Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella) (3 page)

Read Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella) Online

Authors: Yara Greathouse

Tags: #angst, #strength, #steamy, #sexy romance, #alpha male, #sassy, #fling romance, #career and workplace romance

BOOK: Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella)
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Boy, I sound a bit like a slut.

I swear, I’m not.

He’s Carter Owens, for goodness sake. I’ve
had a crush on him for so long, and he has grown up to be so
perfect he could pass for a Greek god model.

Yes, I said it.

If I had a chance, I would be using bright
pink sticky notes to claim every single part of his body. “This
fine piece of (blank) belongs to Gia Black.” Then I would fill
every sticky note with
butt, hair, nose, thigh, arm…
I’m sure you get the idea.

Not in the least.

Everything about him is perfect. From the
mussed hair to his size thirteen boots. How do I know? Oh, believe
me. I know. And I will get confirmation from Jay shortly. Because
we all know that HE knows for sure.


“Oh, sorry. What were you saying?”

I take another piece of candy
out of my pocket and pop it in my mouth. He looks at me with a
questioning frown, but decides against it.

“Jay is calling us over. Sounds like a
meltdown is on the way. Probably something wrong with one of the
orders, but you guys are meeting with the owners this afternoon, so
who knows? It’s Jay.”

With a nod and a smile, lots of dirty
thoughts about Carter inside my head and a mouthful of
deliciousness, we head on to find Jay.


Chapter 3

Today was a long day… Filming starts
tomorrow. There’s one thing I have to take care of today.
Especially if I want to survive the rest of the time I’m here in
town – I have to face my parents. As I drive down the familiar
streets of my parents’ subdivision, memories flood my mind: Riding
my bike for the first time, with daddy and Nash chasing me to make
sure I didn’t hurt myself too badly. At the park, facing the fall
winds with my Barbie kite, Nash with his Power Rangers’ one and Dad
had a Batman kite. Mom setting our lunch out of the picnic basket
and watching us battle it out.

So many fun memories.

There were some sad ones, too.

My mind floods with the ones of me following
the boys around, I became an expert at being a “spy.” Watching Nash
and Carter messing around with girls, that was not cool, but I was
young and curious. I always left when they started to kiss and make
funny sounds… It just felt wrong. It also hurt my little heart like
a sonofabitch – but what did I know then? I was three years younger
than Carter and my brother. I could not hang out with them. Oh but
I wanted to. All because of the little girl crush I had on Carter.
Watching him through the years go from girl to girl without power
to do anything about it… it was tough.

Years passed by and then he went away for
college, and I only saw him occasionally. I could tell by the way
he looked at me that I was still a little girl in his eyes.

But that was not the case today.

Today his eyes were admiring me.

They slowly followed all the curves on my

His eyes stared at my lips with want.

My eyes reciprocated his.

When his skin touched mine, I thought it
would scorch it - it was

And sensual.

And hard.

And gentle.

And soft – all at the same time.

Is that even possible?

Before I knew it, I was parked in front of my
parents house. With an overstated sigh, I place all my memories in
the back of my mind. Secured and stored where they need to

Carter didn’t want me when he graduated
college – after one kiss, he was done. No point wishing for what
cannot be.

I get out of the car and walk on the driveway
towards the front door. I called mom yesterday to briefly tell her
about my promotion and new job. I had to promise her to come eat
dinner with them.

As my hand moves to ring the bell, the door
opens and my Daddy comes out with open arms to give me a big ol’

“Baby girl! So happy to see you! It’s been
way too long!”

“Hi Daddy! It sure has been a while! I’ve
missed you guys bunches!”

As soon as he lets me go, he does the usual –
holds me at arms’ length to inspect me from head to toe, then he
holds my hand up and twirls me – he’s done this since I was a
little girl – and then gives me another quick hug.

“Is it possible that my baby girl’s more
beautiful than ever?”

“Oh, Daddy! You’re so sweet! I’m afraid I’m
the same as last time you saw me, maybe my hair’s a bit

“Nonsense. Come in, girl. Your momma’s in the
kitchen making one of your favorite dishes.”

I walk in and my brother gets up from one of
the recliners and comes straight at me.

“Gia! Come here!” He envelops me in a big
bear hug and I immediately feel protected. I love my big

“My baby’s finally home!” I hear my mom come
out of the kitchen in a rush.

I turn so I can give her a big hug. “Hi, mom!
I’ve missed you so much.”

“Oh… Let me look at you… It’s been too long,
sugar, I don’t know that I can keep dealing with you living so far
up north. But it’s so good to have you home! Come! Come to the
kitchen and help me finish up the food. Nash, sweetie, please set
the table for me, hon.”

I hear my brother mumble a “Yes, ma’am.” As
he gives me a look that tells me things have not changed much
around here. With a smile on my face, I follow my mom and dad to
the kitchen.

“Umm. Smells great! Are you making…”

“Country fried steak, your favorite…”

“Oooh, yum! Can’t wait to dig in!” I take a
wooden spoon and fill it with mashed potatoes, and proceed to eat
them with the tip of my tongue. Old habits die hard.

Mom gives me a look, shakes her head and
proceeds to dip the cubed steak in the egg mixture first, the flour
mixture second, and finally on the oily skillet.

I’m watching my brother getting the table
ready and noticed there is a fifth place setting.

I look around, confused. “Who’s missing?”


“Carter who?”

She gives me an annoyed look and her lips
make a thin line.

“Gia, Carter has been coming to all our
family dinners since his parents passed away about a year ago. His
brothers are also invited, but they are not in town much.”

My mouth is wide open without a sound coming
out. I’m completely speechless.


As I’m trying to formulate a smart remark
that won’t get me in trouble with my parents, the backdoor opens
and in comes Carter.

While he’s greeting my parents, I finish
licking the mashed potatoes off the wooden spoon. I walk to the
sink to wash it, when I hear the one voice that makes my insides
rumble in a terrible sexy way.

“Hey, Gia.”

“Hey, Carter.”

He does a once over and nods his head. Dang,
he looks good.

My brother comes in the room and shakes hands
with Carter.

Suddenly, I’m transported to the time that I
was a little girl and I feel so out of place, it’s pathetic.

“Everyone grab a plate and get some food.
Let’s catch up at the table.” My mom says in a happy voice.

Me? Not so thrilled. So I have to work with
this sexy man who could be modeling for GQ, where I have to control
all my naughty feelings towards him, and now I have to deal with
him being at my house during family dinner.

This shit ain’t fair.

We all go sit down and the conversation gets

Nash is up first.

“So Carter, you working with Gia, is that

“A little. It’s hard to get used to the idea
that Gia’s all grown up.” He looks at me appreciatively but with
respect. My daddy’s at the table, after all.

Talking about my dad, is he chuckling?

“What are you laughing at, Dad?”

“This is such a small world. It’s kinda funny
that good ol’ Carter has to answer to my baby girl.” He snorts and
starts laughing. Then everybody’s laughing but me.

I’m not laughing at all.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Well, you have to remember that Carter has
never been too good at following orders. He can be pretty

I look at Carter and he’s giving me a sexy
smile and a wink.


That’s all it took for me to get turned on. I
feel the heat rushing to my cheeks.

It only takes a few seconds to imagine
Carter’s lips on mine and… things are not getting any easier as I
feel the same heat rush between my legs.

Let’s try a different way…

“Dad, it’s not so much about him following my
orders, but us collaborating together so that this project is
finished on time and under budget.”

“That’s right, Mr. Black.
Remember that.” Carter says and starts

“What am I missing?” I look at my Mom, hoping
she has the answers.

“Gia, they are just being sassy. Pay them no
mind, dear.”

“Gia,” my brother interjects. “I love you,
but hate to break the news that you can be a pain in the ass,
sometimes. And when I say sometimes, I mean all the time. I know
this. I put up with your butt for years.”

“I can’t believe you, Nash Black. You’re

“I’m also a realist.”

“Pfft. I really don’t like you right about

And then, as usual, my mom saves the day.

“Listen up children, regardless of how easy
or how difficult Gia may be to work with, she is doing something
right. She’s won multiple awards and now is heading her own TV
show, and we are very, very proud.”

“Thanks, Mom!”

“Now, if you could only use all that
authority to get time off and come visit more often…”


“Alright, alright. No more fussing. Tell us
how was the interview and whose house are you working on?”

And just like that, I felt at peace. I had
the guys giving me a hard time, like always. Mom championing for
me. My daddy listening to my every word. Yes. I was home. I was

Well, mostly.

If I knew what to do about Carter, my life
would be so much easier.



* * *



Damn, she is beautiful.

I sit next to Gia at dinner, and my thoughts
continue to leave the conversation so I can imagine what it will
feel like to put my hand on her thigh and move her skirt up slowly,
until I can feel the edge of her…



I move my gaze to follow Gia’s voice.


“We need to go. We have to be ready early in
the morning and talk to the camera crew about what’s going to be
happening tomorrow.”

I start to get up and grab my plate. “Sure,
Gia. Let me help your mom clear the table first.”

“Nonsense, boy. Go on and leave. We’ve got
this. No worries.” Mrs. Black says to me sweetly.

“Yes, ma’am.” I give Mrs. Black a hug, say my
good night to the guys and I look casually for Gia.

“Hold on, Carter. I will walk out with

“Aren’t you staying here?”

“Nope. I’m going to stay at the hotel with
the crew. That way they are all easy to reach, if needed, of

She pops another one of those red candies in
her mouth.

“Please note that’s not what we want. If we
had a choice, we’d want her here, where we can suffocate her with
our love every single day!” Her mom yells from the kitchen.

I chuckle at Gia while she cringes in mock
fear and opens the door for us to get through. I place my hand at
her back to guide her and because I want to touch her, one way or

“Carter, it was nice to have you over for
dinner. I’m so sorry about your parents… I hadn’t realized they
were no longer with us.”

I give her a small smile. This is a subject I
rather not get into, but she means well.

“Thanks. It’s been hard not having them
around, but your parents have helped us tremendously. They are way
too kind.”

“Well, they’ve known you since you were born
and they were also good friends with your parents. So it doesn’t
surprise me that they treat you guys like family. As a matter of
fact, they’ve always have considered you guys as an extended

A comfortable silence passes between us. I’m
grateful that there are no more questions about this, for now. We
reach her car and she turns to face me.

The street light offers a faint yellow glow
that blankets everything around us, but her brown eyes somehow
glimmer in the darkness and her features seem more beautiful than
in daylight, if that’s even possible. The tip of her tongue moves
slowly over her top lip, leaving a faint wet trail that could put
my thirst out of misery. I can’t help but stare at the coveted
mouth that I want to kiss right now - more than anything else I’ve
ever wanted.

Her hand comes up and touches my chest, right
above my heart.

Can she feel it beating?

Can she tell that it’s drumming so fast it’s
about to win a race all of its own?

Would she know that this heart has never been
affected by anyone this way?

While we know it’s still in my chest, I feel
it trying its hardest to get closer to her, as if it could jump out
of my body and into her hand?


Or is it?



“I know we aren’t best friends or anything
like that, but… but please know this… If you ever need me, I… I
be here for you. Carter. I promise.”

The intensity of her gaze is nailing me to an
invisible wall, one that I cannot move away from, a wall that gives
me no other choice but to face her, this woman who I’ve known and
cared for so long.

“I know, Gia. I feel the same way about

Her full lips move upwards to gift me with
her smile, while her hand moves to my right arm, never losing
contact. Then she gets on her toes while at the same time she’s
pulling me down to place a chaste kiss on my cheek.

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