Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two (14 page)

BOOK: Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two
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Trent disconnected the call. Dean didn’t try to think past today. What was the point? Tomorrow was going to be just more of the same. It might be a different company with a different adversary, but still the same.

Today he had one thing on his mind and that was his plummeting stock. Dax was right about one thing: if he couldn’t stop this, the company was going to be lost. If this, in fact, was an inside job, he’d better figure out who it was quickly, before any more damage was done.
There’s not much left of the original staff, so who could it be?

Brittany-Lynn buzzed the intercom. “Mr. Stone is on line one for you.”

Picking up the receiver, he asked, “Any news?”

“I have a lead. Nothing concrete yet. I should have more for you by Monday,” Bennett said.

“Whoever it is, Bennett, I want the full background on them. Everything they own, everything they want to own, and anything they love. Understand?”

“Sounds like you’re out to crush them, Dean, instead of saving Poly-Shyn.”

“You get me the information. Don’t worry about what I do with it,” Dean said firmly before hanging up. If he found out this was done on a personal level and not just a business level, he would be sure to give his own personal touch back. And they would never forget it.

Dean had meant to touch base with Tessa earlier, but work got away from him. It was already closing time. He dialed her extension with hopes of catching her. Tonight he wanted her even more than he had their first night together. He wasn’t sure why, but he wasn’t about to analyze it.
It is what it is. I’m going to enjoy it for now and find a way to gently break her heart later.

“Hi Dean, you’re just catching me on my way out the door. Do you need me to log back onto my laptop?” Tessa asked in a business tone.

“No. This is not a business call.”

“Oh, in that case, thank you so much for the flowers. They’re beautiful.”

He could almost see her sweet smile over the phone.
What does someone like her see in a person like me?

“Glad you like them. They come with an invitation to dinner tonight.”

“I wish I could, but I have plans tonight.”

“A date?” He couldn’t believe the words left his mouth.
I’m not jealous so why say that? I have no claim on her. We only had sex. But fucking awesome sex like I’ve never had before.

“If you consider my going out shopping with Lexi a date, then yes. She is helping me pick out something to wear on Sunday. You can join us if you want.”

He felt his body relax. “Have a great time. In case this helps any, my favorite color is blue,” he teased.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Have a good night,” she said as she hung up the phone, laughing.

He loved the sound of her laughter. Actually, he couldn’t think of anything he didn’t like about her.
Damn. This just keeps getting more complicated.

Chapter Thirteen

rittany-Lynn knocked on Dean’s door. “Sorry for the interruption, but there is a Clay Landon on line one. He said you would want to take his call. He wouldn’t give me any further information.”

The name meant nothing to him. He was tempted to have her take a message and then throw it away like many other calls he received. Something in his gut told him to do otherwise. Could this be the man who was fucking with his business? If so, he wanted to do more than just talk to this guy.

He nodded to her and told her to close the door as she left. Picking up the receiver he said, “Henderson here.”

“Hello, Dean. My name is Clay Landon. I would like to speak to you regarding Poly-Shyn.”

“What do you know about my company?”

“I know you’re struggling, and if you don’t do something quickly, it won’t be yours for long.”

“Is that a threat Clay? If it is, then you’re not a very smart man, and I have nothing to worry about,” Dean said angrily.

“I’ll ignore that for now. But this is not a threat. It’s an observation. I’m sure this is not news to you. Unless you’re not who we think you are,” Clay said.

We? So you’re not working alone. Now we’re getting somewhere. You’re just the lackey sent to try to ruffle my feathers. It ain’t happening.
“And what do you believe you know about me?”

“Only what I know of your . . . should I say . . . prior acquisitions. You’re one mean son-of-a-bitch who will do anything to win. You and Dax are more alike than either of you would like to admit.”

And here was the link he needed.
Dax Marshall. Didn’t get the message the first time? No problem, I have no issue delivering it again.

“Are you the puppet sent to do his dirty work for him? What’s wrong? Doesn’t he have the balls to call me himself?” Dean asked smugly.

He heard Clay laugh. “Yep. You guys really only know how to do business one way, don’t you?”

“Just get to the point, Clay. Unlike you, I actually have a business to run.”
And one that I’m not going to give up easily either. No matter how or what you try, Dax, I’m going to be one step ahead of you.

“Simple. Dax would like to talk to you regarding Poly-Shyn. It’s your choice if you want to call him or not. But from the number I’m looking at, I suggest you give him a call.”

Clay didn’t wait for a response and hung up.
Fuck them both. I’m not playing their game. Whatever Dax has to say to me can wait. Right now I have more important things on my mind.

His early morning phone call from Bennett still troubled him. He knew he shouldn’t have asked him to look into Tessa’s background, but Lexi didn’t have the information he had sought. Dean wasn’t sure if he was relieved or not with what he found out. The issue was what to do with the information.

As though his sister knew whenever something was troubling him, she rang his cell phone.

“Zoey. What’s up?”

“Just checking on you, Dean. How are things going?”

“We just spoke the other day. Do you think things changed that much?”

After a pause she said, “Spill it, Dean. I know there’s something troubling you. You know I always do.”

And I hate that.
“I’ve got this, Zoey. Don’t worry about it.”

“I know you do. That’s not the point. I’m here, Dean. We are family whether you want one or not. So tell me what’s going on? Is it Poly-Shyn?”

He could blow her off, but if he did she would show up there. Once Zoey had her mind set on something, she got it one way or another.
Stubborn just like me.

Dean laughed to himself. Might as well give in now or hear it for an hour. “Not really. But it has to do with an employee here.”

“Tessa?” Zoey asked.

Do you miss anything? You should be an interrogator for the government. They need you.
“Yes, Tessa. I’ve come across some information that concerns me.”

“Is she married?”

“No. Nothing like that,” Dean said.

“Then what’s so concerning?” she asked.

“She is pretending to be something she’s not.”

Zoey laughed. “Aren’t we all?”

“I don’t understand why. If she is not here to spy on me, then why is she here? And why is she lying?” Dean was asking himself more than Zoey.

“What I see in her is someone who truly loves the company. You might want it for some crazy reason that no one else can figure out. But Tessa actually cares about the people who work there. If you could’ve heard her warn me off of you the day I let her believe I was there to work, then you wouldn’t doubt her now,” Zoey stated.

Warn her off? Why?
“What did she say about me?”

“Oh baby brother of mine, don’t worry about that. Trust me, she has a good idea of what a hard ass you are when it comes to your management skills, or lack of them.” Zoey laughed again.

“Well, since I wasn’t able to pick up on her lack of skills, then I guess you’re both right.”

“Dean, she is awesome. You couldn’t ask for a better HR manager than her.”

“That’s the problem Zoey. She’s not qualified,” he stated.

“Of course she is. Look at her work. How she handles everything you throw at her. What makes you think you could find someone more qualified than Tessa?” Zoey asked.

“It’s a long story. Not one I want to get into right now.” Mostly because he hadn’t yet decided what he was going to do about it. On one hand he knew he should call her into the office and fire her. On the other hand, he knew he wasn’t ready to cut her out of his life. Not yet at least.

“Dean, you have a lot of things going on right now. Don’t look for a reason to get rid of her because you can’t process your feelings for her. Trust me, Dean, someone like Tessa is not going to come into your life again. For once in your life, get out of your own way and just enjoy being with her. You might even find that she means more to you than you know.”

And that is exactly what I don’t want happening.
“You think too much, Zoey.”

“And you don’t think enough, Dean. Just don’t do anything you’re going to regret. I know you, you like to react instead of act. When it comes to things of the heart, you can’t function. If you do, you’re going to miss out on something special. Now go fix whatever you screwed up before it’s too late,” Zoey said before she hung up.

Sisters. Good thing I only have one. My brothers don’t hound me like this.

Was she right about Tessa? Was she as passionate for the company as she appeared to be for him?
What am I thinking? I don’t need her wanting me that much. We can’t have a future together. What she needs and possibly wants is not something I can give her.

Dealing with his feelings for Tessa seemed more challenging than he first thought. He was willing to admit he was attracted to her in a way he couldn’t explain, but he wasn’t going to think beyond that.

Thinking of Tessa and his feelings was not going to help his mood improve. He was pumped up with frustration and anger. Speaking to her now would not be wise. He probably would say things that he would regret later. There was one person on the other hand who deserved the brunt of his anger.

Picking up the phone he dialed the number Clay had given him. Dean waited to be put through to Dax’s office. He wanted to know what that arrogant ass wanted this time.

“Marshall here.”

“Marshall, it’s Dean Henderson. I received a phone call from Clay Landon this morning. He said you wanted to speak to me. I told him I couldn’t imagine there was anything you could say that I’d want to hear, but he assured me there was. What do you fucking want, Marshall?” Dean wasn’t calling to play nice. He hadn’t hinted the first time, and he needed to make sure they got it now.

“You’re going to lose Poly-Shyn.”

“That’s what this is about? I heard you’d changed your mind about trying for a buyout, but I didn’t believe it. Looks like I was right. Threaten all you like, Marshall, you won’t get Poly-Shyn.” He had to respect Marshall’s drive. He knew if the shoe were on the other foot, he would never have walked away from the challenge either. Maybe Clay was right, and they were more alike than they wanted to believe.
That’s not a good thing. Not in this situation.

He heard Dax take a deep breath. His frustration was apparent over the phone. “I’m not threatening you. I’m considering investing in your company.”

Dean almost burst out laughing. He had done a lot of research on Dax, and at no time had he ever made a move like that. No. There was something he wasn’t saying. He had to admit it was a good try, but he wasn’t falling for it. “Do you take me for a fool? I’ve seen your early-bird leveraged takeovers. I’m ready for you and your lackey, Clay.”

“Pull your head out of your ass long enough to hear what I’m saying, Dean. I don’t want your fucking company, but I wasn’t the only one who was interested in it,” Dax barked. “I’ll send you over a proposal. Read it. What you decide after that is your choice, but I’d like to see you save your father’s company.”

Dean wasn’t out to save it because of any loyalty to his father. Actually it was to show everyone that he could do it even better than his father had. What would have changed Dax’s mind? If he wanted the company, and was watching the stock, then this would not be the time to make this move. So what did he have to gain? “Why?”

“Let’s just say I’m diversifying my business approach.”

Dean did not like dancing around what should be a simple answer. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“It means I want to see if I am as good at saving a company as I am at dissolving them.”

That was something Dean was trying to prove to himself as well. He knew what his motivation was, but what was driving Marshall? Then he remembered the picture of him with Kenzi. She’d opened up to the family about her past, maybe she was having the same effect on Dax. Whatever it was, if Marshall was serious about joining forces, they would be a deadly team. Running a business together—he wasn’t so sure it would work.

“Send the proposal. I’ll be in contact and let you know what I think. But Marshall, don’t try to fuck me over on this one. You have a lot more to lose right now than money.”

Dean hung up.
Let him think about which he loves more right now: the win or Kenzi. I already know the answer, Dax. People like us can’t change.

Being out with Lexi had been like being with an old friend. After hours of shopping they’d found a restaurant and sat and laughed for hours. Lexi made everyone around her feel at ease. Watching her in action had been like seeing a comedian work a crowd. Even this morning Tessa could feel her sore ribs from laughing so hard. What a great a feeling.

Of course now she was paying the price. Her head was pounding, and her eyes burned. Tessa felt like a hot mess, and she had a meeting with Bennett to talk serious business. What had she been thinking going out like that? Opening her desk drawer, she pulled out a bottle of aspirin and took two with a sip of strong black coffee.
I really shouldn’t have agreed to go out for drinks.

Lexi came into her office all smiles and looking no worse for the wear.
Really? Can’t you pretend to be hurting a bit?

“Good morning, Tessa,” she said and then stopped. “Oh wow. You look like you had a rough night’s sleep.”

Try no sleep.
“Yeah, I am feeling a bit under the weather this morning.”

“Should I tell the guy waiting in the hall to reschedule?”

Oh how Tessa wished that were possible. The last thing she wanted to do was look at the laptop screen and concentrate on anything, especially something this important. “Show him in, and please close the door behind you.”

“Don’t let Dean catch you with him. You might just make him jealous,” Lexi teased as she left the office.

Tessa was shocked to see who entered her office.
You’re the man from the elevator. So you’re already working with Dean? Or were you here for another reason?

His presence was as intimidating as it had been that first day, but she wasn’t going to let it affect her today. This was too important and she was told he was the man she needed to do the job. She tried forcing a confidence that she needed, but it meant digging deep for something that was not natural for her. She knew he was going to see right through it. That didn’t stop her for trying at least. “It’s you.” Tessa said boldly.

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