Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1)
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Now I feel terrible.

Poor Amy, she feels like she can’t be who she really is.

“I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t. I should have said something. I see that now. You’re only human after all. Didn’t you notice her checking you out at the villa?”

“What? No! I thought she was appraising me, making sure I wasn’t a threat.”

“Oh she was appraising you all right. She thinks you’re hot. I only surround myself with smart people, and she’s one of the smartest.”

I smile.

All of this because I thought he was with Amy and he thought I was with Jerry. I can’t believe we wasted so much time. Putting my head back down on Jake’s chest, he continues to stroke my hair.


“What the hell was that?”

“Oh that’s Larry, poor baby. I forgot to feed him.”

“You have a cat?”

Grabbing my phone off the end table I explain. “No, not a real cat, Larry’s my digital cat. My friend’s daughter, Sierra, put him on my phone the last time I went to see her. See here he is, isn’t he cute? Let me feed him really quick and rub his belly then he’ll be nice and happy.”

“Jen, this is weird. Why don’t you get a real cat?”

“I don’t know.”

Jake looks at me like I’m crazy, takes my phone from my hand, and places it back on the side table next to the bed.

“I think he’s okay for now. I’m starting to get jealous.”

Thinking for a moment, I look at him and ask, “Jake, what happens now?”

“Well, after I regain some strength, more of this I hope.” Jake traces my lips with his finger. “You know, I love that you make up words to avoid cussing, but in bed you have a dirty little mouth,” he purrs hungrily at me.

I guess our break is almost over.

Blushing I clarify. “No, I mean with us. How is this going to work, with us?”

“Remember what I said in Italy? If you really want to be with someone, no matter what gets in the way, you find a way to make it work.”

You don’t need to have all the answers. He wants you and you want him. That’s enough for now.

Kissing him, I ask, “Ready for round three, Jake?”

“What do you think, Jen?”

Whoa. The look Jake gives me would knock me over if I were standing.

I think I’m in trouble!



Jake-Chapter 8

Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Alfred Lord Tennyson


e finished filming.

I don’t want to leave yet.

Coffee Girl…

I started to think of her as Coffee Girl the first day I went in to Sweet Dreams Café and found her at the counter. I thought she was a barista, I didn’t realize she owned the place.

“So, it looks like we have what we need and are ready to head back to New York,” Phil says, getting my attention.

“Oh, yeah, great.”

Phil’s a great director and friend. We’ve done four movies together and tonight we’re celebrating. Filming is done and now it’s time to go back to New York, but I’m not really in a celebratory mood.

“Once we start editing, I’ll let you know if we need to come back for any additional shots. It’s beautiful here, great for the cameras.”

“Yeah, beautiful…”

As if on cue, Jenna walks in the front door of the Italian restaurant where we’re eating and blows my mind. She has a dress on, showcasing her curves, and her hair and makeup are done. She looks sexy and beautiful and I can’t keep my eyes off her. Normally I find her in jeans and a T-shirt and she’s naturally beautiful without having to even try, but tonight, wow.

My eyes are glued to her as she talks to the hostess. A hand sneaks around her waist and I realize that guitar playing jerk is standing beside her and he’s touching her. It takes everything in me not to stand up, walk over there and knock him out.

Calm down, buddy. You have no right to be angry. Jen is out on a date, so what. It’s not like you’ve asked her out or anything.

I tracked her down on Friday at the park. She was with him for her guitar lesson, but he wasn’t really teaching her anything as far as I could tell. Pretending to be on a call while I watched them, I could tell all he was doing was flirting. I didn’t see him once give her any tips on her playing, correct her fingering or show her any music.

Now they’re here having dinner together.



I watch as the hostess takes them to a table closer to the front.

Good, I’ll be able to keep my eyes on her from here.


“Huh? Sorry, Phil. What did you say?”

Phil looks behind him, following the direction of my stare to Jenna’s table, and smirks.

“Nothing, I’ll see you in New York on Monday.”


“Have a good weekend. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“See you there,” I say, keeping my eyes on Coffee Girl.

Phil shakes his head at my distracted response and picks up the bill while I continue eating my crème brulee.

She is so sexy.

I remember the first time I saw her in that elevator. She was listening to her music and shaking her hips to the beat, exuding a happy vibe. I was trying to be a gentleman and not stare, but damn. I watched her cute little ass walk out and then she turned around and I thought I was caught. Instead, she told me to have a beautiful day, and at the sound of her voice, I froze. She was real, I could tell from that first moment. There was nothing fake about her.

I followed her for a couple of blocks, hypnotized by the bounce in her step and the way she kind of danced while she walked. After three blocks, I saw her duck into the coffee shop and realized I was just as bad as any stalker. I turned back around and left, but she definitely made an impression on me.

When I came back a month later, I purposely went to the coffee shop, hoping I might run into her again. I didn’t realize she worked there. When I saw her behind the counter that first day, I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay away.

Now she’s laughing at something he’s saying.
What could he possibly be saying that is that funny?

Her laugh makes me smile, but it annoys me she’s laughing with him, instead of with me. What do they always say? Women love a man who can make them laugh.

I’m not that funny.

I’m awkward and shy and not very good around women.

Coffee Girl is funny. She’s so clumsy, but it’s endearing, sweet.

Oh God, I sound like a girl.

I take a bite of my dessert to end this train of thought.

This crème brulee is really good. Is there a way to order another one to go?

It doesn’t last long. I look up and see her beautiful face smile again and wish it was me who was making her smile. Jen is nice, really nice, and she has never made me feel like anything but a normal guy. There’s something about her that is just so comforting. I feel like I can relax and be myself around her. She’s really smart, I can tell by the way she runs her business, and every time I go into the café there’s good music playing.

That night she fell into my arms, I almost had a heart attack. I thought for sure she was going to hit her head against the wall and I was terrified. Luckily she only knocked the wind out of me, but then I realized she was lying on top of me and I didn’t know what to do with my hands. I wanted to grab her so bad, but I restrained myself. Until I saw her limping, then all bets were off. She felt so good in my arms; I wanted to carry her all the way home. Instead, I got her on the back of my bike and when her arms wrapped around me I thought I was going to lose it.

I’ve been sitting here for a while, but I can’t leave now. I’d have to walk right past her to leave. No, I’ll wait until they leave.

Watching Jen and the guitar player, I can tell they get along well. She has smiled and laughed throughout their meal together, but I’m still not sure if this is a date. To my relief, there have been no telltale touches or close talking and no hand holding. I think they must be having dinner as friends.

Yes. Just friends. Good.

They finally finish eating and he pays the bill, pulling out Jen’s chair and guiding her to the door. My jaw clenches as I watch his hand sneak around her waist again as they walk out. Slowly, I stand up and follow them.

I walk behind them at a pretty far distance, again convincing myself I want to make sure she gets home safely, like the last time I saw her leaving the café late. I followed her to make sure she was safe; the street was deserted and I was worried, when I saw her walking alone, that some creep might try something.

When they get to her cottage, I hold my breath, hoping they’ll end the night with a friendly hug. They chat for a moment and to my relief, he isn’t making a move.

Then Jen leans down, closing her eyes and…

She kisses him?

Son of a bitch.

She kissed him!

She could have said goodnight and sent him on his way, but no, she had to kiss him.

She likes him.

I turn back around the corner and my hand goes flying into the concrete wall in frustration.

Great! I never made a move and now I’m too late.

I’m leaving and I probably just broke my hand.


The next day, after my assistant helps me pack up my stuff, I head out of town on my bike in the worst mood. My hand isn’t broken, but it hurts a whole hell of a lot.

As I accelerate onto the highway, a sense of guilt hits me.

You won’t see her again and you should say goodbye.

She’s your friend and a friend would say goodbye.

Taking the next exit, I turn around, heading back toward the café, unable to resist the pull to see her one last time.

Walking into Sweet Dreams for the last time hits me hard.

I’m going to miss this place. I’m going to miss my Coffee Girl.

As I approach the counter, her smile hits me full force, but the thought of not seeing her again prevents me from returning it.

“Hey, what are you doing here on a Sunday?” Her smile is slipping away now, I wonder if she can tell something is wrong.

“Needed a coffee.” I say as I sift through my wallet searching for the right words to say.

How do I say goodbye?

I know we’re only friends, but I did hope it would turn into more.

Damn it, I hoped.

Of course, you never made a move or asked her out so what do you expect.

“How’s your weekend so far?” she asks me cautiously.

My weekend sucked, thanks. Especially that moment last night, when I watched the girl of my dreams swap spit with that so called musician and realized I had missed my chance.

“I had something that didn’t agree with me at a new restaurant.”

You should have asked her out.

“Oh my God, what happened Jake?”

I’m not really sure what she’s talking about until she grabs my hand. My stomach gets that tingly feeling at the touch of her skin against mine before the pain in my hand hits me.

“An accident at work, I’m okay.”

“Are you sure? Did you have someone look at it? This looks bad.”

I can tell she’s really worried about me and I know she likes me, but she’s dating someone else.

This is so confusing.

“I’m fine, Jen.”

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