The Air-Raid Warden Was a Spy: And Other Tales From Home-Front America in World War II (43 page)

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Authors: William B. Breuer

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BOOK: The Air-Raid Warden Was a Spy: And Other Tales From Home-Front America in World War II
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Author’s archives.

Notes and Sources

31. An Overseer of GI Morals

Washington Post, January 6, 1944. Author’s archives.

32. Top-Secret Projects Opened to Women

Jeanne Holm, Women in the Military (Novato, CA: Presidio, 1982), p. 60. Author interview with Major General John K. Singlaub (Ret.).

33. Roosevelt: Chloroform Drew Pearson

Ted Morgan, FDR (New York: Dutton, 1985), p. 561. Charles R. Codman, Drive (Boston, Little, Brown, 1957), p. 154. Dwight Eisenhower letter to George Patton, December 17, 1943. Eisenhower Library,
Abilene, Kansas.

34. An Ace German Operative

Author’s archives. Don Whitehead, The FBI Story, pp. 197–198.

Part Five—On the Road to Victory

1. Hoodwinking Hitler from New York

Dwight Eisenhower letter to General Brehon Somervell, May 12, 1944. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas. Frederick Morgan, Overture to Overlord (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1950), p.

127. Author’s archives.
2. A Spy in Allied Headquarters?
Author’s archives.
3. Two Broadcast Rivals Called Up
Kenneth Bilby, The General (New York: Harper & Row, 1986), p. 146. William S. Paley, As It Happened (New York: Doubleday, 1979), p. 200.
4. Tributes to a Fallen Female Pilot

Sally V. Keil, Those Wonderful Women in Their Flying Machines (New York: Rawson, Wade, 1979), pp. 234–235. Author’s archives.

5. Cheers for a Lady
Sally V. Keil, Those Wonderful Women in Their Flying Machines, p. 258. Author’s archives.
6. D Day Anxieties and Prayers
Washington Post, June 7, 1944. Philadelphia Inquirer, June 7, 1944. Atlanta Constitution, June 7, 1944. Ohio State Journal, June 7, 1944. New York Herald Tribune, June 8, 1944. Author interview with John H. “Beaver” Thompson (1994).
7. A Virginia Town Is Jolted
Author interview with Donald McKee, former National Commander of the 29th Infantry Division Association.
8. Calamity at Port Chicago
San Francisco Examiner, July 19, 1944. Studs Terkel, The Good War (New York: Harper, 1958), p. 397. New York Times, July 20, 1944.
9. Secret Project in a Movie Studio
Lou Cannon, President Reagan (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991), p. 485. Author’s archives.
10. WASPs Test New B-29
Author’s archives.
11. The Fable of Fala
Author’s archives.

12. Roosevelt’s Foe Keeps a Secret
Richard N. Smith, Thomas E. Dewey and His Times (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), p. 426. “Statement for Record of Participation by Brigadier General Carter W. Clarke in the Transmittal of Letters from General George C. Marshall to Governor Thomas E. Dewey, in September 1944,” p. 3, Record Group 547. National Archives, Washington, D.C.

13. A Father-and-Daughter Spy Team
FBI interrogation transcripts of interviews with Simon Emil Koedel and Marie Hedwig
New York Times, October 24, 26, 30, 1944, January 2, 1945.
Author’s archives.
14. Stumbling into a World Series
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 2, 1944. Author’s archives.
15. A Riot Erupts in New York City
New York Times, October 15, 1944. Newsweek, November 27, 1943. Stars and Stripes, June 18, 1945.
16. Dark Intruders Sneak Ashore
New York Times, January 2, 1945. David Kahn, Hitler’s Spies (New York: Macmillan, 1975), p. 13. New York Herald Tribune, January 2, 1945. Don Whitehead, The FBI Story, p. 206. FBI transcript of interrogation of Erich Gimpel, January 2, 1945.
17. Robot Bombs Threaten East Coast
New York Herald Tribune, January 9, 1945. Washington Post, January 9, 1945.

18. The Führer Staggers America
Don Whitehead, The FBI Story, p. 241. George S. Patton, Jr., War As I Knew It (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1947), p. 247. Henry L. Stimson papers, December 28, 1944. Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut. Author’s archives.

19. Back Home for Christmas
Author’s archives.

Notes and Sources

20. Episode on a Florida Bus
Walter White, A Rising Sun (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1945), p. 123.
21. A GI Changes His Mind
Yank magazine, February 1945.

Part Six—The Lights Go On Again

1. A Blaze of Glory
Washington Post, February 3, 1945. New York Times, February 7, 1945. Author’s archives.
2. A “Byrne-out” Hits the Nation
Author’s archives.
3. “It Was His Duty”
Author interview with Robert W. Prince. Denver Post, February 2, 1945.
4. A Battered Warrior Limps Home
Author’s archives.
5. Visit by a Navy Chaplain
John Delaney, America Triumphs (New York: Walker, 1994), p. 50.
6. “Will I Be Able to See?”
Author correspondence with Charles A. Boswell Jr. and with Kitty (Mrs. Charles A. Sr.) Boswell.
7. “Franklin Died Like a Soldier”
John Toland, The Last 100 Days (New York: Random House, 1968), p. 417. Washington Post, April 13, 15, 17, 1945. New York Times, April 14, 15, 1945.
8. Mama Truman Visits the White House
Washington Post, May 13, 15, 1945.
9. GIs’ Best Friend Dies in Battle
New York Times, April 20, 1945. St. Louis Post-Dispatch, April 21, 1945. Stars and Stripes, April 20, 1945.
10. Restrained Joy Breaks Out
New York Times, May 9, 1945. Time, May 12, 1945.
11. Two Old Friends Meet
Author interview with Cecil Sanders, 1991.
12. Poll: Hang Hirohito
Author’s archives.
13. “Your Son Is Close to Death”
Author correspondence with Robert J. Dole. Author’s archives.
14. A Rain of Explosive Balloons
Author’s archives.
15. Paratroopers in Operation Firefly
Author interview with Lieutenant Colonel Bradley Biggs (Ret.).
16. A Purple Heart Parade
New York Times, June 16, 1945.
17. Plane Crashes into Skyscraper
New York Times, June 16, 1945.

18. An Invasion of German Scientists
Lucius D. Clay, Decision in Germany (New York: Random House, 1950), pp. 212–213. “History of Army Air Force’s Participation in Project Paperclip [formerly Overcast],” August 6, 1945, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Frederick Ordway III and Mitchell Sharpe, The Rocket Team (New York: Crowell, 1979), p. 283. Author interview with Dr. Walter Wiesman, a member of the German rocket team.

19. Curious Happenings in Utah
Author’s archives.
20. A Haunting Prediction
Leslie M. Groves, Now It Can Be Told (New York: Da Capo, 1962), p. 324. Stanley Weintraub, Long Day’s Journey into War (New York: Dutton, 1990), p. 387. Author’s archives.
21. Proposed Use of Disabling Gas
Author’s archives.
22. “I Was Thinking about Our Boys”
Leslie M. Groves, Now It Can Be Told, pp. 339–340.
23. “Let’s Take a Second Day Off!”
Washington Post, August 15, 1945. Time, August 18, 1945. Author’s archives.
24. A Nation Goes Wild
San Francisco Chronicle, August 15, 1945. Chicago Tribune, August 15, 1945. Los Angeles Times, August 15, 1945.
25. A GI Refugee Returns
Author’s archives.
26. “Experts” Visualize Crime Wave
Author’s archives.


Academy, The (Nazi espionage center), 37 Akers, Lt. Anthony, 63 Aks, Sgt. David, 184 Alden, Capt. Carlos C., 65 America First Committee, 6, 7 American Mercury, 32 American Ordnance Association, 166 Anami, Minister Korechika, 206 Anderson, Sgt. Charles, 188 Anderson, Jane, 130, 132, 135 Anderson, Marion, 63–64 Antonelli, Amerigo, 141–142 Arizona (warship), 109 Arnold, Gen. Henry H., 34, 98, 162 A-Schule Westen (German spy school), 172 Asher, Court, 86 Asher, Walter, 96 Aughagen, Ernest, 85

Baer, Buddy, 31 Baltimore Sunday American, 133 Barkley, Sen. Alben, 9 Baruch, Bernard M., 176 Bataan Death March, 143 Batson, Nancy, 155, 156 Becker, Louise, 137, 138 Becker, Mayor William, 137, 138 Berlin, Irving, 63 Bertlemann, Margaretta, 55 Bess, Demaree, 146 Best, Robert, 130, 134, 135 Biddle, Atty. Gen. Francis, 23, 57 Biggs, Lt. Bradley, 201 Bigot (D Day code designation), 152–153 Black, Justice Hugo, 63 Blaeser, John, 58 Boeckmann, Kurt von, 130 Boehmler, Lucy, 39 Böhle, Ernest, 82 Bonavits, Rosina, 124 Bondelid, Almira, 15 Borchardt, Paul, 38 Boston Globe, 205 Boswell, Capt. Charles, 188–191 Boswell, Kitty, 188–191 Braddock, James, 31 Bremen (ship), 41 Brinkley, David, 72 Bromley, Walter, 31 Brooke, Field Marshal Alan, 25 Brooklyn Navy Yard, 28 Brown, Warren, 167 Browning, Cmdr. Miles R., 56 Bruggmann, Charles, 24–25 Buchanan-Dineen, Grace, 114 Bulkeley, Alice, 62, 63, 90 Bulkeley, Frederick, 62 Bulkeley, Lt. John D., 62, 64, 90, 91 Bureau of Air Commerce, 97 Bureau of Campaigns, 124 Bureau of Motion Pictures, 92 Burger, Ernest, 76, 77, 78, 80 Burn, John C., 116–117 Busch, Herman von, 57 Bush, Dorothy, 179 Bush, Lt. George H., 179 Bush, Prescott, 179 Byrnes, James, 186

Canaris, Adm. Wilhelm, 166 Carole Lombard (ship), 36 Carter, John Franklin, 203–204 Carus, Edward H., 85 Carus, Louise, 85 Chamber of Horrors, 136 Chandler, Douglas, 130, 133, 135 Chatfield, George, 171 Chicago Daily News, 32 Chicago Times, 13 Chicago Tribune, 78, 153, 154, 160 Christian College, 115–116 Church, Samuel H., 106

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