Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (4 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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“Come lie down, Mrs. Baker.” The doctor led her to the bed.

“Miss Baker, if you wouldn’t mind stepping outside for a few moments so I can examine your mother.” The doctor turned and began pressing his fingers to her mother’s neck.

Mr. Maddox took her hand and led her out of the room and back onto the deck. Her hand shook slightly. What would the doctor find? “Mr. Maddox, what did I do with that wine?” Piper couldn’t care less about drinking it, but searching for the forgotten glass gave her something to do other than worry about her mother or look at Barrett Maddox.

He laughed again, shaking his head. “Miss Baker, you really are something.”

He looked like he wanted to say more but Piper ducked her head and began searching for her glass of wine. She hunted around the deck, keeping her eyes trained on the boards. The wind rustled her skirts and she smoothed them back down. Anything to keep from talking. She had revealed quite enough for one evening.

“Tell me about yourself, Mr. Maddox. Besides being a duke, when you’re not sailing the East Coast of America.” She found her goblet, amazed it was still upright. She picked it up and took a sip. She turned her back to him. Then she leaned out over the rail of the boat to look at the water.

“While I am the oldest, and holder of the title, my brother is currently performing the duties of the position. An estate of that size needs money to run. A few of my ancestors did a poor job of managing it so I am working to uphold the family legacy.” She could hear him moving closer again. Her nerves were frayed from the evening, and she wasn’t sure she could handle the assault on her senses he seemed to bring.

She kept her eyes trained on the water. She knew from earlier it was best not to turn and look at him while they talked. “You must be making your family proud.” Piper wished she could do what he had done. Provide for herself when the world was bleak. Her only choice was to marry. Probably to a man she had little feeling for despite her mother’s attempt to make it otherwise.

“You could not be more wrong. If I were performing as my mother expected, I would have stayed to perform my duties while I sent my brother off to make money. My mother is very fond of reminding me I am doing it incorrectly.” He was right behind her. She could practically feel him though he wasn’t touching her. She closed her eyes for a second to compose herself and then she continued as if he weren’t driving her to distraction. Why did he insist on being so close?

“Hmmm, not following the rules. I see. Will you return when your fortune is made?” Piper held her breath. She only realized after the question was out that she cared about the answer.

“I haven’t decided yet.” His hands grasped the rail on either side of her, trapping her in the circle of his arms. “I answered your questions, now you answer one of mine.”

“I don’t remember striking that bargain.” Her skin began to tingle.

He ignored her. “Why hasn’t your mother seen a doctor and why does she want you married so desperately?”

Piper bit her lip. “Why do you want to know so badly?”

She felt his hand brush her hair. His warm breath tickled her neck. “I saved you. You’re under my protection. Consider it part of my duty.”

She shivered. She had been feeling more alone with each passing day, and suddenly he was here. Like a warm safe beacon of light. She couldn’t say any of this so she said nothing afraid to reveal too much. He must have felt her because his warm hands came down on her collar bone, against her bare skin. “You can trust me, Piper.”

She didn’t mean to, but she found herself leaning her back against him. “We don’t have any more money. My mother wants to see me married before we are destitute. She is afraid if she doesn’t, I will never find a suitable husband. She won’t use any funds for herself.”

“Is that why you were travelling on the
?” His soft voice was so close to her ear, it tickled the sensitive skin.

“She says she is going to marry this complete ninny so he can take care of her. But I told her…” A sob rose in her chest and then broke free from her throat.

He squeezed her shoulder ever so slightly. “What did you tell her?”

“That I would just marry a man in Boston. He could take care of me and her as well. We could spend the last of our money on her care.” Another sob rose in her chest. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to say these things. To share with someone. It should have been humiliating to say these things but somehow, he made her feel safe enough to tell him his secrets.

“But she wants you to find something else?” he prompted.

“Love. She wants me to find love. It isn’t important to me. I don’t need love.” She spun in his arms to face him. “I need her to be healthy.”

She realized turning was a mistake the second their eyes met. His liquid brown eyes were filled with an intensity she could not understand but it drew her to him anyway.

His hands settled back on her shoulders. “I know. You love her deeply.” Then he stopped speaking and slowly his lips descended onto hers.

They were soft and warm and full of tenderness. He had been right when he said another kiss would make her forget her first. She could barely remember her name with his lips on hers. All too soon he lifted his head.

Her mind clouded with confusion and her question was in her eyes. He only smiled softly in response and his thumb gently stroked her lips where his had just been. Piper’s eyes fluttered to his mouth. So beautiful.

A throat cleared behind them. Piper started in surprise and her goblet fell from her hand, over the side of the boat. “Oh! I am so sorry.”

“It doesn’t matter, Miss Baker. How did the examination go, Dr. Thompson?” He turned towards the other man but one hand slid down her arm and rested on her elbow.

The doctor frowned slightly and Piper’s heart fluttered in her chest. He looked at Piper.

“She has consumption. She should have stayed in Boston. She needs rest and she needs care.” Piper heard his words but she wasn’t understanding. How sick was her mother?

She looked at Barrett but his face was pinched and her heart hammered in her chest. This time it had nothing to do with his presence. “What does that mean?”

“With the proper care your mother could survive,” Dr. Thompson paused and Piper noted the word
in that sentence. “But at least half the patients with wasting disease eventually die.”

Piper’s hand covered her mouth and her legs buckled under her. Barrett wrapped her in his arms and held her up.

“I might be able to save her but it would take considerable resources.” The doctor looked at her and Piper stared back. Tears stung her eyes. She would give her life to save her mother’s but she had no money to give him.

“Do what you have to, Dr. Thompson. You will be paid for your time,” Barrett said next to her.

Piper looked at him, her face void of expression. She couldn’t think, couldn’t react. “I don’t—I can’t pay you back now.”

“It doesn’t matter. Let’s go see your mother.” Barrett began half leading her, half carrying her toward the door. Her hands clung to him. She didn’t know how she would repay him but she would find a way.

Back in the room, her mother had been tucked into Barrett’s very large bed. Lying there, she didn’t look sick, she looked comfortable.

Piper took a deep breath. She had to be strong for her mother. Straightening her shoulders, she slowly moved herself from Barrett’s side. She placed her hand in the crook of his arm just in case.

“How are you, Mother?” Piper’s voice came out with false cheer.

“It doesn’t matter, my dear. What is important now is we get you settled.” Her mother patted the bed next to her.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Mother. I’ll be fine; we need to take care of you.” Piper placed her free hand on her hip.

“Let’s not fight. Piper, would you be a dear and fetch me some water.”” Her mother smiled at her beseechingly and Piper wanted to stamp her foot at being sent off like a child but her mother couldn’t be denied now. Once again, Piper headed for the door. She glanced at Barrett, as she was leaving. The lamp cast shadows on his face, making him look even more formidable. She had never met a man that made bad look so good.



Barrett Maddox assessed
the woman lying in his bed. It was not the usual woman who inhabited the space, he thought ruefully. But then, nothing about this evening had been the usual.

He usually didn’t save beautiful damsels from thieves. He usually didn’t then offer complete strangers’ passage. And while he kissed nearly any woman he wanted too, he didn’t usually do it when they were incredibly vulnerable and in trouble. Well, sometimes, but usually not.

But then Piper, herself, was unusual. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Ever. He had travelled around the world and never met another like her. It wasn’t just that she was perfect. Although every detail was absolutely stunning. Those large blue eyes were tilted at the corners in a way that was both innocent and sensual. Her hair was stunningly soft and vibrant. All he could think about was unpinning it, so his hands could get tangled up in that thick mass of curls. Her body was meant for sin, slender but curvy. He closed his eyes thinking about the gentle sway of her hips.

But her physical appearance wasn’t what was best about her. It was that she was strong and funny. Completely loyal to her mother. Half American, half English just like him. Refined but tough, just like him.

He had taken advantage of Piper and he knew it. But he guessed, correctly he was sure, her defenses were normally unbreechable. She was normally a perfect lady. His mother would love her if she wasn’t half American. Hell and fire, why was he thinking of Piper and his mother in the same thought?

He also usually avoided virgins like the plague. They became attached too easily and had expectations about marriage. He would marry someday, but it would likely be as painful as his parent’s marriage which is why he was putting it off for as long as possible. The women he chose knew the rules. Their relationship would remain casual.

So why would he have kissed her like that? Because he couldn’t resist. Those lips of hers, so full and sumptuously pink, begged to be kissed.

“Mr. Maddox, I cannot begin to thank you for all for all of the help you have given us this evening. You are a true gentleman in every sense of the word.” Mrs. Baker smiled at him.

Except for the part where I kissed your daughter after promising to be chaperoned. He gritted his teeth together in a smile. “Of course. It has been my pleasure.”

The older woman shook her head. “You’re very kind. I hate to impose on you anymore but…”

“I have already informed the doctor to care for you.” He stepped towards the woman. She was still very beautiful. Piper greatly resembled her mother.

“Oh, I don’t want you to help care for me. I need your help with Piper.” She waved her hand airily.

Barrett felt like lead weights had been attached to his feet. “Piper?”

She nodded. “You can see how much she needs help. She can’t control the fact she is so beautiful.”

“Beautiful?” Bloody bullocks, when had he turned into a parrot?

“Did you notice? It’s hard not to. But she is so innocent. She can’t be left alone. Men will try to take advantage.”

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