The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance

Read The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance
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The Billionaires Love Curves 2


A  BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance By..









Being desired by 2 eligible Billionaire Bachelors at once is usually the stuff of dreams for most women and it certainly was for cute and curvy Lacey Butler.


It appears that Lacey has made her choice and she is set to choose the charismatic Cole Tyler over the moody Nate Horwood. However, Lacey does not yet realize that love is not the only thing at stake for these powerful men and she might just be a mere pawn in a huge power struggle....


Copyright Notice

CJ Howard
The Billionaires Love Curves 2 © 2014, CJ Howard

This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.




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Harvey Mann has it all. Good looking, Wealthy, Intelligent and he can have any woman he wants.
Well almost any woman that is...
Stacey fails to see what other women see in him. She sees him as an arrogant player who is totally in love with himself. He is the type of man she was warned by her mother to stay away from.
However, fate eventually brings her and Harvey closer and Stacey begins to discover his more sensitive side which leads her into discovering exactly how Harvey got the nickname of “Mr Big Stuff”....
Is Stacey set to become yet another notch on Mr Big Stuff's bed post or is there something more to this relationship? Furthermore, has Mr Big Stuff finally met a woman who can actually challenge him?







Lacey sat at the table in the kitchen, sipping a strong cup of black coffee. She stared out of the window and watched fluffy white clouds go drifting by in bright blue sky.


“Penny for 'em.” Elaine walked in and reached for the coffee pot.


“I'm sorry,” Lacey said. “I think I finished the last of it. I'll start a fresh one.” She got up and took the pot from Elaine, there was just a tiny splash left in there.


“When did you get up?” Elaine asked, sitting down and tucking one leg under her. “I thought you'd be fast asleep after your big night out. Your dress was amazing, all those banging curves of yours, not to mention all that cleavage.” Elaine gestured towards Lacey's ample bust but noticed the distant look on her friend's face. “What's up, Lacey? Was it that bad?”


“It was a fantastic place. Despite everything, I was kinda having a good time.”




“And then someone turned up and I wasn't expecting that to happen. You don't even have to guess who it was.” Lacey's face told a story.


“Don't tell me –
put in an appearance?” Elaine raised an eyebrow.


“Yes, with a tall blond on his arm, who looked like a model.”


“Yes.” Lacey sat opposite Elaine. “And he acted like I was nothing. Just breezed right by me like these last few months didn't even happen. I hate him.”


“No you don't. That's the problem. You were crazy about him just five minutes ago. And that's why you're sitting here, looking like you got no sleep. You're wondering what went wrong between you.”


Lacey put her head down.


“Lacey,” Elaine said, frowning at her.  “It was nothing you did. He's just a bastard, that's all. You did the right thing breaking it off. If he wasn't prepared to make your relationship public, then it couldn't have meant anything to him. And if he can show up at a party with some tramp so soon after a break up, when he must have known you'd be there, he's a worse bastard than most of the bastards I know.”


Lacey didn't answer. She left the kitchen, forgetting she was supposed to be making a fresh pot of coffee. She drifted back to her room, spending the rest of the weekend wishing that things could have been different, that she hadn't fallen for her billionaire boss, or that she'd realized Nate was just a selfish user
he had a chance to break her heart.

When Monday morning came, Lacey was back at the office, happy that her boss, Nate, still hadn’t returned to the office since their break up. She tried hard to stop herself from imagining where he could be and wondering if he was with the blond. Were they having breakfast together right now, the way she and Nate used to do?


By late morning, Lacey got a call from Cole. At first she wasn't sure about answering a phone call from the man who had been pursuing her while she was dating Nate. But then she remembered it was Cole who had come to her rescue when she was out on the balcony crying her heart out over Nate arriving with the blond.


She at least owed him a better apology than the tearful excuse for one she gave, when he arranged for her to go home in his chauffeur-driven car.


“I'm sorry to bother you at work, Lacey,” Cole said. “But I just wanted to be sure you were all right and this is the only number I have for you.” Cole sounded genuinely concerned.


“Well, I'm fine, I guess. I mean, I'll survive this.”


“Okay, then. I better let you go.”


“Cole, wait,” Lacey said. “Did I even thank you properly? I was in such a state, I wasn't sure I said it when you put me into the car.  But, if I didn't, then thank you. Look, why don't I buy you lunch or a drink or something. I'm really grateful for what you did.”


“You don't have to do that. I was just helping out a friend.”


“But you went out of your way to warn me about Nate and I just got mad at you. That wasn't fair.”


“Well,” Cole said, “I did just become free for lunch today. A meeting got canceled, so perhaps...”


“Perfect,” Lacey said. “I'm not doing much here, I can't even think straight. Maybe we can meet at The Grantham at twelve thirty?”


“Good choice, but, Lacey, this is on me.”


“No, Cole, this is my thank you to you.”


“Just having lunch is thank you enough. Besides,  if you're feeling down I want to treat you, make you happy. Please let me.”


Lacey thought about this. Losing Nate didn't have to be the end of the world. She was a young and ambitious black woman making her way in the world, what harm would it do to have more friends in her life?


“You know what, Cole? Nothing would make me happier than having a treat right about now. You're on, I'll see you later.”


“I'll book a table for us, Lacey.”

“Thank you, Cole.”

It was true, Lacey found it hard to work and welcomed the idea of having an extended lunch break with someone who had been a good friend when she needed one. So Nate and Cole had a history, but it was obvious to see who was the kinder of the two. If only she'd met Cole first.


At twelve thirty, Lacey arrived at The Grantham, Cole was already there, relaxing back in his chair with a broad smile on his face.


“Hi, Cole!”


Cole stood and kissed Lacey on both cheeks.


“It's so nice to see you, Lacey, and you're smiling. I love that smile. You have no idea how my heart went out to you the other night.”


“Yes, I know, Cole – you told me so, right? You warned me Nate was using me and you were right.”


“The last thing I want to do is to gloat, Lacey. I wish I could convince you of my intentions towards you. I know you don't like me in that way, you made that clear, but I really like you as a person. You're intelligent, you have a good sense of humor, and I want to be your friend.”


“Okay, Cole, I give in,” Lacey laughed. “We're friends now. And anyway, I had to put you off the scent while dating Nate, but now, well, now I guess I'm a free agent.”


Lacey could not believe she'd said that. She remembered all the books she'd read about powerful women making their way to the top, and each of them made a point of being able to pick yourself up after a setback and move on.


Romantically, she knew it was too soon, but if there was anyone she might consider moving forward with on a romantic level, why not Cole Tyler? As billionaires went, at least he was honest.




Several weeks had gone by since Lacey confronted her boss, Nate, about their relationship and he had made it clear to her that he was not about to be held for ransom. She wanted their relationship out in the open and he did not. There had been only one way that could have gone, and by turning up with a blond just days after Lacey and he said goodbye, Nate was declaring, in her opinion, that he never really loved her.


One advantage to no one at Holden-Taylor knowing that Lacey and Nate had even dated, was that no one there knew that they had split up. While that made it a little easier for Lacey, Nate was now back at work. Seeing him walk past her office or being in the board room with him was still painful.


“You need to get out of there, Lacey,” Elaine had said, one night at their apartment. “Or at least do something to take your mind off him.”


Just then the cell phone rang and it was Cole She had just recently given him the number.

“Cole!” she said. “Nice to hear from you.”


Elaine began winking at Lacey, pointing at the cell and making “okay” signals with her fingers. Lacey tried to ignore her.


“What am I doing?” Lacey said to Cole. “Nothing.”

Now Elaine was doing a seductive dance while pointing from Lacey to the cell. Lacey turned her back.

“You know what, Cole, I would like to go for a drink,” she continued her conversation with Cole. “Yes, Elaine has gone temporarily insane and I'm at a loose end.”


Elaine threw a cushion at Lacey that hit her on the head.

“Well,” Lacey was saying to Cole. “I'd love to come out for a drink... I can be ready in ten minutes...okay, sure. I'll see you then.”

Lacey hung up and looked over at Elaine who had been sitting next to her on the sofa with her head close by, trying to listen to the conversation.


“Wow,” Elaine said. “Did you just make a date with another billionaire?”


“Why do you have to bring money into it? Cole is a really genuine guy.”


“No, I'm just saying, you don't do anything by halves. You put yourself through school, land a fabulous job, sleep with the billionaire CEO, ditch him and take up with another rich guy!”


“I can't help how things worked out. You know, if Nate had been different, I'd be with him now. But I've gotten to know Cole as a friend first and that makes all the difference. I know him as a person and we really click. Besides, I'm taking it slow.”


“Really? Taking it slow?” Elaine followed Lacey to the bathroom. “Shaving your legs?”

“Yes,” Lacey replied.

“Oh, way to take it slow, Lacey,” Elaine said, shaking her head.

“Right! Out!” Lacey threw a towel at Elaine. “I only have five minutes before he picks me up, now go.”


About twenty minutes or so later, Lacey was climbing into the passenger seat of Cole's sports car.


“Where we going?” Lacey asked as he sped away.


“A few friends are having drinks at the Roof Garden of the Hilton. I said I'd drop by, I hope you don't mind,” he said catching glimpses of her but still having to keep an eye on the traffic.


“No, sounds fine, but do I look all right?”


Lacey was wearing a very clinging navy dress in stretch fabric that showed up every curve of her hour glass figure. Cole had not failed to notice how it hugged her full hips as he walked her to the passenger side of his car. And the cut of the neckline that showed off her cleavage.

“You look like you always do, Lacey. Absolutely wonderful.”


When they arrived at the bar, Cole introduced Lacey to a table of seven of his friends. He sat her next to a friendly red-head in a gold strappy dress as he stepped away to answer a call on his cell phone.


“So, you're Lacey,” the red-head said, shaking Lacey's hand. She snapped her fingers at a passing waiter. “Another of these, please. I hope you like Mimosas, they're my favorite and I love them.”


“I do, thanks.”


“Cole hasn't stopped talking about you. He keeps going on about this exceptional journalist he's met and showed me every one of your articles online.”


“Oh, God, no! I'm sorry about that.” Lacey put her hand to her cheek.


“Don't you dare apologize. I love your writing, and Cole, if I'm not mistaken, appears to love you.”


“He what?”


“Oh, I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn but one thing about Cole is, he never introduces us to anyone he dates unless she's serious and that hasn't happened in a really, really long time. Oh, here he comes. Don't tell him I told you.”


Lacey looked at Cole with a different pair of eyes. She was warming to Cole by the day, but never would have imagined that he was already seeing her as a serious girlfriend. She studied him all evening and noticed how relaxed and happy he was. He was more than attentive to her and made sure she never felt left out. During the course of the evening all she thought about was the prospect of having Cole Tyler as a boyfriend and the idea appealed.


But it got late and Lacey had to go, she had work the next day. Cole spotted her looking at her watch.


“We can go any time you're ready. Allow me to drop you home.”


“You're allowed.” She grinned, her cheeks flushed from the Mimosas.

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