The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella) (5 page)

BOOK: The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella)
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“There is
Hadley,” Dayton exclaimed, “If you'll excuse me.”

He scampered
away so quickly Alice couldn't follow him. Blake stood across the room
conversing with three young ladies in his regimentals. Amazing, the man rarely
talked in her presence and yet he seemed to draw a crowd of females with ease.
Annoyance and jealousy rose to the surface of her awareness and it shocked her.
Why should she be jealous of Blake? Yes, they shared two kisses, but it was
never meant to be. Then why did she dress her best tonight, spend extra time on
her elaborate coif, and struggle to not think of Blake's dark eyes and soft

Alice felt
defeated. How can she want Blake and want to please her family by making a good
match. The two desires warred against each other and no answer appeared. She
excused herself from her mother's presence when Mrs. Willard joined them. She
aimlessly circled the room until she spotted the wallflowers. These young women
sat quietly and watched the other young ladies dance with partners. Alice
wanted to be a wallflower tonight. She didn’t want to dance with anyone except Blake,
which did not make logical sense. Her heart and her head were fighting for control
and neither succeeded.

“Is this seat
taken?” Alice inquired.

“No, please
sit,” spoke Emily Staton with a kind, soft voice. Her hair was a mousy brown
and her face a little too long to be classically pretty, with small brown eyes,
but her voice was warm and friendly.

“Thank you.
How are you Emily?”

“I am well. Are you here with your family?” Emily asked.

“Yes, my brother is back in town which is a wonderful blessing.”

“Yes, he is quite handsome, as well as Mr. Hadley who I believe
just returned as well,” Miss Staton replied and looked down at her hands.

Jealousy struck Alice like a slap to her face to hear another
woman talk about Blake. What was wrong with her? She glanced over at Blake and
caught his eye from across the room. She looked away hastily and prayed he did
not think her jealous.

“Yes, they are handsome. Do you enjoy dancing, Miss Staton?” She
wanted this young woman to have a wonderful evening. Someone deserved to have a
jolly time and Alice knew it wouldn't be her.

“Oh yes, but nobody ever asks me to dance,” she replied in a
soft, melodic voice. Alice had known Emily all her life but as acquaintances
only. Emily didn’t like to climb trees, ride bareback and try to keep up with
Dayton and Blake’s adventures like she did.

“I would be delighted to find you a partner. You know, you're
voice is so melodic,” Alice complimented.

Miss Staton smiled and thanked her shyly.

Alice glanced around looking for someone to introduce Miss
Staton too. Her eye trained on Blake as he moved toward her. She wanted to say
something to dispel his interest in her, but she also ached to kiss him again.
Lord, she was confused and didn’t know what she wanted. She heard not a sound
around her as Blake approached with those graceful, long strides wrapped in his
regimental uniform. His midnight hair was neat and tidy. He was the handsomest
gentleman at the assembly.

He stopped in front of her and Miss Staton and bowed.

“Miss Fulton, Miss Staton isn't it?” he asked politely. His eyes
focused on Miss Staton with warmth.

“Yes, and you're Mr. Hadley,” she blushed.

“So I am. May I have this dance?” he inquired.

He took Miss Staton's gloved hand and led her to the line of
dancers for a country-dance. Alice let her breath out in a rush. Did Blake not
want to dance with her? Or was he going to keep his distance since he knew she
would only marry a titled gentleman? She wanted to scream. Where did fairness
and love and happiness play into life? She never realized how restricted and
restrained her life was until this moment. Seeing Blake with another woman in
his arms only strengthened the realization she wanted to be in his arms.

Did she love Blake?

Her eyes watered. She looked down at her hands trying to steady
her breathing. Oliver Smith approached her for the next dance, but Blake was
suddenly there and claiming her instead. Her first ever dance with Blake was to
be a Waltz. A thrill shot through her at the thought.

Alice rested
her hand lightly on Blake’s arm as he led her onto the dance floor. Then he
stood close and gripped her waist with one hand and reached out to connect
their hands together as they waited for the Waltz to begin.

“I see you
are quite popular with the ladies tonight. War heroes are highly desirable you
know,” Alice teased to break the silence between them.

Blake grinned
at her. “Do you find war heroes highly desirable?”

“Of course!
They are brave and strong and kept us all safe.”

“Does that
mean any war hero will do for you?” Blake pulled her closer as they waited for
the dance to start.

“Not just
any,” Alice replied with a grinned, enjoying their banter.

“You are the
most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” Blake murmured.

Alice blushed
with pleasure and looked at him under lowered lashes. “I was thinking the same
thing about you Blake.”

He gave her
breathtaking smile as he swung her into the dance. She hadn’t even heard the orchestra
music. Dancing with Blake was like floating along in a beautiful dream world.
In this moment she was truly happy.

“When I left
for war you were but sixteen years old and very lovely. I came to the manor
nearly every day so I could catch a glimpse of you. I wanted to tell you how I
felt but I could not, knowing I was going away and may never return.”

Blake hid
nothing in his expression as he gazed down at her with adoration in his eyes.
Then pain clouded them and she instinctively squeezed his shoulder.

“I wish
things could be different and a mere farmer’s son was good enough for you.” His
eyes searched her face and settled on her lips, lips beginning to tingle and
desperately wanting to be kissed by Blake. But they were dancing with a hundred
people watching them.

“I wish
things were different too,” Alice sighed and lowered her eyes. Suddenly her
happy moment with Blake was over as the cold sharpness of reality sliced
through her when the Waltz ended.

Blake slowly
removed his hands from her and bowed while she curtseyed. Alice couldn’t handle
the situation and turned away to escape the assembly rooms. All she wanted was
to go home and hide from everyone. A sob escaped her lips as she scooted past
the dancers, and accidentally bumped into a hard body.

Ready to
apologize, she looked up at Lord Bedford. The man smiled with even, white teeth
and reached out his arms to steady her.

“Are you in a
hurry, Miss Fulton?”

“I need fresh
air, my lord,” Alice lamely replied.

“I see. Can I
escort you to the refreshments?” he asked politely.

What could
she say other than, “Certainly, my lord.”

They reached
the refreshments and he secured a glass of lemonade for her.

“I apologize
for my tardy arrival. May I have the next dance if you are not otherwise
engaged?” Lord Bedford asked with sincerity ringing in his voice.

Alice wanted
nothing more than to climb under her bed covers and hide from the world for a
while. But she was not a coward or a wilting flower. She had to finish the
evening and accept Lord Bedford's invitation to dance.

Soon she was
swept up into a Scotch Reel with Lord Bedford and all her concentration went to
keeping up with the measures and steps.

As the dance
came to an end, Alice caught Blake's burning gaze as he finished a dance with
Miss Carter, usually a wallflower. He was kind to those who were often
overlooked at the assemblies.

Did Blake
look furious once again? It had to be from seeing Lord Bedford. The man brought
out the worst in Blake and she could understand his anger, but not the intense
hatred visible in his eyes. Wasn't it Mrs. Hadley's choice to engage in an
illicit affair with Lord Bedford all those years ago? Lord Bedford was a much
younger man then. Perhaps he has changed and wants to settle down and have a
family. After all, the man was interested in Alice, an unmarried young woman.
Yes, as she grew up her objectives and needs changed and so might Lord
Bedford's. Blake should not hold on to such anger and rage at a man who shared half
the blame in an affair with Mrs. Hadley.

“Thank you,
my lord,” Alice smiled at Lord Bedford.

“Shall we sit
together for a while Miss Fulton? I enjoy your company.”

“I should
like that,” Alice forced herself to smile at him and accepted his proffered arm.
His compliments did not elicit any emotional response from her, only polite

As they sat near
the dance floor, Lord Bedford commented on the various occupants.

“I see Mr.
Hadley is making quite an impression with young ladies tonight,” Lord Bedford
observed a little too casually.

swallowed past a lump in her throat and ignored the prick of tears in her eyes.
“Yes, he is quite the eligible bachelor.”

“He looks
nothing like his father,” Lord Bedford quietly stated.

“No, he
doesn't. Did you know his mother then?” Alice queried, knowing she should not
be asking such a question to a man she barely knew at a crowded assembly.

Lord Bedford
turned to her and gave her a soft, sad smile. “I did. She was a beautiful woman
with a heart of gold.”

“You sound
fond of her,” Alice pressed gently.

“Those who
knew her could not help but be taken in by her good nature. She died much too
young,” he spoke with a hint of bitterness in his voice. “But that was a long
time ago and it’s the future which interests me now and my heir.”

The air felt
heavy and thick between them as she could not mistake his meaning. Lord Bedford
had no children and he would not be discussing such a subject with her if he did
not plan to propose marriage. She waited for a feeling of elation to come over
her but it didn't. There were no fireworks, secret yearnings for his kiss, or
trembling shivers. She didn't love him and would have to convince her parents a
second London Season would do the trick. Marrying Blake was not an option even
though she suspected she was in love with him. She made a promise to her family
even though it tore her apart.

Alice didn't
wish to press Lord Bedford further and soon after she was whisked away to dance
with other gentlemen of her acquaintance. Quadrilles and country-dances filled
the remainder of her evening. The last dance came and Lord Bedford was at her
side again. Blake had not approached her for another dance, but she smiled to
hide her disappointment. Perhaps he came to the realization that she was to marry
an aristocrat and set his sights on a much easier, steadier target. Miss Staton
or Miss Carter would make a good wife for Blake. She suddenly felt ill. She wanted

As the
evening drew to a close, Papa gathered them to depart.

He approached
Alice with a twinkle in his eye and
a joyousness
him as he imparted his news. “My dear, I have it on good authority you will
have an offer of marriage from Lord Bedford himself.”

grimaced then quickly tried to school her features.

“Indeed. How
do you know, Papa?”

Dayton and
Blake joined them.

“What is
amiss?” Dayton asked looking from Alice to Papa.

Alice could
feel Blake standing next to her gazing at her profile. She was more aware of
him than anyone else and noticed how close he stood, his fingers almost
touching hers, eager to be entwined. Awareness made her shiver and she felt a
strong desire to lean on Blake for comfort and support. Lord Bedford was not
her choice. Being with Blake would make her sublimely happy. If only her
parents would be content to see her married to a farmer’s son. Alice sighed.

gleefully answered, “Alice shall become the Countess of Bedford. I am meeting
with Lord Bedford Monday morning to discuss his estate legal needs and there
was mention of a future heir as well.”

Papa had been
the town solicitor until he received his knighthood. After which he only
retained the best clients and hid his trade background from society. Alice
wasn’t supposed to provide any indication her father was anything but a

“Lord Bedford
has shown a preference for Alice at the past two assemblies,” Mother added with
a triumphant smile.

stiffened. Alice gave him a side-ways glance noticing his pursed lips and
locked jaw. Her heart sunk. She could do nothing to reassure him when her
future was so decidedly in another direction now.

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