Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) (20 page)

Read Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland,Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1)
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“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Mikaela.” Alice shook her head, and from her expression he could tell she knew exactly what punishment he intended for her. “But why would you punish me for a nightmare? Why for only a dream about your sister?”

“Are you questioning me?” He eased away from Alice and off of her bed as he spoke and made his tone even harder. “Is further punishment required?”

She dropped her gaze to the bed. “No, Milord.”

“Out of bed.” Jarronn stepped back and watched as Alice tried to hold back her sniffles while she avoided his eyes. She climbed off the bed and stood in the position of respect.

“Follow me,” he commanded, and did not look back to see if she followed. He had no doubt that she would, just as there was no question in his mind that he must act quickly. It could mean the difference between Alice’s life and death if she was not properly trained before the bonding.

And it was more urgent than ever before that the bonding take place as soon as possible.


When Alice woke again, she was in the turret room, manacled and chained to the middle of the floor and lying on her side on the big red cushion. Sunlight streaming through the window was bright, telling her that it had to be well into the morning. She felt amazingly clearheaded and serene.

At first she’d been hurt that Jarronn had chained her up again last night, but after he gave her more of that
Drink Me
potion, she’d calmed and mentally worked through the lesson he was endeavoring to teach her.

It didn’t matter if it was a dream or if it had been an attack by a real person, Alice must have unwavering strength of belief in herself. And regardless, she must believe in Jarronn. Her trust in him, his words, and his opinions, must be absolute.

The fact that it was his sister who had haunted her dreams and had been so evil—no wonder Jarronn considered her lost to them.

The nightmare persistently hung in the background of her mind, and it was odd how clearly she remembered it. However, she was now able to analyze it. Last night she had treated it like a movie, playing the dream backward and forward in her mind, slow, then fast, with the volume shut completely off, until she wanted to giggle at the image of Mikaela silently yapping like one of those old movies.

The more she worked the dream over in her mind, the more Alice realized everything in that dream came down to the power of words. If she didn’t allow them to have power over her, then that’s all they were—words. Nothing more, nothing less.

Amazing how much clearer it all was now, and how simple it really was.
Sticks and stones…
Of course that wasn’t true. Words did hurt worse than sticks and stones, and could last a lifetime, where physical injuries healed in time. It often took therapy, or someone like Jarronn who believed in her enough that she learned to believe in herself.

The heavy clump of boots sounded outside the turret door, and excitement at seeing Jarronn filled her. As the key turned in the lock Alice struggled to a kneeling position, which wasn’t easy considering her hands were bound. By the time the door opened, she was on her knees and facing it, her head bowed, ready for him.

But as she glanced from beneath her lashes, she realized the man standing before her wasn’t Jarronn.

Slowly she raised her gaze from the man’s black boots to his black pants, over his naked, muscular chest, only to meet the fierce scowl of Darronn, her king’s twin. His arms were folded and he studied her as though trying to determine her worth.

Fluttering erupted in her belly, but she simply tilted her chin and eyed him back. He wasn’t her Dom and she didn’t have to drop her gaze in his presence. What the hell was he doing here, anyway?

A gold hoop earring glinted at Darronn’s left ear as he gave an abrupt nod like coming to some internal decision. “You are ready for the bonding.” He made a gesture with his hand. Her manacles vanished and her chain was unhooked from the ring in the floor.

She found herself holding her breath as she rose to her feet and forced herself to breathe. But when Darronn strode across the room to stand but inches from her, Alice thought seriously about running. The man was fierce and intense, and anger seemed to radiate below his surface. With his attitude, the gold earring, and the spade tattoo at his wrist he reminded her of a real bad boy—all he needed was a leather jacket and a Harley.

When Darronn reached her he held out his palm and a piece of
cake appeared like what Jarronn had given her, only larger. This time Alice didn’t feel inclined to laugh as she accepted the cake.

“Your breakfast. You will need strength for the bonding.” He casually twisted one of her heart nipple rings, tweaking the tender nub and causing Alice to gasp. He released it as he said, “Yes, you are a lovely wench.”

Alice stepped back, but he had already turned and headed toward the door. He paused and cast a glance over his shoulder. “Come, wench.

She didn’t budge. Who was he to order her around? “Not until you tell me where Jarronn is and where you’re taking me.”

Darronn’s scowl deepened and the muscles in his naked chest flexed with raw power. “My brother awaits my return with you. Follow or I shall toss your lovely ass over my shoulder and carry you.”


With a gulp and even more butterflies in her belly, Alice started forward and followed the imposing man out of the turret room and down the steps. Jarronn’s twin was dark and mysterious, and scary as hell. She was glad that Darronn hadn’t been the one to find her and make her his sub. Heaven help any woman who had to give up control to him.

It occurred to her that she was still carrying the
cake, only she’d squished it a bit in her hand when Darronn twisted her nipple ring. The piece of cake was absolutely huge. What exactly was this bonding he was talking about that she’d need so much strength for? Jarronn had mentioned something about her going through a bonding, but he’d never explained.

Feeling more than a little off balance, Alice nibbled at the piece of white cake as she followed Darronn through the castle. A sense of dismay flooded over her when he took her into a different turret at the southeast corner of the castle. Was she going to be locked up yet again?

By the time they walked up step after step and reached the top of the turret, Alice had finished the cake and she had so much energy she figured she’d be bouncing off the walls once they made it into the turret room. She wasn’t the least bit out of breath. If anything, she was raring to go.

When Darronn held open the door and ushered her in, everything seemed to skid to a halt. She was in a beautiful round red velvet room—but good lord, what were all the contraptions filling the place? Leather and chains and wooden crosses, a swing-looking thing, and a golden ring suspended in midair as if by magic.

Rich mahogany divans, chairs, and settees, all covered in red velvet cushions, were scattered around the plush carpeted room. But what made her heart beat so fast that she thought it would burst from her chest and fly out the room’s single window was the sight of the three naked kings reclining on all that red-velvet furniture. The door slammed behind her and the lock’s click was loud in the silence. Darronn walked to the middle of the room, made a simple gesture with his hand, and all his clothes vanished, too.

Oh. My. God.

She could only stare at the four most perfect
male bodies she’d ever seen. And the four kings were all looking at her as if they were going to devour her.


“COME HERE, ALICE.” Jarronn’s deep voice commanded her through the silence and Alice’s shock.

Automatically responding to his command, she refused to look at the other kings and walked to the divan where Jarronn reclined. Her feet sank into the plush red carpeting and her whole body quivered with apprehension and excitement.

When she reached his side, he shook his head. “Alice, you disappoint me.”

Heat rushed through her as she realized that she’d been shocked into forgetting to stand in the position of respect the moment she was in his presence. She bowed her head, clasped her hands behind her back, and widened her stance.

“You do realize that I must punish you now?” Jarronn’s voice throbbed with authority and kingliness.

Her scalp tingled and she was certain this was not going to be an ordinary punishment. “Yes, Milord,” she murmured.

“Darronn.” Her king gestured within her line of sight, the heart tattoo flexing on his biceps. Her heart beat faster as she heard the soft fall of footsteps upon the carpet and then Darronn stood beside her.

“Kneel before my brother, Alice,” Jarronn commanded.

Alice’s head shot up and her gaze met her king’s. “That’s two punishments you have now earned.” At his frown she quickly lowered her gaze and then knelt in front of Darronn, and his incredibly huge erection.

“As your first punishment,” Jarronn said, his voice calm but firm, “you will suck Darronn however he pleases, until he comes.”

More heat than ever flooded through Alice.
Oh, my god.
Jarronn wanted her to go down on his brother. Jarronn’s frequent comments about taking her with his brothers came rushing back to her. He’d been preparing her for this all along. And whenever he’d talked about it, the thought of being taken all at once by four gorgeous men had excited her to no end.

“Alice, for your delay you have earned a third punishment.” Jarronn’s tone was much harsher now. “While in this room you will refer to my brothers as Master Darronn, Master Karn, and Master Ty.”

“Slide those lovely lips around me, wench,” Darronn demanded as he moved himself closer to her face. “And use your hands, too.”

“Yes, Master Darronn.” Alice reached for him, not wanting a fourth punishment added to her list. His was a bit thicker than Jarronn, and the head a darker plum color. As she wrapped her fingers around the base, the texture felt a bit different, too, and already a drop of pre-come had beaded at the small hole at the tip. She lowered her head and swirled her tongue over the head.

Darronn sucked in his breath and his erection jerked in her hand. The thought that she affected him and that she was responsible for him being so hard gave Alice that feeling of empowerment she’d come to embrace in this world. She slid her mouth over his length and worked one hand along the base in time with her movements. With her free hand she cupped his balls and fondled them.

“You’re going to take me in your mouth, wench.” Darronn clenched his hands into Alice’s hair. He jerked her head back so she was looking up at him while he thrust in and out. It hurt as he pulled her hair, yet it felt good, too. Her breasts bounced and the hearts swung at her nipples as he thrust his hips while he watched her with his fierce green eyes that were so like Jarronn’s. But everything else about this man was so much different from her king.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught Jarronn’s tense features and a glimpse of his huge erection. Her nipples grew tighter to know that watching his brother with her turned him on.

Darronn bared his teeth like a tiger and let loose with a growl as he came. His fluid spurted to the back of Alice’s throat and she swallowed and sucked on him until he pulled his wet member out of her mouth and released his grip on her hair. Like Jarronn, his length was impressive, even when it was spent.

“Very good, Alice.” Jarronn’s words reminded Alice of her duties as his sub, and she quickly lowered her gaze and resumed the position of respect while still on her knees. “Your second punishment will be to suck Karn in any manner he chooses.”

Alice swallowed. Was Jarronn going to make her give them all head? But strangely enough, the idea actually excited her because she knew it was turning Jarronn on. She could imagine how bad Jarronn was going to want her by the time she finished, and he’d probably take her until she couldn’t walk.

“Look at me,” Karn ordered when he stood in front of her. Alice tilted her head up to look at the black-haired, black-eyed King of Diamonds. “Use only your mouth and tongue, Alice.”

“Yes, Master Karn.” She kept her hands behind her back as he slid his cock into her mouth. Karn used his hands to gently guide her as she sucked and swirled her tongue along his length. “That’s it, Alice. You are a beautiful woman and you have a sweet, hot mouth.”

She was so aroused and so needy for an orgasm that she wished Jarronn would come up behind her and slide into her while she sucked off Karn.

With a rumbling purr Karn pulled out of Alice’s mouth, and his come squirted onto her breasts. He used his hand to milk all his fluid onto her chest. Her hands still behind her back, Alice arched into the streams, the feel of his come on her breasts wild and erotic.

“Thank you, Alice,” Karn said when he finished. He knelt on one knee and pressed his mouth against hers. When her lips parted in shock, he darted his tongue inside before rising and stepping away.

Jarronn gave a low rumble and Alice wasn’t sure if it was anger or approval at Karn’s actions. But she wasn’t about to look at Jarronn and earn a fourth punishment, so she bowed her head and waited.

To no surprise, Jarronn said, “You will now suck Ty, however he wishes it.”

Only when Ty reached her he got down onto the carpeted floor with his feet in Jarronn’s direction. Ty folded his hands behind his head and gave her a sexy, devilish grin. “Alice, you’re going to position yourself on your hands and knees so your gorgeous ass is facing me and you’re looking right at Jarronn.”

“Yes, Master Ty.” Alice trembled with excitement while she arranged herself as Ty instructed her to, but she kept her gaze down.

“Slide your mouth over my cock and use your hands,” Ty said, “and I want you to watch Jarronn the entire time you’re sucking me.”

“Yes, Master Ty.” Alice’s hand shook as she gripped Ty and put her mouth over him at the same moment she looked up at Jarronn.

Oh, dear.
He looked ready to kill someone or to fuck her out of her mind. She hoped it was the latter.

Even though he was obviously turned on by watching his brothers with her, she could tell it was driving him nuts, too.

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