The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge) (9 page)

BOOK: The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge)
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Look at this place,” Landon said trying to catch his breath.

“We are at Daxis’ house.”

“He lives here?” he said pointing to the dilapidated roof of the house.

“Aye, few know the way. Shall we?” he asked motioning Landon towards the door.

“Such an odd place to live hidden in this strange courtyard from the public?”

“He has need for secrecy.”

“Is he home?”

“Nay, but he will be shortly.”

“‘Tis rude to enter a man’s house when he is not at home.”

“Aye, it is,” the monk said as he walked up to the door of the house. Taking out a key, he unlocked the door and it creaked loudly as it swung open. “Lucky f
or us, I am the master of this house.”









Landon entered the building filled with shock. This humble friar standing before him was all an act. He felt foolish and annoyed at having been tricked. But he also knew that Godfrey had a purpose in sending him to this man. So, setting aside his passion, he thought it best to give him an honest chance. As he entered the building, he noticed that there were many scrolls lying strewn about the one room house. Daxis’ home was quite small yet did not lack for amenities. He had, it seemed, everything he could possibly need. If Landon had not known better, he would have thought that this man was descended from a line of kings. Daxis moved towards a luxurious set of chairs and angled them towards one another so the two of them could talk. Sitting down Landon felt very uneasy. Daxis spoke first.

“I apologize for my deception, but it was necessary. There are many who come calling for my services, and I am afraid to say that nowadays I am not exactly on the right side of the law, if you get my meaning.”

“So you live hidden away.”


“Many in town believe you a myth to be feared.”

“Oh, I am to be feared, Landon. You have no idea how many people have died at my hands.” Landon’s uneasiness began to worsen. “As for the myth, the people are superstitious at best. When they cannot understand events, they resort to flights of imagination. I cannot say that I blame them. Though I must say,” he chuckled, “I would not take any of their children even if they left them at my doorstep. Dreadful little beasts.”

“Then I take it you are not a monk?” Landon asked

“Good heavens, no! I could never adhere to their rigid rules! It does work as a great cover, though.”

Afraid to inquire, but knowing it was inevitable Landon asked, “What is it you do exactly?”

“Ah, now we get to the heart of it. Let me begin with a tale of old. Perhaps you have heard of the legend of the Five Stones of Revenge?” When Landon did not react, he disappointedly carried on. “The Five Stones are magical stones that were once set upon a great warrior’s breastplate. The warrior’s name has been lost to history, but what
known is that he led a great host in a glorious battle; the likes of which have never been seen again. His plans were flawless, his timing perfect. There were none who could defeat him in single combat save one, his brother, and they stood apart.

“It so happened that in the midst of this battle, when all of the warrior’s forces were drawing around the capitol and victory seemed eminent, his brother stood before them blocking the way. He intended to fight the entire army alone if need be. The warrior, however, devised an ingenious ploy. He decided to challenge his brother to fight one-on-one. If he won, he would never lose the respect of his army. He would solidify his rule forever. In the warrior’s pride and rage he attacked his brother foolishly thinking himself to have become more powerful. It was a short but decisive fight, and in the end, the warrior was defeated. Immediately his army surrendered upon the battle field, but four of his closest allies, knowing they would be banished, schemed to steal his armor from the enemy and destroyed it saving five stones. They then dispatched the stones to the furthest reaches of the world. It is said that whosoever possesses any one of these stones would wield immense power.

“It is in search of these stones that I have spent my life. In my younger days, I sought others who would engage in the quest with me. Many expeditions did I pursue with many a young warrior seeking fame, but in the end the chase took them. We scoured the realm and beyond following rumors and hints only to come up empty. All of my companions died along the way, and I always returned, the lone survivor of the party. Each time became harder for me. Families of the deceased sought to stone me or hang me in their grief, but always I was found innocent and vengeance never came.

“Then Evelyn came into my life. By that time I had matured and rarely sought for quests. I studied a great deal, acquired many scrolls on the Stones, and I knew how to discern between wild myth and hard evidence. And occasionally, this evidence would lead me on a quest. It was during one of these that we met.

“I was in Firaburg staying at a small inn to rest from my long travels. That evening, as I was entertaining myself with a draught of ale, in walked the most beautiful woman I had ever set my eyes on. Her hair was as dark as night covered slightly by a light brown hood. Her sky blue eyes shone brightly from underneath. She wore a tight jerkin of leather and at her side hung a slender blade. Upon her hand was a large white signet ring indicating nobility. She seemed to glide into the room yet it was obvious she was a woman of fierce passion.

“She took her place beside me and ordered for herself a tankard. I exclaimed my surprise at her purchase and we soon struck up a conversation. She was the most exquisite lady. Her voice was smooth and melodic. Every word dripped from her lips and I drunk them all up. The conversation ranged from politics to history to romance. Her bright blue eyes stared deeply into mine as we talked long into the night. The glint in her eyes told me she was attracted to me. She was like no other woman I had known. The morning soon came and we were forced to part. But over the next week we saw each other every day. We found secret moments within our days to sneak off to the romantic spots in Firaburg. She made me smile like no other.

“Before long she joined my quest. In that short time, we fell in love. Through many dangers and long travels, we fancied a rich life together once we returned with one of the Stones. We believed we would set ourselves up as King and Queen of the Realm and live out our days in luxury. But alas, it was not to be. Upon reaching our destination, we quickly discovered a trap set for us by an old lover of Evelyn’s. Before we had our bearings, a group of men ambushed us. I stood my ground against four of them, but a fifth man attacked her from behind and pierced her heart. She died instantly. In my fury, I slew all leaving the killer for last. He ran, but I tracked him down and tore him apart one piece at a time for each fragment of my shattered heart.

“I returned to town with her body to be burned upon a pyre. As I arrived, I was seized by guards and Lord Malchus accused me of killing his Lady. I defied him and claimed her as my wife, but he pointed to the great white signet ring upon her hand carrying his crest. Unwittingly, I had committed adultery of the worse kind and sought to escape. I fought my way out of their grasp and ran to the only place I could for sanctuary, the cathedral. A kindly priest granted me sanctuary and showed me this hidden house,” he explained motioning with his hands to the building in which they sat. “I have lived here ever since, hiding from Malchus who intends to put me to death.”

“I still do not understand why Godfrey sent me here for help.”

“Godfrey has always been a man of mysteries, but since I am the foremost expert on the Stones of Revenge, perhaps he believes you to possess one of them.”

“How can that be?” Landon asked in surprise. “All I have on me is this gift from my father-” He stopped, fathoming Godfrey’s words from his letter. “He said, ‘We will have need of it soon. He must think it’s a power he can use to stop the war.”

“I know nothing of this. I never expected a stone to be set within a ring,” Daxis said. “May I inspect it?”

Landon hesitated.
What if it does contain some great power and he knows how to use it? What if he takes the ring for himself?
  He glared at the eccentric man trying to ascertain his intentions. Warily he slipped the ring off of his finger and handed it to Daxis who held it up to a candle. He watched as the light shined through it and reflected from it. Then he grabbed a tool with a sharp end from the table before him and lightly ran its point across the red surface. Setting that tool down, he grabbed another and measured the size of the stone. An ink quill and some paper sat nearby. He walked over to them and recorded what he noticed. Then shuffling through a pile of scrolls, he retrieved one flipped through it. At long last he said slowly, “The stone matches this description, but I am wary to believe it to be one of The Five.” He handed the scroll to Landon meanwhile slipping the ring on his finger and holding it up to the light again.

“But how would we know for certain?”

“The stones are supposed to contain great power. Without some demonstration of that power, there is no way to be positive. However, the tests I performed on the stone are quite accurate. When I shined the light through the ring it reflected prisms of light I had never seen before. Like these.” He held the ring up to a candle so that it projected a glow upon the wall. Dozens of red lines zigzagged each other. “Notice how the lines intersect creating a pattern but not a pattern. That is quite unusual. These patterns so complex, they indicate the stone is a mixture of every jewel ever created. Along with the strength of the stone, I can only say that this stone is stronger and different from any other stone I have ever encountered.”

“Then it is one of the Stones,” Landon said eagerly.

“Once again, nothing can be proven unless its power was unlocked, but based on my expertise. . .” Daxis paused for effect, “I would bet my life on it!” He finished with a smile holding it up to his eye admiring it.

“Are you telling me that this gem has some magical power?”

“Aye, and in a ring no less. Never did I imagine…” he mumbled to himself examining it. “However, this inscription puzzles me. You said your father had it engraved for you?”

“Aye,” Landon confirmed.

“Perhaps he knew more of the origins of this stone than you know. This riddle could be the key to unlocking its power. Aldous in Ellinton would know; he is a master of riddles and magic.”

Daxis hurried to a wall and snatched a sack from it. He meandered through the house filling the sack with various items one would need for a long journey. When he finished, he handed the sack over to Landon. In the light, Landon saw that his countenance looked lighter. His stance was slightly taller and he looked younger somehow. He saw him as the daring adventurer he claimed to be. And he would have been excited to have this man join him on his quest, but there lingered in the room unease between the two which could be cut with a knife. And, still, he had not returned his ring.

The two men stood facing each other. Landon was unsure if he was going to have to fight Daxis for the ring or if it was going to be returned to him. But before he got the chance to demand its return, the door burst forth and a line of guards, with swords drawn, poured into his house surrounding them. The guards aimed the tips of the swords at the two men. Outside a familiar voice rang.

“Daxis, I have you at last!”

“Malchus,” Daxis said with disgust. “How did you find me here?”

He chuckled. “Landon here made quite a fuss upon entering the cathedral. So much so that one of my men was disturbed in his prayers. Long have I instructed my men to keep a close watch on any strange activities within the church walls. For on that day you escaped me, I saw you enter this church, but never have you left. I knew you had to be hidden somewhere within. My man, having been roused from his solemnity, watched the two of you disappear behind a wall. He immediately left the church and alerted me at once. It was not long before we discovered your hidden tunnels which led here. Quite clever I might say.” Landon gave Daxis a look of contrition at having been the reason for his capture. Daxis returned with an understanding glance. Malchus then turned his attention upon Landon. “But you, son, never did I expect to be in league with the likes of his kind. You must come with us as well. Guards!” At once the armed men seized both Landon and Daxis.

Bound around the arms and held by two burly guards, Landon was helpless as all of his effects were taken. The first guard seized his sword from his hip and carelessly tossed it to another standing nearby. Malchus took exception with this and slapped the man across the face for his carelessness. “Fool! That sword is worth more than your life. Be gone from me!” Two large guards seized him and dragged him back into the tunnels.

A new guard stepped in to replace him. Next they searched his person and found the letter from Godfrey. This was carefully removed and handed over to Malchus as well. Landon fought to break free, but the strength of the two holding him forced him to end the struggle. Satisfied that nothing remained, they pushed Landon forward from the spot where he was standing and caused him to stumble to the ground. Then, not caring to help him onto his feet, the guards dragged him into the stone corridor.

Daxis was not so lucky. His entire house was stripped for valuable items and the guards would strike him from time to time claiming he was trying to escape. Malchus permitted it all and smiled as each fist landed into Daxis’ midsection or on his face. Malchus’ contempt for Daxis was palpable. By the time the guards had finished ransacking his house, he was bleeding badly, and his house was nearly destroyed. None of the scrolls he had acquired remained in an orderly condition. He was then dragged into the corridor as Landon had been just minutes earlier.

“Burn it,” Malchus ordered, then turned to follow the prisoners. The guards doused the house in flames destroying all valuable information Daxis had acquired on the Stones of Revenge.

Once in the corridor, Landon scrambled for something to catch his foot on that would allow him to stand, but the smooth surface provided nothing. It was only once they reached the steps that Landon was able to pull himself upright. However, at the top of the stairs, where the trap door to the sanctuary existed, Landon tripped and once again was being dragged by the guards. He slid through the church and out into the open square where a number of people had gathered.

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