over the battle for minds and hearts of neutral countries. The neutral countries were always seeking ways to appease both spy agencies, yet, stay beneficiaries of both capitalist West and communist East blocs seeking domination of the earth. In the background of the battling bull elephants in the tall grass, was the shared knowledge that a third contender existed for world domination, one without a face and identity. This third contender egged on the belligerents with the winner becoming subservient to this dark figure who controlled the world’s economies and social structure for its own ends. So we had the “Secret Societies” of the world’s powerful money institutions and the ruling elite of the Vatican’s intelligentsia.


Dulles and the Power Structure


One of the slogans of the Central Intelligence Agency is found engraved in the main lobby of the Agency’s headquarters building which reads, “The Truth Shall Make You Free” taken from the words of John 8:32 which establish the central theme of the intelligence elite for their craft. This “truth” is not found in the Holy Bible, but in the arrogant confidence held by the ruling elite. The “truth” is only possessed by those who have been initiated into the “secret” and who believed that all wisdom and power was granted by higher powers to those few who were the original members of the Cold War and the initiate of MJ-12 for determining future events.  Allen Welsh Dulles was one of those who knew the “truth” and his connections to the world’s intelligence elite made him a desirable ally to any president seeking policy decisions in the nuclear age.


     James Jesus Angleton (Chapter 1, Section 2) fitted well into Allen Dulles’ world view on intelligence for he had always enjoyed Dulles’ full confidence. Without Angleton, Dulles would not have enjoyed the real time intelligence and gossip so crucial to CIA operations and the powerful elite. This was especially true since the liquid gossip was sourced from the chief of counterintelligence himself.


     The connections between Allen Dulles and Joseph P. Kennedy and the secret elite societies are well known and documented. Joseph P. Kennedy, Ambassador to the
Court of Saint James
, presidential
, wealthy backer of Wall Street power brokers and associate of the America’s royal families of the Rockefellers and Duponts, was a member of the elite. His influence on the young JFK was profound and instrumental in buying votes making sure his son was the Democratic Party’s nominee for the 35th President of the United States.


     Allen Dulles was an old acquaintance of Joseph Kennedy and had many contacts with the Kennedy patriarch as a Wall Street securities dealer. The elder Kennedy was even on the civilian commissions that studied and offered recommendations for the use of the CIA. Dulles was often invited to the Kennedy family compound and the Palm Beach mansion of Charles Wrightsman, a wealthy oil and aerospace executive and close friend of Joseph Kennedy.


     Dulles became a member of the influential Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) in 1922 and maintained membership until his death in 1969. He wrote many articles for “Foreign Affairs.” Most importantly, Allen Dulles contributed a great deal of intelligence for the OSS on Nazi Germany. His intelligence network was responsible for the collapse and surrender of key German elements within their armed services. With the recruitment of General Reinhard Gehlen’s Russian intelligence network for the CIA, Dulles became the most informed intelligence officer of that period.


     One also has to remember that Allen Dulles had spent over 40 years in the cult of intelligence and was one of the original architects of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Act of 1947.


     He continued as an intelligence adviser to President Johnson and was a member of the Warren Commission after the official retirement age of 70. Though considered inept and sometimes out of touch, he still maintained a presence among the “Old Guard” and his insights on foreign intelligence matters were still being sought after he left the Agency.


     His ability to steer the official investigation into the JFK assassination away from the Agency and promoting the “lone nut” gunman theory demonstrated his power. He was thereby able to control the findings of the Warren Commission and pin the guilt on Lee Harvey Oswald.


     Oswald was, in all probability, acting as an undercover intelligence agent controlled by U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy working with a CIA-operated clandestine political action unit known as ZR/RIFLE (see declassified/leaked Oswald Memo, Figure 2).  However, neither Robert Kennedy nor Oswald had any idea what the CIA was really doing with ZR/RIFLE.


     We think Oswald infiltrated its assassination team that was later turned against President Kennedy (JFK), but then Oswald was betrayed by CIA operatives and set up as “the patsy” for the assassination.




































Figure 2




Allen Dulles, JFK, and the Outer Space Connection


Since its inception in 1947, the CIA was engaged in advancing the art of reconnaissance especially over the old Soviet Union. The CIA was also busy debunking the many “flying saucer” reports being reported to the USAF.


     Informed speculation had circulated among upper air intelligence officers that some foreign power must have owned them, but suspicions had been diverted away from the CIA.


     In 1953, Allen Dulles had been briefed on the situation and a year later appointed MIT professor Richard Bissel to personally oversee the CIA’s overhead spy program which led to the establishment of the highly classified research center called “Watertown”(Dulles’ birthplace) more popularly known as Area 51 north of Nellis AFB, NV (see, Section 3, Chapter 4).

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