Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Taming A Duke's Reckless Heart: Victorian Historical Romance
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She checked on her mother before she left. While she hadn’t gotten better, she hadn’t gotten worse either. Piper had not wanted to go out but her aunt insisted Piper must begin socializing. Time was of the essence.

Piper met her aunt and cousin in the entryway. Her aunt turned to her, “A Mr. Masters is escorting us. You are acquainted?”

“Yes, Aunt Lizzie,” Piper replied flatly. Barrett must have decided he was done with her if he sent Ethan. Ethan made him so jealous. Inwardly she sighed. She knew this was better but she felt a twinge of disappointment at not seeing Barrett.

Ethan walked through the doors with his charming smile beaming from his face, “We meet again, Miss Baker.” But his eyes had already drifted to her cousin Sybil, where they rested for many moments.

“As always, it’s a pleasure, Mr. Wright. May I introduce my aunt, Lady Elizabeth Vesser and my cousin, Lady Sybil Fairfield, Viscountess of Aberforth.” Piper gestured toward her cousin but Ethan’s eyes were already glued on the other woman. Intensity rolled off of him. Piper quirked her brows. Where was the lighthearted, easygoing rake? This was not the same man she had met yesterday.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Sybil curtseyed, blushing slightly.

“And you as well. Shall we ladies?” He held his arm out to her aunt, who graciously took it. Even Aunt Lizzie was giving Ethan side looks as they walked.

Sybil fell in behind her aunt and Piper brought up the rear. Sybil turned back to her. “Where did you find him?”

Piper only rolled her eyes. Her voice would travel right to Ethan, so she was spared answering. Ethan helped her aunt into the carriage, then Sybil. Piper could swear energy crackled between them when they touched. Was that how it had been when she met Barrett?

Ethan climbed into the carriage and Piper paused. Was she going to have to get herself in? She would have to tell Barrett a new escort was needed. Ethan was not going to keep her safe if all he did was ogle her cousin. But then another figure emerged from the carriage. Barrett filled the door and stepped down.

Piper gasped, “I thought we agreed you wouldn’t come.” She glared at him.

He ignored her glare and offered her his hand. “
agreed. I will not leave you completely on your own but I did hear what you said. Ethan has convinced me to stay in the card room while you are dancing.”

She placed her gloved hand in his and butterflies danced in her stomach.

As she passed by him, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, “You look absolutely ravishing.”

“Thank you,” she replied keeping her voice cool. She would not allow him to distract her tonight.

Piper entered the carriage to see her aunt, cousin, and Ethan had filled one seat. She was forced to sit on the other and Barrett would sit next to her.

She scooted as close to the window as she could, but Barrett slid beside her, seeming to crowd her anyway. She refused to acknowledge it however, and instead, stared fixedly out the window.

She watched New York slip by. A girl in ragged clothes stood on the corner selling matches. Piper bit her lip. Her heart ached for the child. She must keep her life in perspective. As sad as her situation was, her aunt and her cousin would take her in. Barrett would help her the best he could. Not that she wanted it but somehow it was comforting to know help was there if the worst happened. He still shouldn’t have come tonight, she was about that. But to herself she could admit having Barrett in her life made her feel anchored. Since the death of her father, she and her mother had been adrift in a stormy sea.

The carriage was quiet and her aunt cleared her throat. “My goodness, we are going to a party, after all. If you keep up this silence, we will be sunk this evening for sure.”

Everyone chuckled and it seemed too ease some of the tension. Piper looked around to see Barrett’s gaze intently assessing her. She sighed. He had to stop doing that.

Her eyes travelled across the carriage. Ethan was giving Sybil the same look and Sybil was doing her best to look anywhere but at him. Piper suppressed a giggle but Barrett noticed anyway and he followed her eyes. His arms crossed over his chest and he lightly kicked Ethan across the carriage. “What?” Ethan looked genuinely surprised.

“Don’t forget what you are here for.” Barrett let out a low growl.

Ethan shrugged. “There really is no pleasing you.”

The carriage entered the line of people waiting to be dropped off. Piper watched the crowd and wondered if her cousin would pursue Ethan. While English society would not take kindly to an American Viscount, the title was hers. She had no parents to ask for approval.

If Barrett had no parents, would he marry her? Piper blushed to think it because she truly would not wish for Barrett to lose his mother. It was a terrible thought.

Barrett must have noticed her pink cheeks because leaned over and whispered, “What are you thinking about?”

“That is none of your concern.” She did her best to give him a frosty look. He wasn’t supposed to be here.

“You are always my concern,” he whispered back.

She turned away again. A slight flush stained her cheeks. She wanted it to be true but she wouldn’t allow herself to read into it too much. It was useless to, again, point out since he didn’t want to marry her, he should just leave her be. The carriage came to a halt and they all stepped out and began walking towards the front doors.


Piper clutched Sybil’s hand as they made their way through the crush of the crowd. People parted for them slightly and she realized they were drawing a great deal of attention. Men seemed to stop their conversations to admire the two women walking by and whispers followed behind them.

Piper turned back briefly to see a black look on Barrett’s face. His arms were crossed over his chest. She smiled just a little. He didn’t seem to enjoy being here either.

“I have never seen a man glower the way he does. What do you see in him Piper?” her aunt huffed from behind her.

“Why do you think he is so upset?” Sybil asked. She turned back to her aunt, but Piper saw her crane her head to look at Ethan.

“He’s sweet on Piper,” her aunt stated matter-of-factly.

“He won’t marry me,” Piper couldn’t help but add. Maybe she hoped her aunt and her cousin would disagree and say he would change his mind.

“No dear. It’s unlikely. Although, your mother would disagree. Perhaps that is why she asked Mr. Maddox to be your guardian.”

Piper stopped moving. “She asked him what?” She knew he would look out for her, but her actual guardian?

“Oh dear, I have said too much,” her aunt’s brow creased in worry.

“She may as well have asked a wolf to watch the sheep,” Sybil added dryly.

Piper laughed. “And he thinks I’m funny.”

Sybil giggled. “You’re much funnier than me but maybe your mother is right. If he is talking about your sense of humor then he really is sweet on you.”

Piper turned to give Barrett a sly glance. His eyes bore into hers. She quickly turned back around, and she nearly ran into a gentleman who had stepped in front of them.

“Pardon me.” She gave him a quick curtsey and went to step around him. He put his hand out to stop her. It came down on her upper arm.

Piper looked up at him in confusion. He was well dressed and good looking enough, but he made her slightly uncomfortable.

“Forgive me. But I saw you passing by and I was hoping to ask you to dance.” His hand tightened on her arm. It was terribly forward.

“I do not believe we’ve met,” Piper tried to deflect his question.

“Asher Grey. And you are Miss Baker.” He still had not released her arm.

“I’m Barrett Maddox,” Barrett growled from behind her.

He pushed around her and Asher quickly let go of her. Barrett towered over the other man as Ethan pushed his way through as well.

“I was simply asking the lady to dance.” Asher tried to straighten up to be taller.

“Miss Baker is used to English traditions. She is generally acquainted with men before she dances with them,” Barrett’s voice ground out.

Piper bristled. This is exactly what she feared he would do. Hoping to make a point that Barrett wasn’t wanted, she turned to Mr. Grey. “I would be happy to dance Mr. Grey.”

He smiled and took her hand, leading her to the floor. Piper glanced around again. It was a ball to rival any in London. With glittering gowns and well-dressed men, New York was a sparkling city. There would be close to twenty such parties this season.

She turned back to give Barrett a look of triumph only to see a beautiful woman with raven hair hanging on his arm. Barrett held his usual dark look but Piper bit her lip. If that woman was any closer, she’d be in Barrett’s skin. Piper suddenly deeply regretted agreeing to dance with Asher Grey.

The orchestra struck the first notes and Mr. Grey began the steps to a waltz. At best, he was an average dancer. Piper tried not to be too terribly bored. He droned on about his real estate investments and his tenant houses. She was sure he did well for himself and he was attempting to make that abundantly clear.

Twice she glanced over at Barrett. The first time the woman had her lips pressed to his ear. The second she actually had her hand on his chest.

Mr. Grey continued lecturing her on his success. Finally, to break the monotony of the conversation, she asked, “How did you know who I was?”

“Poor cousin to a Viscountess. Everyone knows who the two of you are,” he twirled her as he spoke. Biting back a retort, Piper looked at the man she was dancing with. She didn’t have to marry an Englishman but she did need to marry someone with some manners. This man had none.

Piper’s eyes sought Barrett again. The woman had finally left. Piper wondered who she was to be so touchy with Barrett. Jealousy prickle down her spine.

When the dance finished, he asked for another. She told him to find her later, she must check on her family.

One dance and she was ready to go home. Her heart was not in it this evening. Between her mother and her confusion over Barrett, Piper longed for a quiet place to think. But she didn’t leave. Instead, she danced the night away. Each with a new man. She trilled with laughter. She flattered and she pouted as the situation called for. Several men asked to call on her the next day.

The hostess, Mariel Westchester, toured her around the party, introducing her to several eligible men and affluent ladies.

“I am so glad you came, Miss Baker,” Mariel whispered in her breathy voice.

“Thank you for inviting me.” Piper plastered a smile on her face.

“Oh, we wouldn’t miss having you. You and your cousin bring so much
joie de vivre
to New York’s society. We really are ladies of culture now. We travel, we decorate our homes in the latest fashion. I even have a French chef.” Mariel looked very pleased with herself and Piper nodded accordingly. “I will introduce you to Phillip Stanford next. He had made a fortune in the transportation business and I know he is looking to settle down. You are just the type of lady he would be interested in.”

Mariel beamed at her as though she were bestowing a great favor. “Oh, thank you.” She felt a blush creep into her cheeks. What type of lady was Mariel talking about?

The conversation came to an abrupt halt when another woman stepped up next to Mariel. Piper instantly recognized the woman who had been next to Barrett earlier.

“Mariel, darling, you must introduce me to your friend.” She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes.

Piper looked at the woman in front of her. She was perfection. Raven colored hair and sparkling black eyes. Classic features and full lips topped a stunning body. Piper wasn’t intimidated. Normally, she could go head to head with a beautiful woman. But she wasn’t sure if she could compete for Barrett’s affection, at least not after yesterday.

“Miss Piper Baker this is Mrs. Samantha Fox.” Mariel looked from one woman to the other. She looked slightly confused.

“Pleasure.” Piper gave her own cold smile.

“We have a common friend I noticed. How do you know Barrett?” Mrs. Fox raised her eyebrows.

“His Grace?” Piper asked. Her tone was frosty. She didn’t like this woman calling him Barrett and her English roots balked at this woman’s lack of decorum. In a public setting, Mrs. Fox should have referred to him by his title or at least Mr. Maddox. Mrs. Fox wanted Piper to know they were intimately acquainted.

Mrs. Fox pursed her lips. Piper felt victory surge in her chest but Mrs. Fox’s next words crushed her victory. “Of course, it was just our relationship was so familiar. I forget about his title.”

Mariel gasped at the implication. Piper gritted her teeth. “You must not be English.” She refused to give this woman a shred of information and she wouldn’t give Mrs. Fox the satisfaction of asking anything about her relationship with Barrett. Besides, she reminded herself, Barrett wasn’t hers to be jealous over.

They assessed each other, neither speaking and Mrs. Fox finally gave in to her curiosity. “You arrived together did you not?”

Piper still did not answer. Mariel stepped in, looking nervous. “Miss Baker’s cousin is a Viscountess. I’m sure they’re acquainted in England?”

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