The Undertaker's Widow

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Authors: Phillip Margolin

BOOK: The Undertaker's Widow
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Praise for
New York Times
bestselling author Phillip Margolin


“Exciting … whiplash plotting. The reversals and revelations are many and diabolically clever.… No legal thriller fan, once hooked, will wiggle free of the story line … before reaching its utterly surprising, and surprisingly dark, conclusion.”

Publishers Weekly

“Margolin's … tale is worth the telling, and readers will be hard-pressed to anticipate the action as they lie awake with
After Dark.


“Rips along like a carnival ride.”

The Oregonian

After Dark
ignites a fast-burning fuse that races to a dynamite ending.…
After Dark
exposes the drama and suspense that are often shrouded by judicial robes. Beyond any reasonable doubt, Phillip Margolin has presented his best case yet.”



“It's the next

Entertainment Weekly

The Fugitive
, part
The Silence of the Lambs


“One scary story … It takes a really crafty storyteller to put people on the edge of their seats and keep them there. But Phillip Margolin does just that.”

Chicago Tribune

“A suspensefully conceived chess game of a novel.”

—Clive Cussler


“Intricate plotting and warp-speed suspense.”

Publishers Weekly

“Margolin's perfectly crafted plot provides plenty of chills.”

Chicago Tribune


“Jam-packed plot … [Margolin] shows us … the difficulties of lawyers as people practicing in a system of justice which is the same for the guilty and the innocent … and exposes the costs paid by a conscientious lawyer in the coin of human feeling.”

The Washington Post

“Fast-paced … a thriller … a cut above most novels of this genre.”

The Sacramento Bee


“I was somewhat reminded of
In Cold Blood
, but in some ways, I think this is a better book.… It's fascinating reading—the classic ‘page-turner'—and I admit to being stunned and shocked at the unexpected ending.”

—Dorothy Uhnak, author of
The Investigation

This edition contains the complete text of the original hardcover edition.

A Bantam Book

Doubleday hardcover edition / 1998
Bantam mass market edition / March 1999

All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1998 by Phillip M. Margolin
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-41143.
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information address: Bantam Books.

eISBN: 978-0-307-81336-7

Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, a division of Random House, Inc. Its trademark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the portrayal of a rooster, is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Marca Registrada. Bantam Books, 1540 Broadway, New York, New York 10036.


The Undertaker's Widow

Leroy Dennis began making dire predictions about the driving conditions as soon as the police dispatcher said that the scene of the shooting was a mansion on Crestview Drive. A week of torrential rains had devastated Oregon. Rivers were flooding, towns were being evacuated, power failures were the norm and mud slides were closing roads and highways around the state. The worst slides in Portland were in the hills that loomed above city center. Crestview Drive was at the top of Portland's highest hill.

Lou Anthony took the most direct route to the crime scene. A mountain of oozing earth almost stopped the homicide detectives halfway up Southwest Chandler Road. A series of flares had been spread along the pavement to warn off motorists. The unearthly rain, the devouring darkness on the edges of the headlights and the curling smoke from the flares made Anthony wonder if he had detoured into a corner of Hades.

“What have we got, Leroy?” Anthony asked as he maneuvered around the slide.

“A James Allen called in the 911,” the slender black detective answered. “He works for the owner, Lamar Hoyt. Allen says that there are two dead. A man broke in and shot Hoyt. Then the wife shot the perp.”

“Hoyt! That's Ellen Crease's husband.”

“Isn't Crease the state senator who used to be a cop?”

Anthony nodded. “She was good, too, and a crack shot.”

Dennis shook his head. “This guy sure picked the wrong house to burgle.”

There were few streetlights on Crestview Drive and the road was pitch-black in spots, but Anthony and Dennis had no trouble finding the crime scene. This part of the West Hills had been carved into large estates and there were only a few homes on the narrow country lane. A high brick wall marked the boundary of the Hoyt estate. Just above the wall, the branches of a massive oak tree flailed helplessly against the elements like the tiring arms of a fading boxer. Anthony stopped in front of a wrought-iron gate. A yellow and black metal sign affixed to the seven-foot, spear-tipped bars warned that the estate was protected by an electronic security system. A black metal box with a slit for a plastic card stood even with the driver's window. Beside it was a speakerphone. Anthony was about to try it when Dennis noticed that the gate was slightly ajar. He dashed into the storm and pushed it open.

When Dennis was back in the car, Anthony drove slowly up a winding drive toward the three-story Tudor mansion that loomed over the landscape. Most of the house was dark, but there were lights on in a downstairs room. The driveway ended at a turnaround. As soon as Anthony brought the car to a stop the ornately carved front door swung open and a frightened man in a robe and pajamas dashed into the rain. He was just under six feet tall and slender. The rain matted his uncombed, graying hair and spotted the lenses of his wire-rimmed glasses.

“They're upstairs in the master bedroom,” he said,
pointing toward the second floor. “She won't leave him. I've called for an ambulance.”

The man led the detectives into a cavernous entry hall, where an immense Persian carpet covered a good portion of the hardwood floor. Before them was a wide staircase with a polished oak banister.

Anthony brushed the rain from his thinning red hair. He was a large man with a square jaw, a broken nose and pale blue eyes. The detective's shoulders were too wide and his clothes never fit properly. Under his raincoat he wore a brown tweed sports jacket that was frayed at the elbows and wrinkled tan slacks. Anthony had started buttoning the jacket to conceal an emerging beer gut. The blue knit tie his son had bought him for his fortieth birthday was at half-mast.

“Just who are you, sir?” Anthony asked.

“James Allen, Mr. Hoyt's houseman.”

“Okay. What happened here, Mr. Allen?”

“I live over the garage. It's across from the master bedroom. There was a shot. At first, I thought it was thunder. Then there were more shots. I ran next door and saw a man on the floor near the bed. There was a lot of blood. And Ms. Crease … she was sitting on the bed holding Mr. Hoyt. I … I think he's dead, but I can't say for sure. She wouldn't let me near him. She's got a gun.”

“Take us upstairs, will you, Mr. Allen?” Anthony said.

The detectives followed the houseman up the winding stairs with barely a glance at the oil paintings and tapestries that hung over the staircase. Dennis had his gun out but felt a little foolish. It sounded as if the danger was over. Allen led them to a room at the end of a dimly lit, carpeted hall. The door to the room was open.

“Please tell Senator Crease that we're with the police,” Anthony instructed Allen. The detective knew
Crease well enough to call her Ellen, but he had no idea what frame of mind she was in. He wasn't taking any chances if she had a gun.

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