Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1)
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At every motion and twist of Jake’s hips, the pressure in my belly builds. The pleasure is so great I cum hard, pulsing around him, triggering his orgasm as well. He holds me tight against him as I enjoy the most powerful orgasm I have ever had in my life. While he nuzzles my neck and pulses inside me, I bring my chin down to kiss him on the temple.

We explore each other’s mouths, still joined together. Jake sits on his heels as I straddle his lap on my knees. I want to swallow his tongue. I don’t want to let go of him.

No, not yet. I want more.

I’ve never experienced anything like this.

As we continue to kiss, Jake starts to circle his hips up into me again. He hasn’t pulled out of me yet and unbelievably he’s still hard. After a few minutes, he pushes me gently so I lie on my back with him on top of me between my legs. He laces his fingers with mine and holds my hands above my head, his eyes never leaving mine as he thrusts into me over and over again. I want to cry this is so good and I grip his hands tighter in mine. Our bodies are perfectly aligned and he feels so good pressed against me and inside me. The pleasure is so intense I can’t stand it. I hear myself begging Jake not to stop. Not to ever stop.

Time is a blur. At some point I’m on top riding him, my breasts in his hands. Then he’s between my legs with one leg thrown over his shoulder, hitting places so deep inside me I didn’t know they existed. We cum again together powerfully and at this point I have had so many orgasms I think I’m going to black out.

I can barely feel my legs.

Jake somehow has the strength to lift my limp body from the bed and carry me in the bathroom. He sets me on my feet, turning on the shower, and pulls me, barely conscious, under the spray. The water is cool and this helps revive me somewhat. We kiss while we stand under the spray and my hands roam all over his beautiful body. I want to feel and memorize every inch of him. I become completely alert when his lips suddenly disappear. Before I have a chance to ask what’s wrong, I find him kneeling down in front of me and my eyes roll back in my head as takes me again with his mouth.

Oh God. Oh God. His mouth, his tongue.

My hands grip his hair and almost inhuman sounds come out of me, it’s so incredibly earth shattering. My legs shake and they almost come out from under me with my release. Jake turns the water on a little colder, and then stands up, pins me against the cold shower tile, and enters me again. My lips find his, tasting myself on his mouth. He slowly thrusts up into me in the most luxurious way. Our chests heave against each other with all the exertion and my arms wrap around his neck limply as he cups my behind, pushing into me deeper. It’s a slow and controlled roll of his hips that eventually drives me insane with pleasure. Crying out, I climax one more time, Jake following me soon after. His whole body convulses with the power of his orgasm and I kiss his lips softly while he comes down from his release.

I’m barely able to open my eyes by the time Jake turns off the water and wraps me in a towel. He somehow gets me back into the bedroom and I practically collapse onto the bed. Jake climbs in next to me with a towel around his waist and before he has a chance to pull the blankets up over us, I pass out.

Chapter Thirty-One

Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. Emily Bronte

ould be a few minutes or hours later, I have no idea, but I wake as Jake’s fingers caress me under the blankets. My hips instinctively raise up to meet his hand and I moan at his touch. Taking this as an invitation, Jake positions himself on top of me. My hands automatically reach to pull him in as close as possible as he slowly enters me again.

Our bodies fit so perfectly together.

We make love slowly, taking our time. Jake keeps his face nuzzled against my neck, placing small kisses everywhere his lips can reach. Every inch of our bodies are pressed together, leaving no space between us as we hold onto each other tightly, our hips rolling together in a slow and perfect rhythm. I climax with Jake’s mouth on mine, swallowing my moans, and he finds his release right after me, collapsing, exhausted. Our chests press together and I feel his heart pound against mine as he tries to catch his breath. I don’t want to move and am resolved to fall asleep like this, but Jake maneuvers his arms under the small of my back and I cry out at the loss when he slips out of me, rolls onto his back, and pulls me on top of his chest. Holding on to him with the little strength I have left, I relax and sigh contentedly as Jake’s hand caresses up and down my naked back. Barely able to keep my eyes open, I kiss him once more and then place my ear on his chest and listen to his heartbeat for a few moments before I black out more exhausted and satisfied than I have ever been in my life.

Chapter Thirty-Two

Love is a friendship set to music. Joseph Campbell

don’t want to wake up from this dream yet.

I want it to last forever.


There are sounds coming from outside and I hesitantly open one eye and see the broad expanse of Jake’s chest in front of me. Feeling his chest rise and fall under my cheek, I close my eyes and snuggle into his side.

When a sigh escapes Jake’s lips, my eyes fly open again.

Oh God. He’s here, naked, in my bed.

I’m naked, lying on his chest.

Last night happened.
The best night of my life was not a dream.

Each touch, each kiss, it was all real.

Slowly, I lift my head up from Jake’s chest to find him lying flat on his back, his face turned away from me, sleeping soundly. Smiling, I admire his beautiful form. He looks so peaceful, and I don’t want to wake him, but I need to pee. Getting up as slowly as possible, I take a moment to drink in his beautiful body that is only slightly covered with a sheet. Eventually, I creep into the bathroom and close the door.

My whole body is sore.

My arms, legs, and especially my lady bits, but it was so worth it.

I do my business and then look in the mirror.

What is going to happen now?

I can never be just friends with him again.

This is going to change everything.

I brush my teeth like I have never brushed them before, flashing back over the previous forty-eight hours. My mind races. I’ve been trying to convince myself otherwise, but I can’t ignore it anymore.

Not after last night.

I shiver at the memory. That was the best sex I have ever had, maybe that anyone has ever had. We were so in tune to each other. Everything he did only aroused me more. He made me cum by kissing me.

Oh God no one will ever compare now.

This isn’t a crush anymore.

I love him.

My eyes lock on my own reflection in the mirror as the realization hits me full force.

I love him and there will never be anyone else.

Breathe Jenna, just breathe.

Brushing my hair, I put it up in a messy bun so I can wash my face to try and calm my nerves. I contemplate taking a shower, but I don’t want to wash Jake’s scent off of me yet. Carefully, I slip into a T-shirt and sweats and creep back into the room to stand by the window and try to figure out what I should do next. Glancing at Jake, I find him still sleeping soundly where I left him, snoring softly like a little boy.

He’s so adorable right now.

Watching him sleep for a while, I fall more and more in love with him every second. His feet are sticking out of the bottom of the bed and I almost want to go over and tickle them. I gaze back out the window, down at the courtyard where it all started.

Where that amazing first kiss happened.

Gino and a couple of other people are breaking down the tables and chairs from the wedding as I watch.

The bed sheet rustles and I look over to find Jake up on one elbow watching me.

“Good morning.” His voice is even deeper in the morning.

Very sexy.

“Good morning.” My blush rises up from my chest. I can’t look him in the eye without flashing back to the feeling of him deep inside me. I want to go over and jump him, but I’m not sure if my body could handle it so soon.

“How come you are up so early?”

“Uh, it’s two in the afternoon.”

Jake looks surprised. “Really? I feel like I just closed my eyes.”

“I know. Me too.” Drool is pooling in my mouth. I want to kiss him again, so bad.

I would totally risk his morning breath.

Jake pats the bed next to him with a flirtatious smile. “Then why are you up? Come back to bed and we’ll pretend it’s only six in the morning.”

The offer is tempting, but all of a sudden I feel really self-conscious. “I can’t sleep anymore, my mind is too awake now.”

“What woke you?”

I smirk at him. “You snore.”

Jake looks at me, insulted. “No, I don’t.”

I laugh, teasing, “Yes, you do. Don’t worry, it’s not obnoxiously loud or anything. More like a little boy’s snore.”

“Well, I was exhausted.” He’s looking at me like he did last night on the dance floor.


I blush and my heart starts to pound. Jake starts to sit up with this very dangerous look on his face and I panic. “Wait! I’m going downstairs in search of coffee. Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Jake moves the sheet and I start to back away slowly toward the door.

Oh God, I want him so bad again, but we need to talk and my lady bits need to rest.

“Don’t be shy, Jen. I think it’s a little late for that.” He’s ready to stand and I grab my wallet from the table next to the door.

Turning around, I call over my shoulder, “I’m not shy. I need coffee. Be right back.” As I open the door I can see Jake stand up completely naked and I pull the door closed behind me as I escape just in time.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Music is a safe kind of high. Jimi Hendrix

y legs shake as I walk downstairs and I’m not sure if it’s due to nerves or because I’m physically exhausted.

BOOK: Sweet Dreams (Sunset Dreams Series Book 1)
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