Surrendering (3 page)

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Authors: Ahren Sanders

Tags: #Romance, #Musicians, #adult, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Surrendering
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“Well first, don’t be embarrassed about asking. Almost everyone thinks that Finn and I are a couple, but we aren’t. Finn is a special person to me and he’s like my brother. I know how hot he is and I enjoy looking at him, but it’ll never happen. As for any other boyfriends, the answer is no.”

“What about the hot bartender that can’t take his eyes off you? He seems interested.”

“Well, he is gorgeous, but not my type.”

“Wow, I’d let him take me home for one night,” whispers Ella. “He could fuck me and leave me and I would probably brag about it to anyone who would listen.”

I laugh so hard that I choke on my water. Sissy runs over and starts hitting me on my back. She is speaking rapidly in Italian and I don’t understand anything she’s saying. As I try to catch my breath, Damon appears and looks concerned. He starts to speak, but I cut him off. “I’m fine; I started to laugh as I drank and the two didn’t mix well. I swear I’m alright.”

He looks at me sideways and hands me a stack of napkins to wipe my mouth. Everyone starts to walk away and I look at Ella and Abbi with a smirk. “Okay ladies, I know you don’t know me too well, but I made an ass out of myself. It’s been a long time since I’ve snorted in a restaurant.”

“Well, brace yourself, Raven. Before you wipe your mouth with that napkin, you may want to read the message underneath the phone number Damon discreetly slipped in your hand. If you aren’t interested, you should introduce me.” Ella says smiling.

“Okay girls, let’s move this to the bar and have another drink. Then we can get to the good stuff.” Abbi speaks up.

“Sounds good to me. Let me tell Sissy where we’ll be and she can bring the bill to us.” I look around for Sissy and wave her over. “Can you please keep our leftovers in the back for a few minutes while we have another drink at the bar? And if you want, you can bring us the bill and we can start a tab so the waiter can close out.”

“Ravenel Hayes, you’re family. You do not pay for your meal. We’re just so glad to have you back and I hope to see your family again. I miss Robbie and I know he’s home for awhile. You accept this meal with your friends as a welcome home and remember to come back soon.”

My eyes swell with tears as I realize she’s heard about Robbie’s accident. She considers us a part of this restaurant family and she wants to see him soon. I clear my throat as I try to conceal my emotions, “Sissy, you’re too good to me and the only reason I’m not arguing with you is because I respect you. I will also promise to try and get Robbie and Finn here with me as soon as possible.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” She hugs me and walks away.

I look up to see Abbi and Ella staring at me. They both look confused, but their eyes are warm and understanding.

As we get up, I drop some money on the table for the tip and make sure that the waiter knows. When we get to the bar, Damon saunters over and asks what we want. I decide to stick with the Cosmopolitan. Ella and Abbi agree. We move to the subject of the house.

“Raven, we didn’t tell you, but our dad actually owns the house. You’d actually be leasing from him. He’s an awesome landlord and rarely comes over unless we have problems. If you move in, you’re welcome to paint your room, move in furniture, anything that will help make the house your home. I know we have our stuff everywhere, but we would welcome your influence. Also, even though it’s a two-car garage, we can alternate turns on who can park in it. What kinds of questions do you have for us?”

“I travel pretty light. Since I’ve been living in on-campus housing, my furniture is limited. My bedroom furniture is all I have except for a ton of kitchen items. Even though I haven’t had a full kitchen, I love accessories. I have a lot of entertainment pieces I’d like to get out of storage. The only reason I have them is because I was convinced I was going to have my own place before now and kept buying things.”

“That’s awesome because our kitchen could use some stuff. We just have the basics.” Ella responds.

“I do have a close-knit group of friends that want to plan a trip this semester for a long weekend. I would love for you girls to join us. Our get-togethers can get pretty rowdy, but they’re a lot of fun. My friends are from here as well but are still in school in Atlanta. ”

I take a deep breath because I know my next statement may break this deal. “I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I have one more thing to discuss. How do you feel about security?”

Abbi and Ella take a sip of their drinks and look at me. Neither of them flinch; they just wait for me to continue.

“My dad owns his own business and a piece of that business is security. He’s going to insist we put some secure measures on the house and I was wondering if you would mind a security system. He’d assume responsibility for the total cost and Finn would most likely install it for us. The whole thing would be simple, but would give us a system in case there was ever any danger. What do you think?”

“Dad is going to love this! Raven, our dad has been after us for years to get security in the house, but we haven’t done it. Our brother even rides by the house several times a week after his gigs to see if there are any problems in the neighborhood. If your dad can get a security system in our house, then the answer is yes!!!” Ella practically screams. Damon glances over and smiles at her enthusiasm.

Abbi finally speaks up, “Your girls’ weekends sound fun. Would you want to have the next one at our house since it will be your first ever place? We could help set up.”

“That would be excellent! Now that we have covered almost everything, what do I need to do? Do you need a lease agreement or a credit history? I could get started on these for you tomorrow.”

“I can email you the lease agreement tomorrow morning and I think the credit history is unnecessary since your dad runs a security company and will be installing an alarm. When do you want to move in?”

“As soon as possible, Finn’s house is a little crowded with me staying there.”

“Why are you staying with Finn? Isn’t your parents’ house close by?” Abbi asks.

“It was only for a little while. I wanted to get to know the campus and learn my way around so he offered for me to stay. My parents thought it was a great idea and they are out of town right now. Plus my brother is glad to have me out of the house, he likes the privacy.”

They nod their heads in understanding.

Ella raises her glass again, “One more toast… to new roommates!”

We all cheer and slam back the rest of the Cosmos. I’m so glad Finn is picking me up tonight.

Abbi speaks up, “One more round and then we need to go home. I’m going to call my brother to come get us and come back tomorrow for my car.”

“Okay, one more round. Hey, Damon, can we please get another round? None of us are driving tonight.” He winks and starts to make our drinks.

As Damon comes down the bar to serve us, Ella asks, “Damon, since we valet parked and we’re getting a ride home, how should we handle the car situation?”

“Well, give me your ticket and I’ll go get your keys. I’ll let them know you’re being picked up and will be back tomorrow. Since Sissy met you, she’ll make sure it’s not towed overnight.”

Abbi rummages through her purse for the valet ticket and money for a tip. When she hands them over to him, he winks at me again and takes off around the bar to take care of their car.

“Honestly, you have no interest in that man? You have to give him your number tonight. I’ll give it to him for you.” Ella’s getting feisty now.

“Okay, yes, he’s gorgeous. His body, his eyes, his dimples- all of it. But I’m kind of jaded. With that kind of appeal, he’s intimidating. I’m a relationship girl; I don’t really do casual hook-ups. I think I should probably play the lotto though, this is twice in one day.”

“Wait. What do you mean by ‘twice in one day’?”

I look around to make sure we’re still alone. “Well, on my way back from yoga this morning, I was plowed down in the park by a guy that was running backwards. He wasn’t paying attention and I ended up on my ass. I was so embarrassed. He was HOT! I nicknamed him Holy Hotness. He seemed sincere in his apology and even helped me up. Then he made some crass comment about ‘someone as beautiful as you underneath me.’ It was a total player comment, but he was so F-I-N-E. I haven’t stopped thinking about him all day. He said he’s in the same area on Saturdays if I ever want to come back.”

Abbi and Ella stare at me and then start laughing. “Ok, Raven, I’m
soooo sorry
about your bad luck. Two good-looking guys in one day. One gives you his number and the other practically tells you his whereabouts so you can meet back up,” Abbi says. “You just have the worst luck in the world. As a matter of fact, I think we should go to that park next Saturday to see exactly what this guy looks like.”

“Ha, ha, ha.”

“You know, you shouldn’t be so judgmental; Damon may be really nice. He sure is easy on the eyes.”

“You’re right; maybe I’ll call him once I get settled.”

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Says Ella as she high-fives me. All of us are laughing now.

Damon returns with Abbi’s keys and he smiles over at us before getting back to work.

Once we get our bar bill and pay, we each make our calls to our designated drivers to come get us. Finn will be here within five minutes. I say my goodbyes and promise to get the lease agreement signed as soon as I receive it tomorrow. I also tell them I’d know about the alarm by Friday. We hug goodnight. I wave good-bye to Damon and he grins. He licks his lips as I walk away. Oh well, at least I’m going to have good dreams tonight.


Chapter 3

Moving Day

To say I’m excited is an understatement. I’m positively giddy! It only took a week for me to get my moving arrangements made. After I talked to my dad and we discussed the rent and the security, I signed a year lease. Finn explained to my dad that a general security system would be sufficient and ordered the necessary equipment. He’ll install the system tomorrow.

I have a small rental truck filled with all my personal things from my parents’ storage. Finn, Robbie, and I loaded the truck last night. Finn’s going to drive it to the house and I’m going to meet him there. Two of Finn’s roommates, Tripp and Gabe, agreed to help us move my stuff into the house today. Tripp and Gabe are meeting me there too. I’m rushing to get there first so Ella and Abbi won’t have to be alone with them.

Not only are Tripp and Gabe beautiful, but they’re incorrigible flirts. They’ve easily seduced their share of women. I don’t want to have to beat them off of my new roommates today; that’s why I want to arrive first and set some rules. Finn’s other roommate, Jimi, is working today, but he’ll stop by later. These guys are great to me and I’m lucky to know them, but they can be a hand-full.

It’s a hot July afternoon and I packed several coolers in the back of Finn’s truck. I have everything from bottled water to bottled beer and enough snacks for everyone. Since we don’t officially start school for three more weeks, I’ll have plenty of time to unpack and get settled.

When I arrive, I only see Abbi’s car out front. I hear music coming from inside and it sounds like hip-hop blend. When I get to the door, I knock loudly in hopes that she’ll hear me.

Abbi opens the door and immediately jumps up and down. “Raven, I’m so excited moving day is finally here! Ella and I are ready to help, just tell us what to do and where it goes. We can be your minions. Oh, and by the way- you live here now, stop knocking. I’ve put your keys on the kitchen counter.”

“Thanks, I must have forgotten to tell you that I asked Finn and his roommates to help today. I have three guys on their way to move the heavy and large items into the bedroom. Then there are only a few more loads of boxes; it should be simple. I do have three coolers in the truck. Can you help me get those into the house?”

“Sure thing, let’s go. I can unpack the groceries while you get started. Ella will be home from her run in a few minutes.”

As we unload the truck, I see Gabe’s black Range Rover driving up. Tripp and Gabe hop out and start whistling and catcalling so I shake my ass at them.

“Don’t think that just because you’re moving out, you can escape my powers of prowess, Rave. I’m more determined now to get you in my bed for some overdue TLC! And I’m offering myself to you as your first overnight houseguest,” yells Gabe.

“Thanks for the offer, Gabe, but Tripp already called first sleepover and I already bought the sleepwear.”

“Going down in flames buddy, give it up.” Tripp smiles at Gabe.

“Will you two stop and come meet my new roommate?” I look at Abbi who is smiling widely. She obviously likes what she sees.

Just as Tripp and Gabe get to the truck to help unload the coolers, Ella jogs up. Everyone stops and looks at each other. I guess it’s beauty overload because Tripp and Gabe just stare at Abbi and Ella with huge grins on their faces.

“Okay everyone, Abbi and Ella, this is Tripp and Gabe. They’re going to help today. I’ve promised beer and poker after we’re done. I hope that’s okay?”

“Sure, Raven, whatever you want,” whispers Ella who is obviously captivated by Gabe.

I need to break this up before they forget our purpose, “Let’s get the coolers inside.”

We all reach for a cooler and the guys take the two heaviest into the kitchen. I see Finn pulling up and rush to the front driveway to help him. I jump into his arms. “Thank you for being so awesome to me! I’m so excited about today.”

“Jesus, Rave, give a guy some notice. I could have dropped you. But now that you are in my arms, I can do other things to you. How about let’s start with the mouth and work our way down?”

I laugh out loud. “Please tell me, does that work on other women, because I can’t take you seriously with that cheesy line.”

He laughs too. “Thought I’d give it a try.”

“Okay, lovers, can we get this done? I have two special friends waiting for me when this is over. Their names are Budweiser and Jack Daniels,” Tripp yells from the porch.

I walk the guys to my room and explain where I want my furniture. Once they get the heavy stuff in the room and my bed assembled, I can start unloading my personal items. When I know they have no more questions, I go to the kitchen to help unload the coolers.

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