The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella) (4 page)

BOOK: The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella)
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Dayton raised
an eyebrow and gave a slight bow to Lord Bedford.
Blake shocked her by turning his mount and
moving away from them without a word or a bow. He snubbed Lord Bedford or was
it both of them? What was wrong with Blake, he acted like a moody child today.

“Mr. Fulton,
welcome home,” Lord Bedford spoke with admirable calm after watching Blake's
back for a moment.

“Thank you,
my lord,” Dayton relied formally, “Shall you join us for a ride?”

“With Miss
Fulton’s permission,” Lord Bedford replied.

“Yes, of
course,” Alice smiled and they set off.

Dayton caught
up with Blake who sat ramrod straight in his saddle. Alice had never seen him
so tense before. Something was wrong and she desperately wanted to go to him
and beg him to talk to her. The thought of Blake hurting made her feel ill.

Lord Bedford
engaged her in light conversation as they brought up the rear, but she replied
with brief answers as her thoughts were on Blake.

“You seem
distracted Miss Fulton. Could young Mr. Hadley be the cause?” Lord Bedford
asked suddenly.

Alice’s first
reaction was to deny being distracted, but Lord Bedford looked genuinely
interested in her response.

“I apologize,
my lord. I am concerned for Mr. Hadley. He is a dear friend and something pains

“I see.
Perhaps you should encourage him to talk to you,” he suggested.

Why is he so
interested in having a conversation about another man?

“Of course,
that is excellent advice.”

They approached
a tenant cottage on Fulton land in bad need of a roof repair. Dayton and Blake
were talking with the tenant, John Wilson, and checking on his progress. Alice
and Lord Bedford neared the cottage and Dayton approached them.

“John could
use assistance to get the roof repairs complete before the afternoon storm
arrives. Hadley and I offered to assist.”

“Splendid. I
shall assist as well.” Alice wanted to confront Blake and understand his anger.
He never looked their way as he took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and
assisted John.

frowned and replied, “Of course.”

He knew she
couldn't repair a roof and a lady would never offer such assistance, but he
possessed enough manners to not expose her in Lord Bedford's presence.

“I’m happy to
escort you back to Fulton manor,” Lord Bedford responded politely.

“No thank
you, my lord. I am eager to spend time with my brother. Thank you for
accompanying us on a ride. I look forward to the assembly.”

Lord Bedford
hopped down from his chestnut horse and strode up to her. Alice watched his
graceful approach. He reached out and grasped her waist, lifting her down from
her mare. He secured her hand and moved it to his lips while maintaining eye
contact with her. She couldn't quite keep the blush from staining her cheeks as
his breath warmed her gloved hand.

Saturday, Miss Fulton,” Lord Bedford murmured, and returned to his horse.

afternoon, Mr. Fulton.” Lord Bedford cast a quick glance over at Blake before
clicking the reins and trotting toward Fulton manor.

Alice counted
the seconds until he left them. She should be grateful he had bestowed so much
attention on her, but her thoughts were single-mindedly focused on Blake.

Dayton turned
to her once Lord Bedford was out of hearing range. “Why do you want to help
repair a cottage roof?” he asked suspiciously.

Alice didn't
know how to respond since she couldn't tell him the truth. She waved her hand
dismissively and went to greet John. The afternoon grew warmer so she found a shady
spot to sit and watch the men work. The cottage was small but sturdy. Papa
would never provide shabby accommodations for his tenants.

The men
stripped off their coats and cravats. Sweat made their shirts stick to their
backs and chests. Alice found the sight of a sweaty, informal Blake
fascinating. He ignored her, not even a brief glance in her direction all the
while he worked.

Alice grew
restless as she waited for an opportunity to talk privately with him. Standing
suddenly, she walked over to John and Dayton and asked if she could prepare
something for them.

“No need,
Miss Fulton. Mrs. Mott will be by soon with supper.”

Now what was
she supposed to do?

“Is there
some other assistance I can provide?” she asked hopefully.

John scratched
his head and replaced his cap before answering. “There is a water flask in the
cottage. I'd be mighty obliged if you could fill her up, Miss Fulton.”

“Of course,”
she happily replied. Finally, something she could do. Alice flashed him a huge
smile and turned toward the cottage. She walked past a perspiring Blake and
could have sworn he stiffened as she passed.

She entered
the small cottage and glanced around the room. It was clean and spacious with a
small bed visible in the back bedroom, a wooden table with two chairs, and a
beautiful carved chest. On the table lay the water flask John requested. She
grabbed it and retreated to the door.

Blake blocked
the entrance to the cottage and her heart beat furiously with surprise and something
resembling excitement. What did she want to say to him again? She knew it was
important but the sight of his dark hair mussed from working on the roof, and
his casual appearance, in a white linen shirt with rolled up sleeves,
overwhelmed her senses.

Alice wanted
to smell him, touch him, and stare at him forever. She licked her lips and
watched the way his eyes focused on her mouth. He took a step closer and she
looked away to clear her thoughts. Lord, the man could distract her easily.

“What's wrong?
You do not seem yourself today,” Alice inquired with a breathy voice.

She raised
her eyes and met a face so full of intensity, anger, and something else. She
sucked in her breath.
Blake stood inches
from her and she could feel his heat and smell the musky, male scent sending a
warm ache through her chest.

“Is Lord
Bedford your choice?” he asked with a steely edge to his quiet voice.

trembled under the intensity of his stare.


“Have you set
your cap for him?” he persisted in grating tones. His lips thinned as his eyes

“He is the
logical choice if I wish to forgo another London season,” Alice replied. She
straightened her posture. Was Blake upset because their kiss didn’t change
anything? Surely the kiss they shared was mutual madness, nothing more than
circumstances making them behave strangely. Then why did she feel like throwing
her arms around Blake now and kissing him?

Blake made a
growling sound and walked past her, further into the cottage. He remained near
the table with his back to her.

“Blake, I
don't understand you. You can't be jealous. I-We shared a kiss by the lake, a
splendid kiss, but it can't mean anything.” Alice spread her hands in a
helpless gesture.

She did not
need to remind him of her family promise to marry a man with a title. Blake
turned and the fury and pain in his eyes was so great she nearly cried out in
agony for him. Blake stocked toward her and grabbed her arms firmly. Alice felt
fear for the first time ever in Blake's presence.

Perhaps, but I have seen too many unspeakable things during the war not to want
to seize beauty and love and goodness when it comes my way. Even if I’m not
your choice, I can’t let you marry a man like Bedford. He is a manipulating
bastard and a murderer. I would not wish him upon any woman, even one desperate
for a title,” he spat.

“What do you
mean?” Alice asked. She could not believe the words rolling off Blake's tongue.
He never spoke cruelly of others, and she cringed to think he found her high in
the instep. She had never despised her role in society as much as she did at the

“You can't
marry him or he'll ruin your life like he did my mother,” Blake stated coldly.

She wanted to
touch Blake's cheek and run her fingers through his hair, give him comfort,
despite the fact he had insulted her. What was wrong with her? He was in pain
and her chest squeezed at the sight of him trembling with rage.

“I don't
understand. What did Lord Bedford do to your mother?”

“He killed
her,” he replied through clenched teeth. His eyes bore into hers for a moment
forcing her to believe him.

Blake broke
eye contact and looked up over her head, struggling to gain control over his
emotions. Then his dark gaze returned to scorch her face and mouth. Alice
inhaled sharply as Blake's full lips descended toward hers. Her heart tripled
its beat and excitement and longing swamped her with unbelievable speed. Warm
lips devoured hers roughly, urgently. And then he was gone, striding from the
cottage, leaving her aching and shaking with desire and confusion.


mother died in childbirth over fifteen years ago. How could Lord Bedford have
killed her? Alice wondered for the hundredth time as she stared at the same
page in her book for the past hour. Perhaps she should give up reading and go
in search of Dayton. She did not want to break the confidence Blake had shared,
but maybe she could ask a different set of questions to gain a better

Dayton was stuffing
his face with buttered scones and jam in the breakfast room. Eventually he'd
wipe that silly look of heavenly bliss off his face every time he sat down for
a meal.

“You know I
haven't eaten this good in years. I deserve special treatment for saving my
country,” he stated, licking his fingers.

“Indeed you
do, brother,” Alice replied and sat down across from him.

“You've been
acting funny lately, Ali. Is it part of your new lady-like ways?” Dayton asked

“I'm not acting
funny. How is Blake doing? I have not seen him since we went riding together.”
She looked away from his upturned brow so he wouldn't make her blush.

“Blake is
working at Hadley Place. Why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing,
perhaps I've imagined it. How is he adjusting to being back in Bedford,” she
asked as casually as she could.

“He has
seemed a bit blue-deviled lately, now you mention it,” he replied thoughtfully
while he chewed.

“Perhaps his
memories of Bedford are not as pleasant as yours.” She leaned forward hoping to
coax the right response out of her brother.

“He seemed
fine enough on the way home. It's the last sennight he's been acting a bit
queer,” Dayton ran a hand through his short red-gold hair.

“Is there a
past between Lord Bedford and Blake, perhaps? He did seem uninterested in
renewing an acquaintance with his lordship.”

“He's never
abided Bedford. Not since his mother cuckolded Mr. Hadley and became Bedford's
lover,” he stated almost conspiratorially.

Alice gasped.
So Blake despised Lord Bedford for taking his mother away and getting her with
child. Lord Bedford sunk fast in her esteem. Though it was common for gentlemen
to take lovers, she hadn't considered whether a faithful husband was something
she desired. If she married for love then she shouldn't have to worry. But what
if she married for a title only? Could she expect fidelity?

“I didn't
know,” she replied softly, feeling a bit sick.

“Very few
people do, so don't gossip about it,” Dayton replied.

Alice sighed
and pushed back her chair, “Of course not.”

“Are you
sweet on Hadley?” Dayton asked leaning back in his chair and watching her

“You know it
is impossible. I should get ready for the assembly. You and Blake are going,
are you not?”

Dayton lifted
an eyebrow and nodded, then reached for another scone.


Alice walked
through the assembly doors knowing she looked her best. She'd taken extra care
with her appearance tonight, but couldn't or wouldn't pinpoint the exact reason
for it. Her satin midnight-blue gown brought out her blue eyes and gave her a
mature look, according to her bedroom mirror. Mother had fussed over her and
told her she’d be an instant success tonight.

The assembly
rooms were crowded with local gentry, all eager to dance, drink, and be merry.
A quadrille was in progress as they moved further into the main hall. A
smattering of conversations spread across the room as men and women huddled in

“Quite a
squeeze,” Lady Fulton exclaimed to her family. “I wonder if Lord Bedford is
here yet.”

Alice groaned
at the thought of Lord Bedford touching her in a dance or kissing her in a dark
garden. No, she would have to attend another exhausting London Season to find a
husband since she didn't think she could stomach Lord Bedford. Her thoughts
kept returning to Blake. How was she to find a titled husband when Blake was
who she craved?

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