Sweet Catherine Breezes By (5 page)

Read Sweet Catherine Breezes By Online

Authors: Matt Coolomon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Sweet Catherine Breezes By
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"Did you use one?"

"Yeah. Of course! But I've only got seven left and I need them all."

"Seven! What the fuck do you need that many for?"

"Well she's going to be here for the rest of the week. I'm going to need more but Timmy's got money."

Paulo left the room for a minute and came back. "I've got one," he said, showing Tod the condom he'd found. "It says it's ribbed. What does that mean?"

Tod shrugged. "Don't know! Let's go find Timmy and get some cash off the little shit."

Timmy turned up at home for dinner and stayed close to his mother so Tod couldn't do anything. Afterwards he agreed to lend Tod and Paulo money but only if he was allowed to come to the carnival with them.

"That was actually a pretty good trick for a dweeb brain," Tod admitted while they were sitting there on the pier waiting for Catherine. "Why did you want me to go and see dad though? I don't get it."

Timmy shrugged. "No reason."

"Yeah, well there's no fucking gas left in the tinny so you can fill it up when we get there."

"Fuck - there she is!" Paulo said excitedly.

Catherine had on a short sun dress and sandals. Beneath the dress she had on panties and that was all. The three boys stood but only Tod approached. "Don't worry about them, they're just going to hang around," he explained, and Catherine smiled back at them both as she was led to the little aluminium boat

When she was seated at the back next to Tod the dark haired boy spoke. "Hi. I'm Paulo."

"Hi," Catherine returned with another smile. Then she said "Hi, Timmy."

Timmy smiled and pulled a face at his brother, who was frowning and looking confused. Paulo was watching Catherine intently. It was difficult to see her in the moonlight but the town was lit up and there were huge floodlights at the carnival.

Catherine had to pay her own entry fee because Tod didn't have enough money to pay for her, but that covered all rides so they started with the roller coaster and had a few goes at that before trying the big Ferris wheel. That had facing seats so all four of them got on together. Tod had his arm around Catherine by then and the other two boys sat watching.

He had his arm around her waist and his hand tucked beneath her arm. He inched his fingers in further and touched the side of her breast. He could feel that it was bare beneath her dress and he rubbed underneath a little bit.

Paulo could see his fingers moving. He was staring at them and he glanced at Catherine to see she was blushing. Then she pressed her arm against her side.

"Let me feel it," Tod whispered to her.

"No," Catherine said. "Not with them watching."

"Awe - they don't care," he went on. "Just a little feel, okay?"

Catherine looked at the other two boys as his hand squeezed under her breast. They were both staring wide eyed at what he was doing so she relaxed her arm a little and allowed him to reach up further. Then he closed his hand completely over her boob and massaged it. He did that for a while with the string on her shoulder slipping.

That revealed some of the white skin they had seen before and as the Ferris wheel swept through the crowd and started climbing again Tod released her and then slipped his hand in through the side of her dress.

"Fuck yes!" Paulo groaned and Timmy just sat staring with his mouth gaping open.

Catherine was squirming in her seat a bit. Tod had started playing with her nipple and her dress was sagging enough for the other two boys to almost see. The ride was ending though and she fixed her shoulder strap and met the eyes of the other boys with an embarrassed little smile.

Next they had a ride on the go-carts and then they tried some of the side-shows where Timmy won a huge stuffed giraffe at a shooting gallery. "This is for you," he whispered to Catherine. "But I'll carry it for you."

There was a petting zoo and some more rides with a huge pirate ship that swung back and forth, almost doing a full loop high up in the air. Then there was a ghost train where Catherine was felt up again. Only that time it was in the dark and Tod got his hand up under her dress and squeezed both of her breasts.

They got back to the Ferris wheel and Tod took Catherine aside while the other two waited. He looked a bit apprehensive and Catherine smiled up at him.

"What is it?" she asked sweetly.

"Well," he started, scratching his head and glancing back at the others. "Would it be okay if Paulo sat next to you this time?"

"Sat next to me?" Catherine repeated.

"Yeah - if he sat with you and had a feel like I did."

Catherine blushed as her heart pounded away. "Is that what you want?" she uttered. She was instantly overwhelmed by the thought and she wanted it to happen. "I'll do it if you want," she added softly, before he had a chance to change his mind.

They got back into line and when their turn came around Tod ushered her to a seat then he pushed Timmy in and sat next to him. Paulo then got in beside Catherine and her nipples were instantly hard.

The ride started with Tod and Paulo looking at each other and Tod motioning for him to do something. The wheel had gone around once and on the way up the second time Paulo put his arm around the seat behind Catherine. She sat fiddling with her dress in her lap until she felt his fingers pressing in underneath her arm. She then took another breath and held it as she lifted her arm slightly. Then his fingers wriggled in further and his thumb stroked down from above and brushed over her nipple sending sparks through her entire body. His hand then closed over her breast and he started feeling it and massaging firmly.

She looked across at Tod and Timmy staring with their mouths open. Her shoulder strap was hanging down her arm and she lifted her arm more so he could get his hand down underneath her dress.

Paulo felt her bare tit. He squeezed it and rubbed the hard little nipple between his thumb and fingers. She was just staring straight ahead and he was looking down her front. He held her dress out a bit so he could see her tit that time and he tried to rub up her leg with his other hand but she wedged her hands between her legs and stopped him.

Being denied that he concentrated on what he was allowed to do. He liked how hard her nipple was and he pinched it and then jiggled her tit and then pinched it again.

"You're next," Tod said to his brother and Catherine's blush deepened.

"No - that's okay," Timmy stammered nervously though, and the other two laughed.

Catherine relaxed back against Paulo and he continued feeling her breast but just softly, and they started laughing and chatting, which eased the tension a lot. She just sat quietly enjoying being felt up like that. It wasn't so much what he was doing, but the fact that he was doing it in front of the other boys, and the one she was supposed to be going out with was just watching him do it.

He also continued stroking her leg and she relaxed her hands in her lap and allowed that too. He was just playing with her thigh and the hem of her dress was getting bunched up a bit. His fingers finally touched her panties and she looked down and could see them exposed between her thighs. Tod was glancing down too and Timmy was staring at them. They could see the little pink triangle between her legs and that was making her squirm even more.

The ride finally ended though and she was given back to Tod. He took her on the pirate ship ride again and then he spent the last of his money on a soda and she had to buy her own. It was getting late though and they went back to the marina and got in the boat to return to the island.

The sea was like glass it was so calm and they cruised out with Timmy driving and Catherine sitting on the front bench next to Tod. He started by feeling her breasts and kissing her then he moved to her ear and whispered, "Can I fuck you again?"

"What - now?" Catherine uttered.

"Yeah. It's too dark for them to see anything."

"But how? There's no room," Catherine protested, but she was tingling all over.

"Cut the engine, Timmy," he commanded and suddenly it was silent as the boat slowed to a drift. "Lie over the front and let me do it from behind again," he said to Catherine. "I've got a rubber here."

He put the condom in his teeth and started undoing his shirt and shorts. Catherine just turned around and leant over the bow of the boat obediently. The seat was padded and she knelt on that. It wasn't uncomfortable.

"You have to lick her a bit to make her wet," Paulo said, causing her to blush in the moonlight.

Tod got down on his knees and lifted her dress up over her hips. He then pulled her panties down and stuck his face into her, licking at her pussy and making her squirm even more than on the Ferris wheel. She could feel his tongue darting into her slit and she tilted her hips and presented herself for him while looking back at the other two guys watching. She was in a daze and unable to think clearly. It was all sort of a blur how she got to be there ready to be mounted by one guy while two others watched.

Tod had finished preparations and he got up and stuck his cock in her. It slipped in easily and he got right over her back and started humping her.

Catherine held onto the rail at the front of the boat and braced against his weight while keeping her hips tilted and presenting her opening for him. It was again all about him getting off but she again enjoyed that. He was pounding into her and pulling her body back against his cock and she was looking back over her shoulder at the other two boys watching him.

He was then starting to grunt and gasp for breath and his thrusts were getting more deliberate and seemingly deeper. His thighs were pressed against the back of hers and she felt them tense up as his arms firmed and held her in place. Then his body convulsed and she felt his cock throbbing inside of her. It went on and on and she found herself staring at the still water lapping against the side of the boat. It was the third time that day he had been inside of her and he was emptying his balls completely that time. And she just waited until he finished and lifted from her back with his little cock slipping out of her.

Catherine's panties were around her knees and she pulled them up before turning around to face the other two boys. Timmy looked stunned and Paulo was just grinning at her. There was enough moonlight to see their faces quite clearly and she smiled shyly at them.

Tod tossed the condom into the water and it just floated there with his semen slowly leaking from it. Catherine watched it and felt herself blushing again. It was the third one of those he had filled up inside of her and this one looked as full as the first one did.

"That felt good," Tod puffed. "Did you like it when I licked you?"

"Uh huh,” Catherine uttered. "It was nice."

"What about your knees - did they hurt kneeling on the seat like that?"

"No - it was fine," Catherine said shyly looking at the other two boys again. Timmy was still staring blankly at her and Paulo was still grinning.

Tod's breathing was returning to normal and he rested back looking across at his buddy. "She feels really good from behind like that," he said, causing Catherine's blush to fire up again. "She pushes back against you and makes you go in really deep." He squeezed Catherine's knee. "Don't you?"

"Uh huh,” she uttered again.

"So, do you want to try it?" he asked Paulo.

Paulo nodded. "Yeah - I want to!"

"Can he?" Tod asked Catherine and another hot flush swept over her entire body.

"Okay," she said softly, biting down on her lip.

Paulo then stood up and Tod shifted to his seat at the back. Catherine turned around and knelt on the seat holding onto the bow rail again. Paulo lifted her dress up over her hips and he pulled her pants down. He left her exposed like that while he pulled his own pants down and rolled his ribbed condom on his dick.

"Are you still wet?" he asked.

"I think so," Catherine said softly, and she tilted her hips and braced back as he positioned the head of his cock.

"Yeah, you're still wet," he said, making her blush into the moonlight again. "Are you going to push back making me go in real deep like you did before?" he asked her.

"Yes, I will," Catherine uttered as she felt his cock open her and sink in a bit. "Ouch that's huge!" she cried though as he suddenly pressed forward. "Ahhh - not too hard," she cried but he was pressed against her bottom grinding his cock in deeper than she had ever peen penetrated before.

"Yeah that's nice," he said and he felt up beneath her and found her breasts. He had pulled back a bit and was sliding in and out slowly.

Catherine started to relax and she tilted her hips for him. "Owww," she cried as he ground forward again though.

"Yeah that's it - lean back on me," he groaned.

"I am," Catherine uttered and she arched her back and presented herself for him. "Ahhh - that's so deep," she cried but her orgasm was beginning to build and she kept herself presented to him while his cock probed her deep inside. It wasn't very thick and it was all right until he forced it in that last little bit, but then he seemed to be penetrating another barrier deeper in her belly.

She turned back to him panting. "Do you want to take the condom off?"

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