Tell Me (21 page)

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Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #alpha male, #billionaire, #boss, #anal sex, #bdsm, #domestic discipline, #Domination, #romance, #figging, #spanking domestic discipline, #submission

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“What papers? You can’t have.”

“The contract of sale. You can buy the company from me, at a preferential rate, of course. The bank has already approved the loan in principle, the firm is excellent surety. And don't you look at me like that. You knew I was considering this, talking to the bank and the solicitors.”

“Talking, not deciding. It’s up to me, not you. And I say no. I’ll work with whoever takes over, whether it’s Tony or someone else. And I’ll help in the transition. But I’m not buying Kershaw’s.”

Tony had seen Thea agitated often enough. He’d seen her body tremble as he flogged her, and he’d watched her shake with lust as he edged her to the brink of orgasm and held her there, but he’d never seen her so defensive before. It was obvious to him that she could run Kershaw’s in her sleep, so what was the big objection? He was curious, but they all had more pressing matters to contend with right now.

“We’ll come back to this. First, I need to make a phone call.” He tapped a few numbers into his speed dial, and waited for the call to be answered.

“Jerome? Hello, it’s Tony diMarco. So, that picture—it wasn’t a selfie.” He launched straight in, forgoing the usual niceties and any preamble, He’d heard all the bullshit he was going to accept from Jerome and now he wanted answers. Hard facts. He was ready to demand the information he required, and he wouldn't be taking no for an answer.

He paused, listening as Jerome tried again to pass the incident off as something and nothing. Tony had heard enough and broke into the prepared spiel. “I do know it wasn’t a fucking selfie, because a photograph of me and my sub has been printed off and distributed around my staff, and to my sub’s employer too. This is malicious and I need to know who’s behind it.” Tony listened again, his patience evaporating as Jerome explained the reasons why he couldn't possibly divulge details of the culprit, and he accepted the absolute promise that this particular guest would not be allowed entry again, in any circumstances. He waited until Jerome had completed his speech, then he returned to his original point, his voice low. “Jerome, you know and I know how small the fetish community is. How tight knit. Within twenty four hours everyone will know what’s happened, and the Wicked might as well close down now. The only way you’re going to maintain any credibility is to cooperate with me. I want to know who paid for that photo, and I expect you to find that out for me. If you would, please.”

Tony tossed a quick smile at his audience of two as Jerome spluttered and protested again, but he knew he was going to have his way. The club owner had no realistic alternative, not if he wanted to save his business.

“Here’s how. You’ll offer him money. I know you know who took that picture. You told me you spoke to him. So you’ll go back to whoever it was and tell them that we know they were paid by someone, and we’ll pay them twice as much if they tell us who their customer was. I bet we’ll find that this is one greedy little bastard, he’ll be ready to sell his grandmother. And Jerome, tell him I want that information within the next hour or there’s no deal.”

Tony ended the call and leaned back on the sofa, satisfied for the time being.

“What happens now? What did he say?” Thea was gazing at him, her nervousness showing.

“He’ll phone me back when he has the information I want. So now, Thea, we wait. And while we’re waiting we can discuss your career prospects at Kershaw’s. Why don’t you want to put old Stephen here out of his misery and take over? Kershaw’s is a sound enough investment, and you know the company like the back of your hand.”

“It’s complicated.”

“No, sweetheart, dealing with idiots who put pictures of us under windscreen wipers is complicated. This is just a bit hard to follow. So go on, enlighten me. Enlighten both of us.”

“Just leave it. Please.”

“No. Now don’t get me wrong, if I thought it was what you wanted I’d do everything I could to keep you at Dart indefinitely, but once you’ve knocked us into shape you’d be bored to tears. You need to be running your own ship, not crewing mine, or his. Buying Kershaw’s makes perfect sense.”

“I’m not cut out for it, that’s all.”

“That’s not all. That’s fucking nonsense. Try again.”

Thea hunched at her end of the sofa, and brought her knees up to her chest in a posture Tony considered far too typically defensive for his liking. He let that go for now though and zeroed in on what she had said. “So, what are you cut out for? In your opinion”

“It’s not just my opinion. You said it too. Weeks ago, when we talked about bicycles, and pedalling. I’m a pedaller, not a handlebars sort of person.”

“What’s she on about? What does any of this have to do with bikes for Christ’s sake?” Stephen looked beyond bewildered. They both ignored him.

“Right, but didn’t I also tell you that no business is a one man show. Or one woman show in your case. You know your strengths, as I know mine. So you need to surround yourself with people you can trust who bring other qualities that you don’t have. What is it you’d need to buy in?”


“No. You can pedal. You do great pedalling. What was that about handlebars?”

“All that stuff you do. And Stephen. The schmoozing, the deals, the chatting to clients. I can run systems, but I can't sell anything to save my life. I can't get new business in. I’d be bankrupt in months and my workers out of a job.”

“So you hire yourself a managing director. Someone with marketing flair, leadership. A strategist. Tell them what you want doing and leave them to get on with it while you do what you’re good at behind the scenes.”

Thea offered him a wry smile. “Are you looking for a job, Tony?”

He stopped, considered her tongue in cheek suggestion for a few moments, then, “Mates rates then. And if I agree to work for you it’s on condition that you stay on as my deputy director at Dart. Indefinitely. I won’t be able to manage both companies unless you do.”


“You heard. It’s a good solution. You should take up Stephen’s offer, buy him out, then hire me to head up your public-facing activity. We know we can work together, we make a great team.”

“You mean both of us, run both companies? Like a partnership?”

“We could structure it that way if you like. Let’s take some legal advice on it. But yes, that’s the general idea. Does it sound like something you’d like to do?”

“I can't imagine myself as your boss.”

“I confess that has me a little stymied too. But a partnership might work. You pedal both firms, I deal with all the handlebars stuff. Do we have a deal?”

He held out his hand. Stephen’s expression remained one of absolute bewilderment but he seemed to know to keep his mouth shut. Thea took Tony’s hand and gave it a firm shake.

“Deal. Partners.”

Tony might have made more of an attempt to seal their new arrangement, but he felt the moment was not quite right for what he had in mind. Still…

He abandoned that train of thought when his phone rang. He checked the caller ID. It was Jerome


Chapter Thirteen


“No answer.” Tony ended the call and slipped his phone back into his trouser pocket.

Thea carried two mugs of tea through from her tiny kitchen and set them down on a low table beside the sofa. Stephen had left already. She wriggled up alongside Tony. “I didn't expect there to be, not really. We wouldn't get that lucky, would we?”

“Who knows? I’ll try again later. Are we staying here tonight or do you want to come to mine?”

“We? You don’t need to babysit me. I had a shock, and I was upset. More than upset, but I’m fine. Really.” Now that she’d regained—or perhaps acquired—a sense of proportion Thea was mortified at how she’d behaved. She’d cowered in her bed like some sort of pathetic loser, as though she could block all her problems out. It wasn’t her, not her way of dealing with adversity at all. Thea Richmond was a coper, a problem-solver. And she was tough. She must be, she could weather a session on the receiving end of Tony’s belt.

She didn’t relish the prospect of what the next few days had to offer. However hard she tried she knew she would never achieve Tony’s blasé attitude, and maybe she didn’t want to. But she’d get through it, past it, and she could see a future beyond. A bright, glittering future, at work and in her personal life.

She wore Tony’s collar, and even if she had managed to lose sight of it briefly, she knew full well the implications of that. He hadn’t said so, but she fully expected him to punish her for her idiotic behaviour earlier. And that discipline needed to be imminent. It couldn’t wait.
couldn’t wait. She understood why. She’d behaved irrationally. She’d scared him. Hell, she’d scared herself and she felt so ashamed of it now. She wanted to feel the bite of his belt across her arse, needed it. Craved it. Nothing else would make this right. Her submissive nature was as much a part of her as her ruthless professional efficiency. Somehow she’d managed to not see that, not value that aspect of herself.

Well, no longer. It stopped. Here. Now.

“I need a spanking.” Thea’s gaze was level as she stood before Tony, her voice low but steady. “Please, Sir.”

“I know.”

“Will you do it here? Now?” She was hopeful, but anxious too. What if he decided to make her wait, to draw out the agony and the ecstasy of it all? She prayed not, but at the same time Thea feared what the coming few minutes would bring. She was experienced enough to know full well the difference between a punishment spanking and an erotic one. This would hurt. A lot.

Tony narrowed his eyes at her, and her heart sank further. “Yes, here. And soon. But first I want you to set out for me, and for yourself, exactly why you deserve to have your sweet arse blistered.” He settled himself in one of her two armchairs, crossing his ankle over his knee as Thea continued to stand, her chin tilted up in a posture she hoped would denote pride rather than defiance. Tony’s gaze hardened. “Thea, I’m waiting.”

“Yes, Sir, I apologise.” She scrambled her thoughts together quickly. “It’s several things really. I was very rude to you earlier, at the office. Then I stormed out and came here alone, even though you told me I shouldn’t.” She paused.

Tony remained immobile, waiting for more. Thea took a deep breath and ploughed on.

“Then I locked myself in, and refused to answer the door. I didn’t mean to alarm anyone, but I realise now how it must have seemed…”

Still Tony offered no response, though neither did he take issue with anything she had said so far. Thea lowered her gaze to the floor, making no attempt to check the tears now flowing down her cheeks.

“I forgot what it means to be a collared submissive.
submissive, Sir. You taught me to be proud, but when it mattered I was a coward. I ran away and hid, ashamed of what I am. Who I am.”

“And now?”

“I think I have my head together again, Sir.”

He gave a slow nod. “I think so too, and that’s important. I do realise how shocked and distressed you were. You reacted badly at first, but not any longer. I’m pleased with you, and it’s my turn to be proud. That just leaves the discipline you need me to deliver, to ensure you never forget something so fundamental again. I intend to teach you that lesson now, Thea.”

“I know Sir, and I am grateful for it. Thank you.” She started to sink to her knees.

“Not yet. I want you naked first.” His tone was cold, crisp, his expression stern when she chanced a peep at him.

Thea straightened and started to unbutton her blouse. Tony waited, his demeanour patient now, as she removed her clothing. Thea had undressed for him on countless occasions before now, but never had she felt so vulnerable, or so exposed. With each item she folded and placed on the arm of her other chair her stomach churned and her pussy clenched. She was scared. No, scratch that, terrified. But the familiar twist of arousal that always preceded a scene was already causing her pussy to moisten.

Would he fuck her after? Perhaps, but not necessarily. A punishment was not meant to end in a treat, but he might make an exception… Christ, she hoped so.

Naked, she dropped to her knees in front of him, head bowed and her hands resting palms up on her thighs. Tony said nothing, just rose from his chair and left the room. She heard him, first in her small kitchen, opening and shutting drawers, then his footsteps in her hallway heading back to her bedroom. She had no need to ponder what he might be doing. He was looking for an implement, something to spank her with. He would not be short of choices.

A couple of minutes later he returned. Her heart lurched, he had chosen well. Her silicon fish slice, light, supple, sure to deliver a burning sting if judiciously applied. And in his other hand, her small wooden cheeseboard, flat, smooth, heavy, a handle at one end. That would create a deep, solid whack, a slap that would sink deep into her flesh.

“I’ll warm you up with my hand first, then move on to this.” He flexed the fish slice between his hands before tossing it onto the low table beside the chair he had occupied previously. “Then, to make this a truly educative experience for you, I think this will serve us well. “ He slapped the cheese board against his palm, causing a resounding crack to reverberate around the room. “I recalled how impressed you were with that paddle I bought for you a few weeks ago, but unfortunately I neglected to bring it with me today. This will deliver a similar sensation though.”

Thea gasped. This was going to be severe. Tony meant business. Despite her trepidation though she was oddly calm. This felt right. It was as it should be. She had let her Dom down, briefly, but she had done it and there was a price to pay. She wanted to clean the slate now, and go forward.

“Do you have any questions? Or comments you’d like to offer?”

Thea shook her head. “No, Sir. I understand. I deserve to be punished. I just need you to forgive me, then I’ll be able to forgive myself.”

“I already forgive you, sweetheart. I love you, so how could I do otherwise? This is about teaching you who you are, what you are, and who you belong to.” His tone had softened, warmed.

“I know it is. And, thank you, Sir.”

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