Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two (15 page)

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He nodded. “Ms. Brooks, I’m Bennett Stone.”

“Please call me Tessa, and thank you for coming on such short notice. I wasn’t able to give you all the details over the phone, but hopefully when I show you what’s going on you’ll see something I am missing.”

“Let’s get to it,” Bennett said.

They spent the next few hours going through each file and she explained what she believed had been in the files. She wasn’t one-hundred-percent positive of it because they were all marked confidential, but Nancy had seemed sure and that was good enough for her.

“Besides yourself, who had access to this database?”

Unfortunately no one. If I didn’t know any different I would think I did it too.
“No one that I am aware of. That’s why I asked you here. Something isn’t right, but I have no idea why anyone would want these types of files. It is historical data. What would someone gain taking that?”

“You would be shocked to learn how evil people can be when they choose to be. What they would use them for now? That is what I’m going to try to find out. Until I do, don’t discuss this with anyone, except Dean of course. I highly suggest bringing him up to speed on this. After all, he is acting CEO and probably needs to know of any potential security risk.”

Tessa looked away. Telling him was only going to open up the old wound of her being under suspicion again.

“Unless there’s a reason you don’t want him to know?” Bennett asked.

“No. I was hoping to have an answer for him not just a problem. How long do you think it will take to find out?”

“Things like this are hard to put a time frame on. I have good connections, so with any luck we might have an answer by Monday.”

“Okay. Please call me with any updates at all.” Tessa handed him a number. “This is my personal cell phone and the best way to reach me.”

“Until we know the extent of the data breech, I suggest limiting access only to those you think you can trust,” Bennett said before he left.

Tessa wasn’t used to living or working amongst people she couldn’t trust. The joy of growing up in such a small town was you couldn’t hide anything. Here in Boston, she couldn’t tell good from bad. Going with her gut might just get her in hot water, so all she could do was heed Bennett’s advice and keep quiet.

She headed up to Dean’s office. Tessa wasn’t sure what she was going to say, but she had to tell him something. Bennett was right, this is his company, and he should know.

His office door was open so she knocked softly. “Hi, Dean. Do you have a few minutes to talk?”

“I can make the time for you.”

Tessa closed the door behind her and sat across from his desk. She could see the playfulness in his eyes, but she needed to keep this all business. What she was going to tell him was serious, and there was no way she would allow him to distract her. Not now at least.

“I wanted to talk to you about business. An issue that I think you should know about.”

“You know how I handle issues, Tessa. If you think there is one, fire them. End of discussion,” Dean said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah. About that. If you keep firing people, you won’t have any staff left. You might want to try a new tactic like a verbal warning and then maybe a written warning. If they still don’t work out or improve, then fire them.” What she was saying was standard HR procedure. Why she felt the need to explain that to him was beyond her.

“Tessa, I don’t pay you to tell me how to run my company.”

“I am the HR manager, Dean. It’s my responsibility to inform you of the policies,” she said proudly.

He laughed softly. “Tessa, do you really want to go there?”

“What do you mean?” She didn’t want to go head to head with him, but it was her job. That’s all.

“You do know I make it a point to know who is on my staff. Not just who, but their qualifications. We both know you are talented, and I really appreciate how hard you are trying to keep everything working smoothly, but you are no HR manager.” He raised a brow, watching her closely as he said it.

She swallowed hard. How long had he known? And why had he not said anything before? She felt like such a fool. Had he been laughing at her all this time? When they were in bed together had he known?

“Dean, it’s not what you think. I can explain everything,” she said, but he cut her off.

“I get it. You stepped in when I fired everyone else. See, easy to explain. But outside of that Tessa, you need to understand one thing. I will let you play HR manager as long as it suits me. But if you cross the line and interfere in the future of Poly-Shyn, I will fire you no matter what our relationship is. Is that understood?”

There was no joking in his tone. She had seen him in action and never forgot how he spoke to his brother. Tessa didn’t want to ever see that side of him directed at her. She should feel more at ease with the truth of her position out in the open. But that was only part of it. He still didn’t know about the severance packages she had given out. The good news was he hadn’t fired anyone in two weeks. Maybe he was changing.
Or maybe it’s because there are only a few of the original staff members left.

With the ball he just dropped, what she had to tell him was going to have to wait. He probably wouldn’t believe her anyway, and telling him now would be going against what he just said to her. It would need to wait till Monday when Bennett had more concrete information. Without facts from Bennett to back up her finding, he never would take it seriously.

All she could do right now was absorb what he said. Although she wished he was joking, she knew he wasn’t. He would fire her with a snap of a finger and not even second guess his decision. That knowledge hurt her. She knew she should be grateful he hadn’t done so already, but at the present time, she felt torn between her own emotions.

Getting up she said, “I better let you get back to work, and I have a lot to do myself.”

“Want to try dinner tonight?”

Tessa really didn’t want to think about food. Her stomach was tied in knots. But there was a part of her that still yearned to be with him, near him. She couldn’t let his comments regarding business ruin whatever was developing between them. She didn’t trust her voice to not give away how she was feeling, so she just smiled and nodded.

“Great, I’ll pick you up at eight.”

Before leaving the office she turned back to him and asked, “How about a home-cooked meal tonight?”

His smile melted her heart. She wanted to run across the office into his strong arms.

“Sounds even better. See you tonight.”

It might only be one night, but she was going to make it one neither of them would forget. Of course, she had to sneak out of the office early again so she actually could get something to eat besides ice cream.

Leaving his office, she closed the door behind her.
Don’t overthink this, Tessa. He wants to be with you so just enjoy. Because, God knows, you want to be with him too.

Chapter Fourteen

t had been a long week and Dean needed a stiff drink. Instead, he found himself standing outside of Tessa’s door, already inhaling the wonderful aroma of her cooking. It smelled delicious, yet he hesitated to knock on the door.

Growing up, he was used to the family cook preparing meals and someone else serving them as they sat silently at the table. No one spoke because it would only draw their father’s attention to them. When he looked at you and actually saw you there, his wrath was surely going to follow.

From everything Bennett had told him, he and Tessa were as different as night and day. She was a ray of sunshine in his life. There wasn’t a time that he was near her or even thought of her without feeling somehow different. What was he bringing to her? He was hard, cold, and full of bitterness. None of this was what she deserved. She’d probably spent the last few hours preparing a meal for him. What had he done to deserve such a thing? It might seem like such a simple act to her considering how she was raised, but to him it was a symbol of what normal people do, and he didn’t fit in that category.

People said he was like his father. They weren’t entirely wrong. For that reason alone he shouldn’t be with Tessa. She needed someone who fit in with her family. She was the daughter of a preacher, and he was the son of one of the cruelest people he’d ever met. Both of their lives had been shaped by their pasts. At no point should he even consider a future with someone like her. All he could offer was the here and now.
I should leave. Don’t even knock. Stop this now before I hurt her anymore.

He was a man who always knew what he wanted and never stopped before he obtained it. This was the first time he recalled being unsure of anything. He was torn between right and wrong, a feeling he didn’t enjoy.
What a time to develop a conscience.

As Dean lifted his hand to knock, his cell phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. It was Tessa. He was late and she probably was thinking he wasn’t showing up. He had been tempted to turn and walk away.

Answering the call, he said, “Hi.”

“I’m just checking to see if everything is okay,” Tessa said.

He could hear the concern in her voice. Now he felt like a jerk for making her worry in the first place. If he had just knocked on the door when he first got there, there would’ve been no need for her to call.

He knocked on the door. “Just arrived.”

When she opened the door, the sight of her took his breath away. She was standing there in a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and an apron that said, “I just burned six hundred calories. It was called your dinner. Time for take-out.”

There was nothing fake about her. She was a gem amongst rocks. He had everything he wanted in life, could buy anything he chose, yet what she offered him was priceless.

She reached out and gave him a quick hug. Didn’t she see she was opening the door to the wolf? Could she really be that naïve? Or was she facing the same battle between right and wrong?
And being with Tessa is so wrong.

“I was worried that something came up at work and you couldn’t make it tonight,” she said as she took his hand and led him to the kitchen where he saw the candlelit dinner table set and waiting. In the center were the daisies he had discarded in the hallway.

He wanted to pull her into his arms, never let her go, and tell her how special she was to him. But that was what a good man would do and that so wasn’t him.

“I told you, Tessa, don’t worry about my business,” he said plainly.

Dean watched the smile on her beautiful face dim just a bit. Not totally vanish but he knew she felt the words exactly the way he meant them.
Open your eyes, Tessa, this is who I am. It’s not pretty but it’s reality.

Tessa refused to let him see her disappointment. She had worked hard preparing everything to make their night special. He didn’t even seem to notice. But why would he? He was from one of the richest and most powerful families in the country. Why would he think her candlelit dinner was anything special? He probably was hoping to eat out where the food actually tasted good.
What’s wrong with me? I am so out of my class here. I probably look like a fool and he probably can’t wait for this night to be over.

It was too late to change the plan now. Dinner was ready and he was here. If she said let’s go out, he would think she couldn’t make up her mind about what she wanted.
No wonder he doesn’t want to hear anything I say about Poly-Shyn. I first have to prove myself, then maybe he will trust what I have to say. Then again, maybe he won’t.

“Dinner is ready if you are hungry,” she said, trying to sound cheerful when, in fact, she wasn’t sure what she felt. All afternoon she had envisioned what tonight would be like. He would come and be blown away by what she had prepared, then take her in his arms and carry her to the bed and slowly make sweet love to her.

Right now, he looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. He finally took a seat at the table, which made her feel a bit more at ease.

“I hope you don’t mind lasagna. It is one of my favorites,” she said as she removed it from the oven and placed it on the table.

“It looks delicious, Tessa. You really are an amazing woman, aren’t you?” Dean asked.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him. He seemed to be watching every movement she made.
Why are you watching me so closely?

Her hands trembled slightly as she cut a piece and placed it on his plate. His eyes never left her face. She could feel her heart beating stronger. Being this close to him and not touching him was pure torture. Tessa licked her dry lips then bit the bottom one nervously.
Do you know what you do to me, Dean?

“Do you have a microwave?”

She looked at him in surprise. “Yes I do, but it’s still hot.”

Dean grabbed her wrist and pulled her down onto his lap. “It won’t be later, and right now all I’m hungry for is you.”

Before she could say a word, he claimed her lips. As soon as their lips touched everything changed. There was no doubt, no stress, only a raw desire for each other.

As his kisses deepened, she melted against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. It felt so good to be back in his arms. Opening her mouth, she invited him in. Instantly his tongue began to explore her. His mouth was hot and equally inviting. She moaned his name into his mouth.

“Baby, I’ve missed this, missed you,” Dean said as he trailed kisses along her cheek and down her neck.

Every place his lips touched tingled. She arched her back, giving him full access to her throat and more. Dean reached up with one hand and cupped her breast. Even through the layers of fabric, her nipples hardened, begging for his attention.

Seeming to sense her need, he scooped her into his arms and stood up. “Tonight Tessa, I want to show you how good it can be.”

She could feel the heat between her legs spread throughout her body. “I thought it was prettying amazing last time,” Tessa said shyly.

As they entered her bedroom, he let her slide to stand in front of him. “It was, but tonight we’re going to take it slow, make it last. Tonight is all about you.”

Slow and hot. She was thinking hot and fast. Her body was already on fire. Looking up at him, she began unbuttoning his shirt, her desire reflecting in his eyes. She’d never been bold before, never taken the lead, and she wanted to know what it felt like to be the one in control. Was that what he meant when he said it was all about her?

She slipped his shirt off his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. Her hands ran over his biceps, across his broad shoulders, and down his rock-hard chest. Her fingers raked over him and circled his nipples. Something inside of her wanted to caress them with her tongue.
All about me? Then I’m going to try new things.

Stepping closer she kissed down his neck, across his shoulder, then moved lower. He stood still, not touching her, yet she lifted her head so she could watch his reaction as she let her tongue dart out and lick him for the first time.

He sucked in his breath, and she felt a shudder ripple through him. Her body reacted, and she felt herself getting wetter. She was tempted to peel off their clothes and climb on top of him. The need to feel him deep inside of her was almost unbearable, but she would control it for now.

She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his slacks, and slowly unzipped them. The bulge of his hard shaft pressed firmly against his boxer shorts. She knelt in front of him and lowered his slacks, then his boxers. He sprung to attention in front of her.

Tessa was not pure and innocent, yet she had never explored a man with the lights on. She had always held back. Tonight she wasn’t going to. She had never felt so close to anyone before, and she wanted to show him how she felt, even if she couldn’t bring herself to put it in words. Tonight she would give all of herself to Dean.

She slowly ran her fingers up his legs, then his hips, to finally rest on his swollen shaft that was begging to be tasted. Tessa licked her lips as she gazed up to Dean. His eyes darkened with need as he watched her. He stroked her cheek gently then his hands brushed the loose hair away from her face so he could have a better view.

Never breaking the gaze, she licked his tip. A husky groan rumbled through him again. Each time she licked him she became more confident. She continued to lick the length of him from the tip to the base.

She could see Dean watching her every movement. Opening her mouth, she slipped the head of his shaft in and closed her lips around him. He let out a deep growl and his fingers gripped her hair urging her on. Slowly she took him deeper into her mouth while stroking him with one hand. She meant to be giving to him, blowing his mind, yet she found the taste of him and the feel of him in her mouth as exciting for her as it was for him.

The hotter she got, the more aggressive her rhythm became—faster, deeper, sucking and enjoying, knowing she was driving him crazy. The more he groaned in pleasure the more she was turned on.

Then in one quick movement, Dean pulled away. “Baby, if you don’t stop now, I won’t be able to hold back.”

He pulled her up to stand, his hot manhood pressed against her.

“You’re overdressed for this, Tessa,” Dean said as he reached behind her, untied the apron, and lifted it off her. She started to remove her T-shirt, but he brushed her hands away. There was nothing quick about what he did. Each article of clothing was removed slowly, driving her crazy and making her hotter by the minute.

Standing there naked in front of him, she felt a bit self-conscious. He was devouring her with his eyes. She lifted her hands, trying to cover herself.

“Don’t you dare cover up. You’re pure perfection, Tessa, and I love looking at you.” He spoke in a tone that left no room for argument.

She stepped so close to him that her nipples touched his chest and ached for attention. Tessa couldn’t wait any longer. She needed him to touch her, make her feel like he had before. “Please, Dean. I need you. I can’t—”

He claimed her lips as his hand came up and cupped her bare breast. Dean let out another deep growl and in one swift moment lifted her off her feet and took her breast into his mouth.

She arched her back, bringing it even closer to him. He sucked and nipped it until she cried out, “Dean. Please.”

He pulled her legs up to wrap around his waist. The feel of his hot hard shaft rubbing against her wet folds was taking her to the brink of release. He kissed the curve of her neck, then down her shoulder and between her breasts. His tongue teased her beyond control.

“I need you inside me.”

Dean held her close as he bent down to retrieve a condom from his pants. Lifting her higher in his arms and wrapping her legs around him tighter, he sheathed himself. Then he cupped her buttocks in both hands and slid slowly inside her.

He tried to be slow and gentle, but she needed him hard and fast. Pushing herself up and down against his shoulders, she tried to increase the rhythm. Dean slipped one of his hands between them and started intimately stroking her. The faster he entered her, the faster he stroked her. She felt a wave start at the pit of her stomach before erupting in an earth-shattering release she hadn’t experienced before.

“Yes, Tessa. Let go, baby,” Dean’s husky voice whispered against her ear. She could feel her body clench around him, pulsing, wave after endless wave. When one stopped, another began.

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