The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella) (3 page)

BOOK: The Bedford Beauty (A Regency Novella)
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Perhaps this
was a dream.

“Are you all
right? I did not intend to alarm you.”

Alarm was not
a word she would use to describe the desire flowing through her. Passion,
yearning, desperation were all words floating to the surface of her mind.

happened?” Alice asked in amazement.

Blake pulled
back and smiled at her tenderly, his dark hair falling into his face.

“You enjoyed
kissing me,” he stated and stroked her cheek with warm, gentle fingers.

Alice did not
know how to respond. She watched him helplessly, her mouth flapping like a fish
as she tried to get her brain to work while he stroked her skin. She wanted to
turn her face and kiss his hand. What was wrong with her? She had never desired
a man before nor wanted more than a simple kiss. This was wrong.

Blake nuzzled
her face with his nose and nipped at her lips playfully.

Alice gave in
for a moment and then pulled back.

“Blake, we
should not be doing this. I-I must get home.”

She moved out
of his embrace and avoided eye contact while she picked up her stockings and shoes
off the rocks. He remained rooted to the spot she left him in, but she could
feel his eyes following her movements.

She glanced
at him and blushed. A small smile played on his lips as if her nervousness
amused him. She tried to muster a frown as she met his gaze.

“It was good
to see you,” she said with finality.

She turned to
walk away, but he strode to her side, gently touching her arm.

“We should

Alice looked
up at him uncertainly. Surely the man didn't want to talk after their kiss. And
besides, her parents would never consent to a farmer’s son when a viscount was
a better match. She should not give him false hope, and she hadn't swooned yet
like all the heroines in her books,
being the operative word.

“Blake, you
know I cannot,” she whispered and looked away so she couldn't see any anger or
hurt or confusion in his face. She needed to get away.

Alice mumbled and dashed away from Blake and the most incredible kiss she’d
ever experienced.


Alice avoided
Blake and, as a consequence, Dayton too when they were together. He had been by
the house frequently since the kiss three days past and she cowardly sought
refuge in other parts of the manor to escape a tete-a-tete with him. When she
did manage to observe them undetected she noticed they often spoke in serious
tones, perhaps regarding their experiences during the campaigns. Sometimes a
shadow would pass over Dayton's face if she asked him questions about the
battles or friends he made. It must have been traumatic for them to see blood
spilt and friends die. Dayton and Blake needed each other to recover and heal.

All the
non-stop visitors to the manor since Dayton's return focused on the glory of
being a war hero and his heroic actions. No one wanted to know how he was
actually doing. No one wanted to know he spent more time watching his fellow
soldiers die from illness and disease than in actual battles and skirmishes or
Dayton woke in cold sweats nearly every night and cringed at loud noises.

Perhaps Blake
struggled with the same internal conflicts as Dayton and wanted to use her as
an antidote to overcome the effects of war. Dayton and Blake had fought side by
side and lord knows what atrocities they had witnessed. Alice knew they needed
to heal and find ways to resume their lives as country gentlemen in Bedford.
Each of them would have to find their own way, but she could be there for them

She ached to
go to Blake and comfort him. He was a quiet, private man, but he had reached
out to her and she hid from him. She was a better person than that. A sudden
resolve entered her mind. She would engage him in conversation next time he
came to the manor. After all, they had been friends forever which should
supersede any fears over sharing sensual kisses with Blake. Right now Dayton
and Blake needed friendship and new memories to help them move past their war
experiences and enjoy life once again.

Happy in her
new purpose, Alice walked down the hall and into Papa's library to find a book
to peruse. Blake turned as she entered the room and their eyes met.

“Oh!” Alice
exclaimed. Resolve or not, she hadn’t expected to see him so suddenly.

recovered first and bowed, his expression neutral, but his eyes held a
curiousness and intensity making her shiver. She could feel his presence
emanating through the room, drawing her in. The way his tan breeches molded to
his long, muscled thighs and the close fitting burgundy jacket outlined his
solid upper body made her mouth go dry. His dark brown hair was pulled back
from his face and afforded her a good view of his strong square jaw.


“Hello,” he
replied with a slight smile. She was fascinated by the way his lips turned up more
on the left side. He moved a few steps closer to her. “Are you looking for

“I-yes. I
didn't know you were here. How are you? Are you settled in at home now?” She
sounded breathless and silently berated herself for it.

“Yes, I am.
Thank you. I'm awaiting Dayton to go riding. Would you like to accompany us?”
he inquired politely but his eyes belied a yearning and desire that set her
pulse racing.

“I would be
delighted. Let me put on my riding habit and I shall join you in the stables.”

His eyebrows
rose and those rich brown eyes lit up at her reply. She had surprised him.
Warmth and excitement suffused her knowing she had made him happy.

Before she
could turn to leave, Blake placed a hand upon her arm. “Wait. I wanted to give
you this.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a slightly flattened
red rose and handed it to her.

gingerly accepted the rose with shaking fingers which met his warm ones as her
fingers curled around the stem. Her eyes met his as she brought the rose to her
nose and inhaled its sweet fragrance.

“Thank you. I
love roses. It was thoughtful of you.”

“I’ve been
carrying different roses on me for days hoping to see you. I miss the times we
used to spend together. I want to spend a great deal more time with you,” Blake
replied in earnest.

Alice was
stunned and moved by Blake’s thoughtfulness and desires. She probably shouldn’t
have been surprised considering the Earth shattering kiss they shared by the

Alice blushed
and smiled at him all the while gripping the rose tightly with her fingers.

“I’ll go
change now. Thank you again for the flower.”

Ten minutes
later she raced toward the stables, as fast as a lady of good breeding could go
of course. She heard her Mother's chiding words requiring her to act more
lady-like. Those sermons were drilled into her throughout the London season.

“There you
are. I didn't think you'd show up this fast since you're a prim and proper
miss,” exclaimed Dayton, mischief lingered in his eyes as he climbed up on his
thoroughbred horse.

She flashed
him her best smile and quipped, “A lady never rushes.”

She smoothed
her hands down the front of her forest green riding habit Mother had bought for
her London season. Not like her ever had the opportunity to do more than a
sedate pace upon a hired mare in Hyde Park.

“Are you
implying you're a lady now?” Dayton teased.

“You beast! I
am going to tell your future wife all the embarrassing stories of your youth
including how you tried to ride your horse backwards and fell off into that
ditch. You couldn't sit for a week after all that bruising.”

“My future
wife will love me all the more for my youthful escapades,” replied Dayton,
though a blush stained his cheeks.

“You remember,
don't you Blake?” She asked with a smile.

grinned. “I recall quite a bit of whining too.”

“Ha!” Alice
exclaimed triumphantly.

Blake stepped
near and placed his hands on her waist to lift her onto the sidesaddle. His
hands did not linger this time like they did at the lake and she was
disappointed. It was silly for her to want Blake's hands to remain on her. They
were friends and she had promised Mother and Papa she would marry a titled
gentleman. So why could she not stop thinking of Blake and his kisses?

“Thank you,”
she whispered as she met those intense dark eyes. Nervousness crept over her as
he watched her. What was he thinking? Always so quiet, the nickname, Shadow,
was as appropriate as ever, except no one could overlook this dashing, handsome
gentleman. His quietness only lent itself to an air of mystery irresistible to
the women of Bedford, once they got their hooks in him. The thought did not
well with her. She didn’t want to share Blake.

The threesome
left the stables and cantered down the lane and out into the meadow. The sun
felt wonderful and a light breeze sent wisps of red-gold hair against her
cheeks. Summer was the best time of year to be in the country. One could explore
the outdoors without fear of the weather.

Dayton turned
to them with a challenge in his blue eyes. “Let us race to the tree line!”

“A lady never
races,” she replied by rote.

“Since when
do you dislike racing?” he retorted.

“Since I
became a woman,” she quipped.

Blake watched
her, but with a slight frown on his face.

“What?” she
asked impatiently.

changed,” Blake replied to her and then nodded to Dayton as he turned away from
her on his mount. The two of them sped off, leaving her sitting all alone atop her

How dare he
judge her! Fury and hurt coursed through her. What did Blake expect her to do,
fly break neck across the field as if she were a child? She was supposed to be
finding a husband not breaking her neck. She was grown up and proud of the
woman she'd become. It is normal for one’s objectives and purpose to change as
one becomes older. She was the same old Alice inside, but she was driven by
different goals now. Why did she even care what he thought?

She nudged
her mare forward at a sedate pace, in no hurry to reach them. The sound of
hooves made her look to her left. A rider approached through the south meadow,
it looked like Lord Bedford. Well, this was a pleasant surprise. She hadn't
seen him since the last assembly a fortnight ago. He danced with her twice and
paid her particular attention throughout the evening.

Now he
approached like a man with a purpose. Alice noticed the exquisite tailoring of
his green coat and tan breeches. He wore his brown hair short with gray hair
sprinkled along his temples. The man had to be in his mid forties but still
exuded a youthful virility drawing plenty of attention from women of all ages.
She found him agreeable to look upon, and perhaps with time she could love him.
He was the perfect choice for a husband as he had wealth, a title, and he was
conveniently located in Bedford. Not to mention his handsomeness was legendary
in Bedford. But did he want a wife?

Lord Bedford
gripped the reins of his horse then tipped his hat. “Miss Fulton, lovely to see

Bedford, what a pleasant surprise.”

“I was on my
way to pay your family a visit when I saw you riding. How are you? You look
beautiful as always.”

“Thank you.
I'm quite well, my lord. I am out riding with my brother and B- Mr. Hadley.”

“Ah. May I
accompany you?” he asked and gave her a tight smile. His brown eyes crinkled at
the corners but they lacked the warmth Blake's dark eyes contained.

“I’d be
delighted, my lord.” She clicked the reins. She could see the small specks of
Dayton and Blake waiting near the tree line.

“Shall you be
attending the assembly?” Lord Bedford queried in a smooth, deep voice.

“Yes, I plan
to attend.”

“Then it
shall be worth it for me to attend.
Might I claim the first and last dances with you?” He watched her,
trying to judge her reaction to his request.

observations made her blush, but did not make her breathless the way Blake did
with his intense, quiet looks and proximity.

my lord,” Alice replied.

Now, how are the war heroes? Have they acclimated to country life once again?”
he drawled with polite interest.

Alice smiled
and replied, “They are well but you should ask them yourself, my lord.”

They rambled
amicably toward the two younger gentlemen. She sensed a change in them as she
neared. They were not the light-hearted, mischievous men she knew. The sober
and serious looks they exchanged right before Lord Bedford and she reached them
made her uneasy.

“Look who I
found in the meadow after the two of you decided to abandon me,” she teased to
lighten the mood.

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