Tears on My Pillow (6 page)

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Authors: Elle Welch

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Tears on My Pillow
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December 6




     To celebrate our first week back at work, I decide to take Qia to Red Lobster. I didn’t feel like cooking and I am sure she didn’t want to either. I call Qia from my office and tell her that I will be there to pick her up in about twenty minutes. She steps out the house looking absolutely stunning. Her dark brown cross over shirt clings to her breasts just right and her dark blue jeans make her ass look like a work of art. I get to check it out as she turns around to lock the door. Then to top everything off she has on a pair of knee high brown suede boots which accent her legs perfectly. If I wasn’t loving the view so much I would have complained about her carrying her shearling in her hands instead of wearing it.

     We are seated at Red Lobster looking over the menu when a familiar voice says
“Good evening and welcome to Red Lobster. My name is Anjela and I will be your waitress this evening.”
I look up and look right into the glaring eyes of Anjela Martin.
“Are you two ready to order?”
She says not trying to hide that she has an attitude.

     Jakari responds
“No….seeing as we just sat down Anjela.”

     Anjela says
rolls her eyes and walks off towards the back of the restaurant to another table.

     “Wow what is with all that attitude?”
Qia asks looking confused as hell.

     “Hell if I know!”
I say shrugging my shoulders.

     Anjela appears about ten minutes later and slams two glasses of water down on the table in front of Qia and myself which causes some of the water to spill out of the glass.

     Qia jumps
“Excuse me Anjela, but is there a problem?”
She says letting a little of her own attitude make an appearance.

     She puts her hands on her hips
“No, why do you ask Mrs. Roberson?”

     I see a look of confusion spread across Qia’s face. I jump up and say,
Anjela follow me please. I need you to take me to your manager.”
Anjela storms off in front of me and I follow close behind. We round the corner going back towards the restrooms but out of the view of the dining area.
“Anjela what the fuck is your problem?”
I say gritting my teeth and trying to keep my voice low.

     “What’s my problem? The fact that you fucked my back out two years ago and then I never heard from you again! I don’t know maybe that could be it you idiot!”

     “Seriously Anjela! You’re being childish! You knew before we fucked that I was with Qia and that fact wasn’t going to change. Get yourself together please before you lose your job!”

     Qia rounds the corner

     I spin around like fuck this cannot be happening.
“Qia go back to our table I am just getting Ms. Anjela here to calm down. She is just upset with Chandler and she let it spill over into her work. I’ll be there in a momentarily.”

     Thankfully Qia just shrugs and does as she is told. I wait a few seconds and then walk to the corner of the hallway and peek around the corner to make sure Qia isn’t standing there listening. She’s not so I turn back around and walk back over to Anjela.
“Are we good now because I am not going to have you disrespecting my wife. You already knew what it was so don’t fake the funk now.”

     “So you threatening me with getting me fired?”
Anjela says bouncing on her right leg with her hip poked out.

     “No not at all just making a promise that I will definitely keep. So we are good right? We are going to leave it that you are mad at Chandler and I will leave you a hefty tip, right?”
I give her my million-dollar smile.

     “No we are NOT good! I don’t want a fucking tip. I want another night with you”
she says as she looks me up and down then smacks her lips.

     I stand there looking at her like seriously. This might be a sign that I need to cut out all the bullshit because there were getting to be too many close calls I begin to think to myself. I laugh
“Another night huh?”
She nods her head up and down. I grin while thinking they always have a hard time giving up this dick.
“Cool put your number on the back of the receipt at the end of the night and I will call you.”

     “Don’t try to play me again Jakari because I will make things really hard for you and not in the way you normally like.”
She walks away and returns to her area of the dining room.

     I go back to the table where Qia is waiting and appears to be texting someone on her phone.
“I’m sorry baby. Everything should be fine from this point on.”
I smile hoping the evening hasn’t been ruined for her.

     “I hope so because I don’t want to turn up but I will”
Qia says doing her best Qisha impression.

     We finish our dinner without further incident. I paid the check and just as she was instructed Anjela had placed her number on the back of the receipt and made sure to place my credit card on top of the receipt so that Qia couldn’t see the writing on the back of it. I quickly and strategically place the receipt and my credit card in my wallet and we leave Red Lobster.

December 7




     I get up around four thirty which is a little earlier than I normally get up to take my run. Last night’s dinner is still bothering me and running always helps me to think. I brush my teeth wash my face and throw on my pink Nike running gear pull my hair up into a ponytail and grab my yellow Revolution 2 sneakers so I can put them on at the front door. I grab my fleece off the coat rack and head out the front door.

     I have just completed my first mile when I start thinking back to Anjela and her attitude. It seemed like it was directed at Jakari even though he claims it was about Chandler. The thing that really stuck out in my mind and bothers me the most though is how did she know my name? I don’t remember her from our high school years, which doesn’t mean she didn’t go there, but even if she did my last name would not have been Roberson back then. Not to mention when I found them in the back they seemed to be in a heated discussion. I am feeling real uneasy about this situation.

     It doesn’t make me feel any better that I couldn’t hear what they were saying but Anjela did seem to have a different attitude when I found them and she certainly didn’t show any more hostility after her talk with Jakari. I’m probably just over thinking things. If she went to high school with us then it is highly likely that he hit it and she was still bitter since he ended up choosing me.

     By mile five, I tell myself how stupid I am to even think that could be the case. NO woman would be that angry over some boy she messed with over thirteen years ago. Plus, if that were true that would mean Jakari had lied to me. Maybe the truth really is that she was upset with Chandler and when Jakari threatened her job she was able to pull herself together.

     By mile eight I have more questions than I started out my run with. Chandler didn’t have many girlfriends that I didn’t know about and I certainly didn’t know Ms. Anjela.

       I open the front door of my house kick off my sneakers and head to my room to shower. Today is Jakari’s day to go to the gym and work out with his boys and a couple of his cousins so he is already in the shower when I get home. I jump in the shower to clean up after my run and decide to lounge around in the living room while waiting for the time to come for my lunch date with Chandler. I find myself settling on Law & order SVU marathon while watching TV. However, if truth be told I didn’t hear any of the episodes I watched because I am too busy trying to figure out if after all these years my husband….

     My thoughts are interrupted by my cell ringing.

     “You still meeting me at Friendly’s for lunch?”
Chandler asks.

     “Of course!”
I hit select on my remote to see what time it is and notice that it is five minutes after twelve.
“Oh I’m so sorry Chandler. I can’t believe I lost track of time like that. Give me twenty minutes and I will be there.”

     I race to my room and get dressed as quickly as I can. I have never been worried about Jakari cheating but for some reason now that is all I can think about. I push those thoughts to the back of my head as I pull into Friendly’s parking lot on Sumner Avenue and park next to Chandler’s red BMW. I get out the car happy that I had chosen to wear my black Airforce Ones because the parking lot is still icy from the storm a few days ago. I walk slowly across the parking lot placing my feet carefully trying to make sure I don’t fall until I get to the sidewalk which is clear of ice and snow and is heavily sanded.

     “Hey Chandler”
I say sitting down at the table across from him.

     “What’s up Q?”

     “Nothing much.”

     The waitress brings the menu but I tell her I don’t need it and place an order for my favorite desert, the Jim Dandy with all vanilla ice cream, extra strawberry and chocolate sauce, sprinkles, whip cream, and hold the nuts fudge and bananas. Chandler orders his usual as well, a cheeseburger and fries.

     “Chandler is your head in the clouds?”
I ask widening my eyes slightly.

     “Q, what are you talking about? You were the one who was late talking about the time slipped by you!”

     “True but I will talk to you about that a little later. Right now, though, I am talking about you. You didn’t notice that the waitress can’t keep her eyes off of you?”
I say putting both my elbows on the table and  leaning over the table a little bit. Chandler is very handsome he looks a lot like Jakari but still different at the same time. He has caramel color skin, nice curly fro, perfect lips surrounded by a mustache, sparkling brown eyes and dimples to die for but one would never know it by the way he acted. He seems clueless when it comes to girls flirting with him.

      “Q stop! You always swear that some chick is checking for me besides I am seeing someone.”
He says avoiding eye contact with me.

     “Oh really”
I screech.

     “Yes really.”
He replies.

     “How long have you been seeing her?”
I question.

     The waitress comes back with my ice cream and Chandler’s meal. I thought she would never leave staring at Chandler with her mouth hanging open.

     “See what I mean? I know you saw her drooling over you that time!”
I say and playfully slap his arm that he has laying on the table. He just laughs and bites into his sandwich.

     “Anyway who is this mystery girl?”

     “To answer your first question, we have been seeing each other for two months.”

     “How old is she?”
I ask downing a spoon full of ice cream.

     “Twenty two.”

     “Umm so she young.”


     “Okay okay what’s her name? You know what never mind just bring her to our New Year’s Eve get together.”

     “Cool so what’s up with you?”
He asks around a mouthful of burger while covering his mouth with his wrist.

     “You know I’m glad you asked. Do you know a lady named Anjela?”
I say after swallowing my spoonful of ice cream.

     “Ummm not really ringing a bell, why do you ask?”

     “Oh nothing, just ran into her the other day and I thought she said she knew you. It’s not important. I was half listening to her so I must have heard her wrong. How’s everything going at Welch College?”
I say trying to be nonchalant about it but really I am freaking out inside.

     I didn’t hear anything Chandler says after that. Jakari had lied to me. Chandler doesn’t even know this Anjela chick. So her being an ex is an outright lie! Why is Jakari lying? I love and trust my husband but this has the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I try to shake my concern and enjoy the rest of my lunch with Chandler but unfortunately my appetite has disappeared.

December 7




     I’m leaving the gym when I get a text from my brother
I sit down in my car and put on my seatbelt before reading it.

Why is Q asking about Anjela?

     “Shit! Shit! Shit!”
I yell. I forgot to tell Chandler that we ran into her at Red Lobster and told Qia that she was an ex of his. Qia hasn’t checked up on me in years so I guess that is why it had slipped my mind. I wonder why she felt the need to do that this time. Damn I knew shit was getting too close for comfort. I send back

What did you say?

     I am sitting here shitting bricks hoping that he covered for me. Maybe she had been checking up on me all along and I just didn’t know. Maybe she had other sources besides Chan. I am staring at my phone anxiously awaiting his response.

Yo, I said I didn’t know her. I didn’t know what else to say.

I slam my fist on the dashboard. I vigorously text back

Damn Chan why couldn’t you just say she was an ex?!

     He quickly replies

Bro I’m tired of covering for you & lying to my best friend! Get ya shit together!

     Chandler is right he has been covering for me for years and I know it is an extremely tough position to be in. He is caught in the middle of trying to protect his brother and not hurt his best friend. Damn he could have warned me that he was done though. I don’t know what the fuck I am going to do because shit is about to get thick. I decide to hit Kelly up and go work out some of my frustration on her pussy.

     I get to her apartment and she opens the door naked and ready. I hadn’t been alone with her since we were in Jamaica so I guess she is trying to make up for what happened. It was fine by me because I really need a distraction. I barely get a chance to step in the apartment before she has my sweat pants off and her lips wrapped tightly around my muscle.

     “Ahhh yeah girl that feels real good”
I moan as I close the front door. Kelly is acting like a pit bull. She latched on to my dick with a death grip and wouldn’t let go.
“OOOOOO…yes…let me……ahhh….get a condom on……damn…..so I can tap that ass.”

     “You don’t need no condom.”
She says while standing up turning around spreading her legs open and bending all the way over. I guess she thought the sight of her fat cat would make me change my mind but the only person I am sliding raw in is my wife.
“Kelly stop, you know it’s a must.”

     “I’m on the pill and just want to feel you inside of me with no barrier for once, please.”

     Her whining is beginning to irritate me and I begin to feel my erection slowly start to slip away. I may do some dumb things but hitting some random without a rubber is not going to be added to the list. I leave her bent over in the middle of the living room floor and go over to the couch to get my rubber out of the pocket of my sweat pants. I turn around and look at Kelly still bent over in the middle of the floor now playing with her clit. She is slowly massaging her clit and slipping her fingers in and out of her pussy nice and slow. I begin to stroke my dick while watching her and I am back rigid in no time. I roll the condom over my meat and lick my lips as I think about walking over to her when I change my mind.

     “Kelly come over here.”
She stands up and walks over to me while licking her fingers. I spin her around and push her face first up against the eggshell colored wall in front of me. I bend my knees a little so that I can enter her from behind. I ram my rock hard dick inside of Kelly
“Yes daddy!”
She cries out. I literally have this bitch climbing the walls I am giving it to her so good. She even knocks her prom picture off the wall during one of her many orgasms.

     For some reason though, I can’t seem to bust my nut. I tried for another half hour causing Kelly to experience three more orgasms but it did nothing for me.
“Come on daddy let me suck my dick for you. You know I need you to cum for me.”
She says licking her lips and reaching down to grab my rod.

     Okay serious turn off because this dick don’t belong to nobody but Qia so now I know I gotta go.
“Nah I’m good”
I say walking into the kitchen taking the condom off and throwing it in the trash
I wash my hands in the sink and go back into the living room and start putting my clothes on. I am so nervous that I don’t even here Kelly going on and on in that annoying baby voice about how she can’t believe she couldn’t make me cum. I am so focused on getting home since I have no idea what is waiting for me that I exit her apartment without even saying goodbye! I pull out of the project parking lot and make the drive home.

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