Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella)

Read Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella) Online

Authors: Yara Greathouse

Tags: #angst, #strength, #steamy, #sexy romance, #alpha male, #sassy, #fling romance, #career and workplace romance

BOOK: Tequila Sunrises over Georgia (a novella)
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Tequila Sunrises

over Georgia


Copyright – Tequila Sunrises over Georgia

Copyright © 2015 by Yara Greathouse

Published by Yara Greathouse, LLC,
[email protected]

All rights reserved.


Editor: Janie Thornley

Cover design: GoOnWrite

Photo: GoOnWrite


No part of this publication may be
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transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
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a review.


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to
actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely

The author acknowledges the trademarked
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Tequila Sunrises

over Georgia




Yara Greathouse

Books by Yara Greathouse



Girls on Top



Tequila Sunrises

Tequila Sunrises over
Georgia – A

Gia on My Mind (Coming soon)




This is always the part
where a few tears fall, but it goes to show the honesty of my
feelings and now I will try to put those into words. These pages
have been typed during a lot of little spare moments between my
real full time job and all the other busyness within my life. Like
a lot of other authors, I don’t have lengthy periods of time where
I can just sit and write. It’s a little here and a little there and
a lot of hope that my words somehow make sense, and that I can
weave a story to help others escape their daily lives, just like I
do when I read other author’s books.


Without the help of a
bunch of people, I wouldn’t be able to do this writing thing that I
love so much. I’m so humbled and grateful to each and every one of
you for taking a chance on me and my stories. Thank you, from the
bottom of my heart. Your support is one of the things that helps
make my dreams into a reality.


Special thanks go out


Scott &
You guys put up with me hiding away trying to
squeeze a few words in. You keep the house clean, laundry done and
help me immensely just so I can keep chasing this dream. Your
unconditional love is the best. I love you so much!


Janie T.

editor extraordinaire, you saved me! This novel would not have
happened if it wasn’t for you. You are an awesome friend. Thanks
for having my back. Thank you for your great editing skills. Thank
you for helping me create the best story I’m able to write. I
promise, next time I will follow the schedule! Love you


Nicole Johnson and Maggie
– Thank you for agreeing to beta read this story at the
last minute. I needed some new eyes on it and I loved your feedback
and suggestions! It means so much to me that you took the time to
help me, I will never forget it!


Elexis D.

Thanks for beta reading, all your input, for sharing my books with
all the blogs posting teasers and links. I’m so touched that you
love my work so much. Your help and ideas are always welcomed and
appreciated! Most of all, thank you for listening all those times I
just needed to vent and not necessarily about the book. I love and
care for you and your family as if I’ve known you for years!


Paige B.

amazing PA and friend. One of the best decisions I’ve made was to
bring you into the fold. Your help has been invaluable. It’s been a
wild and crazy ride, but we’ve barely just begun. Thank you for
creating all the forms, the teasers, for sharing my books with
blogs and for being available to help me anytime I needed you. You
are awesome and I’m grateful to have you in my life!


My work family

Nick, Amy M., Amy R., Stephany, Lindsay, Cleo, Henry,
Norma – Thank you for listening to my crazy ideas, showing interest
on my progress, telling people about my books and supporting me
during this wild ride. It really means a lot… You guys rock!


The Greathouse Girls
– Thank you for being supportive and fabulous! I
hope to hug you all at events soon!


To all Bloggers

OMG! Thank you! You guys are a vital part of the Indie
Book Community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the
endless amount of support and enthusiasm you have shown for my
stories. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my books
- you guys are amazing! I hope I get to meet each and every one of
you during some of the author events I will be attending. So,
PLEASE, drop by my table and I promise I won’t squeeze you too



You guys make my life a happier place. Even though I don’t write on
a full time basis, (oh, but I want to!) it’s because of all of you
that I am able to chase my writing dreams and create these
characters for your enjoyment. You make it possible and I’m
delighted and humbled. Thanks to you, I can make my dreams come
true. I’m so excited about the future and all the stories floating
through my mind… I hope you are too, because I cannot wait to share
them with you, always!



The click of the door closing behind me gave
me the much needed signal to finally let out a long held breath.
This was one of the toughest rooms I’ve had to face in the seven
years I’ve been at this company. The meeting with Dillon Smart, CEO
of Smart Home Design, Inc., (SHD), also included our VPs of
Creative Design, Entertainment, and Audience Programming. I’m at a
make it or break it time in my career and today will be a turning

As I walk past Dillon’s assistant, Jessica,
she smiles brightly and gives me a “thumbs up” sign. I smile back
and nod but continue walking. I know she heard what went on in the
meeting through the speakerphone. She’s a great assistant, and by
doing that, she can be ready for whatever Dillon needs within
seconds. I’m glad she didn’t try to speak to me because with the
adrenaline release thumping in my ears, I wouldn’t have been able
to hear her or respond coherently.

I’m also grateful that my assistant, Kennedy,
managed to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. All I want to
do is get home and soak in a hot steamy bath with a glass of wine
to help me relax. Now, the waiting game begins.

It’s not hard to hail a cab at this time of
the day in New York City, so I don’t have to wait. Traffic is light
and it only takes a few minutes to get to my SoHo apartment.

Walking straight to the bathroom, I start to
run the water as I take off my clothes. I smile inwardly at my
achievements. Coming from a small Georgia town, my mother knew
early on that design was my destiny as I was always rummaging
through garage sales and flea markets, repurposing things that no
one wanted and most of my allowance was spent on paint, tools and
home improvement store purchases. The ladies from her book club
always showed interest on my re-designs and bought most of them.
Ads through the church bulletin sold the remaining pieces. I was
able to start saving for college early on.

In high school, I obtained a full ride at the
Art Institute of Atlanta, and once attending, I scored an
apprentice job with one of the most notorious graduates of the
school, my mentor, Ty Penningham.

After graduation, I knew that I wanted to be
a part of a modern up and coming firm, and it had to be located in
one of the major cities of the United States. Ty put in a good word
with a friend of his who was a Director of Design with SHD, and as
they say, the rest was history. I have been working my ass off and
moving through the ranks of the many different media outlets they
own: their website productions, magazines and television shows.
This meeting today was for them to consider me to be the Head
Designer/Project Manager for a new and promising TV show, Clever
Design. I have assisted and been a member of design teams for other
shows. Market tests have proven that audiences are not only
receptive to me, but they love my simple but elegant design ideas
and enjoy my segments. At least I have that on my side. They have
kept hush-hush who the competition is, so much so that not even
Kennedy, who knows everything, has been able to figure it out.

After getting out of the tub, I throw my
bathrobe on and go to the kitchen to make a salad. My phone ringing
startles me. On the screen, Kennedy’s picture smiles at me.

“Hey, Kennedy. What’s up?”

“Uh, I have Jessica on the other line. Dillon
wants to speak with you.”

My heart stops for a few seconds and then
starts beating again.

That was fast.

Really fast.

This cannot be good. It’s too soon. It’s only
been a couple of hours.

Well, might as well rip the band aid

“Go ahead, put her through.”


“Hi Jessica, it’s Gia. I’m ready for Dillon.”
Our company culture was pretty laid back. During formal meetings
with clients, I’d normally address everyone by their last name, but
during one-on-one conversations, that was not expected or

Jessica patches him through.

“Hey, Gia.”

“Hey, Dillon. This is quite fast. I’m not
sure what to think.”

“No worries, I’m not going to drag the news.
I’m calling to let you know the job is yours if you still want

“Don’t mess with me, Dillon. What about the
other candidates?”

“There were no other candidates. I’ve created
this particular show with you in mind. The interview was just a
formality. You will be the youngest designer in our network to head
her own team and her own TV show. Are you in?”

I turn my head and stare at the cell phone,
verify the number, and after I put it back to my ear, I pinch my
thigh as hard as I can, until I wince. That’s when I finally
realize this is really happening.

“Gia, are you there?”

“This has nothing to do with…”

“No. It doesn’t. You have worked hard and the
viewers have been requesting it. So, what’s your answer?”

“YES!” I say loudly, almost screaming. Dillon
chuckles on the phone.

“Good, ‘cause you leave tomorrow.”

“Yeah? Wait… What do you mean tomorrow?”

“Exactly that. Pack your bags. I will have
Kennedy get your work gear and tools from the studio ready and
overnight them to the work site. Jay Michels will be your on-set
assistant and Junior Designer. He’s been handling things and taking
my directives while I could get the necessary approvals.”

“Oh, okay. Hmm, I was just wondering why so

“Well, we were supposed to start a month from
now, but the owners had a schedule change and in order to avoid
conflict, they need the renovations to start right away. We have
secured the top construction company in the area, and I personally
have been working on the design drafts until everything was
approved. I’m sure they will be to your liking. Human Resources
will call you in a few minutes with all the details of the new
contract, which will probably be emailed and require your immediate
attention. I will have a courier send the designs to you right now.
Feel free to make any changes as needed. You are in charge.”

“Okay. Thank you, Dillon. I will not let you
down. I promise.”

“I know you won’t. I trust you

“Oh, and Dillon?”


“Where am I headed tomorrow?”

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