Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1)

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Accidental Theft


Stolen by the Alpha Wolf

Part 1


Charlene Hartnady


Copyright and Disclaimer


Copyright © January2015, Charlene Hartnady

Cover Art by Melody Simmons

Copy Edited by Kimberly Reichmann

Produced in South Africa


Published by Charlene Hartnady

PO BOX 456, Melrose Arch,

Johannesburg, South Africa, 2176

[email protected]



Accidental Theft is a work of fiction and characters, events and
dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living
or deceased, is purely coincidental.

With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may
be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording,
email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author



To my favorite
rock star because I’m a cowboy (…okay…cowgirl) who loves a little bit of bad



Part 1

Chapter 1



mouth was bone dry, the gag didn’t help things. The inside of her throat felt
like it was caked with a grimy layer of dust. Something was tied around her
eyes making it impossible to see. Not a situation she was used to being in. Not
even on a new moon night. Stephany didn’t panic easily, so she took a deep
breath and then another until she felt her heart rate even out.

after the wolf had grabbed her, he’d surprised her with a hard blow to the face
rendering her unconscious. Her species may not be perfect, but a male would
never think of hitting a female. Not ever. At least her lip no longer bled even
though it still stung. The throb in her skull had also dulled to a light ache.
Thank blood for her advanced healing properties. Being a vampire had its
serious advantages. Unfortunately, it also had one or two disadvantages.
Stephany fought against the rope that bit into her wrists. It bound her tightly
to the back of the beast. No matter how hard she squirmed and pulled, she
couldn’t free herself. The sinewy twine was silver infused. There would be no
give. It would be better if she saved her energy for when she really needed it.

alpha would be waiting.

reason behind her abduction made no sense. This had to be a mistake.

constant motion on the beast’s back was starting to make her feel dizzy. It
loped, keeping up the same rhythm with broad strides that took her further and
further away from potential rescue. Light, agile, she knew it wouldn’t leave
much of a trail. She’d awoken earlier to the sounds of splashing water. The
beast bounded along the shallow edge of Sweetwater River for what felt like an
eternity, any traces of its scent would be swept away.  The shifters were known
for their ability to disappear. Only this time, she would disappear right along
with them. Again, she took in deep breaths through her nose. Its musky scent
still strong in her nostrils. It didn’t help that her face was buried into its
surprisingly soft fur.

when she thought she might vomit; not such a great idea with a gag in her
mouth, it slowed to a brisk walk. Turning first in tight circles, it tensed
beneath her and then released a deafening howl.


howled again. The ache behind her temples increased. This time there was an
answering howl in the distance and the beast immediately bound forward. Within
minutes Stephany could hear movement coming towards them. One set of soft
padded footfalls, distinctly on four legs and definitely panting. After another
minute of all out sprinting, they slid to a halt. Stephany was breathing hard.
The sound of movement grew steadily closer until what was no doubt another wolf,
yipped in welcome. The other beast moved nearer making mewling noises, the
sounds turned to a menacing growl as she felt it sniff at her back and neck. She
cringed as its hot breath fanned against her. The scent of musk grew stronger.
Another low growl had her skin crawling and her breath hitching. If it decided
to attack her now, she was helpless and although she would most likely
eventually heal from her wounds, the pain would be excruciating.

wolf finally moved away and she closed her eyes behind the bind around her
head. The wolves picked up pace again in a steady lope reminding her of a ship
on a stormy yet rhythmic sea. Her stomach churned. Her head ached. The air grew
even cooler.

felt like an eternity before she picked up sounds in the distance of both voices
and wolves. The smell of smoke caught her nostrils. The laughter of a child
followed by a warning to be quiet. It seemed as if everyone heeded the warning
because an eerie quiet descended. Stephany could hear more movement and
breathing. Could scent that many wolves congregated here.

was a crackle of a fire. Warmth blanketed her. It sounded like they’d entered a
shelter by the way noises reverberated back.

was a sharp cracking noise. Like twigs being snapped. A growl turned into a
moan. “Where’s the human?” The male panted heavily between words. Stephany had
never been near a wolf before when it shifted but she was sure that was what
had just happened. The wolf under her growled and arched its back.

yeah…I’m on it.” The shifter began untying the rope that bound her to the
beast, his hands brushed against her from time to time. With a sharp yank, he pulled
the rope free. She felt herself falling and after having limited blood supply
to her limbs for so long, her reaction was sluggish causing her to bang her hip
and the side of her head on the hard floor. Pain shot through her and she
groaned into the gag. Warmth trickled down her chin.
, her lip had
reopened. Still bound at the wrists, she decided to lie still for a few seconds
to regain her composure.

of the same cracking noises. This time the male groaned loudly as he shifted.
“My back is broken…vampire bitch weighs a ton.”

low chuckle. “You were the idiot that brought her here. Why? Ward requested
that we find the human. He won’t be happy that you brought a bloodsucker back instead.
Should’ve let me kill her earlier.”

can use her. You should’ve seen how the vampires fought for her. The elves even
managed to kill one of the vampire males.”

and sorrow washed over her at the thought of Lance and how he’d run into the
range of the elven archers trying to get to her. They’d showered him with
arrows. Many had found their mark. The last thing she saw before the wolf
punched her, knocking her out, was Lance as he dropped to his knees. Dying,
there was an agonized look on his face.

I said, she must be important. Maybe they’ll give us the human in return for

time the other male all out laughed. “No way. They’ll never give up the future
queen. The whole species depends on her. I think you may’ve just wasted your

see what our alpha has to say about it.”

hip really hurt. She knew the silver was slowing her healing. Trying to remain
as inconspicuous as possible, she moved forward easing the pressure on her side.

get her up.” The other male said moving towards her. So much for not getting
noticed. She chided herself for moving in the first place. “I want to tie her
legs. I don’t trust vampires. Strong, sly bunch, even the females.”

hands clasped her upper arms hoisting her up. One of the males held her while
the other moved away. The rope slapped the ground as he dropped it next to her.
“Such long legs.” Her abductor said, his voice filled with awe. His disgusting
wolf breath fanned her face. She had to fight the urge to turn away. Next thing
his hand was on her outer thigh sliding up the side of her leg. She tried to
move away but his grip on her upper arm tightened. “She’s really firm and toned
for a female.” The hand cupped her ass and she reacted instantly throwing her
head forward in the direction of his breath.


high pitched yowl was followed by a low growl. Her abductor sucked in a breath.
In the next moment, she sensed the movement coming towards her but couldn’t
quite get a handle on where it was coming from. She tensed right before the
hand made contact with her face. Her neck snapped back from the force of the
blow. Heat, searing pain, ears ringing. His vice like grip on her arm was the
only thing that kept her from being flung backwards. In that moment, she was
thankful for her gag. It had stifled her reaction as his hand had made contact.

messing with it.”

bloodsucker head-butted me,” her abductor whined.

saw you pawing her, Hayden.”

was silence for a few beats. “I’m just curious, never saw a vampire female this
close before. I just wanted to see if it has…you know…normal female parts.”

won’t like us touching it.” A growl. “He really wouldn’t like you fucking
around with it.”

heart rate picked up and she tried to keep her breathing even.
Need to stay
Wolves enjoyed a good hunt. They might get a thrill if they smelled
her fear. This could spiral out of control quickly.

just want—”

The other male moved towards them and crouched at her feet. He wrapped the rope
around her ankles several times.

just started to relax when her abductor’s free hand moved to the buttons on her
Oh gods!
Her heart pounded in her ears. She moaned and shuffled trying
to alert the other male.


the fuck, Hayden.” The other male said as he fiddled some more with the rope.
It was tight, almost to the point of pain. The chances of being able to fight
off two wolves while bound with silver was little to none.+

just want to look. There’s no way I’m fucking a bloodsucker.”

quick look before Ward gets here. You’d better make it fast though.”

shoulders sagged in humiliation. At least they weren’t going to rape her. That
was something.

blouse was shoved roughly to the side. “What the…she’s wearing one of those
human contraptions.”

leave her, Hayden. You can see she has tits, now leave her alone.”

bad. I’m semi hard.”

she wasn’t wearing a gag, she’d puke for sure. Her stomach churned.

much fucking information.” He inhaled sharply. “Put your claws away, I’ve just
about had it with you.”

want to remove the covering. I want to take a look at—”

said no!” the other male bit out.

such a suckling pup, Sawyer. I didn’t realize that you were such a vampire

snarled. “Say that again and I’ll make a blanket out of your hairy ass.”

you going to let me finish looking at the vampire?”

You’re done.” Sawyer’s voice had dropped a few octaves.

then the door opened, a gust of chilly air blew in with whoever had arrived.
“Please tell me that whatever is going on here isn’t what it looks like.”

can explain,” her abductor said. Stephany could scent his acrid fear. There was
a sound of flesh hitting flesh. Hayden yelped. There was another meaty thud.

Her tormentor begged. Another hard

should I listen to you, Hayden?” A vicious snarl that had her pulse racing and
adrenaline surging. “It’s not like you were able to listen to this female beg
you to stop. Not like you would’ve listened even if you could hear her.”
Yelp. Whack.
“You’re a poor excuse for a wolf.”

could not muster any sympathy for the male. 

was a dull thud. The shifter must’ve fallen. “Please…” His voice resonated from
the ground confirming her suspicions.  

newcomer snarled, rough and mean. The sound causing goose bumps to break out
all over her body. Everything in her screamed to drop to the floor. To cover
her head and beg for her life. It was only her experience in dealing with
all-consuming dominance that stayed her. The snarl turned to a low growl.
Vampire males also made such base noises, but this was different. This was raw,
untethered, so animal that she had to bite down on her gag to stop herself from

yourself.” His gruff voice was low.

It was Sawyer.

you. You.” The newcomer growled and her insides quivered in utter fear.


up.” The dominant male growled.

was a rustling noise as the male complied. “I just wanted to look at it.”

A low vibration. “She may not be our species but she is a female. Did she give
you permission to open her clothes?”


didn’t think so. Who hit her?”

didn’t mean to…”

slap, by the softer sound, the impact was less hard. The male still staggered. “At
least be a wolf and admit it,” the newcomer said.

took a deep breath. “Fine, but only after she head-butted me first.”

Gruff and impatient. “Why did she feel the need to do that to you?”

her abductor said followed by silence.

you sure that’s all you have to say?” A low growl. “You didn’t do anything to
deserve the retaliation.”

he stammered.

low growl. “Untie her.”

wouldn’t recommend—” It was Sawyer.

it.” His voice so low that she could barely understand him.

gag was removed. Her lips were so dry that they seemed to stick together at
first contact. Her blindfold was next, the light hurt her eyes rendering her
momentarily blind. A male who she suspected was Sawyer fumbled with the ropes
at her hands.

better speak quickly because if her story is different than yours, your penalty
will be much worse. As it stands you are in deep shit.”

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