Sweet Catherine Breezes By (2 page)

Read Sweet Catherine Breezes By Online

Authors: Matt Coolomon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Sweet Catherine Breezes By
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His wife's grave looked better now though. He had swept the grit from the tiled surface and polished the gold writing on her headstone. The groundsman usually kept the grass well-trimmed but sometimes the edges around her slab needed a bit of manicuring and he had garden scissors in his kit bag for that.

He bowed his head paying a last silent tribute to her memory before leaving then he ambled back down the road and out along the pier. He was just climbing down the ladder when he saw the young tourist girl approaching with a couple of shopping bags.

"Hi, Manny!" she called out to him sweetly.

Manny squatted next to the outboard and sat there nice and low where he would be able to see up her dress again. It was fluttering out behind her and with her hands busy holding onto her bags the wind was lifting it quite nicely. She approached directly above him and stood facing, with the boardwalk rail about waist height and her little dress fluttering out beneath where she was leaning against it. He saw a flash of her sweet young thighs again and then there was a gust of wind that blew up her dress and he got a full frontal look at her panties with the slight indentation slicing through her little pussy mound causing his old cock to firm a bit.

"Are you coming back with me?" he asked, grinning up to meet her blush.

"Okay,” she uttered shyly. She then stepped to the ladder and the pain in old Manny's back was no longer evident as he stood and stepped over to the base of the ladder to take her bags. He was then standing directly beneath her and even without the wind lifting her dress he could see right up it. He could see the thin strip of soft cotton fabric that bunched a little between her thighs then smoothed out to cover her firm little bum.

Catherine was on the ladder but she had to wait until the old man moved so she could climb down. His eyes were kind of glazed and his mouth was hanging open. His head had tilted a bit and he was looking directly up her dress but she thought of her dipshit ex-boyfriend again and she just waited and let him look.

She wasn't planning to flash any old men when she dressed that morning but she had chosen pretty panties and it was exciting to be looked at again after Des had told her not to wear sexy clothes anymore. After a few weeks going steady he had gotten jealous of other guys noticing her and he made her dress like a tomboy with baggy shirts and sweaters and usually jeans or ugly shorts instead of skirts. And then it was one night at a party that she found him in an upstairs bedroom with another girl.

Catherine snapped out of her little trance and climbed down the ladder with the old man's rough hands guiding her hips and then ushering her to his boat. His touch had made her belly tingle a bit and when she slipped her arms into the life jacket he was holding for her she felt his tough old fingers fiddling to do up the zipper against her belly. His eyes were then lowered to her breasts and her nipples were firm but the jacket zipped up to conceal them.

Manny pushed off and cruised on out to sea nice and slow. He kept checking back with the girl staring out into the distance, with the wind in her hair and her knees swayed towards him. She had relaxed with her knees slightly apart, and with the wind bunching the skirt of her dress up again he had a nice view of the crotch of her panties.

All the way across to the island he kept glancing back and enjoying the view, while a few times she quickly averted her gaze and blushed. Then when he helped her off the boat he held her hips instead of her hand and he felt the warmth of her firm young body through her dress. She seemed in a bit of a daydream or something and he kind of squeezed her, feeling the elastic of her panties beneath the thin cotton fabric. Then when she stepped up onto the plank he released her with his hand smoothing over her bottom and brushing down her bare thigh, which caused her to glance back over her shoulder blushing again.

"Thank you," she said sweetly. "This was very nice of you."

"If you need to go over the mainland again while you're here I'm always about, love. Any time!"

Catherine strolled lazily along the pier smiling down at another few fishermen but she mostly held her dress down in front and only let it fly up at the back for them. She bought a soda at the take away shop and checked the billboard for what movie was going to be playing that night. When she walked back past the end of the pier a boy she had met the previous night appeared from beneath it.

"There you are!" he said. He looked a lot like the boy talking to her dad that morning, only a few years older. He was walking along beside her with a stupid grin on his face. "So where you going now?"

Catherine was trying to ignore him - hoping he'd go away. "Home," she said shortly. He actually reminded her of her ex-boyfriend. The way he had tried to paw her at the movies and how he seemed to think he had some sort of claim on her.

"Thought you said you'd meet me at the beach today!"

"I didn't say that. You said it and apparently assumed I would."

"What are you being snooty for?" he whined.

"I'm not being snooty. I'm just minding my own business."

He kept looking back and Catherine glanced over her shoulder to see two other guys following some distance behind. One was the other boy from earlier and the other was chubby with a mop of black curly hair.

"So what about after lunch - you coming to the beach then? I'll show you where we all hang out."

"What - you and your two friends?"

"And everyone else," he replied indignantly. "It's a special beach where the oldies don't bug us. It's around the other side of the island."

"Oh? Well I might, later. I'm staying just over the hill at that old white house. If you stop by on your way?"

He turned back at the top of the hill and Catherine glanced back to see him meet up with his friends. She had lunch with her parents before they went for a walk into the village where they were going to spend the afternoon and have dinner at the fisherman's bar. Catherine preferred to stay at the house and she took one of her books outside to sunbathe.

After an hour and a few chapters she closed the book and rolled over to tan her back. She checked around but there wasn't even another house in view and there hadn't been a vehicle or a person walking by since she had been there. So she pulled the strings on her bikini top but left it in place beneath her breasts.

"Fuck yeah!" Paulo groaned. "She undid it, man!"

The three of them were about forty yards away peeping over the sand dune.

"Awe, you can see the side of her tit!" Tod claimed anxiously. "Look how fucking white it is - that's her fucking tit, man!"

Timmy was craning his neck trying to see over the grass. Tod pushed him. "Go get the binoculars, Tim!"

"I don't know where they are," Timmy complained. He was looking over the grass again and he thought he could see the white bit that must have been the side of the girl's boob.

"They're on the shelf in the garage," Tod said. "Hurry up and get them before she does her top up!"

Timmy ran off towards home, which was the first house that side of the village. The other two remained there peering over the top of the sand dune with their eyes riveted to young Catherine's slender body. She hadn't moved at all by the time Timmy got back with the binoculars and Tod grabbed them off him and focused.

Her face was turned towards them and her eyes were closed. She was lying with her arms resting above her head and Tod could see the string from her bikini hanging over the side of the lounger and her bikini cup lying flat with her breast pressed against it. He could see almost all of it but he couldn't make out the nipple just yet.

"Here, give me a look!" Paulo said but Tod pushed his hand away.

Catherine then stirred a little and reached for a bottle of water that was on the ground with her book. Her body lifted and her nipple was almost visible but then her other hand closed over and she sat with her arm holding her bikini in place while she had a drink.

Tod roamed her body with the binoculars. Her bikini was sagging and he could see the top part of her boobs where they were pure white. He moved lower and had a look at her little pants and her thighs and in between them.
"Awe, give us a look!" Paulo whined. "Don't be a fucking hog, man!"

Tod watched her lie back down and he kept the binoculars focused on her breasts. She had a towel covering the lounger and she straightened that out while keeping one arm across them and holding her bikini top in place. She put the water bottle back and twirled her hair into a ponytail and positioned that to one side. She then released the arm from across her chest and - "Fuck yes!" Tod cried. "I saw a nipple!" he whispered excitedly and he strained to see it again but Catherine had lain right down and her breast was again squashed against her bikini top.

Paulo got hold of the binoculars with his eyes just about popping out of their sockets as he searched for the white bit beneath Catherine's chest. He found it and saw the shape of her boob bulging a little - but it was definitely a part of her boob.
"What the fuck?" Tod cried as he looked across at Timmy. He was two sand dunes over with a hand held telescope.

Tod crawled back off his dune and headed over but Timmy jumped up and started running. He ran along the dunes a way and when Tod turned back he climbed up to the top of another one and settled with his scope pointing through the grass.

"Wonder where the fuck he got that from," Tod grumped as he got back into position beside Paulo.

"She moved a little bit and her arm's in the way now," Paulo said disappointedly.

 Tod took the binoculars and had a look. Her face was turned away and her arm was by her side covering her tit. He looked over her body and checked her bum and her legs.

"Are you going to ask her to come with us?" Paulo asked hopefully.

"I'm not going over there! What if her dad comes out?

“Mean looking fucker!" Tod grumped.

"Yeah, I guess. But you could send Timmy again."

"If we can catch the little shit." Tod turned the binoculars and focused on Timmy way over the other side of the house with the scope pointed at the girl. "Where the fuck did he get that?"

"I've seen one of them before," Paulo said thoughtfully. "I think it might be like a field glass or something."

"What - is that better than these?" Tod questioned.

"Fuck yeah! Probably two or three times better magnification."

Tod had another look over Catherine's body. "He's fucking dead when I get hold of him," he grumped under his breath.

They ended up spending the whole afternoon there in the sand dunes watching Catherine. Timmy eventually came back and after Tod got the telescope off him he clipped him across the back of the head.

Catherine turned over and over and sat up a few times, always keeping her bikini top in place though. Then after she went inside they were spying through the windows, having turns with the binoculars and the telescope. It was getting dark when they finally got her in the bathroom nude it seemed. There was a small gap in the curtains and although it was a bit steamy they watched her in the shower and then Tod got a look at her through the telescope drying herself off. He saw her tits properly that time - both of them and both nipples too. He watched her comb her hair still topless and he saw her little tits lift and jiggle a bit. The detail was that good through the scope - much better than the binoculars that Paulo was using at the time. He was there with a shit eating grin on his face and Timmy was next to him squinting into the dark to try and see too.

"See - there they are now!" Paulo declared as Catherine's parents walked in through the front gate. "I told you they weren't even home!"

"Yeah, well how did I know?" Tod grumped. "They could have been there."

The bathroom light went off and they decided to call it a day, and the three of them trudged home hungry and thirsty. Then that night they lined up at the back of the small movie theatre and saw Catherine sitting alone down the front. There were a few adults and small children and a dozen or so teenagers in couples or groups. Tod left Paulo and his brother up the back and he went down and sat beside Catherine.

"Hi!" he started confidently.

"Oh it's you again," Catherine responded without interest.

"Yeah. Did you miss me?"

"No! Except what happened to going to the beach?"

"Yeah, that's tomorrow," Tod chuckled, then the lights went down and the movie started, and he put his arm around the back of her chair but didn't touch her shoulder.

Catherine looked down at his hand then shook her head smiling to herself. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked curtly, though she liked his confidence.

"Do you want to go out?" he said without turning from the screen.

"Out where?"

"To the movies."

"But we're at the movies,” Catherine declared.

"Well this is a date then," he grinned and his hand moved to her shoulder.

Catherine looked at his hand again. It was felt strong and rough against her skin. She had a camisole top with thin shoulder straps so he was touching her bare shoulder. He even leant over a bit and sort of pulled her closer with his hand gripping more firmly and making her belly tingle.

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