The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (11 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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     To the best of Mr. R’s (Richard Helms) knowledge, they still haven’t figured out how the power goes from the CR to the communication’s device. Although we could not operate the communication’s device, we used it to manufacture a device that was later used to communicate with the Ebens. Mr. R states the device was classified until the late ‘70s, now the military uses it.


     “Ebe #2 came in 1964, not 1974. He was here from 1964 until 1984. Ebe #3 came in 1979 and stayed until 1989,” comment: or was it 1993?


“This information has never been disclosed before. It should be held in the strictest of confidence (Code word and above). Ebe #1 had psychic powers! He was able to move items by just looking at them. He even moved one of our aircraft (an F-89 fighter) from a runway to a hanger![sic] He also had healing powers. He was able to move his right hand over an injury and cause the injury to heal [Similar to the scene in ET where ET moved [sic] pointed his finger at the cut in the boy’s hand!] While at Los Alamos, Ebe #1 observed a construction project going on.


     A large crane was used to hoist steel beams from the ground to the top of a building under construction. Without anyone’s clue, Ebe #1 moved his right hand over a steel beam and levitated it to the top of the building! Obviously, that impressed a lot of people. As you are probably aware, Ebe #1 could communicate by telepathy. But he could actually do more than that.


     He could read the thoughts of people before they were reading [sic] to express them! He had the ability to delve into the mind and bring out thoughts and dreams. Ironically, Ebe #2 and Ebe #3 did not have this ability. Ebe #2 had some psychic ability but not anywhere near Ebe #1’s ability.”























Chapter 4




This Chapter was taken from a set of four interviews done by Bill Moore and Jaime Shandera in the 1980s and later updated.


Christopher Green MD, PhD in Neurophysiology now at Wayne State Medical Center in Michigan relates that many years ago one of his friends, Richard Helms, ex-CIA Director at the time, told him, “Always believe what Richard Doty tells you about UFOs.”


was born on February 15, 1950 in New York State and retired from the United States Air Force in November 1988 as a Master Sergeant. What you are about to read is some of my 20 years experience in the area of UFOs and aliens which today is just as much a surprise to me as it was back in July 1969 with my first encounter. Hype and exaggerations have been avoided at all costs so the following story might seem monotonous, but it is unpretentious. I certainly don’t know all the facts and I assume that by this time some or a lot of the information you are about to read has changed.


     So, where do I begin? Well, in August of 1968, I began my basic training at Lackland A.F.B., TX, which, lasted until November. After that I stayed at Lackland for a special duty assignment. After basic training, I went through air force security police school at Lackland. I then was assigned to the 1041st Combat Security Police Wing, where I went through 14 weeks of combat training in Hawaii. After training, I volunteered for a special duty assignment at Indian Springs AFB Nevada which required that I have a “Top Secret” clearance. There were a total of 10 security policeman selected for this TDY. After receiving our clearances, we were flown to Indian Springs AFB.


     Indian Springs AFB is located approximately 60 miles northwest of Las Vegas and contained tactical firing ranges used by combat aircraft.


     Approximately 15 miles southeast of Indian Springs was located a top secret Air Force facility and this is where my career as a security policeman began. Upon my arrival at this special facility the 10 security policemen and I were given a Top Secret briefing by a USAF Colonel. The briefing was quite generic; no details of the special facility were given. All we were told was that the facility tested special aircraft. We were housed in a new air-conditioned building containing a theater, dining facility and a recreational area. My special duty was to guard a very large hangar estimated to be 3500 ft by 4000 ft and at least 100 ft in height. The hangar was located inside a high security fenced in area with two entry points. It was one of the largest hangars I’d ever seen. I was assigned to security flight “C.”


     My supervisor was a Master Sergeant. We also had two air force officers, one captain and one lieutenant. Another flight of security policemen guarded the interior of the building. These security policemen were E-6 or higher. During an extremely hot July day in 1969 at ~9:00 a.m., and under very tight security, the hangar doors were opened. I was amazed at the size of the object located inside (this scene was depicted in Steven Spielberg’s “Taken” which was televised on the Sci-Fi channel in December 2002). My first impression was that the object was a “flying saucer.”


     It was pulled out of the hangar by a large USAF tug vehicle and because of my close proximity to the hangar door (about 50 ft), the object literally passed over my head. I was again stunned by its size as it was pulled out onto a runway. It sat on the runway for about an hour while several attempts were made to start it up, but it would not start. Technicians in white coveralls and civilian suits worked on the object for another hour. Finally, the large craft was pulled back into the hangar.


     Later that afternoon, while off duty, I asked my supervisor what the object was. I was told it was an experimental aircraft. I joking replied that the object looked like a flying saucer. About that time, a man in civilian clothing asked me to meet with him in an unoccupied room.


     Once inside, the room the civilian identified himself as Mr. Blake. Blake asked me what I knew about flying saucers. I mentioned that I had read some magazines, but that I was joking when I said the object looked like a flying saucer. Blake told me that he knew my uncle and how my uncle (Ed Doty) worked as an investigator on UFO sightings. I stated that I knew his and that my uncle had mentioned this to me in the past. Blake then said, “What if I told you that the object you saw today was a real flying saucer from another planet then what would you say?” I said I wouldn’t know what to say. Blake laughed and then he told me not to mention this to anyone. Blake then escorted me to the door saying, “Airmen Doty, someday you’ll know the true story about that object sitting in the big hangar.” I simply nodded and left the room. Little did I know how right he would be?


     I saw the large “flying saucer” again several more times in the next 45 days. However, it never did fly. The day prior to my departure the same Colonel who gave the initial briefing debriefed me. I flew back to Nellis then eventually back to Sheppard AFB.


About two months before departing for Vietnam, my uncle (who had just been promoted)

came to the base to visit me. I was instructed to get into civilian clothes and then he took me to the Officer’s club for dinner. During the meal my uncle asked me about my temporary assignment to Indian Springs. I told him I saw something I wasn’t sure about. He told me that indeed the object was a captured flying saucer and I was very surprised at the nonchalant way my uncle brought up the subject. I wondered whether it was safe to bring up this type of subject in the club, but my uncle told me not to worry.


     For the next hour my uncle talked about the flying saucer in the hangar and about what the government really knew. Among the things that he told me was that the USAF had an alien in captivity, but the alien died several years ago. My uncle never spoke in specifics just general terms.


: On 21 February 2003, Ed Doty stated to Robert Collins, “Robert: That conversation with my nephew occurred over 33 years ago. I don’t remember much of the conversation. Richard had been assigned to a special security detail at the Nellis Test Site (NTS). He guarded a classified project. He arrived back at Sheppard, his host base. I was TDY at Sheppard and looked him up. I managed to get him into the O-Club for lunch. He told me about his ordeal at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). To the best of my knowledge, he did not discuss anything classified. That’s all I remember. Ask Richard maybe he remembers the conversation. Best, Ed.”


After returning from Vietnam I was stationed at McChord AFB in Washington State. In the fall of 1971, I was involved in a UFO incident that was described as “a thing” by two enlisted Air Force navigational site technicians. The “thing” was dressed in metallic coveralls and wearing a space helmet. After an investigation, of which nothing ever came of the whole incident, the subject was dropped.


In September 1976, after more overseas duty, I was stationed at Ellsworth AFB, SD, and assigned to the 44th Security Police Squadron. In this case the UFO incident as described in the DD 1569, Air Force Incident/Complaint Report, turned out to be a hoax and the sergeant involved in faking the DD 1569 was punished and dismissed from the Air Force.


In the spring of 1978, I was recruited by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) to become an agent. I passed all the necessary requirements and tests and was sent to the AFOSI Academy in Washington, D.C. After successfully graduating from the academy, I was sent to District 17 OSI, Kirtland AFB New Mexico in May 1979.


     Upon my arrival, I was given the standard briefing regarding the base and the surrounding area. I was assigned to the Base Investigative Detachment (BID). The BID was responsible for conducting investigations on base and the surrounding area. The mission of the OSI was to investigate all major crimes occurring on a military installation if the crime involved military personnel, equipment and/or property. During that first year, I was briefed into three (3) special programs. The first program involved the collection of intelligence and counter-intelligence information.


     The first part of the briefing was conducted at the Special Security Office (SSO) at the Air Force Weapon’s Laboratory Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM. The second part (second program) of the briefing pertained to the collection of information about UFOs. To my surprise and just prior to this second briefing, Mr. Blake entered the room. He reminded me of what he had said years earlier. I laughed and asked him if he could predict the future. I was also briefed into another very special (third) program that dealt with the safe guarding of the Air Force’s high technology programs. Among the methods used to safeguard these programs was “disinformation.”


     During this briefing, I read from an official Air Force document about the history of the U.S. Government’s involvement in the investigation of UFOs. I saw pictures of a crashed UFO that had been recovered in the desert of New Mexico in the later 1940s (Roswell).


     I also read about a captured alien (EBE-1) that lived in New Mexico at Los Alamos National Labs from 1947 until his death in 1952. The historical account continued with information EBE-1 provided to the U.S. Government about space, our solar system, EBE-1’s home planet, and about the future of the Universe. EBE-1 came from a planet, called “Sieu” in the star group of Zeta Reticuli. These are seen as fifth magnitude stars in the constellation of Reticulum. The star group is about 220 trillion miles from earth. The document mentioned a “Project Aquarius,” which contained 16 volumes of information collected from the beginning of the U.S. Government’s investigation of UFOs and Identified Alien Craft (IAC).


     The project was originally established in 1953 by order of then President Eisenhower and under the control of the National Security Council and an organization called “MJ-12.” In 1958, the U.S. Government recovered another alien aircraft from the desert of Utah, discussed earlier. The IAC was in excellent flying condition and a technological marvel for the Air Force. However, the operating instrumentation of the craft was way beyond anything that our US scientists could understand. The IAC was stored in a Top Secret facility in Nevada which was the same facility I was at in July 1969 15 miles SE of Indian Springs.

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