Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) (21 page)

Read Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland,Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1)
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“Come on,” Ty said from behind her. “Faster, Alice.”

She kept her gaze on Jarronn as she began sucking Ty in earnest, hoping he wouldn’t take too long and that he’d come fast. Her energy was still sky-high from that
cake, but her jaws were getting a little sore.

Just as she was getting into a good rhythm and getting used to watching Jarronn’s tightly reined lust, something thrust into her anus. Alice’s eyes widened and she came to a complete stop.

“Keep going, Alice,” Ty said. “I’m just taking you in your sexy ass with my fingers while you suck me.”

Jarronn narrowed his gaze, and Alice got moving. Ty slid another finger in and rammed them in and out of her ass while she gave him his blowjob. From her peripheral vision she caught the intense expressions of Darronn and Karn, who had definitely recovered and were raring to go again.

The feel of Karn’s come drying on her breasts, Ty sliding his finger in and out of her ass, Karn and Darronn watching, and Jarronn’s intensely aroused stare—it all made Alice so incredibly hot that she was afraid she’d climax without Jarronn’s permission.

No. She wouldn’t come unless he told her she could.

But everything was

“Yes, gorgeous, that’s
” Ty thrust his hips toward her face and climaxed. Alice continued sucking him until he ordered her to stop, and then he pulled his fingers out of her ass.

As Ty was sliding out of her mouth, Jarronn abruptly stood. Alice stayed on her hands and knees and looked at his feet, her heart pounding as she wondered what he was going to do to her now.

“You are ready for the bonding, Alice,” Jarronn said. “Rise and look at me.”

“Yes, Milord.” Alice rose to her feet, her ass still tingling from Ty’s fingers, and brought her gaze to Jarronn’s.

Jarronn tossed Ty a dark look, as if to say,
You did not have permission to enter my woman.
When he turned back to Alice, the possessiveness in Jarronn’s gaze was enough to make her core spasm.

“I am still disappointed in you, Alice.” Jarronn folded his arms across his chest and fought back his raging arousal as he studied his beautiful woman. “You hesitated far too many times. Remember you must obey me without question in anything I request of you.”

“I’m sorry, Milord.” She lowered her gaze. “It will not happen again.”

Using his magic, Jarronn retrieved the red flogger from his quarters, and it appeared in his palm. “Look at me, Alice.” He reached out and brushed the soft leather straps along her cheek as her gaze met his again. “Do you understand why you are being punished?”

“Yes, Milord.” Her eyes glittered with both fear and excitement. He knew she enjoyed the flogger, but this time its use would bring her to that state she would need to be in to perform the mind-bond with all four kings. This bonding would ensure her protection as the future High Queen.

Jarronn guided her to the center of the turret where the large golden ring hung suspended in midair. “Hold on to the ring, Alice.”

“Yes, Milord.” This time there was no hesitation as she followed his instructions and grabbed hold of the ring. It was positioned just high enough that she had to stretch to grab hold of it.

“Remember all the rules, Alice.” Jarronn set aside the flogger on a nearby couch, then retrieved a red silk scarf with his magic and used the cloth to bind her hands to the ring. “I am confident you won’t disappoint me again.”

Her expression remained calm, and he knew that her trust in him at this moment was complete. With a flick of his fingers, he produced her blue satin hair ribbon and blindfolded her.

He leaned close and whispered in her ear, “Not a sound, Alice.”

Alice relaxed, turning over all control to Jarronn. She couldn’t see with the blindfold on, but she could feel and hear everything.

Karn murmured, “She is magnificent.”

From behind her came Darronn’s deep voice as a callused hand caressed her butt cheeks. “A beautiful wench with an ass made to fuck.”

Firm lips brushed over hers and she caught the scent of ale and spice. “A woman made to both take and love,” Ty murmured, and warm breath caressed her mouth.

woman,” Jarronn growled with both possessiveness and pride in his tone.

Being blindfolded and unable to rely on her sight allowed Alice to hear what was not said along with what was said aloud. These men found her beautiful, and they all wanted her. It was a heady, amazing feeling, and she almost smiled.

The familiar feel of a flogger caressed her breasts. “Alice belongs to me and only me.” Jarronn moved the leather straps to her waist. “She will always be mine.”

When the first stinging lash landed across her thigh, Alice reflexively jerked against her bonds. She relaxed into every subsequent lash, wanting the pain that melded into rapture. A storm of a climax grew inside her, but she would not come yet. Her orgasm would be her gift to Jarronn when he asked for it.

Each lash landed on a different part of her body. The front of her thighs, the back of them, her ass, her back, her shoulders. Her body was on fire, flames of ecstasy scorching her with every lash. Stronger and stronger they fell, driving her closer and closer to that state of bliss she welcomed like her lover’s embrace.

When the lashes stopped, Alice was only partly aware of warm male bodies surrounding her. One pressed close behind, holding her waist, his pole vault of an erection rubbing against her ass. Another male body moved in front of her, his erection poking her belly as she felt him reach up to undo her bonds.

The moment she was released, her body sagged and she would have fallen if it weren’t for the man holding her from behind. A tug on the ribbon blindfolding her, and then it was gone. In her daze she saw that she was in a Jarronn and Darronn sandwich and she almost giggled, but it was with a smile that she looked into her king’s eyes.

“You are ready now, love,” Jarronn murmured, and a thrill skittered through her soul at his endearment. “You were perfection.”

He scooped her up, cradling her in his arms, and carried her across the room. His hard chest felt solid, his skin warm, with a light sheen of sweat. Her body was on fire from the lashes and she needed to take Jarronn deep inside her to quench the flames.

When he came to a stop, she saw that he was standing beside the red leather swing she’d noticed earlier. Like the gold ring, the swing was suspended with no visible means of support. To either side of the swing were steps that curved around it in a cozy embrace.

Jarronn nodded to his twin. Darronn gave a smile of satisfaction and threw himself into the swing. From out of nowhere a small jar appeared in his palm, and he used its contents to lubricate himself before making the jar vanish.

Alice watched him in dazed fascination, and when Jarronn lowered her toward his twin’s lap, placing her legs on either side of his, she didn’t question him, even in her mind.

“My brother is going to slide into your ass, Alice,” Jarronn murmured. “You may speak, but you may not come until I give you permission. Withholding your orgasm is a very important part of the bonding. Do not fail me.”

“Yes, Milord,” she said even as the tip of Darronn’s hard member pressed against her anus.

Darronn held on to her hips and brought her down slowly, fully burying himself into her ass. She gasped and her eyes widened at the sudden feel of him. She was glad she had plenty of experience with dildos in her ass so it didn’t hurt. Much.

Jarronn moved between her thighs and the possessiveness in his gaze told her he gloried in the sight of her open to and for him alone. The swing was at the perfect height for him to slide right into her. God, she couldn’t wait to feel him. But he didn’t take her yet. Instead he gestured to Karn, who moved up the stairs along the right side of the swing until his cock was at the same level as her lips.

“Take Karn in your mouth,” Jarronn instructed her.

Trembling with excitement, she replied, “Yes, Milord.”

Karn slid his hand into Alice’s hair and guided himself into her mouth.

In the next moment Ty stood on a lower step on the other side of the swing. Her breasts were large enough that he cupped and squeezed them together, pulling them closer to him, and slid his erection between the fleshy globes.

She felt pulled into and pressed against from all different directions, and she thought she would explode if they didn’t start taking her now.

Jarronn rubbed himself along her slick folds. “Remember, Alice, do
come until I tell you to.”

With that he slid into Alice’s core, and she cried out around her mouthful of Karn.

All four men began taking her in a slow, easy rhythm. It was unlike anything she could ever have imagined. It was more than a fulfillment of her fantasy—it was simply unbelievable.

Faster and faster their rhythm increased, Jarronn thrusting within her core, Darronn filling her ass, Karn plunging in and out of her mouth, and Ty sliding his erection between her breasts.

Tears pricked at the back of Alice’s eyes, so intense were the sensations and because she was so close to orgasm. But she would
climax. She would not disappoint Jarronn.

The men took her harder, the smells of their sweat and testosterone and her juices filling the air. She could sense something building within all of them, something more powerful and stronger than just an orgasm.

A rich musk emanated from the men and Alice’s eyes widened as her body began to shake and tremble. She sucked Karn harder and moved her hips more frantically between Jarronn and his twin and arched her back so her breasts pressed even closer to Ty. She had to have them all take her harder and faster, and she had to come before she shattered.

“Now!” Jarronn shouted. “Come for me, Alice!”

The world exploded around her. White-hot fire seared her mind and shot through her body. She was barely aware of Karn’s come filling her mouth and her drinking from him even as Jarronn growled and climaxed inside her. Darronn roared and his cock contracted in her ass, and Ty shouted when his fluid spurted over her neck.

Alice’s body vibrated with lightning jolts from her climax and from the strange fire that had burned through her mind and body. Instead of lessening, they seemed to grow stronger, until she was certain she could take no more.

In the next moment Jarronn lifted her, his strong arms bearing her away. Darronn slid out of her ass, Karn slipped his length out of her mouth, and Ty released his hold on her breasts.

The red velvet room spun and then she was on her back, sinking into the deep carpet and staring up at Jarronn, who had placed himself firmly between her thighs. “From this moment forward you are mine, Alice.” He thrust into her. “Only mine. No other man will ever touch you again.”

“Yes, Milord,” she whispered, her mind and body hurtling toward oblivion.

On some level she was conscious of his brothers watching as Jarronn took her, as he claimed her in front of them. With a cry she climaxed again and again until tears streamed from her eyes. Her king shouted a sound of triumph as he came, but it was faint to her ears as she started to fade.

“I love you, Alice,” Jarronn said as she sailed onto another plane. “I love you, my queen.”

I love you, Jarronn,
she tried to say, but she was slipping away and the words wouldn’t reach her lips.

Jarronn’s handsome features dimmed, and then everything went dark.


WHEN ALICE HAD WOKEN AFTER THE BONDING, it had been well into the night. She’d found herself with Jarronn in his bed, his arms wrapped tightly around her. That was well over three Tarok weeks ago, which was something like almost four Earth weeks, and she’d slept with Jarronn every single night since the bonding.

He loved her.
He really loves me.
And soon, she would be his queen.

she was going to be the Queen of Hearts.

After the bonding he had more or less proposed to her—all right, he pretty much
her they were joining, in that commanding way of his that caused her to shiver. For three weeks servants had scurried around the castle, making preparations for the ceremony and for Alice’s official presentation to Tarok as the High Queen.

Cripes. She was going to be a freaking

This evening, though, Alice strolled alone through the rainbow gardens. A smile curved her lips as she lightly ran her fingertips over a bloom that reminded her of a giant daisy, but the color of rubies. She’d never been so happy in all her life. Jarronn was still her Dom and the rules were still the rules, but she would be serving at his side as queen. Every now and then she would earn a flogging or two, but usually because she deliberately misbehaved.

In the distance she heard the roaring Tarok River. Alice almost skipped as she walked over the rise to the fountain where she’d first seen Karn, Ty, and Darronn taking Kalina. Alice’s nipples tightened at the memory and she wished that Jarronn were here with her now instead of off worrying about his sister, who was apparently a rogue queen from a place called Malachad. Jarronn had talked a bit to Alice about his evil sister, and she’d overheard him with his brothers on occasion. Right now Jarronn was with his brothers at the kings’ jungle meeting place to discuss the problems with the kingdom to the south.

Gradually Alice was learning about the Kingdom of Hearts, Tarok, and this world, and she finally felt less overwhelmed about everything. Jarronn and Alice were together most days, but now that he considered her training complete he sometimes left her while he performed his kingly duties, but always made sure someone was with her. Usually that someone was Kalina. Jarronn had a country to rule, and he often teased her that with her at his side all he could think about was sliding deep inside her.

She could live with that.

Most of the time, when Alice wasn’t with Jarronn, the sorceress Kalina had been teaching Alice her queenly duties.

But tonight the sorceress had been deep in a trance, and when that happened there was no getting her out of it. So Alice had decided to go for a walk. Jarronn would probably be mad at her for going out on her own, but it was such a beautiful day and what would it hurt?

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