The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance (3 page)

Read The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Cj Howard

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: The Billionaires Love Curves 2 - a BBW BWWM Billionaire Romance
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“Like you hated me?”

“I never said that. Why aren't you listening? I felt manipulated, used, and so I was under your control. I did everything just to keep you happy and compromising myself in the process. But that happens when you love someone. Sometimes it takes time to see people for who they really are.”


“I'm telling you now, Lacey, you're not seeing that man for who he is.”


“Really? Well the way I felt with you isn't the way I'm feeling now with Cole.”

“Stop saying that name in my office.” His cheeks flushed and he stepped away from Lacey.

“You're the one who brought it up. And, like I say, Nate, it's none of your business. Now – is that all?”


“I guess it is.”


Nate walked back to his chair, Lacey felt awkward and began to make for the door.

“I'm only telling you this for your own good, Lacey.” Nate's voice seemed to soften.

She turned back, shaking her head.

“For my own good? Really? I think this is all for your own good, Nate. Don't think Cole never told me about your past.” She raised an eyebrow and looked down at him.


“About our past? I was waiting for this. What did he say?” Nate began to bristle again.


Lacey took an audible breath in, sighing as though this was the last thing she wanted to say.


“Look, Nate, I know all about how you stole his idea and made all those millions of dollars from running with them like they were your own and making a success of Holden-Taylor.”


Nate sat quietly.


Lacey continued. “But don't worry, your sordid little secret is safe with me. Cole told me just once and never brought it up again. You see, our relationship is about us and what we do. It doesn't have anything to do with you and Cole moved on a long time ago since then.  I know you were young and he accepts that you were ambitious.


But he's made his money and he's getting on with his life, the way I just want to get on with mine. I do a good job here and I like working here. This was always my dream and you know it. Just leave us alone and let us get on with our lives.”


“Lacey, you're a brilliant journalist, you've got a great future here at Holden-Taylor...”


“Are you about to threaten to take my job away if I don't stop seeing Cole? What is this, the Wild West or something now? Are you about to challenge him to a gunfight at noon if we don't stop seeing each other?”


“You really don't know me at all, do you Lacey?”


“And maybe you don't know me. Look, I'd like to think that your concerns for me are genuine and you really think that what you're saying is for my own good. I appreciate your concerns, but you and I are over, Nate, get used to it. I'm happy now, so just respect my private life.”


Lacey backed away until she was at the door. She opened it and slipped out. She could not make out the look in Nate's eye as she left him sitting at his desk, mouth open and nothing more to say to her.


As she walked back to her office she felt numb.


What she'd said to Nate was true. She was in a good place in her life with Cole. All Nate had done was ruin that great feeling she had from earlier, that happy mood she had been in when she first walked into the building. She was no longer humming a song or swaying her hips. She walked back into her office and flopped into her chair, confused and angry all at the same time.


She was determined that she wouldn't let Nate spoil things for her. She would be seeing Cole later that evening and hoped that by the time she rang on his doorbell, this bitter taste that Nate had left her with would have gone. The last thing she wanted to do was bring this up with Cole.



That same evening, Lacey had arranged to meet Cole for supper at one of his clubs. On any other evening, the idea of one his exclusive clubs would have made a welcome change to the flashy bars and night clubs they often visited. It was nice to just kick back at one of his city clubs and the exclusivity they offered to men of Cole's standing and their guests.


Lacey found herself doing her best to keep her emotions in check since her meeting in Nate's office, believing, so as not to upset Cole, that she should keep it all under wraps. But it was difficult. As the evening wore on, the cracks were showing and soon Lacey found she was not able to contain herself.


“This place is so stuffy, Cole,” she said as she looked up at the high ceilings, elegant chandeliers and wood paneled decor. Perhaps in a noisy night club she could have hidden her feelings. Now they bubbled to the surface.


“Well, it's nice and peaceful here, I thought you liked it last time you came,” Cole said.


“It's full of idle, rich bastards and I'm sure they are all looking down their noses at me.” She kept her voice down but looked around at some of the members, dining with their expensively dressed female companions.


“That's not true, Lacey, you know that. What about me? Am I an idle bastard, too?”


Lacey did not answer straight away, just looked down at her plate of food. She had been pushing duck and fondant potatoes from side to side with her fork and had not eaten anything. Cole studied her for a while.


“What did I do wrong, Lacey?” His voice was soft, in his eyes she saw genuine concern and felt awful for letting Cole get the backlash for Nate's poor judgment of character.


“Oh Cole, I'm sorry,” she sighed, her shoulders sagged. “I thought I'd worked this out of my system, but seeing you tonight...”


“So it is something I've done.” He looked worried.

“No, Cole it isn't you. It''s Nate.”

“What?” Cole paused for a beat, remembering to lower his voice. “Did he do something to you?” His eyes burned with anger.

“Don't get upset.” Lacey gave up on her meal and laid the knife and fork down. “I wouldn't even have brought it up, but I don't think I can keep anything from you. Especially not this.”


“I'm glad you feel like that, Lacey. I feel the same as you, I don't like secrets or lies.”


They held hands across the table.


“Tell me, Lacey,” Cole urged. “Tell me what happened.”


Lacey took a deep breath.


“He called me into his office today, not long before I met you for dinner. It was the first time in a long time he's wanted to see me. I wondered if I'd done something wrong.”

“How could you have?” Cole said.


“Well, I wasn't sure. I don't know how to take him, these days. First of all, he does a disappearing act, no one  sees him at Holden-Taylor for ages. Then he returns and practically ignores me and now this. I get summoned to his office.”



“Well, I assumed what he'd have to say would be work related but all he did was ask about my relationship with you. I didn't even think he knew we were dating.”


“Of course he knew about us, Lacey. New York isn't so big and we're all in the same business.”


“True,” she admitted. “I guess, but I'm just so wrapped up in me and you, it didn't occur to me that anyone would be talking about it.”


“So, what did he do, tell you to stop seeing me?” Cole shifted in his chair but tried to give the impression of calm.


“Something like that. He tried to convince me you weren't who you seem. Warned me off you, kinda like you did with me, but at least you had good reason.”




“What is it about Nate? It's not enough for him to steal your ideas, now he doesn't want you to see me, either. I hate him.”


Lacey looked up at Cole. His face had grown dark, there was still anger in his eyes but there was something more. It made Lacey uneasy.


“Look,” she said, “I've told you now, but I don't want to waste our evening worrying about Nate and what he thinks or what he says.”


Cole did not say a word, his head was lowered.

“Maybe we can go on somewhere,” Lacey continued. “Or maybe just go for a walk? It's a lovely evening. We should get out of here.”


“You're right. I'll get the bill. I've lost my appetite, too. I know what, how about I take you to a little place not far from here, I've heard good things about. Not one idle rich bastard in sight.” He laughed quietly. “We'll have a quiet drink and I hoped you could stay over at my place tonight?”


“I'd love that.”

For the next few hours they were able to forget about Nate and just got on with enjoying each other's company. They talked, held hands, enjoying each other's company as the night time crept in before they knew it.


The summer sun had disappeared and it was a little cooler than earlier and eventually they decided to walk back from the bar to Cole's penthouse apartment.


Lacey sat with her legs along the deep warm fabric of the sofa in the lounge. Three of the walls in the lounge were made of glass and an enormous deck stretched out beyond the window. The expansive view of the night sky was breathtaking. Lacey's hands were behind her head as she relaxed back against the cushions and took it all in.


Cole was over by the bar and he poured them both a brandy.

“Here,” he said, and handed Lacey a large brandy glass. She hooked her fingers around the stem and supported the large dome with her hand. Cole sat on the floor in front of the sofa. She stroked his hair as they drank in silence. In the quiet of the apartment, Lacey could sense that thoughts of Nate had filtered their way back into both hers and Cole's minds.


“Forget about him, Cole,” Lacey said. “It's you and me. I don't believe a single word he says about you. In fact, he hasn't said anything that's worth anything. Just by telling me not to trust you is not enough for me to take him seriously. He obviously has nothing worth saying and this is all just jealousy.”


“Exactly,” Cole reached forward and took Lacey's glass out of her hand. He placed it on the table beside her and lay alongside her on the sofa, snuggling up close.


Kissing her gently he ran his hands across the low cut top that had been tantalizing him all through their date. Her buxom figure was distraction enough for him, it was very easy for him to forget Nate's words with Lacey looking the way she did and being so close.


They were both overcome by a burning need to step up the feeling of wanting to be close, and there was only one way they could take the feeling further.


Cole pulled up the hemline of her dress and lowered her silky panties. With urgency, he lowered his pants, positioning himself on top of her, entered her willing body and thrust with an energy Lacey had longed for all night. They could forget everything and be totally lost in each other. Her long legs circled his body and she would not release them until they had both come to a point of satisfaction that left no words to be said and no negative thoughts to ponder over.


They had fallen asleep on the sofa and at some stage in the early hours were woken with the desire to make love again. With their clothes strewn across the lounge floor, they linked arms, their naked bodies blended as one as they walked quickly and quietly across the room to the bedroom.


The next day, Cole made breakfast as Lacey got ready for work.  She emerged from the bedroom, looking stunning in a blue silk dress that came to just above her knees.


“You look beautiful in that dress,” Cole said. “All those curves of yours, I'm sure you must turn a few heads at work.” He pulled out a seat for her.


“I can't say I've noticed.”

Cole filled her plate with eggs.

“Well,” he said. “Someone did notice.”

“Oh, let's not talk about Nate, any more. Let's forget he exists.” Lacey reached for the coffee pot.

“Well, that's kinda hard to do when you work for the guy,” Cole said.

“I'll find a way,” Lacey said. “And so will you.” She poured some coffee for Cole.

“Well it doesn't have to be that way,” he said.

“What to do you mean?” Lacey asked.

“Think about it. If you didn't work for Nate anymore then you wouldn't have to worry about any of it.”


“I'm not worried. I just want to get on and do my job. One day the time will be right to move on.”


“But, why do you have to work
?” Cole raised an eyebrow.


“Why? Because I need a job, that’s why.”


“It doesn't have to be at Holden-Taylor. You're a great writer, you could get a job anywhere.”


“Like I say, I'll move on. But I'm still learning.”


“Here's an idea. How about you come and work for me?” He put his hands out and shrugged his shoulders as though it were so simple, he should have thought of it sooner.


“Are you serious?” she asked. “I can't just up and leave and come work for you. Is there even a job for me there?”

“Yes, there's something coming up on our fashion page. That would suit you down to the ground.” Cole looked excited.


“You mean there's something coming up because you're forcing someone out for me? Can you imagine how that would fly? Everyone would hate me. The girlfriend who got their co-worker fired so she could work on the fashion page. I can see it now. No thanks, Cole.”


“It's not like that. This is a genuine opening and as the boss, I have a right to say who works for me, don't I?”


“Yes, you do, but...”


“But nothing. Think it through, Lacey. At any time he wants, Nate Horwood could turn on you. He knows we're dating, he might decide one day that there is a conflict of interest and just let you go, without warning. Then where would you be?”


Lacey put her elbows on the table as she held her coffee cup. She screwed up her eyebrows as she thought it through.


“You know you're right, Cole. It is a conflict of interest. I don't understand why none of us thought about this before. I should leave. But I feel bad, because Nate taught me almost everything I know.”


“And now it's time to move on,” Cole said almost patting himself on the back. “You need to leave before he fires you, it's the only way.”


“You know something, Cole, you're right.”


“Do it today. Strike while the iron is hot. If I know Nate, if he decides he's getting rid of you, he'd make sure all the other magazines and publishing houses wouldn't want you either.”


“Really? He'd seriously do that?”


“Why not? You know what kind of man you're dealing with. Devious, deceitful and...”


“And don't forget dastardly and dangerous while we're doing the 'd's'.” Lacey laughed.


“Don't even joke about it. Remember, I'm the one who knows him the most.”


“True. And besides which, I don't want to be around if he starts to really get nasty.”


“That's right. Let's finish our breakfast. I'll drive you in.” Cole said.


“I'll walk in. I need to get this all clear in my head. I have to plan what I'm saying and how I'm going to say it. This is hard.”


“Just remember all the things he said about me. None of them are true. He clearly has issues and who knows what he might do. You're right, Lacey, you need to get out of there before he can turn on you.”

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