The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge) (22 page)

BOOK: The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge)
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“I apologize, Master. I had thought the movements were simply a template from which to draw. I did not realize the importance of them. Forgive me,” he said eyes to the floor.

“I sense your repentance is genuine. Forgive me as well.”

“All is forgotten.”

“Then we are done for the day. I must ponder our next course of action. You have advanced so far in such a short time I must decide how to truly assess your mastery. Tonight you shall practice movements one through thirty-five without addition.”

They bowed to each other then Aratus retired to her study. In the past few months, this small oasis had become like a second home. Landon had never spent more time in any other place than the farm and that life was fading away. As he was embarking on this journey, he was becoming a different person. Already his physical appearance had changed drastically. Though he was quite fit when he started this endeavor, the remaining parts of him that were boyish had hardened into manhood. He had also grown almost a foot taller. He assumed it must have been something about this place. He always thought there was a divine blessing residing here, but was unsure. His growth was making him start to truly believe it.

Landon moved into his first position and began the movements in sequence. He had practiced them so many times before they were already reflexive. Swiftly and fluidly he moved from movement one to movement two onto thirty-one and thirty-two. The last few movements had becomes extremely complex, and, though they held many similar steps to the early movements, he continued to get confused. He repeated movements thirty-three, thirty-four, and thirty-five three times each until he was able to complete them perfectly. Then, he retired for the night.

Ascending the secret stairs to the inner cave, Landon could only dream of sleep. Each night it was his peace away from the work and the doom that lay before him. He had been given his own room a few nights into his stay on the second floor opposite from Aratus’. He relished the thought of his head settling into the soft mattress. As he entered the large chamber, he did not see Aratus waiting with supper. Usually, she would have their meals prepared at the end of the day. He thought this odd, but was not very hungry anyway. He decided to retire to his bedroom for the night. He headed for the stairs but before he was able to reach the second floor, Aratus appeared at the top of the stairs. Her hair was swept up into a large arrangement on her head keeping her face free. She wore an elegant, silver dress fitted to her body that ran down to her knees. Pointed directly at his face was the tip of her sword.

“Either you or I will not leave this place alive. I have been waiting for this moment since you arrived. Gavin has been informed of your presence and is eagerly waiting the opportunity to fight you should I fail.”

Landon stumbled down the stairs, but caught himself at the bottom. He couldn’t believe it. In an instant, everything he knew melted away. Aratus had betrayed him just as Gavin had. He knew he was right when he thought everyone held secrets. He shouldn’t have been so surprised. But he was. Even more than that, he felt rage. Rage from being betrayed again. It welled up in him forcing Landon into a crossroads. He had sworn never to kill again. He knew that all of this training prepared him for such a commitment, but until this moment he had felt as though there would be some other way. Now he understood. Sometimes to kill is a necessity. The bandit from so long ago had chosen his fate. Now, so had Aratus. He could not let her leave this room alive. If Gavin was on his way, he would use her body as a sign that he was not to be trifled with.

He sprinted up the stairs with his sword pointed at her body. The movements he had learned meant that this fight would be based on reflexes. The only decision he had to make was which movement to use. As he ascended the staircase, he chose number thirty-five. It was the last one he had practiced and the one he suspected Aratus would least likely expect.

He finally stepped into the landing and thrust his sword towards her chest. She easily parried, but Landon was expecting this. His next move was to step to the right and prepare for an attack. Aratus seemed uncertain of her next move. She was obviously trying to figure out Landon’s choice of movement. But the hesitation was a costly one, for it allowed Landon the chance to move around her again and switch to a second movement. He knew Aratus had cautioned against improvisation, but he decided this would be the only time. He moved into an attack toward her back designated as zone four. She barely had time to block and move out of the way.

Now she was on the defensive. Landon rarely had her in this position in his training and knew she would eventually twist her way out of it. He pressed her, moving her around the floor towards his room. She felt the pressure and moved a feint to deceive him. The move was all too recognizable and he did not fall into the trap. Suddenly, his instincts kicked in and he no longer thought; he only reacted.

The fight continued as though he was a spectator. He moved through his motions as fluidly as he ever had. Clarity filled his mind, and it seemed as though he knew every move his former master was going to make. Once she tricked him and moved into a dangerous position above him by leaping to the rail and catapulting over his head, but Landon recovered with a block on his back.

The fight ranged all over the room ultimately moving downstairs destroying the delicate seats around the fire. Landon wished he had his ring to absorb the flame to his advantage, though he did not need it. He had become a master of the blade equaling Aratus. With every move she made, he countered. When she moved to strike he parried and reposted only to be blocked. The stalemate raged for what seemed like hours. Finally, it came to a climax.

Aratus had just slid under an attack from Landon deflecting his blade and attempting to repost under his body. Landon had suspected the move and kicked over the remaining couch to suspend her motion. Once she had blocked him, he knew he needed to be on her left side. He leapt slightly before her attack, anticipating it, and landed on the other side. Aratus was unaware of the sudden repositioning completely committed to her motion. He kicked the couch just as she sliced upward causing her sword to impale its fabric and pulling the couch on top of her. She was pinned. Landon had won the fight and wanted to end the conflict for good. He raised his sword to strike, when a voice from behind forced his hand.

“Halt!” the voice commanded. “Stay your hand young one. Aratus has been beaten.”

Landon wheeled around to see a more than familiar face. “Godfrey?” he inquired.

“Indeed, it is I. I have been watching your studies for quite some time now. It was I who led Aratus to deceive you this night.”

“Deceive me?” he asked his head obviously spinning. “Then she is not in league with Gavin?”

“I’m afraid not. After your last lesson, we knew that you had advanced to the state of master. But we also knew that you would never be able to move beyond your training as long as you continued to think of her as master. You had to mentally separate yourself from her in order to be willing to defeat her or even kill her if needed. This is why I asked her to deceive you. You may help her up now.”

Landon had almost forgotten that she lay at his feet. This new found discovery trumped everything that had come before. He bent down to release the seat and aid Aratus to her feet.

“Well done. I am honored young master,” she said with a bow as she stood.

“How did you know that I was ready?”

“I knew you were ready when you easily acknowledged your error. Only a true master can receive correction as gracefully as you did. This was not about proving to me you were a master; it was about proving to you. Landon, you are ready.”

Though Landon felt so in his heart, he could not move forward until Godfrey explained everything to him. “Why were you not able to accompany me on this journey?”

“Come, Master Landon, we have much to discuss.”

Aratus led him up the stairs to reconnect with his old friend. They embraced then entered into her private chamber to answer his every question.





Chapter Twenty-One

The Revelations of Godfrey



Inside Aratus’ chamber Godfrey
had stalked over to a stool by the fire and set himself down uneasily onto it. He closed his eyes and let the warmth from the fire pour over him. He opened his eyes with a smile. “I never had the chance to say it, but happy birthday, my boy.”

With a smile Landon said,
“I do appreciate it. What kept you away?”

“Let me start by saying that things are not as they seem in the Realm. The history you know is not all truth. Camsbury
, for instance, was founded with a purpose much higher than Lord Malchus would have you believe.”

“I have no doubts about that. He is a
cruel man.”

“He is more than you realize,” Godfrey said cautiously.

“The only good he has ever done is to allow me to inherit the farm.”

“Ah, but he is not as generous as he seems; he keeps his own agenda.
I would not so easily have accepted this gift. But I suppose that is all too late now.”

“Godfrey, what do you mean?”

“Malchus has intentions far greater than being Sovereign. Those that own land in Camsbury, end up in his service.”

I have followed the same path,
Landon thought ruefully. “But serving him cannot really be as bad as you make out.”

“It will be worse than you know.
Long has he lived on this Earth. And long has he been Lord of Camsbury. In fact, he is the
y Lord to have ruled over the city.”

“Not so. There are myriad stories of the patriarchs. Why, I can name at least ten Lords of Camsbury off the top of my head: Lord Baldor, and his son Findal; then Lord Tybalt,
that makes three; Lord Rowan –”

“Those names are known, but the persons who embody them have never existed,” Godfrey interrupted. “They were perpetrated by Malchus to deceive.”

“For what purpose would Lord Malchus want to create false Lords?”

“We shall answer many questions tonight, but all in due time.

“Then answer me this. W
hy would he let me own the farm? He already controlled us. He sent Mordecai away on some mission.” Landon said.

“He did so
to test you.”

“Test me, for what purpose?” Landon inquired.

“He fears you.”

? I am a simple farmer’s son. What would he have to fear?” Godfrey paused. He was willing to reveal everything, but feared revealing too much too soon. He simply eyed Landon in response to his last question. “Then, at least tell me how you know so much.”

“For I am also not as I appear to be, and I am privy to certain knowledge that most men are not.
When last you met, Malchus told you a story I presume?”

“Yes, some story about heaven and rebellions. I do not quite remember. His point was well taken, though. If I am to be feared, why capture me then let me leave? Surely he could have found Aldous another way.”

“I suspect he was waiting on orders from his master.”

“What purpose would the Sovereign have with me?”

“You misunderstand. The realm of the master he serves is far greater than the bounds of this kingdom.”

“What new riddle do you speak of?” Landon asked
becoming agitated.

“That is a complex question with an even more involved response. Landon, truth has a way of changing things.
I think it is time you learn about everything, but the next few moments will change everything you have come to know. You will most likely hereafter spend your days watching behind you for what might be lurking in the shadows. Can you live with this?” Landon looked about him. He took in the shape of the dark walls of the chamber that had become his home and watched as the light from the fire danced about them. He thought of the consequences. Life had already changed so much since he was given his ring. Landon believed that nothing else could shake his foundations as this past year had.

“What more cou
ld Malchus do to me?” he said with a sigh.

“Very well.
Landon, there are forces for good in this world and forces for evil. Lord Malchus is part of the latter. He is a created being, as we all are, but his life spans a great many more decades than does a human’s. Some call his race angels, some call them demons, still others wizards, but whatever term you choose, he remains dangerous.

“The story he told of the ancient, furious battle fought many ages ago between the forces of good and evil is true. Good prevailed but there was a cost. The evil was cast down from Heaven and has reigned here on Earth ever since. These Fallen Angels have lived here portraying themselves as humans waiting for their chance to exact revenge. They have weeded their way into many positions of paramount in this world.”


“Very good . . . As they were cast down, they had to leave behind their glorious armor.
It was destroyed so that no evil could exist in Heaven. However, the head of this angelic order, Asriel, secretly had five stones saved from his breastplate and cast down to earth. He has been searching for them since. With them he plans to take his revenge and overthrow God on his throne. Knowing the evil in the hearts of the fallen, God sent an army of angels after them to keep watch over their deeds and to locate and destroy the five stones. Yours is the first to be found. What happened to the others is unknown, but until they are destroyed the angelic host must remain on the earth. Your father, Landon, was a part of this host of angels living on earth to complete the task appointed to him by God.” Landon head swarmed with wonder and disbelief.

“If he was an angel, how did he die?”
he asked critically.

“Your father was living in Camsbury keeping an eye on Lord Malchus. During that time, he met and fell in love with a human woman. You were a result of that marriage. In doing so, he violated the angelic law and his punishment was death. Your mother’s death was a tragic accident.”

“How did she die?”

“A band of angels were sent to bring him to justice, but Catherine was unwilling for that to happen. She fought against them and was thrown to the ground in the scuffle. Jediael, filled with passion, drew his sword and rushed to her defense. That act alone gave the angels legal standing to use their own force to exact justice. They seized your father and put him to death, but not before your mother jumped in the way once again to stop them. She was too late and was killed in the process. Thus they both died together.”

“You make it sound as if
angels were the fallen ones. How could they be so cruel?!”

“Holiness means perfection, Landon. There cannot be any within the Heavenly realm that are marked with disobedience and passion. That was your father’s crime. Your mother made her own choice. Those that killed her were filled with grief from doing so.” Landon sat quietly for a long moment to absorb and process this knowledge.

“You could have told me sooner,” he said sadly.

“It would have been foolish of me to try. Only this journey could have opened your eyes and made you ready to accept this truth.”

Suddenly, Landon had an epiphany. “If my dad was an angel, then, that means I would have to be a . . .”

“Yes, Landon, you are a Nephil; half human, half angel. At the time of your birth Lord Malchus was aware of an angel watching him
, and he had knowledge that this angel broke the laws and had a son. However, he does not know who this child was, which is most likely the reason he called you to see him. Jediael was one of only a handful of fathers in Camsbury who died that same year. I suspect Malchus has been looking into all of their sons.”

“You have revealed much about me, my father, and the Lord of
my town, but you have remained silent on your origins.”

“That is a conversation for another day. What is important right now is that you retrieve your ring from Gavin. Afterward, we must endeavor to find the remaining four. Once we do we can see them destroyed. And we must do so quickly
, for two of the Lords have already formed an alliance again, and I fear war will soon erupt in this realm.”

“Then you are to accompany
me to Camsbury?”

“Nay, I must meet you in Ellington in one week. We
will search for the daughter of Lord Dawson together. It is of the utmost importance that you defeat Gavin and keep the ring out of Malchus’ hands.”

“Leaving now is of the utmost importance. You should gather your affects but do not take too much time; we haven’t much to waste.” Landon left Godfrey to see to packing his belongings. He opened a cloth sack and inserted all the valuable items he owned along with a few pieces of bread. Then, he rolled up his cloth sack and slung it over his shoulder.

“My boy, you look ever the warrior your father was.” He smiled at Landon with a nostalgic look in his eye.

rest of the night followed all too quickly for Landon. He had spent the entire night with Godfrey learning the truth about himself, and now he was preparing himself for the journey back to Camsbury to confront his enemy. The answers he received swam in his head.

Landon took his pack and slung it once again around Aquila’s saddle. It was during the night that Landon discovered she had been with him all along being taken care of by Godfrey. Aratus’ chamber doubled also as an exit to the outer world. The opposite end of her room contained a door that led upstairs to the forest and lake from which the waterfall came.

At first Landon felt misled. He had worried the past few months about what had become of his mare, and was angered to know she was no more than five hundred feet from him the whole time. But last night Godfrey explained the need to remove all ties to his former life. He needed to feel as though he truly had no option but to stay and train. Godfrey knew all too well that if there was an opportunity to leave without finishing his training, Landon might have taken it. Landon understood and forgave the deception.

Now, none of it mattered. Godfrey had departed at the end of their conversation claiming some new urgent errand before they met again in Ellington. But before he left, he gave Landon a shortcut to his hometown. The trip to Aratus had taken nearly a week through the Arden, down the pass and towards Rindland. Now, he could descend the opposite side of the mountain and race across the valley floor in only a day. It amazed Landon to realize how incredibly small his world really was.

This morning Landon had enjoyed himself to a large breakfast at the hand of his former master. They ate like kings in the early morning dew, and Landon couldn’t help but think that this could be one of his last breakfasts. He hated to acknowledge the possibility and instead turned his mind to other important errands left unfinished. He thought about the Mistress of Ellington lost somewhere in the world. Once he finished his task and retrieved his ring that was his next priority. He also considered the possibility of taking Malchus down with Gavin, but decided that was only a possibility if necessary. His cruelty would have to wait. It was in thinking about Malchus’ cruelty that he remembered Daxis.

The last time he had seen Daxis, he was chained in the dungeon of the Lord’s castle. Gavin assured him that he was to be tortured, and it pained Landon to know that he wasn’t there to help. He wished that he had discovered the power of his ring sooner. He knew that Malchus wanted to make the torture last as long as possible. He hoped beyond hope that Malchus had not finished with Daxis, yet. Though last they met he was unsure of the man, Landon had grown a fondness for him. He did not want his friend to suffer. But it might be the only thing that keeping him alive. Landon decided that if against all odds he defeated Gavin, and Daxis was still alive, he would do everything in his power to save him.

After a long morning, Landon was finally packed and ready to go. Aratus had remained with him the entire time refusing to miss his departure. She had become the only true friend Landon really had in this lonely world, and he was going to miss her terribly. He promised to visit when he was finished with his tasks. Aratus knew the slim possibility of this for she as well had many great adventures and tasks left to tend to, but she too had grown fond of him. Their short time together had created a trust and a bond only a master and an apprentice could appreciate. They embraced one last time before Landon saddled up.

As he mounted Aquila, his eyes welled up. He was going to miss this place and his master. Though she had taught him everything in the style of the Eagle, he knew that there was so much more he didn’t know. He wished he could stay and learn the rest of his life. But it wasn’t just leaving Aratus that Landon had a problem with. It was leaving this place. He had never seen anything like it before, and to him, it was the realm’s only state of perfection. He knew divinity rested there, and it pained him to leave that behind.
There was no use lingering when such an important task lay ahead of him. Landon said goodbye to Aratus and turned into the rising sun to set out on quite possibly his final journey.

He set his heels into his horse, and she bolted from the mountaintop with the enormous lake on his right. As he rode through the light forest and past the high mountain lake, he noticed a difference in Aquila. She seemed stronger, faster, more confident. It seemed as though he was not the only one who acquired training. He leaned forward and spurred her on.

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