Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Sweet Love (The Sweet Series Book 1)
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A bright smile takes over her face. “I’d really like that a lot.”

“Me, too,” Piper says, coming to sit next to us.

“Maybe even you and Hope can teach us how to bake a pie,” Lucy says.

My smile brightens. “I’d love that and I know Hope would, too. Y’all are more than welcome to come to the bakery anytime.”

“Maybe I could even help you out there once I get better,” she suggests.

“That’d be great. I can always use the extra help.”

“I know what else you girls can do,” Sawyer says, speaking up. “Watch my kids so I can get my wife alone.”

I glance back to see that sexy, lopsided grin of his I love so much. The girls break out into laughter as I shake my head.

“You have to admit, he’s charming,” Lucy says, still giggling.

“So he thinks,” I muse, but can’t deny the truth of her words.

“Believe me, the first thing I’m going to do once I’m better is get to know my niece and nephew,” she says, looking at Sawyer. “And I’ll babysit anytime you want. For free…if you find me a hot dude at your gym who’s as charming as you.”

Sawyer grunts. “First off, kid. There is no one out there as good as me,” he says, makin’ me roll my eyes, but saves himself with his next comment. “And secondly, there’s definitely no one out there good enough for you.”

Lucy’s cheeks turn pink the same way mine do when he turns his charm on. Her eyes meet mine, looking love-struck. “Any chance you plan to divorce this guy?”

A chuckle escapes me. “Sorry, no. He’s mine.”

She sighs, sinking back a little more into the pillows. “I figured.”

“But I’ll keep my eyes open for you when I pop into the gym,” I promise her.

Sawyer grunts, clearly not liking that, but the smile Lucy gives me is worth it. “Thank you.”

Things are quiet for a moment while we just look at each other, our smiles fueling one another’s.

“So you’ll come back?” she asks hopefully.

“Yeah, I’ll be back.”

“Let’s exchange numbers,” Piper suggests, grabbing her and Lucy’s phones. I recite to them, not only my cell number but also my house line, Sawyer’s cell, and the bakery’s number. My heart warms when I see they both added me as their sister.

Sawyer types their info into my cell phone for me. Once he’s done the three of us girls group hug, well as best as Lucy and I can.

“Thanks, Grace, for everything,” Lucy whispers, her voice thick.

“You don’t need to thank me. I’m glad I was able to help, and I’m really glad I found y’all.”

When we break apart I see Barbara watching us with a soft smile, tears streaming down her face before she comes and gives me a hug good-bye. “I hope to see you around more,” she whispers.

I nod and promise to be back as soon as I’m well enough. There’s an ache in my chest as I leave the hospital, yet I’m excited to be going home to my babies.

On the way home I begin feeling the effects of the pain medication and end up dozing off until I’m woken by the truck door opening.

“Shhh,” Sawyer murmurs, leaning over me to unbuckle my seatbelt.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he scoops me up. “Maybe I should walk,” I suggest sleepily, having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

“We’ll get you walking around later, for now let’s just get you in bed and let you rest.”

I lean my forehead on the side of his face, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His clean, masculine scent invades my senses, blanketing me further with comfort.

When he steps into the house, the sound of the kids’ laughter has me feeling a little more alert.

“Mama!” Hope squeals, running out from the kitchen with John rushing after her. “Parker, hurry, Mama is home.”

Parker comes running in, his eyes wide and smile even wider.

“Hi, my babies,” I greet them, my heart exploding with joy at the sight of them.

John picks up Hope and Catherine lifts Parker to bring them over and hug me. Their little arms wind around my neck as I pull them in close with one arm while keeping my other around Sawyer.

“We missed you so much,” Hope says, kissing my cheek.

“I missed, y’all, too.”

“Missed you guys, too,” Sawyer says dully, as if everyone’s forgotten about him.

Hope reaches over to kiss his cheek. “Don’t worry, Daddy. I’ve been thinkin’ about you too and even made you somethin’ special.”

“What is it?” he asks.

“A real shortcake that you can eat. I taught Grandma Catherine how to make it. Now you can stop tryin’ to eat me,” she giggles.

“That won’t work.”


“Because I only like my shortcakes with blonde hair and green eyes.”

“I ain’t ever gonna win with you.”

Sawyer gives her a crooked grin. “No, you won’t, now come and lay your sweetness on me,” he says, giving her his cheek to kiss since his arms are full with me.

After she does, Sawyer leans over and gives Parker one too and that’s when I notice he’s just staring at me.

“You okay, baby?” I ask, touching his face.

He nods and gives me a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

Catherine and John each kiss my cheek. “How are you doing, honey?” Catherine asks.

“I’m good. Thank you so much for taking care of my babies.”

“Anytime. We had so much fun, didn’t we, guys?”

Both kids nod but I still notice something off about Parker.

“She needs to sleep,” Sawyer says. “I’m going to get her into bed then we can catch up.”

“Oh, Mama, just wait until you see—”

John covers Hope’s mouth, hushin’ her. “Now don’t you go ruining the surprise, squirt,” he scolds gently, that same smirk as his son’s curving his lips.

“Surprise?” I ask, wondering what they’re talkin’ about.

“You’ll see in a second, Cupcake,” Sawyer says, taking me up the stairs to our room.

“Close your eyes, Mama,” Hope yells as they follow up behind us.

Smiling, I close them, wonderin’ what they’ve been up to.

I hear the sound of our door opening. “Okay, you can look now,” Sawyer murmurs, his lips brushin’ my ear.

My eyes open and I gasp, my smile vanishing as I stare at the beautiful sight before me. Every kind of flower you can think of, in various colors, covers every surface of my room. My dresser, nightstand, and the floor. Rose petals are even scattered on my bed with a single light pink rose lying on my pillow. Two sheets of paper with a gift bag also sit on the center of the bed.

I swallow back my emotion, my gaze blurry as I stare, awestruck.

Hope runs past Sawyer and jumps up on the bed, grabbing the rose. “Guess what this flower means, Mama?”

I shake my head, still rendered speechless.

“It means grace and sweetness, just like you.”

“Oh,” I blubber, unable to hold it in any longer, tears flowing down my cheeks. “How did y’all do this?”

“We didn’t,” Parker says. “Dad paid the flower people to come do it.”

My eyes snap to Sawyer to see him watching me. “You did this?” I ask in disbelief.

He smirks. “Tell me how much you like being married to me, Cupcake?”

I drop my forehead on the side of his face, blubberin’ like a fool. “I do love it. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” He gives me a quick kiss, then walks over to the bed.

Parker rushes in front of him to pull back the covers for me.

“Thank you,” I say, giving him a smile.

“Can Mama open her present now, Daddy?”

“Later, Shortcake. She needs to rest first,” he says, disappointing her.

“No. I’m okay. I want to do it now.”

He watches me uncertainly. “Yeah?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

Both Sawyer’s parents come in while Hope thrusts a piece of paper at me. “I drew you this picture. It’s of us bakin’ our pies.”

I take it from her, my heart melting at the varieties of colorful pies. “It’s beautiful, baby. Thank you.”

Parker hands me his next, his paper folded in half. “I made you this.”

I take it with a smile, not anticipating what I should have. Opening it, I yelp in surprise and drop the paper when a plastic frog jumps out at me.

Everyone laughs but Parker. He just gives me a smile and shrugs. “You told me to think of new jokes for when you got home.”

A chuckle tumbles past me. “That I did. Come here.” I pull him in, giving him a long hug and kiss on the cheek.

“Okay, Mama, now for the best of all,” Hope says excitedly, handing me the gift bag with cupcakes all over it.

I smile at Sawyer, knowing this must be his. “Y’all didn’t need to get me anythin’.”

“It’s actually meant to be your birthday present, but I decided to give it to you early,” he says.

“It took a long time,” Hope adds.

Curious, I open the bag and reach in to feel a couple of different things. The first one I pull out is a bronzed antique measuring cup. “Oh this is so pretty. Where on earth did you find it?”

“I have my secrets, Cupcake.”

“Grandma Catherine found it at a store,” Hope says, blowing Sawyer’s cover and making me laugh.

Sawyer glares over at her then picks her up and hangs her over his head. “Why you gotta throw me under the bus like that, Shortcake? I’m trying to make an impression here.”

The man has made an everlasting impression on my heart.

“Sorry, Daddy.” Hope giggles.

I look to Catherine. “Thank you so much. I love it.”

“You’re welcome. I found it at one of our antique shops and immediately thought of you.”

Sawyer grunts. “The next one is all mine. Just remember that.”

Shaking my head with a smile, I reach in and close my fingers over something thick and heavy. As I pull it out, my amusement vanishes as I stare at the beautiful gold-plated book that has the poem Hope and I say after every recipe. I run my fingers over the inscription and wonder what awaits me inside, with a cover like this.

“Open it,” he says, as if hearing my thoughts.

As I open the book to the first page my heart stops and tears spring to my eyes at the two pictures. One of Hope and me then one of Mama and me. Both are in black and white. The words, beautifully typed in handwritten font, says:

A Slice of Hope With a Sprinkle of Grace.

The Dream Will Live on Forever.

“Keep going, Mama,” Hope whispers, breaking me out of my trance.

With blurry eyes I turn the page and quickly realize it’s a recipe book. “Oh,” I softly say when I see the first one is Baby Love Pie. Along with the ingredients is a picture of my mama and me when I was just a baby, one of the few pictures I have of us, then one of Hope and me when she was just a baby. I have her strapped to my chest while making a pie. A picture at the time I didn’t know was being taken.

The next page has me busting out in laughter.
Grace’s First Kiss Pie
recipe has been crossed out and added is Sawyer Is My Only Kiss Pie. With it is a picture of us kissing under the mistletoe last Christmas.

I go through every page, realizing he put all the recipes ever created by Mama, Hope, and me. The very last page is Hope’s newest recipe. I Love My Mama Pie and in this picture it’s not just of Hope and me, but Parker, too.

My babies and me.

By the time I finish I’m a blubbering mess. “Oh, Sawyer, I can’t believe you did this.”

When I look at him I notice we’re alone. John, Catherine, and the kids are gone. I was so caught up in the book that I didn’t hear them leave.

“You really that surprised, Cupcake?” he asks with that sexy smirk of his. “This is me we’re talking about. I only give the best presents.”

I can’t even give him heck for his arrogance because it’s true. He spoils me. “You really do,” I admit. “This must have taken you so long.”

He grunts. “Yeah, you have a ton of recipes, but,” he emphasizes, moving closer so he’s next to me, his hands on either side of my hips, “you’re worth every moment I spent on it. You deserve things like this…always.”

Grasping his face between my hands I pull him to me for a kiss, pouring everything I feel for him into it. I want to show him what I can’t describe with words, because the amount of love I have for him is indescribable.

With a groan he pulls back, both of our breaths weighted with desire. “This is going to be the longest fucking six weeks of my life.”

“Five now,” I whisper, placing my hand on the side of his face. “We can’t be intimate, Sawyer, but it doesn’t mean I can’t take care of you.”

He immediately shakes his head. “No. We wait together and it will be that much better when the time does come. Make no mistake, Grace, you’re worth every painful second of waiting. Nothing else matters but you getting better.
. Not even my dick.” When I giggle he leans forward with a smirk and kisses my forehead. “Rest, baby. I’ll be back to check on you.”

“I love you, thank you again for everythin’.”

“I love you too, Cupcake.”

After handing me my cell phone in case I need to text him, he leaves the room. Releasing a tired sigh, I scoot down a little, getting more comfortable, and look at the pictures the kids made me. For the first time I see that Parker wrote something on the paper. I was so distracted with his joke I had missed it.

You’re the best mom ever and I only play jokes on people who I love most in the world.

Love explodes through my chest. He’s so much like his father, and I know one day he will make some girl as happy as Sawyer makes me.

My eyes grow heavy as exhaustion settles over me. Putting my gifts next to me in a pile, I feel myself begin to doze off when the creak of my bedroom door pulls me back. I look to see Parker peeking his head in.

Smiling, I put my hand out to him. “Hi, baby,” I murmur sleepily.

“Is it okay if I lay with you for a bit? I promise to be real careful.”

“Of course. I’d love that.”

I move over just a bit so he can slide in next to me. He’s careful crawling in and keeps a certain distance. Unable to lie on my side I keep my head turned to him and reach out for his hand. “Did you have a good time with Grandma and Grandpa?”

His response is only a nod. He watches me very closely, as if unable to take his eyes off me, but staring back at me is not the boy I know.

My hand cups his cheek. “Talk to me, honey. What’s wrong?”

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