Sweet Catherine Breezes By (6 page)

Read Sweet Catherine Breezes By Online

Authors: Matt Coolomon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Sweet Catherine Breezes By
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"Yeah okay," he said. "But should I pull out, or what?"

"No - do it inside me," Catherine panted. "But really deep okay - like you did before."

He pulled out and Catherine saw the condom land in the water in front of the boat. Then she tilted her hips and braced as he sunk back into her.

"Owww," she uttered that time. It was an expression of some sort of deep seeded pleasure mixed with pain though, and she ground herself back over the base of his cock while the little bursts of pain melded with the warmth of her burgeoning orgasm.

"Do it deep," she said back over her shoulder. "Really deep now," she moaned. And the feeling in her belly contracted and intensified, and with his cock buried inside of her and almost poking into her young womb her orgasm suddenly exploded and thumped through her body.

"Awe fuck yes!" Paulo groaned as he felt her insides squeeze his cock and start to throb around it.

He held her hips in place and kept himself buried all the way inside of her while she writhed and ground herself back against him. He held her there and then grabbed her tits and massaged them with one hand while he pushed her dress up over her head with the other.

Catherine held onto the rail with her dress draping around her wrists and her panties around her ankles. The guy on her back was moving again and his dick was harder than before and spearing into her so deep!

"That's it - keep pushing back on me," he breathed into her hair. "You're so fucking wet now."

"Like that," Catherine uttered as she swayed her back and lifted her hips right up for him. "Do you like me like this?" she asked, wanton beyond any semblance of her usual self. "Owww," she cried. "Ahhhh - hhh"

"Awe yeah - here it is," he groaned and Catherine lifted herself up for him even further and held herself there. He convulsed and then lifted up over her back with his cock expanding and poking even deeper inside of her. It then pulsed, and pulsed again, and then she felt the first spurt of semen and she closed her eyes and relaxed back against him as his cock started gushing and gushing inside of her. "Awe yeah!" he said and she looked back at him grinning.

"That feels nice," Catherine uttered. "I can feel you so well without the condom."

Paulo was still blowing in her. He had never cum anywhere near that hard in all his years of masturbating or during the four times he'd had sex before. His cock was still pulsing and he could still feel little squirts going into her as she smiled at him.

"I've never felt anything this deep in me before," she said softly.

"Sorry if it's hurt a bit," he grinned.

"Are you really sorry? I think you're enjoying it," she shot back at him playfully.

He was finally beginning to soften and he pulled back a bit then ground forward once more, and Catherine tilted her hips and presented herself for him in case he wasn't finished.

"It's so hot inside you right now," he said curiously. "She's really wet too," he said back over his shoulder to Tod. "She feels amazing doesn't she?"

Catherine rested her head on her arms and relaxed with her bottom still tilted up and presented to him. Her arms were tired and she didn't know how much longer he was going to stay in her. He laid down over her and started humping her body with his cock firming up again quickly. He was right there breathing in her hair. "I think I can cum again really fast," he whispered. "Is that okay?"

"Okay,” Catherine uttered. "Ahh - hhh," she then cried though as he probed deep and ground against her bottom. She could see Tod standing there watching and feeling his cock too.

He looked to Paulo. "Hurry up, man, I want to cum again too."

Paulo started riding Catherine faster. He was fucking her with long strokes and not going all the way in but then he would suddenly grind against her and she could feel his cock poking right into her belly. There was still some pain each time he did that but she could feel how excited it made him and she didn't mind. She just braced back against him and the next time he did it she felt his cock throb and squirt more semen into her. She wriggled hard back against him right then so he could ejaculate as deep in her as he could, and his penis again seemed to pulse for a long time.

"Come on, man," Todd said urgently though and Paulo got up off Catherine's back then Tod took his place.

Catherine tilted her hips and presented herself for him too, pleased that he was going to be in her without a condom this time. And after thrusting into her for a minute he was still and ejaculating in her as well. "Yeah fuck that's so hot in her without a rubber," he grinned, and Catherine smiled back at him.

"Do you like that?" she uttered sweetly. "Do I feel nice for you like this?"

"You feel fantastic," he said. "I should have cum in you the other times today as well."

"I know. That's what I was thinking before."

Tod was completely spent and his dick had shrivelled up so he put it away. Catherine got up on her knees and slipped her dress back over her head. Her panties were around her ankles and she stepped out of them and picked them up. They were sandy but they were okay when she shook them off.

"Can I do it too?" Timmy asked anxiously. He had stood up and he was feeling his cock.

"Yeah - go Timmy!" Tod laughed. "This will be his first," he said to Catherine.

"Can I?" Timmy pleaded and Catherine blushed again.

"Okay," she said. "But you have to do it quickly." The thought of having three guys mount her one after the other was exhilarating though.

"I'm ready now. I'm nearly doing it in my pants," he groaned.

"Okay then," Catherine uttered and she turned back around and knelt on the seat. He was getting his cock out and she bent over and held onto the rail, watching back over her shoulder as he got into position behind her.

He bunched her dress up over her hips and she lifted her bottom as he started probing her. She was very wet and he slipped into her easily, then he laid over her back and hugged her body as he started humping her.

Catherine peered back over her shoulder at the two guys watching her being mated. They were silent and Timmy was thrusting and grunting away. He lasted only a few minutes though and then Catherine felt his semen flooding into her. He felt bigger than his brother but she could still feel where Paulo had been so it was difficult to feel him actually throbbing, but she could feel the strong jets of semen gushing from him.

"Is that nice?" she said to him as she rested her head on her arms again.

"Yeah. It feels really nice," he said. "You're really beautiful."

"Thank you," Catherine uttered softly, and she remained there while he enjoyed himself inside of her and he even reached beneath her and felt her breasts.

"Yeah - that's the way, Timmy. Go for it, boy!" Tod chuckled.

He was tweaking her nipples like he knew what he was doing and they were so sensitive that Catherine's orgasm threatened to build again. He was also firming again and he began to slowly thrust against her bottom.

"Can I do it twice like Paulo did?" he asked her.

"Uh huh," Catherine uttered and she lifted and pressed back against him as the warmth flushed over her and her belly started to tingle.

He was certainly bigger than his brother and his cock was stiff and probing in nice and deep, but not too deep. He was actually a very nice size and he was still holding her nipples while he was humping her with a steady rhythm of short, powerful thrusts.

Her orgasm reignited quickly and just as he pressed up behind her hard and held firm it thumped through her belly, clenching in tune with the powerful bursts of cum shooting from his cock.

She smiled back at him but he was gasping for breath and sweating profusely. He smiled though. "Sorry but I think I squirted a lot of it in you. It felt so good!"

"That's okay," Catherine said. "Are you finished now, or do you want to do it again?" she added playfully.

"No, I think I'm finished now," he answered, quite sincerely.

He got off her, so she got back up on her knees and fixed her hair. She could feel a trickle running down her leg and she got her panties that she had scrunched in her hand and dabbed at it. The boys were starting the boat and not watching her so she discretely dabbed her pussy too and sat down with her panties pressed between her legs - kind of sitting on them with her dress out behind so it didn't get wet from their cum.

"So do you do that with lots of guys back home?" Paulo asked.

"No," she replied indignantly. "I've only been with a few older men, and then I've had a boyfriend for the last six months until we just broke up."

"Oh. So how old are you?" Tod asked.

"Nineteen," Catherine said. "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty and so is Paulo. Timmy's eighteen."

"I'm nearly nineteen!" Timmy declared, smiling at Catherine.

"I'm glad you haven't got a boyfriend right now," Paulo said. "Lucky for us!"

"Maybe, but I hope you've got somewhere better than a boat next time," she challenged.

"We could go up to Griffin's tomorrow," Tod suggested.

"Yeah we could take the mattress out of my room if you come over before light tomorrow," Paulo added enthusiastically. "We could take a broom and a mop and clean it up a bit."

"What's Griffin's?" Catherine asked.

"It's just an empty house not far from where you're staying," Tod explained. "It's pretty clean already but we can clean it up better."

"And there's a spare foam mattress under my bed that's nearly new, and we can bring some sheets for it," Paulo enthused again. "We could hang out there all day if you want and there's a swimming hole too!"

"Yeah it's like a really clear pond but no one goes there because it's on Griffin's land," Tod continued. "Except Griffin went missing about ten years ago and no one knows where he is, and since then the place has been abandoned."

"So how far is it?" Catherine asked softly, although she was more so making conversation about it to calm her fluttering heart. The idea of spending all day with them was interesting.

"It's about half a mile past your place," Timmy added. β€œIt's in the forest on the way to the cove.”

"But should we get some more condoms?" Paulo asked.

Catherine's blush fired up and swept over her at that. She shook her head though. "No, you don't need to use condoms with me. But can you bring a pillow so I don't have to lie flat on the mattress please? And maybe some food and drink if we're going to stay there all day."

"Yeah - have to keep our energy up," Tod chuckled as he climbed up onto the pier.

Catherine waited until all three of them were up there then she retrieved her panties from between her legs and found them to be soaked, so she stuffed them into her purse. She then climbed up onto the pier with the breeze blowing up her dress and feeling quite cool against her wet pussy.

Tod and Paulo walked ahead jostling each other and laughing and carrying on while Timmy walked quietly beside her carrying the stuffed giraffe he had won. When they got to the end of the pier they waited until Catherine caught up.

"So, what time tomorrow?" Tod asked her. "We'll wait for you on the road just past your house."

"Maybe about ten," Catherine suggested. "But where should I go?"

"Just turn left at your gate and walk up the road and we'll be waiting," Paulo said with a big grin. "What should we bring for you to eat?"

"I usually just have fruit for lunch, or maybe a sandwich."

"Okay - see you tomorrow," they both said and walked off up the street.

Timmy was still standing there though. "Can I walk you home?" he asked politely.

"Sure," Catherine said and he smiled.

"But wait one minute, okay? I have to go to my house right there and get my camera."

He ran into the first house on the street opposite the pier and came running back out after a few seconds. He was back puffing with a camera in his hand in no time.

"Can I take your photo please?"

Catherine posed with the giraffe and he snapped a few shots.

"Happy now?" she asked as they set off up the hill towards her house, and he nodded and smiled his thanks again.

"You shouldn't walk alone at night. Not even around here," he suggested. "Not if you're a girl."

"That's true. It's nice of you to walk me."

"Oh I don't mind. I'm not like my brother."

Catherine giggled. "He's okay."

Timmy shrugged at that. "I hope it was all right what happened on the boat."

"It was all right," Catherine answered softly. "It was nice."

"Even with me?"

"Yes of course with you!"

Timmy's smile broadened. "This is for you, don't forget," he said proudly and he held out the stuffed giraffe. "But I'll carry it until we get to your house."

"Okay. Thank you," Catherine smiled. He really was cute, and seemed a very nice, simple minded boy.

"You know - I'm ready to do it again now if you want."

Catherine giggled. "That sounds nice Timmy but I think that's enough for one night. You each did it to me two times already!"

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