Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (8 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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“Shhh, love.” His hand travelled up her ribcage, just grazing her breast. She gasped at the sensation but his hand continued upward to rest on the exposed skin of her collar bone. His fingers traced patterns on the skin as his lips feathered kisses on her cheek.

“Stop.” It came out in a breathy plea. His lips reached the corner of her mouth and hers parted without meaning to. She felt him smile against her. “Piper. My beautiful, fiery Piper. So proper and yet so reckless. How can that be?”

His lips came down on hers and she sighed into them. It felt so good to have his lips pressed against her own. Warm and soft, it was both comforting and exciting. He raised his mouth and then lowered it again. His lips pressed harder. He broke contact again for a split second and then his mouth came down more insistently. He pushed her lips apart and his tongue gently probed hers. Fire shot through her, right down to her core. She moaned softly and Barrett gathered her closer.

Her hands travelled up his chest, around his neck, and into his hair. She wound her finger in it and then pulled him closer as his tongue probed deeper.

While his tongue continued his assault, his hands roamed across her body. They were in her hair and down her back, rubbing it. The ache in her core built and she pressed closer to him. She forgot everything but the comfort and excitement of his arms around her. She held on tighter to him.

His hands moved further down until they cupped her buttocks. He lifted and pressed her lower body closer to his own. She could feel his manhood against her belly. It was like a bucket of cold water being dumped on her.

“Barrett!” She muttered as her lips broke free and she yanked herself away. She stepped back and hit the chair she had been sitting in with the back of her legs. It knocked her off balance and she was forced to sit on the seat to not fall.

He stepped closer and put his hands on the arms of the chair. His faced leaned down towards hers. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Piper tried to duck under his arm to get out of the chair put some space between them but he grabbed her wrist. He pulled her back into his arms as she tried to push at his chest. “Barrett, what are you doing?” She wasn’t afraid of him. But she did need to put a stop to this.

“Bloody bullocks, I don’t know,” he buried his face in her neck again, his lips kissing her sensitive skin.

“You have to stop. You know I can’t do this. My mother would be…” His lips stilled on her skin.

“Do you need some assistance, miss?” A voice called from the door. A deep young male voice. Piper stilled, frightened at being caught in a man’s arms.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Barrett lifted his head but continued to hold her. She tried to pull away but his arms turned to bands of steel.

“I could ask you the same,” the voice returned.

“Barrett,” her voice was a soft whisper but it held her fear. She balled her hands into fists, holding the front of his shirt.

“Hush love, he is a far worse rake than myself and therefor very good at keepings a lady’s secrets. But he is intruding where he is not wanted so I am going to have to pummel him as soon as you leave.” Barrett gave her one more squeeze. Then slowly he unfurled his arms from around her.

She felt like her legs were made of jelly but she forced herself to stand and turn to face the man in the doorway. Barrett kept his hands at her waist and when she had turned, he pulled her back against his body.

The man in the doorway was the most classically handsome man she had ever seen. Blond hair and sparkling green eyes assessed her over a straight nose and full lips. Piper resisted the urge to check her hair with her hands. She was sure it was mussed after Barrett’s attentions.

“Well, aren’t you a picture of perfection.” He smiled angelically.

“I highly doubt it. Do you always flatter the ladies so?” Piper cocked one eyebrow at him.

He laughed, rumbling from his chest and she felt Barrett laughing too, although he was silent.

“Ladies as stunning as you, always.” He moved from the doorway. “I’m Ethan Wright, it’s a pleasure.” He bowed slightly and Piper acknowledged it with a nod of her head.

“Ethan, this is Miss Piper Baker. Piper, Ethan is a business associate of mine.” Barrett was tucking her hair back into some of her pins as he spoke. Ethan didn’t seem the least distracted by it and Piper momentarily felt as though she had entered another world.

“You are both so calm, do you do this often?” She half turned toward Barrett.

“No,” Barrett said. At the same moment Ethan said, “Yes.”

Piper sighed and tried to push herself away from Barrett but his arm wrapped around her waist and held her fast. “Why won’t you let me go?” She stamped her foot in exasperation.

“He’s afraid to let you lose in my presence.” Ethan smiled even more angelically.

Piper looked back at Barrett who was actually grimacing. “Why?” her voice was incredulous.

“Why are there dress boxes stacked in your entry?” Ethan responded with a question of his own.

Piper blushed a deep shade of pink and Ethan cocked an eyebrow. Barrett answered, his voice surly. “None of your business.”

“Were you trying to buy her affection and when she refused you thought simply to force yourself on her?” Ethan grinned as he gave this accounting.

“The dresses were a gift to her mother. What Mrs. Baker decided to do with them was her business. It is perfectly respectable. If you must know, Piper and her mother are family friends and I was simply helping them.”

“By searching her mouth with your tongue?” Ethan smiled turned wicked then.

“Sir!” Piper pulled away from Barrett. He let her go. Her shoulders were straight as she walked up to him. “I appreciate you have caught me in a delicate situation but please do not say such things.”

“Ethan. Miss Baker must maintain her reputation. Her mother is gravely ill and if she does not marry this season…” Barrett stopped talking.

“Well Miss Baker, if a husband is what you need then let me present myself as a suitor.” Ethan bowed to her looking completely sincere. Piper stopped to consider him again. He did not make her feel the way Barrett did but she had received far worse offers.

Barrett growled behind her. Piper stopped momentarily in surprise but then she returned a wicked grin of her own.

“Most kind. Thank you.” She turned back to Barrett. “If I can get a proposal looking like this, surely I won’t need those dresses.”

Barrett charged between the two of them. “Ethan, I am going to kill you. You lay one finger…” Barrett turned back to her, “As I said. They were a gift to your mother. Therefore, they are not yours to return.” He walked next to her again. His hand lightly pressed to the small of her back. “You will take them home. Wear the cream one tomorrow night.”

“What are you talking about?” Her mouth formed a thin line.

“The Westchester’s Ball, didn’t your aunt tell you? I am escorting your family.” He looked exasperated.

Her mouth dropped open. “You cannot come with us.” No one in her family had mentioned the ball or the fact the Barrett would be escorting them. It was a terrible idea. How could they keep their hands to themselves for an entire ball?

“Of course I am coming with you.” He waved his hand to dismiss her comment.

Piper stared at Barrett. She could feel his jealousy over Ethan rolling off him in waves. She walked up to Ethan and struck her most perfect pose. Her shoulders straight, her back curved. One hand delicately holding out her skirt. Her lashes fluttered and she let a small laugh trill across the room. Barrett started growling again. “Mr. Wright would you do me the honor of a dance?” A lady would never ask a man but she was making a point.

“I most graciously accept.” He did his best English accent as he bowed. Ethan’s hand reached for her waist but before he could get it there, Barrett stepped next to him and grabbed his hand. “I told you what I would do if you touched her.”

Piper dropped her façade, “Are you going to beat every man who asks me to dance?”

He was momentarily surprised. Then he grimaced as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

Piper sighed. She had made her point. Well the last one anyway. “I should return to my mother. It was nice to meet you Mr. Wright. I am sure my mother will thank you for the dresses Mr. Maddox.” He was right, she couldn’t refuse a gift to her mother. While he was not directly propositioning her to be his mistress, he wasn’t denying it either. And since he offered to help her find a suitable husband, he had no intention of asking her himself yet he kissed her at every opportunity. When had her life gotten so complicated?



Barrett watched her
walk out the door. He had the urge to call her back. He wanted to punch Ethan in the face after he pushed him out the door. Then he wanted to carry Piper upstairs.

“You’re in trouble this time.” Ethan laughed and shook his head.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Barrett’s voice rumbled close to a growl.

“How long have you known her?” Ethan’s eyebrows rose.


“Years?” Ethan cocked his eyebrows.

“Days.” Barrett’s fists clenched at his side.

“You mean to tell me you are this possessive after four days? It’s worse than I thought. Never, in all the years I have known you have you ever been like this.” Ethan was enjoying this. Barrett could see the glee on his face.

Barrett simply glowered at his friend. “You’re exaggerating.”

“I’m not. You growled at me. You didn’t even growl at me when I tried to take your mistress in Spain.” Ethan’s smile returned. He had an annoying habit of pretending to look innocent when he was guilty as sin.

“You did take my mistress in Spain,” Barrett reminded him.

“Oh that’s right. You didn’t seem the least put out.” Ethan raised his eyebrows as if this meant something. Barrett refused to acknowledge his point.

“You offered to marry Piper,” Barrett hurtled the accusation back. The two women had nothing to do with one another. One he hadn’t cared about in the least while the other…

“Which is far better than what you offered her.”
. Ethan had heard that. And his friend had a point. “She is stunning. Did you see the way she held her head high with her hair half hanging down her back? How many women can carry that off? I can see why you would want her but you don’t make a woman like her your mistress. And if you get caught kissing her like that again, you will find yourself married.”

Barrett shrugged. He didn’t want to talk about it anymore. He knew what was happening was dangerous. Somehow, he didn’t seem able to stop himself when he was with her.

“You called her love.” Ethan tossed himself into a chair, smirking.

“What?” Barrett stood very still. He could feel fear trickling down his back.

“You called her love, twice actually. I have never heard you call a woman love and there have been a lot of women.” His friend reached over to the side table where the brandy sat. As if he didn’t have a care in the world, he unstopped the bottle and poured himself a glass.

“How long were you watching us?” Barrett took a few steps closer. His mind was reeling. Had he really called her love? Her face rose into his mind. The merriment in her eyes, her quick wit, her beautiful smile. Those stunning blue eyes. He rubbed his jaw and then his eyes. He’d bloody asked her to be his mistress in not so many words. What was wrong with him? He should be helping her—not making it more complicated, but it was like he lost control where she was concerned.

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