Stormy Passion (53 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jernigan

Tags: #romance, #love loss, #love romance, #contemporary adult, #box set, #sweet love story, #sexy beach reads, #sexy banker, #sexy billionaire, #beach read romance

BOOK: Stormy Passion
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Yes, it's the contract,
Sweetheart. With your name on it,” he said calmly. Too calmly. Then
he started toward her like a lion after his lioness. “Did my love
mean so little to you that you could be bought off? Didn't you
think that I would provide for you and Lisa?”

He knew. Brenna thought, miserable. Well at
least she could tell him everything. “Your mother said I would ruin
your life if I stayed in River Run. Everybody was talking about the
murders. You know that. You saw how people stared at me. As your
mother pointed out, we would be nothing but a burden to you, and
you deserved better. You had a bright future ahead of you,

Brenna looked carefully at a worn spot on the
carpet. “Vivian knew I couldn't afford Lisa's surgery, so she
bribed me big time to get out and stay out of your life,” Brenna
spat the vile words from her mouth. “I had to think of Lisa. She
had no one. I needed to get Lisa away from her past.” Brenna's
fingers bit into the back of the chair. She hoped he'd understand
how desperate and confused she'd been.

She stared at him now. “If I ever contacted
you in any way, I would have to pay all the money back,” her voice
trailed off with the shame she felt at having to stoop so low just
to survive. “And,” Brenna took a deep breath, “Your mother was
right. You could never have had the successful career that you have
now if I had stayed. There are times when I wonder if insanity runs
in my family. I still have no answers to the tragedy.” Finally her
shoulder slumped. “Maybe I'm crazy, too.”

There’s nothing wrong with
you, Brenna.”

But how do you know? I
never thought there was anything wrong with my father, but normal
people do not murder their families.”

Something flitted through Taylor’s eyes. “I
think you need to sit down and read this.” He shoved a folded
letter in her hands.

Brenna began to read. The words jump out at
her. Her mother had slept with Taylor's father. She couldn't
believe it. Her mother. She wasn't that kind of person. Had her
father found out? Completely dumbfounded she couldn't find the
words to express her thoughts.

I had a hard time
believing it myself,” he said, reassuring her. “So don't feel

My mother wasn't a bad
person, Taylor.” Brenna shook the note at him. “Even though this
letter says differently.”

People make mistakes. My
father was a good person, too. But don't you see the answer to your
unanswered questions. Your father must have been drunk and somehow
he found out about the affair.” Taylor lowered his voice, “You know
the rest. None of it had anything to do with you. And you're not

I'm not too sure about
that. I think you're still better off without me and my

Taylor uttered an oath, but his actions
didn't match his words as he reached out and gently took her by the
arms. “Didn't you think that I would have been more than happy to
take care of my half-sister? I've always loved Lisa. And I didn't
give a damn about the gossip.”

But you didn't know Lisa
was your sister. Just think how this will add to the

I don't care.”

Brenna breathed a sigh of relief. “We must
always keep it our secret. I want Lisa to have fond memories of my
parents. Promise me.”

I promise.”

His fingers tightened, and Brenna dared to
look up at his stormy, blue eyes as he said, “Did it ever occur to
you that you ripped my heart out the day you left me?”

She searched his face trying to see how he
felt and found no clues. “I guess we're even,” Brenna managed to
say through her tears. “You walked out on me, too. I probably
should congratulate you. I heard Carol was pregnant.”

Who told you

Your mother supplied the
information with much delight.”

Carol isn't pregnant,” he
said with very little emotion.

But you left without so
much as a word.”

Taylor flinched. “I know. But it wasn't on
purpose, Brenna.” She saw sorrow on his face or was it regret?
Finally, he said. “My mother died and everything else became a

Brenna drew in a deep, sharp breath and
reached out instinctively. “I had no idea.” She knew the hurt
Taylor must be feeling. As she placed her hand on Taylor's chest,
she whispered, “Y--Your mother. She's dead?” Brenna couldn't
believe what he'd just said. No matter how hateful the woman had
been, she had never wanted her dead. Brenna's shoulders slumped.
Suddenly, all her anger evaporated, leaving her drained.

Taylor nodded and she saw the pain in his
eyes as he told her. “Mother had a heart attack. But before she
died she told me she was sorry for everything.” He drew Brenna into
his arms and held her, but he didn't say anything. He just held
her. A few minutes later he said, “I didn't know what she meant
then, but once I found the contract, I knew. Somewhere in her
confused mind, she thought she was protecting me instead of hurting

I'm so sorry.” Brenna
sobbed, feeling Taylor's hurt and pain along with her own. She
tightened her arms around his waist. “I've screwed up your life.
I've screwed up my life. And all because I was trying to do the
right thing. I wouldn't blame you if you hated me.”

Taylor eased her back and tilted her chin up.
Taking his thumbs, he wiped away the tears under her eyes. “Hate
you?” He smiled. “I've never loved anyone more in my life.”

Those were the simple three words she'd long
to hear for so long. He loved her. She felt her heart swell with
tenderness. “What about Carol?”

Carol knows I love you.”
He cradled Brenna's head on his chest his fingers tangled in her
hair. “It seems she wasn't ready to get married either, and you
also did a lot of talking in your sleep while you were in the

Brenna pulled back. “Oh, God.”

Taylor smiled. “But Carol did make me promise
her one thing.”

What's that?”

That she could be one of
your bridesmaids.”

Brenna stiffened in his arms. She moved away,
and looked at him. “Are you saying what I think you're saying?”

If you think I'm telling
you I love you and intend to marry you, then yes, you're thinking
correctly.” He smiled and the love shone in his eyes. This time
there were no misunderstandings between them.

That's why it was so hard for Brenna to say,
“B--But I can't marry you.”




Taylor's expression abruptly changed for the
worse. “What?” he roared.

Brenna took a few steps back and turned from
him. “I--I can't go back. I know you said the past doesn't matter.
I--I can't live in River Run. I'm sorry, Taylor, but I won't put
Lisa through the pain. And I know you can't live up here. After
all, you have a business to run. You have a big future. And I don't
fit in.” She looked into his surprised blue eyes. “I do love you.
God knows I love you! I just don't see any way we can have a future
together. Perhaps, you shouldn't have come.”

Don't,” Taylor warned,
then turned and walked away. “Get your coat,” he said, stopping at
the chair to retrieve his silk scarf and overcoat.


He moved his shoulders in a shrug of anger,
then said, “For once just do as I say.” His face tightened.

A little uncertain of what she was doing,
Brenna ignore her practical side and got her coat. Taylor stood at
the door and opened it as soon as she had bundled up. He didn't
bother to take her hand instead he led the way to his car, stopping
to open the passenger's door for her.

Taylor didn't utter another word as they
drove downtown. She couldn't imagine what he was doing or what he
was thinking. He certainly seemed angry. Perhaps, he was going to
take her to the nearest mountain cliff and shove her off. And as
miserable as she felt right now, that would be a relief. From the
way he was frowning, she was sure she'd given him a headache. They
would drive each other crazy if they stayed together.

A hundred ideas ran through her mind as she
tried to figure what he was up too. She didn't have to think much
longer because Taylor whipped his car into the parking lot of the
new bank, which, of course, was closed.

Was he going to buy her off like his mother?
Was his opinion of her so low? “Why are we here?” Brenna asked as
he opened her car door. “The bank isn't going to open for another
two weeks, so you're wasting your time by stopping here,” she
chattered nervously. He paid her no attention at all, taking her
arm, he escorted her up the snowy walkway to the front door.

Talk to me, damn it!”
Brenna all but shouted. Still he said nothing.

See, the door is locked.”
She just couldn't stop her constant babbling. Why wouldn't he talk
to her? “They haven't even put up the name of the bank ye--” Her
voice trailed off as Taylor slipped a key in the lock and smugly
swung the door open.

I--I don't understand.”
Brenna watched as Taylor closed the door and turned on the lights.
“But you said--”

The interior of the bank was impressive in
royal blue and rich burgundies. She only had a moment to look
before Taylor took her hand and pulled her over to stand in front
of the vault. There displayed across the front in big, gold letters
were the words Rothschild Savings and Loan.

This is your bank?”
Brenna’s mouth fell open as she turned to him.

Yes, it is.”

But, you said--I don't
understand. Why here? It's so far from your home.”

Because this town needs a
bank. You said so yourself. It's a growing little town.”

She looked up at him, feeling very shy and
apprehensive. Had he been planning this the whole time ... the
whole time her imagine had been running wild, thinking the worse
about him. “Is that the only reason?”

Let me see ...” Taylor
rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. “I believe there was one more
reason. What could it be?” He looked up at the ceiling in
contemplation. “Oh, I remember. I had some crazy notion that once I
married you, I would be working here. But since you turned me down,
I guess I'll have to find somebody else to run the bank for

The butterflies fluttered in her stomach as
she shyly said, “Ask me again?”

Ask what again?” Taylor
acted as if he had no earthly idea what she was talking about, but
a small smile gave him away.

Brenna punched him in the shoulder and said
sweetly, “Please.”

He took her hand in his. His skin was warm
... his touch exhilarating. His other hand took her chin and tilted
it toward him. “Brenna Fox will you marry me?”

Yes, Taylor. I'll marry
you tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that,” she said
laughing and crying all at the same time. She fell into his strong
arms. Arms that would protect her forever. His mouth claimed hers
while his arms drew her tightly against him. He trailed kisses to
her ear, whispering just how much he cared. Shivers snaked down her
spine as his hand clamped the back of her head while his lips
claimed her mouth in mind-searing kiss. She moaned and moved
against him, loving the way he felt against her. His hands moved
under her hips, and then up the small of her back.

Passion spread through Taylor's body like
wildfire when his lips brushed back and forth against hers.
Brenna's sweet mouth was like heaven. Everything felt so right that
the past few weeks ebbed away leaving him feeling completely
contented ... something he hadn't experienced in a long, long time.
If he'd only known about the past, he could have saved them all a
lot of heartache.

Taylor was stunned at the intensity of the
emotion this one woman could stir in him. He would never want
anyone else. And when her lips parted, he felt like a king who had
been given a kingdom. She was heaven and earth to him, and he
wanted to give her each and every star. Brenna Fox was everything
that mattered.

Brenna's prayers had finally been answered.
Taylor was here. He was hers.

I love you,” he

God, his mouth moved with such expertise and
caring. His hands knew all the right places to touch, and his
strong arms promised no one would ever hurt her again. As his hands
shifted to her backside, she knew there would never be any boredom
in her future. She also knew they had better stop before they got
carried away and made love on the bank floor. They would have all
the time in the future.

Reluctantly, Taylor raised his head. “Promise
me one thing.”

What's that?” she
whispered with her arms still draped around his neck.

That in the future you
won't make any major decisions unless you consult me first.” He
smiled and those incredible blue eyes told her all she needed to

This time she'd made the right choice.

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