Tasting Pleasure (19 page)

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Authors: Anarie Brady

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Tasting Pleasure
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“All set?” Megan asked.

Remembering Mr. Devonshire’s letter of instruction, Alicia glanced at Megan and simply nodded.

“Right then. I suggest you prepare yourself for a long evening. While you lie there on the table, I’m to serve the guests—in any manner they wish. Try not to get too jealous, sweetie,” Megan said.

Why would I be jealous?
Alicia wondered to herself. They were both following Mr. Devonshire’s orders. Still, Alicia was glad that both Paul and Ivory would be present. Ivory was her friend and already suspicious of Megan. She’d keep an eye on the other girl for her. And Paul…well, he would never stand for anyone to hurt her. Neither would Mr. Devonshire for that matter.

“First up, I’ve been ordered to make sure all your orifices are properly filled. Now, there are to be no teeth marks on this strawberry, so open up,” Megan instructed.

Alicia glanced at the other girl and saw she held a large strawberry. She opened her mouth. Megan placed the strawberry’s green hull in her mouth and Alicia carefully held the fruit between her lips.

“I’m to show you what goes where, just so you’ll know. Mr. Devonshire had this specially made for you. Personally, I don’t know why he went to so much trouble, but it’s not for me to say. I’m to lube your arsehole a bit then insert this into it.” Megan held up what appeared to be an egg made of stainless steel. Attached to the large end of the egg was a narrow pedestal and a tapered oval base. “This might hurt a bit when it goes in, but Mr. Devonshire wanted you to be completely filled all evening. Just be sure you don’t bite into that strawberry. If you do, he’ll know.”

Alicia lay perfectly still while Megan roughly rubbed oil onto her nether region. She sucked in her breath when she felt the cold steel press against her sphincter. Remembering the delicate fruit in her mouth, Alicia clenched her hands and cried out when Megan pushed the steel egg into her anus. The pain ripped through her and she heard Megan laugh.

Alicia closed her eyes and again concentrated on her breathing. Once the initial shock wore off and her body relaxed against the invasive metal, Alicia found the egg to be surprisingly comfortable.

“Now for the final hole,” Megan announced. “You’ll have to keep your muscles tensed. Mr. Devonshire doesn’t want this shooting out at any of his guests.”

Megan held up a lovely ten-inch glass dildo. It was clear with rings of colored glass placed roughly one half inch apart. Megan had not bothered to warm the device, so when she inserted it, Alicia again began to shiver. She was beginning to realize that in order to keep still and maintain this pose, she would have to focus totally on controlling her body.

Moments later her eyes flew open as a circle of heat scalded her stomach. She barely stopped herself from sitting upright.

“Now, now,” Megan commented. “Don’t get so jumpy. You might spill the soup. Just four more little cups to go. You’re the one who decided to serve a hot soup, after all.”

Alicia squeezed her eyes shut as she felt another cup placed on her stomach, one on each thigh and one directly on top of her freshly waxed mound. Only by thinking of Mr. Devonshire and Paul’s expectations did she control her instinct to escape the heat. Knowing the temperature of the soup, though, Alicia realized that while her skin might be reddened, the cups would not actually burn her. Still, Megan’s decision to place the cups on her most sensitive areas gave her cause for concern.

Having no choice other than to lie perfectly still, Alicia tried to recognize the food being placed on her body. Surprisingly though, she could not identify the different foods, but knew that Mr. Devonshire, Paul, Ivory and two others would soon be feasting on the delicacies now covering her chest, stomach, breasts, arms and legs. All she had to do was keep the strawberry in her mouth, the dildo in her pussy, the egg in her arse and not move.
No problem!

“Well, isn’t this just a picture.”

Alicia’s eyes flew open as she recognized Jeffrey’s voice.

“No talking to the model, Jeffrey,” Mr. Devonshire scolded mildly.

“Certainly, Maverick. But I do want to thank you for including Hector and me in tonight’s dinner,” Jeffrey said.

“My pleasure, Jeffrey. I enjoyed our conversation the other day, and Hector and I have been acquainted for quite some time. He assured me you and my companion had come to an understanding,” Mr. Devonshire responded.

“Yes, Maverick. I called Alicia after I saw her here with you. Hector convinced me, and rightly so, that I had behaved like a total ass toward her. I apologized and we chatted for quite some time. Actually I feel as if a weight has been lifted, having gained her forgiveness. I must comment, though, that I have never seen her look so confident and content. You’ve been good for her, Maverick.”

“Thank you, Jeffrey. She has come a long way, but I could see the potential in her the moment we met,” he responded.

Alicia wasn’t quite sure what to think of being talked about as if she wasn’t in the room. She knew she should be offended—most women would be. On the contrary, though, she began to tingle with excitement. She’d always wanted to be a fly on the wall and hear what people said about her. Here was her chance.

“You know, she seems happy, really happy now,” Jeffrey said.

“I think so too,” Paul added. “Megan, do you think we might have a few spoons?”

Megan forgot spoons? What was that girl thinking!

“Before we begin, Maverick,” Alicia heard Ivory say, “would you mind taking a few photos? I think I may want a memento of this evening.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Maverick responded.

Alicia heard the clicking of the camera shutter and then the crisp staccato of Megan’s heels. Next she felt the cup on her mound lift. Shortly afterward, the remaining ones also left her body, and the guests tasted the soup. The circles of heat began to dissipate.

“This is wonderful,” Ivory said.

“I hadn’t realized carrots were considered an aphrodisiac,” Paul commented.

“Well, considering their shape”—Hector laughed—“of course they are.”

“You know,” Paul added, “I never noticed before, but the shape of a fig resembles a woman’s womb.”

Alicia winced slightly as a fork prodded her ribs.

“And you call yourself an artist,” Ivory teased. “I thought you would have noticed all kinds of shapes.”

“You’re right,” Paul agreed. “Maybe I need to be more observant.”

The conversation buzzed around Alicia’s head. She heard most of it, but mainly she concentrated on keeping her body perfectly still. Naturally her chest and stomach moved slightly with each breath, but she found that by focusing her thoughts, she could breathe shallowly and limit the movement. Suddenly a hand brushed the top of her head and she recognized Mr. Devonshire’s touch. Inwardly she smiled, sure her performance so far had pleased him.

Distracted, she gave a short gasp as the dildo moved inside her, and she almost bit into the soft strawberry.

“So sorry, I must have bumped into— What is that?” Hector asked.

“A very special piece of glass,” Maverick explained. “It’s slick and hard, making it difficult for the muscles to contract around. But with the addition of the colored rings, if Alicia’s muscles are toned well enough, she should be able to hold the dildo inside her.”

Alicia felt someone’s breath between her legs.

“And what is that in her arse? Steel?” Jeffrey squeaked.

“Yes, it is,” Maverick continued. “I wanted to truly test my companion’s abilities this evening. In preparation for later activities, I thought it best to prime all of her orifices for entry. I’m sure the pressure of the metal egg is making it difficult for the muscles of her vagina to clench against the glass.”

“Don’t you think she’s getting a bit fatigued by now?” Ivory questioned.

“Possibly, but I have no doubt she is up to the tasks assigned,” Maverick assured his guests.

Alicia’s cheeks glowed with pleasure. Ivory was correct. She was certainly getting fatigued. In fact, just a moment ago she felt her arse muscles quiver slightly on the table. Still, if Mr. Devonshire felt she could maintain this pose, she would certainly try to comply. Surely the meal wouldn’t last much longer. She could tell by the lightness and stickiness of her body that most of the food had been devoured.

“I believe I’ll just get the last of the honey,” Paul said.

Alicia barely controlled herself when she felt Paul’s warm tongue lap the honey from her breast. Oh, how she wanted to bend her head back, touch his hair or even moan with pleasure!

“Excellent idea,” Maverick agreed.

Now Alicia practically crossed her eyes to stop herself from moaning as Mr. Devonshire joined Paul and cleaned the honey from her other breast. She clenched her pelvic muscles against the glass dildo, willing herself not to orgasm. Still, she must have given some indication of her pleasure because she heard Hector laugh.

“I do believe the girl is enjoying herself,” he commented.

“More wine, Mr. Devonshire?” Megan asked.

Alicia felt his mouth leave her body. She inhaled sharply as a tiny splash of liquid landed on her forehead and wine dripped into her eye and down her face.

“Megan!” Mr. Devonshire shouted.

Alicia maintained her position, but barely. The alcohol in the wine was stinging her eye terribly. Concentrating only on the pain, Alicia bit into the strawberry stem. Quick as a wink, she felt a linen napkin dabbing the corner of her eye and gently wiping her face.

“I may have been a beast of a husband, but I won’t stand by and let you be humiliated or injured by some idiotic twit,” Jeffrey whispered to her.

Jeffrey was actually coming to her rescue? What a novel sensation.

“Don’t answer, sweetie. I don’t want to get you into trouble, but just know this. I’ve got your back. Figure I owe you anyway.”

Alicia blinked and barely held back a smile as Jeffrey not only mopped up the wine spill but leaned over her to grasp the strawberry in his own mouth. In the process of biting through it, his lips gently brushed hers. She wondered if he realized he had just saved her from a consequence.

Suddenly, Alicia noticed that the room had gone quiet.

“Ivory,” Mr. Devonshire said quietly, “would you mind assisting Alicia, please. I believe our meal has ended. Alicia, you may remove the glass dildo, but leave the steel egg where it lies.”

“Certainly, Maverick,” Ivory solemnly answered.

“Megan, I need to see you in the den, please. Gentlemen, feel free to go on up to the playroom and fix yourselves a drink if you’d like,” Mr. Devonshire commanded.

“Serve her right if he dismissed her. That bitch dribbled the wine on purpose. Why, any more than a drop and our girl here could have suffered serious injury,” Alicia heard Hector mumble as his voice faded.

“Come on, Alicia. Let’s get you cleaned up and ready for Act Two,” Ivory said as she removed the dildo and helped Alicia sit on the edge of the table. In this position, the pressure of the egg increased slightly. Alicia welcomed the feeling of fullness. Nonetheless, her main concern was for her performance now that the stinging in her eye had dissipated.

“Oh, Ivory, do you think everyone was pleased?” Alicia asked.

“Are you kidding me? The food was phenomenal and you— Well, you looked incredibly delicious as well. At least until that little bitch tried to blind you with merlot!”

“She really is mean, isn’t she?”

“Bet your sweet arse she is. I think this might be the end of her too. I know Maverick has a soft spot for her, but really. Her behavior tonight was uncalled for. I always felt she was more of a Dom than a sub anyway.”

Alicia followed Ivory into the kitchen where she leaned over the sink, filled her hands with warm water and rinsed her eyes. Once that was completed, she dampened a cloth and began to wash the rest of her body.

“Here, let me get your back. Some of that wine dripped down your neck,” Ivory offered, taking the cloth from her.

Ivory ran the now cool cloth under warm water again. “Actually, I think I’ll just slip out of this dress. It’s new and I really don’t want to get any stains on it quite yet.” Ivory reached down and quickly lifted the hem of the light blue slip dress.

She wore nothing underneath, and Alicia’s mouth dropped open as she was amazed at the beauty of the other woman. She also couldn’t help but notice the thin strip of pubic hair proved that Ivory was indeed a true redhead.

“Here we go. Turn around, Alicia, and lift your hair,” Ivory instructed.

Alicia complied, grateful for the warm, slightly rough cloth wiping away the sticky sweetness of the wine. Ivory gently scrubbed her back, beginning with the shoulders and working her way down. Alicia felt a growing wetness as Ivory continued to bathe her.

“Good,” Ivory said softly. “Now for the front.”

Alicia turned toward Ivory who had rinsed the cloth again.

“I believe, though, that Maverick and Paul were right,” Ivory said just before dipping her head down to lick Alicia’s neck.

No longer under the constraint of silence, Alicia moaned. The softness of Ivory’s lips combined with the warmth of her tongue were too much. Alicia leaned back against the counter and trembled. Ivory’s mouth trailed steadily downward, licking Alicia’s body. The image of a cat cleaning herself jumped into Alicia’s mind. She grasped the countertop and cried out when Ivory’s quick tongue began to manipulate her clit, teasing it to erectness. Her breath came in short gasps and she exploded when Ivory’s teeth gently but firmly nibbled her pleasure button. She fought to keep her knees separated, not wanting to squish Ivory’s head. What this woman could do with her mouth defied description.

Ivory laughed. “I told you, darling, that some day we’d be very close friends. I do believe that day is here.”

“Apparently so,” Alicia agreed.

Again Ivory laughed, full-throated and lusty. “Well now. Why don’t I just take you up to the playroom? I’m sure Maverick has something wonderful planned and if not, I’ll just bet we can come up with something on our own, don’t you?”

Unsure of what to say, Alicia simply smiled and followed Ivory up to the room.

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