Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) (17 page)

Read Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland,Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Taken by Passion: King of Hearts (Wonderland Book 1)
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He pushed his hands against her knees, widening her thighs so she was completely exposed. With her arms fastened overhead, her breasts jutting forward, and her legs spread wide, she felt even more excited and wanton than ever.

“You have permission to speak.” Jarronn’s eyes were filled with a wild lust that made her shiver with anticipation. “Tell me, what would you like, wench?” Alice flicked her tongue against her lower lip. A thousand ideas occurred to her, but she still drifted in that almost place, that space of relaxation and surrender—and then she knew the right answer. “I wish for your pleasure, Milord.”

“My pleasure now is to take you.”

A thought occurred to her that had not until now. “I have one question.” She bit her lip, not knowing how to say what she needed to, so she plunged ahead. “In our world there are diseases that are transmitted by sex. We use protection.”

He cocked his head. “We have no diseases that have anything to do with sex. Your world sounds like an unsafe place.”

“It can be.” She hurried to add, “I’m glad you don’t have diseases in Tarok, but I could still get pregnant. I haven’t been able to take the pill to keep from conceiving since I came here.”

“A pill can prevent conception?” He shook his head. “How odd.” He touched her hair. “I am a weretiger and you will conceive only if I release my seed when we reach simultaneous climax. And that is only if you are in heat.”

“Wow.” Alice wanted to rub her hands up and down Jarronn’s bulging biceps, over his heart tattoo, but her hands were bound over her head. “That must make it kind of tough. How would you even know when I’m in heat?”

His long dark hair slid against her skin as he sniffed at the curve of her neck. He placed his hot palm on her hip, drawing her tighter to him so his erection poked her belly. “When you are in heat it is an aphrodisiac to my senses,” he murmured, and laved her throat with his rough tongue. “I can sense it, smell it, feel it.”

“I want you.” The words came out rough and needy.

He grasped his erection and moved his hand up and down its impressive length. “You will watch me take you, Alice. And when you see me buried in you, you will have no doubt that you belong to me.”

“You belong to me,”
his words echoed in her thoughts, welcoming her. She belonged to this fine king who was sexier and more powerful than any man she’d ever known.

Alice swallowed. Great sex and a Dom who thought she was beautiful. She could live with that.

Jarronn pressed the head of his erection to her wet core. “Tell me.”

“I belong to you, Milord,” she whispered.

A sudden feeling of incredible need and desire flowed over her, as if some kind of aphrodisiac had taken hold of her. It was a musky scent that filled her and overwhelmed her. She wanted to squirm, wanted to wrap her thighs around his hips and beg him to take her this very moment. She had to fight to control herself, not wanting him to hold back because she didn’t do as he instructed her to. But the scent and sensations were about to drive her out of her mind.

“Watch,” he commanded, and she obeyed, her gaze dropping to where he waited at her entrance.

With a feral roar, Jarronn thrust into her.

Alice cried out, pulling against the bonds that fastened her to the tree. The feel of him inside her was a shock at first. He filled her, stretched her, completed her. It was amazing.

She was dying of pleasure as she watched him moving in and out of her core. She hadn’t seen anything so incredible in all her life as the sight of Jarronn taking her. She’d never felt anything like it before. Her scent and his surrounded them, along with that sensation of heightened desire.

Abruptly he stopped and Alice whimpered.

“I want you wild for me,” Jarronn ordered at the same time an intense, vibrant musk emanated from him. “Beg me to take you.”

Alice started trembling as more of the musk swept over her. Sweat coated her skin and every atom of her body expanded with awareness.

“Take me, Milord.” She fought her bindings and thrashed against Jarronn. “Please take me!”

He clenched her hips with his hands and drove in and out of her as she watched. Harder and faster until everything blurred around her. Sights, smells, sounds of the jungle and their frantic sex whirled together.

A powerful orgasm built up in her, heating her skin and causing it to prickle. She knew her climax would go nuclear when it was unleashed. “Please let me come, Milord.” She didn’t care that she was begging. She needed to come so badly, as if it was the only thing in the world that mattered. Right now maybe it was.

His only response was a low growling sound that rose from his chest as he took her harder. Her mind spun and she nearly closed her eyes to revel even more in the sensations, but remembered he’d ordered her to watch as he thrust in and out of her. As she watched, it only made the desire to climax even more powerful.

“I want to hear your cries.” He let out a louder growl and she looked up to see the untamed beast in his gaze. “You may come for me

Alice belted out a scream that she was sure would reach the ears of every person in the whole damn land of Tarok. The atomic blast of her climax expanded, growing larger and larger, spreading through every fraction of her body, and leaving nothing in its path untouched. Her body was on fire. She couldn’t stop screaming, couldn’t stop pumping her hips against his and begging for more.

Orgasm after orgasm ripped through her until she was sure she couldn’t take another one.

Jarronn gave a roar and came, releasing his hot fluid into her core. He continued to pump in and out of her, spurring her spasms until he finally stopped.

He drew her close, wrapping his powerful arms around her. She could feel him trembling, too, as if he had spent all of his energy as she had.

The musk that had surrounded them drifted away. The wildness within Alice settled, dissipating with the retreating scent, almost as quickly as the intensity had come on. It left her so limp that if she weren’t tied to the tree branch, and Jarronn wasn’t holding her, she would have collapsed onto the boulder into a well pleasured, exhausted, and damn near comatose heap.

Jarronn nuzzled her neck and nipped at her earlobe. “Beautiful. You are so beautiful, Alice.” The way he spoke to her and touched her made her feel like she belonged to him and him alone. That she was his queen.

Oh, my god. I just fucked a king.

Her mind buzzed at the thought. The High King of this land had just taken her to erotic places beyond her wildest dreams.

They were joined together, him still amazingly hard inside her. His sweat-coated muscles flexed as he raised his hands to the scarf tying her bound wrists to the branch, and then removed the ribbon from her wrists and released her.

After rubbing her wrists, Jarronn drew her into his embrace. Alice sighed and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her breasts against his solid chest, their sweat mingling and the smells of their sex a satisfying reminder of the most mind-blowing experience she could ever hope to have in her lifetime.

A feeling of complete and total happiness nearly overwhelmed her with its intensity. Had she found a man who could care for her, maybe even love her for a lifetime? She pushed the thought away. How could she be thinking something like that so soon? He might think she was somebody she wasn’t. He might not like the real Alice when he got to know her.

She shoved the insecurities away. Jarronn had taught her to love herself, and the changed Alice would never question herself like this. No, she wouldn’t ever again.

With a sigh of sheer happiness, she snuggled even closer to him. She wanted this moment to last forever.

Her next Tweet, if she could do one in this world:

@AliceOBrienSF just spent time with the King of Hearts. Who would have guessed Wonderland could be so erotic?! #letsdoitagain Yes, she wanted him to take her until she was senseless, countless times more.

Jarronn kissed the damp hair at her forehead and murmured, “You are mine, Alice O’Brien. You belong to me.”

Her heart skipped a beat as he said the words.
He’d just said she belonged to him. What did that mean? As some kind of property or something more?

No, she wouldn’t dwell on that now. She would enjoy this man and everything he had to offer her for as long as he wanted her. Maybe even a lifetime.

She swallowed. “Something happened. It was like something made me even crazier than I was for you. And I already wanted you so much.”

“That was the
pheromones.” He smiled. “A weretiger can release them when he mates. They enhance the sexual experience.”

“They sure do.” She could definitely live with that.

A thought occurred to her. A lifetime meant never returning to her world, never seeing her sister, cousin, aunt, or friends again. She swallowed and decided she didn’t want to think about that now. Right now she just wanted to enjoy being in Jarronn’s arms.


IN HER SLEEP, ALICE RUBBED THE TIP OF HER NOSE against Jarronn’s chest, a soft stroke against his skin, and he smiled. It surprised him how much his heart swelled for this woman. She was more than he’d ever imagined or expected. So much more.

They were reclined upon a blanket beneath the
tree where he had taken her for the first time…and several more times after that. She had sucked him and he had taken her both in her core and her lovely, tight anus.

With a mind-command he had summoned a meal for him and his sexually insatiable woman. After they had eaten, Alice had fallen asleep.

Yes, her training was coming along more quickly and more perfectly than he had dared to hope. Soon, very soon, she would be ready to mind-bond with his brothers, perhaps within a week or so. The bonding would require her to be ready in both mind and body. The entirety of her soul must be prepared.

If she wasn’t fully ready and the bonding was attempted, then it could prove to be beyond disastrous.

On the other hand, if they waited too long, Mikaela or her
might penetrate Alice’s consciousness with their infernal mind spells when she wasn’t with Jarronn. He feared Alice’s innate psychic strength would not be enough to protect her. Until her training was complete, he would keep her in her quarters and spell the room against invasion.

Wind rustled through the
tree’s leaves and afternoon sunlight sparkled through them and played upon Alice’s features. Her eyelids fluttered and then she gave him a sleepy smile as her eyes opened. “Hi, Milord.”

Jarronn pressed his lips to her forehead and inhaled her scent that had long ago imprinted itself upon every part of his body, inside and out. He would be able to find her, no matter where she might be within his kingdom, just by following her scent trail. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, Milord.” She pursed her lips as though in thought and seemed to come to a decision. “May I ask you a few questions?”

He raised an eyebrow and pushed himself up so he was braced on one elbow looking down at her. “That would depend upon the question. What is it you wish to know?”

“About you, Milord.” Alice dropped her gaze and studied her hands. “I want to know more about you. What you were like as a child. What kind of mischief you got into with your brothers, how you shape-shift into a tiger. And other things.”

Jarronn studied Alice’s features as he considered her request. He rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Come.”

While he helped her stand, he couldn’t help but admire her lovely curves and the way her large breasts bounced and swayed as she moved. When she stood before him, she automatically assumed the position of respect and bowed her head. He smoothed his fingers over her blonde hair that was mussed about her face and tangled from their lovemaking.

His voice was gentle as he said, “Look at me, Alice.”

When she raised her eyes to meet his, he smiled. “For this moment in time, you may ask me any questions you wish to, and we will speak as equals.”

Her smile lit up her expression. “Thank you.”

“What would you like to know first?” Jarronn asked as he led her along a well-worn path.

“Why must I always stand in the position of respect?” She tilted her head to look up at him as they skirted a burred palm. “Sometimes it pisses me off.”

It pleased him that her spirit remained despite her apparent acceptance of her role. As queen she would not need to remain submissive in public—only respectful and always showing her absolute loyalty.

However, by Tarok law she must first complete her training and demonstrate unquestioning trust and faith in him before he could inform her of her future position. In addition, she would also need to go through the mind-bonding with him and his brothers.

He settled for what he thought would be enough for her to know for the time being.

“It is important that you always show your respect for me before my subjects.” Jarronn pushed aside a flowered vine curtain and held it up for Alice to walk under. “I am High King of Tarok, and amongst my people this, among other things, is expected. If one person does not show respect, loyalty, and trust, it could cause others to believe there is a flaw in my leadership.”

Alice looked thoughtful and nodded. “I see. What about when we’re alone? Can there be Jarronn and Alice time, rather than just Milord and wench?”

The corner of his mouth quirked. “For you, Alice, I will do this. But only at rare times when we are alone, and only if you behave in public.”

She gave him a teasing grin. “And if I’m bad, you’ll spank me, right?”

Jarronn swatted her ass and she yelped. “Yes, wench.” He continued to hold her hand as they walked through the jungle and he answered each of her questions, pleased that she wanted to know more about him as he wanted to learn all that he could about her.

“First question.” Alice tilted her head to look up at him. “How old are you?”

He shrugged. “Over 240 Earth years old.”

Alice stumbled, her apparent shock on her features. She stared at him in amazement. “But you look like you’re in your late thirties at the most.”

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