Tasting Pleasure (21 page)

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Authors: Anarie Brady

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Tasting Pleasure
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“Here, sweetie. Drink this,” Ivory said, pushing a glass of water against her lips.

Alicia realized she was lying on the floor, her head in Paul’s lap with Mr. Devonshire on one side of her and Ivory on the other. Looking over at the bed, she saw that both Hector and Jeffrey watched her with concern in their eyes.

“Alicia, I’m so sorry. Tell me you’re okay,” Paul said gently.

“Of course I’m okay. I’m fabulous.
was fabulous. What did you do to me? Will you do it again? What happened? Why are you all looking at me like that?” she babbled.

“You fainted,” Mr. Devonshire answered.

“Wow! It was so worth it! I guess I was holding my breath too long,” she reasoned.

“Her color looks better and, with a smile that wide, I’d say she’s fine,” Ivory observed. “Don’t look so concerned, Maverick. It happens sometimes, but only when it’s really, really good.”

“Never happened with me,” Jeffrey said with a slight whine in his voice.

“Not surprising. She really isn’t your type,” Hector pointed out.

“True. Let’s see what I can do about you, then,” Jeffrey said just before taking Hector’s staff into his mouth. Apparently Hector was quite pleased with Jeffrey since he immediately threw his head back and closed his eyes. His hand guided Jeffrey’s head up and down. Jeffrey reached up and began to stroke Hector’s chest, gently twisting his nipples. Hector cried out and Jeffrey’s throat moved convulsively as he swallowed the other man’s gift.

Alicia smiled. “You do that well, Jeffrey,” she commented.

“He certainly does,” Hector agreed.

“Feeling better?” Paul asked her, petting her hair.

“Truly, I’m fine now,” she answered. “Please don’t let my little lapse spoil the evening.”

“You’ve spoiled nothing,” Mr. Devonshire assured her. “Still, just to be sure, I think you’re on light duty for a while, at least the rest of the evening. Come. Sit in a chair.”

“But, Mr. Devonshire, really, I’m fine,” she repeated. One thing was sure, she did not want to sit on the sidelines. What she had just experienced was almost biblical. Okay, so she blacked out for a while.
Big deal
. She could still perform now that she was rested. She had drunk cum earlier but she had several more thirsty orifices waiting to be satisfied.

“You are
arguing, are you?” he asked sternly.

“No, Sir. I’ll go to the chair,” she humbly replied.

Apparently she would indeed be sitting this one out. She went to the chair, head hanging low and sat, trying desperately not to sulk. She knew Mr. Devonshire was only looking out for her. She had seen the panic and concern on his face when she had come out of her momentary stupor. Still, what right did he have to say if she was fit enough to participate or not? Who did he think he was?

Suddenly, Alicia realized the direction her thoughts were taking.
This is not good!
If he wanted her to sit out and simply watch, torture though it might be, then she would sit and watch. She was, after all, his to command. She caught his eye as realization hit. He knew exactly what he was doing. Forcing her to watch while Ivory willingly pleased both him and Paul was her punishment for her earlier impatience. He was teaching her a lesson in patience.
The man was brilliant. Still captured by his eyes, Alicia nodded, folded her hands on her lap and leaned back in the chair. Mr. Devonshire laughed, apparently fully comprehending her understanding and acceptance of the punishment. Her body would remain parched while Ivory, her best friend, would receive their gifts.

Jeffrey and Hector had moved into the tub, gently cleansing each other’s sweaty bodies. Paul lay on the bed and held out his hand for Ivory to join him. She glanced back at Alicia before accepting his invitation.

“You sure you’re okay with this?” she asked.

Alicia responded, “Of course. I am, as can easily be seen, a toy. A toy to be used or put away depending upon the will of my owner.”

Mr. Devonshire also turned to look at her, raising a questioning eyebrow.

“Besides, I deserve this punishment. I was anxious and willful. The men need their release, as do you. Honestly, Ivory, I wish I were the one on that bed, but since that is not to be, I am very happy it is you.” She smiled encouragingly.

Ivory ignored Paul’s invitation for a moment and walked over to Alicia. She bent close to her friend and kissed her.

“That, darling, is exactly why I will never be a submissive,” she whispered. “If I were in your place, I’d want to claw my eyes out!”

Alicia laughed. “Then it’s good I’m the toy and not you. Go. They’re waiting.”

The two women hugged and kissed again before Ivory joined the men.

Alicia caught Mr. Devonshire’s smile of approval before his face became stern once again. “You will watch, young lady. You will not touch yourself in any way,” he ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed. So much for her plan to masturbate. To ensure that she would follow his direction, Alicia grasped the arms of the chair.

She watched as Ivory first took Paul’s stiff rod into her mouth, sliding her red lips over his shaft, flicking her pink tongue against the tip. Mr. Devonshire rubbed and patted Ivory’s behind, testing her slit for readiness. He plunged his fingers in and out of her cave, and Alicia bit her bottom lip, seeing the wetness on his hand. Slowly Ivory licked her way up Paul’s body, finally claiming his mouth before mounting him. Mr. Devonshire now worked her arse, lubricating it with her own body’s honey, his hand matching the rhythm of her hips.

Ivory bent her head back, eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Mr. Devonshire gently pushed her shoulders down so she lay on top of Paul.

“That’s it, Ivory. You ready for us both?” he asked.

“Ready and willing,” she answered.

Deftly, Mr. Devonshire tore open a small package lying on the bedside table and worked the condom over his erect flesh. He then climbed on top of Ivory, plunging himself deep into her arse. The men moved in synchrony with each other and Ivory, beautiful Ivory, buried her face in Paul’s shoulder and whimpered, her body overtaken with tremors of delight.

Alicia watched in fascination as Paul violently thrust his hips upward, his fingers digging into Ivory’s arse cheeks, as he too found his release. To her surprise, though, Mr. Devonshire withdrew and whispered something into Ivory’s ear. She laughed and kissed him, snuggling up to Paul.

Alicia’s breathing quickened when her Master turned toward her and removed the condom, tossing it into a small refuse bin. “Now, my dear companion, stand and turn. Place your hands on the arms of the chair.”

Smiling and grateful, Alicia immediately complied. She heard Mr. Devonshire pick up her present—the metal paddle. Already she felt her pussy begin to twitch with anticipation as she realized he had yet to use the implement.

“You’ve been a very good girl, Alicia. Granted, a few mistakes, but you are an excellent companion. I’m very proud of you,” he said. “Prepare yourself now. I’m going to spank you, leave marks on you.
will be emblazoned on your arse—even more than it already is—and on your thighs. Cry out if you need to, but do not squirm. When I finish, don’t even think about rubbing your arse. Allow your body to absorb the sensation.”

Remembering the sting of the paddle, she could anticipate the sharpness of the metal. She could also visualize how her body would look, her skin reddened from the slap of the paddle except for the white image of the letters.

She closed her eyes as the first swat came, her pussy lips beginning to engorge with anticipation. Six swats later, she nearly came. Her voice ragged, she begged, “Please, Sir, Please. Enough. If you strike again, I’ll come.”

His hand, like a soothing balm, ran over her tormented flesh. His fingers dipped inside her, testing. He laughed. “Enough it is, then. But tell me, my dearest companion, do you really want to come?”

“Yes, Sir,” she answered.

“Are you sure?”

“Oh God, yes! Please, Sir, let me come!” she begged.

“Very well, but not before you have taken my seed,” he commanded just before he plunged his manhood into her waiting body. “You will wait until I fill you. You
learn patience.”

Alicia nodded and prayed she could hold out. He grasped her hips, raising her feet off the ground with the force of his thrusts. One! Two! Three! On the third, he grabbed her braid, pulled back her head and cried out his own delight. The feel of him inside her combined with the tug on her hair was more than she could bear, and Alicia’s voice joined his as she also found her release.

Chapter Sixteen




True Love Caviar Bites


1 small cucumber, scrubbed and trimmed, alternating 1/8” strips peeled from skin

1/3 cup low fat sour cream

1 Tablespoon fresh tarragon or 1 teaspoon dried tarragon

Freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 jar red caviar

Fresh parsley springs


Slice cucumber into 1/4-inch rounds. Scoop out seeds. In a small bowl, combine sour cream, tarragon and pepper. Place one teaspoon of the sour cream mixture in each scooped out cucumber slice. Garnish each with about 1/2 tsp caviar and a dill sprig.


Alicia gazed at the handsome man filling the doorway of her bedroom at her flat.

“You were extraordinary last night, Alicia,” Mr. Devonshire complimented.

“Thank you, Sir,” Alicia humbly answered Mr. Devonshire.

“Come, sit on the bed for a moment. I want to discuss something with you,” he held out his hand and walked her to the bed.

She perched on the edge and turned her body to face him.

“Your bottom, does it still pain you?” he asked.

“No, Sir, not at all. I saw the markings in the mirror though. If I may say so, they are lovely.”

Mr. Devonshire laughed. “You certainly may say so. And I agree wholeheartedly. It is a lovely arse—with or without the labeling.” He leaned over and kissed her.

Alicia blushed but held his gaze. A year ago she would never have been able to look at him, fully dressed, while she was totally naked. Not only that, but she would never have been able to speak with him about such things without stumbling over her own words. She grinned slightly, thinking of how much confidence she had gained.

“You seemed pleased with yourself,” he noted.

“Yes, Sir, I am. I was just thinking that I’m not the shy, tongue-tied tourist I once was. I owe that to you,” she answered.

He paused for a moment. “Not entirely. You set the goal and made the effort. You have endured much this year. You, not I, deserve the credit. I am simply happy to be a part of it.”

Alicia didn’t quite know what to say, so she remained silent.

“I have a new proposition to put before you,” he continued. “I would like, with your consent, to upgrade your position.”


“To that of slave.”

At that word, Alicia frowned. Images of shackled men and women tortured and forced into hard, punishing labor flashed in her mind.

“I see you are hesitant,” he said. “I quite understand. But this would not be the slavery of the past, but a slavery of your choice.”

“Please explain, Sir.”

“Here, look at this.” He handed her a small booklet.

Inside were pictures of both men and women in poses similar to her greeting positions. Most wore collars, some both collars and cuffs, all were naked. A few sported a tattoo similar to a barcode on their neck, ankle or lower back. Carefully studying these people, Alicia could detect a sense of contentment in their eyes. Many wore bright smiles. She looked questioningly at Mr. Devonshire.

“This is a sexual slave registry. Every person listed has freely chosen to be a slave. If you agree, I will submit your name. You will be known as my slave, with Paul as your secondary Master. You will be assigned a number. And from then on, you will belong to me. Our contract will no longer be private but very public. Anyone who visits this site will know your position. But let me assure you, my love, the choice is yours. If you don’t want this new position, you will not anger or disappoint me in any way.”

Alicia considered carefully. She had never felt so loved and protected as she did when she was with Mr. Devonshire and Paul. Rather than being treated with disrespect, she knew the men truly appreciated her efforts to please them. She could not imagine her life without them. Still, some doubts lingered. Unconsciously she began to twist a thick lock of hair around her finger. Did she really want complete strangers to know she had chosen to be a sexual slave? For that matter, what about her friends still in America? What would they think?

“May I ask you a few questions?”

“Of course, my dear. Ask anything you wish. In fact, I order you to be completely honest and open. I do not want you to accept only because you want to please me. I want you to be pleased with your decision.” He brought her hands up to his lips and kissed them gently.

Alicia smiled. “If I don’t accept this, will it end our relationship?”

“Good Lord, no! This is simply an option for us. I am very pleased with you. In all honesty, I think I would be lost without you in my life. You have come to hold a very special place in my heart.”

Alicia blinked her surprise. Could Mr. Devonshire be falling in love with her?

“Wow. Okay. Ah, next question. Would you require my picture on the registry?”

“Yes, Alicia, I would. I want the world to know what a beautiful slave I have. I want your lovely, naked body displayed.”

When he put it that way, she couldn’t help but feel complimented.

“Would I have to get a tattoo?” she asked hesitantly.

“Only if you want one. Remember when I could have branded you and did not? I meant what I said. I will not now or ever permanently mar or mark your body without your express permission.”

“Good. I’m afraid of needles,” she answered with a relieved sigh. “Mr. Devonshire, what happened with Megan last night?” she continued.

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