The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge) (18 page)

BOOK: The Awakening (The Stones of Revenge)
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Believing to have found the exit, he hurriedly followed the path. Still the ringing grew even louder. The corridors were narrow and reminded him very much of Aldous’. The hallway was quite short, however, because within ten paces he ran into a solid wood door. There was a large ring halfway down the door on the right side which Landon pulled. Nothing happened. He pulled harder and still nothing moved. Landon decided to push. Slowly the door creaked open allowing light to pour into the room. He looked back to the room he had been staying in. It was a wide, circular room as he had guessed. There were few decorations, but the room looked almost fit for a noble. He opened the door completely and was momentarily blinded from the light. He blew the candle out and set it on the ground.

As he opened the door, he realized why the ringing had grown so loud. Standing before him, at the end of a large corridor of rock, was a waterfall. He was on the inside, hidden. Landon moved toward the deafening fountain and saw that there was no way around the water. If he wanted to know what lay on the other side, he had to venture through the cascade. He was certain a large lake hundreds of feet below lay at the other end, but he was feeling bold enough to risk it. Whoever had brought him here might be nearby and he would prefer to meet them on his terms not theirs. He took a small step back to plant his feet and with all the courage and strength he could muster sprinted towards the water.

With every step closer his heart beat harder and harder. Landon silently prayed a long fall was not on the other side. As he neared the water he closed his eyes and threw himself forward with all of his might. He felt the rush of freezing water envelope his body and the pressure from the fall thrust him downward. Then almost as suddenly as the water hit him it was gone and he was through. His body sailed through the air, and he felt his stomach drop as he anticipated the coming weightlessness. Instead all he got was a rough landing in a deep pool of water.

Landon swam to the surface only to find that the cave behind the waterfall lay only a few feet above the surface. He looked about him at the lush oasis nestled into the mountains. He couldn’t believe this place existed. All kinds of green plants grew along the slopes of the mountainside. Fertile grass sat along the lakeside with a few large trees growing from it. Above, Landon saw the source of the cascade. It had to be at least five hundred feet above the surface. The water fell into the lake then ran into a stream which flowed out into the rock face. Amazement poured over him as he paddled himself over to the edge of the water. Pulling himself onto the embankment Landon couldn’t help but wonder what kind of person lived here. He looked around for signs of anyone, but there was nothing. The only logical step was to follow the stream as it ran away from the fall and into the mountainside.

He walked along the water’s edge until he ran into the rock. There was no way to walk alongside the stream because the mountains themselves created a natural sieve which funneled the lake into a current. The only way out it seemed was to swim the river. Landon, however, was not the best swimmer and did not feel confident enough to brave the rapids through what had to be treacherous currents. He realized he was trapped in an oval shaped natural prison. He finally understood why he had no chains. There was no need for them. The landscape provided was enough. Defeated, he lay down onto the cool grass letting the sun warm him. He lay for quite some time pondering who possibly could have abducted him. He worried it might be Gavin come to finish the job or someone worse. He worried about Aquila and where she might be. He worried until he fell asleep dreaming of his worries.

It wasn’t long until a noise roused him from his slumber. Alert but confused, Landon sat up quickly. He managed to unsheathe his sword while moving to a kneeling position. A feat not easily accomplished. Once done, he looked about him for the source of the noise. He noticed a small boat tied to the edge of the lake a few paces from his position which he had not seen before. He saw no one about, however. Then suddenly he heard a gasp from behind and a scared female voice.

“Please do not hurt me, kind sir. I mean you no harm.”

“Why have you brought me here?” Landon demanded wheeling around to face her.

“You were injured. I only meant to help,” the woman said. “Please put away your weapon.”

Landon saw that she was a beautiful woman, slightly older than he, and realized she was no threat. He resheathed his sword. “I do not know who you are, but I would appreciate your telling me how I might be on my way. I have a very important errand to attend to that is time sensitive.”

“Oh I can help you, I can, but you must not leave yet in your condition. You were badly hurt when I found you. Now that you are awake you are in need of food. I will make us something to eat then I will guide you on your way.” Realizing there was no point in arguing and that he needed her assistance, Landon acquiesced. He may have been her prisoner but only so long as he allowed himself to be.

He watched as she retrieved two rabbits from the boat and cooked them over a fire. His stomach grumbled with the thought of hot meat in it again. The last time he had eaten this good, was with Gavin in the Arden. He sat down beside the fire and eagerly received the handful of food the strange woman had given him. He ate it ravenously forgoing all manners. The woman blushed at his appetite. As he finished his second serving the woman became interested in him.

“What is this important errand you are on?” she inquired.

“I am looking for a master swordsman,” Landon said flatly focused more on his food than the conversation.

“Where does this master swordsman live?” she continued.

“I do not know exactly,” he answered with flesh still in his mouth. “I was on my way to find him, when I was ambushed by the men.”

“If you do not know where he is, then how can you hope to find him?”

He was becoming slightly irritated at the inquiry into his personal matters, but still Landon answered trying to conceal his true feelings. “I was following a riddle given to me by a sage.  It was leading me towards Rindland where I was to find the answers. This sidetrack is putting many individuals at grave risk.”

“Hmm. . . It does sound as though you are on a quest of mighty importance. Perhaps I can assist you in your search. I know many things of this part of the world. Perchance I know the master you seek. What is his name?”

“I highly doubt a poor, lonely girl living alone in the mountains would have knowledge of the greater world,” Landon retorted with a sense of cynicism in his voice rivaling that of Gavin’s.

“You doubt my knowledge. I see. Then I must be of no use to you. Farewell then, good gentlemen, I will retire to my indolent life. Good luck on your journey.” The woman rose to her feet to leave and Landon realized his mistake. In questioning her ability to help he had denied the very fact that she was the only one who could lead him out of this quandary he was in.

“Wait. I apologize. I did not mean to offend. It’s just that I have seen so many things so far in my journey that I have apparently become more cynical than I realize. I will be frank if you will promise to aid me.”

The woman hesitated then turned to face Landon. “I agree.”

“Thank you. The Master’s name is Aratus. Know you anyone by that name?”

“Indeed. I am quite familiar with this Aratus,” the woman said with a smile.

“Could you take me to him?” Landon asked with bewilderment.

“I cannot.”

“But you just promised to help me!”

“I did, but you have not told me all of your tale. What is it that Aratus can help you with?”

“I am to learn at his hand how to become a master swordsman myself. With his training I will be able to reclaim what is mine and take vengeance upon a murderer.

“Then it is justice you seek?”

“Aye, but more than that. What was taken from me is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.”

“And yours are the right hands?”

This thought had not occurred to Landon. Surely he trusted himself, for the ring was his. But what would make someone else trust him? “I cannot give you assurance that mine are the best hands other than to say that the object belongs to me, and I was sent by Aldous to find Master Aratus. So, will you take me to him? ”

“As I mentioned before, I cannot take you to him.”

“How longwill you play this game?”

I cannot take you to him, for Aratus is not a
. She is a

“Aratus is a woman?” Landon asked finding himself becoming more astonished the longer he spent with this strange lady.

“Does it surprise you to learn this?”

“It does indeed. Aldous said the master was a man.”

“Perhaps you did not listen to him carefully. I do not think wise Aldous would have made that mistake. He knew quite well who Master Aratus is.”

“You know Aldous?” Landon said feeling as though there was more to this woman than meets the eye.

“Who does not know of him? Even I in my humble surroundings have heard his name mentioned. I am more surprised to know that
were acquainted with him.”

“Our time was brief. He is now dead.”

“Then it truly is a sad day.” She said pausing with obvious sorrow. “The sun is passing overhead. We have much work to do.”

Landon was baffled. “Is the journey to Aratus long?”

“Nay, she is very close. Unsheath your sword.”

Landon knew not what the woman was up to, but he had insulted her once with the result of almost being stuck in this place. He did not want to do it again. He drew
from its sheath. Then the woman did something even odder. She left him standing in the glade with sword drawn as she retired to her boat. She rummaged for quite a while until finally retrieving a sword of her own. It was the most delicate and fierce weapon Landon had ever seen. Its blade was slender with a slight curve to it and two rubies embedded into the base of the blade. It was a very elegant weapon. He wondered how this poor woman came to own it. She moved to a position in front of Landon and held the sword vertically in front of her. Landon knew not what to do.

“Is that your best defensive stance?” she said with incredulity.

“I do not have time to teach you how to fight. I need to find Aratus so he- er,
, can teach me.”

“Silly boy, you do not understand. I am not asking you to teach me. I am assessing your skill.”

“Why don’t you let Aratus do that? Why must you stall instead of lead me to her?”

“I will make a deal with you. We will spar. If you win, we will leave immediately, but if I win, you must wait until I am ready.”

“Fine. Let us begin,” he said uninterested.

Landon raised his sword above his head to prepare his defense. The lady remained in hers. For a long moment neither of them moved expecting the other person to attack first. Landon did not want to hurt the woman and it seemed as though the woman was at complete peace standing ready. Finally, Landon could not take the silence and lunge forward slashing his sword at the lady’s midsection. He did not want to hurt her so his thrust was only half-hearted. As his blade came close to the lady’s side she flung her sword and knocked his out of the way. Landon felt the power she held in her grip as his sword flew back almost out of his hands. She returned to her poised position. She was not taking this lightly and apparently Landon shouldn’t either. He returned to his position and decided to change his approach. She somehow knew enough about swordplay to defend herself. Landon was certain, though, that her skill was rudimentary at best. This time he would try a trick move.

Landon took a step to his left while keeping his sword in the air. Then he swung it towards her head from the right while stepping back towards that direction. The lady did not react. Landon continued his move by rotating his wrists and turning the sword from the right side of the lady’s head to the left side of her body. Again, she swung her sword to deflect Landon’s but this time there was a much fiercer aspect to her defense. Landon’s sword was struck so hard it flew from his hand and landed a few feet away against the trunk of a tree. She moved back to her original position. Landon stood before her confused. He was weaponless and beginning to understand that this woman was not some simple mountain girl. In her eyes was a calm ferocity.

“Who are you?” he asked.

name is Aratus, Master of the blade. The one whom you seek,” she answered with a bow.

“Of course you are,” Landon said remembering his encounters with both Daxis and Aldous.  Both times they had pretended to be someone else. He wondered if everyone had a false identity.

“You deceive me.”

“I thought it best to discover your true intentions before agreeing to train you.”

“You will train me, then?”

“Perhaps. The task will not be easy. You have much to learn and much pain to suffer before the end. I only ask that you be honest with me. What is the object you seek?”

Landon realized that his only hope lay in trusting this woman implicitly. He wasn’t sure if it was wise, but he had run out of options.

“It is a ring. It contains one of the five Stones of Revenge empowering the wearer with the ability to control fire. The one who has taken it is an evil man who would use it to subject the world under his power. I must defeat him in order to stop that from happening.”

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