Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two (18 page)

BOOK: Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two
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“It’s not by accident. There is someone out to destroy the company. Or better yet, he’s out to ruin me.”

“And why is that, Dean? What did you do this time?”

It was tough when your family knew you so well. Dean knew he had made enemies along the way. It was par the course. No different than with Asher, Trent, Dax, or any of the others who dealt in acquisition mergers the way they did. They were bound to eventually cross someone who was willing to retaliate.

This, however, was different. He didn’t own the company, so why go to these extreme measures for revenge? Why not just get another job?

“It’s a former employee who didn’t appreciate my management decisions.”

Zoey laughed. “You fired him.”


“So what does this have to do with me? I don’t want the company,” Zoey asked.

“Bennett Stone believes there may be a pending threat against any Henderson to hurt me. Since you are the closest person to me, I’m concerned he might go after you. I need to make sure you have protection.”

“I always do, Dean. I’m kind of used to that since Dad has had me followed since I was a kid. Funny, that wasn’t protection as much as spying on me.”

He knew she had it rough growing up as the only girl in the house. Their father for some reason wouldn’t even look at Zoey. When he spoke to her, it was as though she was in another room.
Abuse, just a different kind.

“Before you hang up, Dean, can you please do me a favor? I met Tessa for lunch today, and she forgot her purse and cell phone at the restaurant. I only realized it after she left. I tried calling the office, but Lexi said she wasn’t back. Do you want to pick it up and take it to her tonight? I’m sure she’s going to need it.”

“That doesn’t sound like her,” Dean said.

“She seemed a bit distracted. From what I gathered, it was about you. I hope you know how much she cares about you, Dean. If you love this woman, you better tell her before you lose her,” Zoey said in a serious tone.

Love? That’s one hell of a strong word.
He wasn’t ready to say it. Probably never would be. How could he love someone when he’d never been shown how?

“I’ll swing by after work and pick it up. Thanks, Zoey.”

He didn’t mind. It would give him the perfect excuse to stop by her apartment unannounced. He needed to see her. It wasn’t much, but Dean knew he owed her an apology for the way he had spoken to her before. And tonight she was going to get that.
And probably so much more too.

Chapter Seventeen

ean picked up Tessa’s things from Zoey and went straight to her apartment. Not empty-handed. He also brought pizza and a bottle of wine. Since he was there, they might as well have dinner.
As a start. I just need to hold her in my arms tonight.

He knocked on her door, but there was no answer. Dean would normally call her cell, but since it was in her purse, that wouldn’t do any good. Where could she be? He had checked that she wasn’t in the office when he left.

Pulling his cell phone out, he dialed Lexi’s number.

“Hello, this is Lexi. You missed me. Which means I either have a hot date or I’m stuck at work. Either way, leave a message and I’ll call you back. Unless I have something better to do.”

That girl is crazy. She can’t even have a normal voice mail message.
“Lexi, it’s Dean. Give me a call back right away.”

His phone rang. “Henderson.”

“Dean, it’s Lexi. What is so damn important that you call me after hours?”

“Have you seen Tessa?”

“No. Not since she went out to eat. I think she was meeting your sister. When Tessa didn’t come back to work, I figured those two went off someplace together. You might want to try her.”

Been there, done that. Where the hell are you, Tessa?

“Dean, is everything okay? You sound . . . stressed. That’s not normal for you.”

“I’m fine. See you in the office tomorrow.” He hung up the phone before she could push for more information.

Dean was running out of places where she could be. Then he remembered her cell phone was in her purse. Reaching inside, he pulled it out and started the search. Most numbers were business related. He had to admit that he didn’t like seeing Bennett’s number on her contact list.
Actually, I don’t think I want any man that close to her.

There were only two numbers he thought could possibly know where she might be. Her mother and father. Since her father probably hadn’t forgiven him from their last meeting, he thought it best to try her mother.

The number rang several times, and he was about to hang up when she answered. “Hello?”

“Hi, this is Dean, Dean Henderson, a friend of Tessa’s.”

“Yes, I remember you. How are you, Dean?” Sharon asked.

“I am good, thanks. You wouldn’t happen to have seen or heard from Tessa today, would you?” He didn’t want to panic them but Bennett’s words kept replaying in his head and had him very worried. How could she have vanished like this? He knew Tessa was responsible. No way was she going to disappear without telling someone.

“No, she hasn’t called us. Dean, is there something wrong that you don’t know where she is?” Sharon asked.

He could hear the concern in her voice. Until then, Dean had figured he either said or did something to hurt her, and she was off licking her wounds. But when no one knew where she had disappeared to, everything changed. He knew Tessa wouldn’t hurt another person, and vanishing like this to get even would hurt more than just him.

He wanted to confirm everything was fine, but those words wouldn’t leave his lips. Something was wrong, majorly wrong, and he didn’t have a clue where to start looking. If she had her cell phone with her then he could initiate GPS tracking. Since he was holding it in his hand, his options were limited.

“We seem to have gotten our signals crossed, Mrs. Brooks. When I see her, I’ll have her call you.”

“Please do. She didn’t grow up in a big city where you need to hold your purse close to you everywhere you go. Tessa is very trusting and kind. I don’t want her to fall victim to someone who would prey on her. She trusts you very much. Take care of her for us, Dean.”

To hear those words from Tessa’s mother shook him to the core. No one ever said they trusted him with anything, never mind someone they loved.
How I wish I deserved that trust. But it’s too late for me to change. I am who I am. She can’t love someone like me.

When he hung up the phone, for the first time ever he could feel his heart pounding like it would rip through his chest. She was in trouble, and he felt it with everything in him. Closing his eyes, he saw her beautiful green eyes staring at him, pleading for help.
Tessa, where are you?

Dialing, he called the one person who might be able to find her.

“Stone. What do you need, Dean?”

“I need you to tell me you have Tim and this threat is gone,” Dean barked.

“We know he is in Boston. For a numbers guy, he sure knows a lot about covering his tracks, but we’re going to find him.”

“We need to find him now. Tessa is missing. If he has her, I’ll fucking kill him myself. Find that bastard,” Dean shouted through the phone.

After a pause, Bennett asked, “How do you know Tim has her?”

Still holding her purse, he squeezed it tight in his fist. “I know Tessa, and she would never disappear like this. No one, including her parents, has heard from her, and I have her purse and cell phone. You’re supposed to be the best; you better fucking prove it now and find her. Do you hear me? Find her.”

Bennett’s voice still remained calm as he spoke. “Where are you now? I want my guys watching you. The last thing we need is for you to go missing too.”

“That last thing we need already happened. Find her or whatever happens to me doesn’t matter.”

Dean ended the call and slammed his fist into the wall, cracking the Sheetrock. Blood dripped from his injured knuckles, yet he felt no pain, at least not in his hand. If anything happened to Tessa, anything at all, it would be his fault.

Hold on, baby. We’re going to find you. It’s going to be okay. Just hold on.

Tessa sat quietly watching him. He sat across from her with the gun resting on his lap. She was so tempted to yell, scream at the top of her lungs, but there wasn’t anyone in the building at this time of day. If she was going to do that, then she should have done it when she got in the elevator and found Tim holding a gun.
That probably would have gotten me shot. This man is playing for keeps. Remember what Bennett said. He’s unstable and extremely dangerous.

She closed her eyes and tried to calm her nerves.
Dean will find me. He will find me and everything is going to be okay.

“Thinking of him?” Tim asked harshly.

Her eyes flew open. Had she been calling Dean’s name out loud? No, she knew she hadn’t, so why would he suspect such a thing? “Who?” Tessa watched closely for his reaction. Playing ignorant hopefully would not set him off.

Tim laughed. “You will know who when he comes through that door to save you. I plan on blowing a hole right through him.”

All color left her face. She felt sick and her hands trembled. Tessa couldn’t bear the thought of losing Dean. Not to this madman or to anyone or anything else. She had just found him. How could she lose him without ever telling him how she felt?
Dean, I love you so much. Please, please do not come here. Whatever you do, don’t come. Tim wants to hurt you.

The battle was lost and a single tear broke free and rolled down her cheek.

“I thought so. I just haven’t decided who would suffer more. I wonder if it would be better to wait till he’s here and then shoot you instead?” He laughed again. “Really, I win either way.” He pulled a coin out of his pocket and began flipping it. “Should we play a game while waiting? Or would you rather I just surprise you when it happens?”

Tessa couldn’t look at him anymore. If she did, she was only going to feed into his madness by letting him see her fear.
Be strong, Tessa. Have faith. He has not won yet. It’s only been a few hours. He might still change his mind and let you go.

She needed to focus on something happy, a time in the future she was looking forward to.
Right now just having a future will be good enough for me. But I want that future to be with you, Dean.

Tessa thought of how sweet it felt lying in his strong arms, keeping her safe. She wished she was there now and this was only a horrible dream. Her right cheek still throbbed from where Tim backhanded her when she tried to pull away from him in the elevator.

She had never been hit, not even as a child by her parents, when she did something wrong. She recalled what Zoey had told her about their childhood, how their father beat the boys practically for no reason at all. It must have been terrible for them. It explained why they interacted poorly at the brunch on Sunday.

Tessa had felt bad asking Zoey such personal family questions during lunch, but she knew Dean would clam up if she ever approached the topic with him. He tried so hard to hide his pain. Not just about their father’s treatment, but about the fact no one knew their mother.

When Tessa saw them all at the family brunch, she wouldn’t have guessed they were brothers, because they all looked so different. More like cousins than brothers.

Zoey couldn’t explain why Dean was trying to hold on to the company of a man he despised. That was a mystery to the entire family. They wanted to sell because it only held bad memories for them. Zoey knew it held the same ones for Dean, yet he was adamant about taking ownership. It was obvious he didn’t need the money. Actually from the looks of things, if he didn’t fix the stock soon, Dean might need help with a bailout.

Tessa opened her eyes and looked at Tim. Why was he doing this? Was it because Dean fired him? It was only a job, not something you destroy another person’s business over, or even worse, kill for. Could there be more to this than anyone knew? There was only one way to find out.
Ask. What’s the worst that can happen? Oh yeah, he shoots me.

“Why? Why are you doing this?”

Tim stared at her for a minute. “He deserves it.”

“Because he fired you?” she asked softly, not wanting to seem aggressive or judgmental in any way.

“You really don’t know what happened, do you?” Tim asked.

She could only imagine. If his firing was like any of the other employees, then he probably was raked over the coals for whatever mistake he had made. “No, I don’t. I’m sorry, but when it happened I was not in a position to know.”

“Why do you want to know? You think you can talk me out of hurting your lover boy? That maybe you can convince me he isn’t as bad as I know he is?” He peered across the room at her. “You can’t. He’s going to get what he deserves. And I’m going to deliver it to him.”

Once again he laughed. Not a joyful sound, but one of pure bitterness. She knew he was telling her the truth. Someone was going to die. There was no talking him out of it.

Please, Dean, do not come here.

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