Stormy Passion (40 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

Tags: #romance, #love loss, #love romance, #contemporary adult, #box set, #sweet love story, #sexy beach reads, #sexy banker, #sexy billionaire, #beach read romance

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What did Dr. Mac

I don't believe there is
such a person,” Taylor grumpily replied with a sigh before shifting
for the hundredth time trying to find a comfortable

We haven't seen the doctor
yet.” Carol smoothed over Taylor's remark.

Geraldine raised her brow. “Be back in a
shake.” She turned and marched out of the room and down the

Taylor couldn't help but smile. She looked
like General Patton marching into battle.

W--where is she going?”
Carol asked.

Her question was answered in less than two
minutes when Geraldine returned with a man in tow who appeared to
be a doctor dressed in surgical green.

Sorry to take so long,
folks,” the doctor apologized. “But that was a nasty break. I had
to put a pin in Brenna's foot.”

How is my sister?” Lisa
beat Taylor in asking the question he wanted answered.

Hi, Lisa.” Dr. Mac smiled
a warm friendly greeting, but he'd failed to respond to the
question. Instead he asked his own question. “Would you like to
introduce me to your friends?”

I'm sorry,” Lisa said.
“This is Taylor. He's a friend of ours from back home. And this is
Carol, his friend.”

I'm sorry to meet you
under such circumstances. I'm doctor Mac McBride.” He reached out
and shook Taylor's hand.

It's good to meet you,
Doctor. But how is Brenna?”

As I said, I had to put a
pin in her foot, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow before I can
put on a cast.” He rubbed his neck and turned to Lisa. “I'm afraid
your sister has had a nasty bump and is still unconscious. We're
going to have to keep her overnight.”

She's not going to die?”
Lisa clutched the doctor's coat.

Of course not,” he
comforted her. “We just want to keep an eye on her like I've
already explained to Geraldine.”

When will she wake

Taylor walked over and placed a reassuring
hand on Lisa's shoulder. “I bet Brenna will be asking for you in
the morning.”

Of course, she will,”
Geraldine added. “Why don't ya let them go in and see her, Dr.
Mac.? I think it will make Lisa rest a mite easier.”

Good idea. But don't stay
too long,” he cautioned and waited until the women had left.
“Taylor.” Dr. Mac said. “It's funny,” he paused, “Brenna mumbled
'Taylor' a couple of times before we put her under, and I wasn't
quite sure what or who she meant. Now I know she was calling for
you.” Dr. Mac reached out and patted Taylor on the shoulder. “I'm
glad you're here to be with both of them. It's been hard on those
two young women without any family. When I first met Brenna there
was little hope that Lisa would walk again, but Brenna insisted
that her sister would recover no matter what it cost.”

Taylor shook his head. “That sounds like
Brenna. She's a strong-willed woman, and she was devastated when
her sister was shot. But you said they were alone. Wasn't Brenna's
boyfriend here to help her?”

I never met a boyfriend,
and she never said anything about one.” The doctor looked puzzled
by the question. “If she had a boyfriend, he wasn't much of a man
in helping her out. Do you know what actually happened?” the doctor
asked. “I've often wondered, and Brenna never told me

I can understand why,”
Taylor said. “Brenna came home from college one day to find both
her parents dead and Lisa shot in the hip. Lisa later told Brenna
that her father was yelling at their mother. Lisa ran in the room
as he shot their mother and then being surprised he turned the
rifle and shot Lisa. If Brenna had been home she would probably be
dead too.” After he'd finished, Taylor realized just what hell
Brenna had been through.

Oh my God,” Doc Mac said.
“Did they find out why?”

Taylor shook his head. “They never found out
anything. The strange part was her father was such a mild tempered
man. Brenna thought the world of him.

For a moment, Taylor was transported back to
that time. He'd been young, and he couldn't understand why she
didn't forget everything and lean on him. He'd offered her love and
had thought that was enough. He had never really told Brenna, but
he would have gone to the ends of the earth to get Lisa some

Now that he was older, he saw things a little
more clearly. Something just didn't add up.



When Taylor entered Brenna's room the three
ladies were staring at the patient as if she were dead. His stomach
twisted in a knot as his eyes darted to the heart monitor where he
found a steady beat.

She was as white as the sheets that covered
her, and her foot was supported in a sling. “Has she said

Not a word,” Geraldine
whispered. “I don't like seein' her like this.”

Taylor felt the same way, but refrained from
voicing his opinion. He watched the rise and fall of Brenna's
chest, and he forced himself to hide the fact that he wanted to
hold her until she recovered. Somehow, he didn't think Carol would
understand how he felt.

Lisa moved over and picked up her sister's
hand. Just about that time, a nurse stuck her head in the door.
“Can I ask you folks to step outside? I need to check on the

Taylor watched the women leave, but before he
left, he went over to the bed. He stared at Brenna's whitewashed
face and the huge blue lump on her head before reaching down and
squeezing her hand. He rubbed his thumb back and forth across her
warm skin. “How do I feel about you, Brenna?” he whispered. “I'm
not sure even I can answer that question.” Taylor turned and left
the room.

The Doc said it would be a
good idea if someone stayed with Brenna tonight,” Geraldine was
saying as Taylor came over to where they stood. “I'd stay but I've
got guests to cook for, and I know Brenna wouldn't want her
business goin' down the drain.”

I'll stay,” Lisa

You're a mite young,
sweetheart. 'Sides I'll be needin' your help around the Inn.”
Geraldine turned to Taylor. “I could sure use your help if ya could
see fit.”

Then I'll stay,” Carol

Taylor looked at Carol a little surprised.
“Are you sure?”

Of course. Brenna is a
friend of yours, and she has been very nice to me on our visit so I
feel she's a friend of mine, too. It's the least I can do before we

That's mighty sweet of
you.” Geraldine hugged her.

Carol smiled. “I would like to go home and
change into something more comfortable, though.”



Taylor drove Carol to the hospital and
promised he'd be back to get her mid-morning for their trip

He felt funny leaving his new girlfriend with
his old one. And he was very thankful he hadn't told Carol of his
past with Brenna. He was grateful to Carol for her unselfishness,
and though he wanted to stay himself, he knew Geraldine needed his
help. The Inn was Brenna and Geraldine's livelihood.

When Taylor returned to the Sleepy Hollow
Inn, Geraldine was busy in the kitchen slinging pots and pans.
Again he thought of how much she reminded him of a General. Since
she was running behind schedule, he pitched in peeling potatoes,
and Lisa busied herself setting the dining room tables.

I'm surprised at how well
ya get around a kitchen,” Geraldine said.

Not too surprising, seeing
as I've been a bachelor for a few years.” He laughed. “I found out
fast. You either learn how to cook or starve.”

Well, it won't be long
before your little lady will be fixin' all ya meals.”

I guess so.” Taylor lifted
the lid of a pot and tasted the gravy. “Needs salt.”

Geraldine raised a brow. “Yep, you're goin'
to make somebody a fine husband.”

I'm not married yet. And
if you keep feeding me like this. I just might marry you,” he

Son, ya couldn't handle
me.” Geraldine chuckled. “But I appreciate the offer and your help
tonight. I don't know what we're goin' to do 'till Brenna gets on
her feet. She pretty much keeps the rest of us goin'.”

Brenna is

She's said the same 'bout

Really,” he said,
surprised that she'd said something good about him. “Such

Oh no, I ain't goin' to
take sides. I like ya a lot, but Brenna's my baby.”

But you could tell me some
things I'd like to know,” Taylor suggested as he moved over and
draped an arm around her.

Yeah, I probably could.
But son, ya got most of the answers in here.” Geraldine put her
hand over his heart and patted. “Remember, a special love is hard
as hell to find, but when ya do ya know it.”

Taylor nodded his head. He knew he wasn't
going to get any of Brenna's secrets out of Geraldine. And he had
the feeling Geraldine knew the whole story. She said he had all the
answers. Then why did he feel so damn confused about

Moving back over to the bar, he sat down on a
stool and thought about what Geraldine said a moment ago. There
wasn't any way they could keep this place going by themselves.
Geraldine left every night to be with her family, and that would
leave the burden on Lisa's shoulders. It would be several weeks
before Brenna could learn to get around on crutches, and six or
more weeks before she'd be back to her old self.

Yet, what could he do? He had to get Carol
home. He had a job to do even though he had competent people that
could take over for a couple of months, and his mother could always
pinch hit for him. She would be glad to help Brenna. But Brenna and
her family were not
responsibility. He had no business
interfering with Brenna's life when he had no intentions of being a
part of that life.

Lisa shoved the door open and said, “The fire
has gone out in the living room and dining room. And the pipe is
clogged again in the downstairs bathroom.”

My, my, young lady. Aren't
ya full of good news. Ya better get some wood before the dinin'
room gets full.”

Taylor stood up. “Wait, muffin. I'll get the
wood and then I'll look at the sink. You take care of the

Thanks, Taylor. I'm glad
you're here.”

Now ya goin' to go and
spoil that youngin. And she's goin' to have to work while Brenna's
laid up. I might be good,” Geraldine chuckled. “But I can't do

You are absolutely right,
Geraldine, but Lisa won’t be by herself.”

Geraldine placed a hand on her hip and
snorted. “And would ya like to tell me why? Do ya have some
miracles up ya sleeve?”

A little voice screamed inside Taylor's
skull, he was getting in over his head.
Be careful. You
shouldn't do this!

So why should he be surprised when he said. .

Because I'm going to stay
and help you out.”

Chapter Seven



Precisely at nine o'clock on Monday morning,
Taylor called the office and informed his secretary he wouldn't be
coming back for awhile. After giving her Brenna's number, he hung
up and placed his second call to the service station to see if Joe
had his car ready. Joe said to give him an hour.

Taylor glanced at Carol's luggage with a
twinge of guilt. She had packed before leaving for the hospital
last night. He placed her suitcase on the bed, so it would be handy
when she returned.

What was he going to say to Carol now that
he'd decided to stay here in Hollow Ridge? His decision wouldn't
affect them personally. He would merely help Brenna get back on her
feet and, then he'd go home to Carol and they would resume their
life. He sure hoped she'd see it the same way he did. After all,
Brenna was a friend. She'd do the same thing for him.

Taylor left the inn and walked the few blocks
to Joe's service station, taking the time to really look at Hollow
Ridge. It was prettier than he first thought. Could it be that this
town was growing on him? He reached the station and spotted his BMW
parked out front, so he went into the office to pay the bill.

Hi, Joe.” Taylor pulled
off his gloves, reached inside his jacket, and removed his wallet.
“How much damage did you do me?”

Not too bad, son. Ya, can
still afford a tank of gas.” Joe chuckled, then slid the bill
across the desk just missing a glob of grease. “How did ya like
your stay here in our little town?” He picked up a coffee cup and
leaned back in the splint-bottom chair.

Taylor grunted and nodded his head.
“Unfortunately, I liked my visit.”

Joe's gray eyebrows drew together.
“Unfortunately? That's a peculiar thing to say.”

Well, Joe.” Taylor smiled
as he tore the check out and handed it to him. “I've turned weird
since stepping foot in this town.” He looked directly at Joe's
soulful brown eyes. “The things I thought were important, aren't
anymore. I don't know where my life is going, and the most
surprising thing of all is I'm staying in your fair town when I
should be leaving.”

Glad to hear that, son. We
can always use a good fellow 'round this here town. And I can tell,
ye're a mighty good man.”

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