Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Stolen by the Alpha Wolf: Shifter Romance (Accidental Theft Book 1)
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you keep them closed?” Her voice was soft and timid.

tried to sound bored. “Yes.” He was anything but bored because he‘d zoned in on
her scent. On the surface, she smelled mostly of wolf, there was also dirt, the
iron tang of caked blood. Beneath all of that, she smelled of vampire. Normally
a scent that would offend, only there was something more. Vanilla cookies, the
kind his grandmother used to bake with the lemon zest frosting. Freshly baked.
Still warm to the touch. As a young pup, he’d been in so much trouble on so
many occasions for not being able to keep his paws off those cookies, but
damned if he could help it.

mouth watered.

you open your eyes, I swear it will be the last thing you see.”

will keep them closed.” Ward swallowed hard not wanting to scare his guest by
drooling. Especially since he could hear her clothes as they fell to the
ground. It wouldn’t look good if he salivated while she was naked, so he willed
his eyes to stay shut. The shower splattered to life. Her breathing hitched and
her heart rate quickened as the sound of the falling water broke when she
stepped under the shower. Ward scented his soap and heard her frantic

thought you vampires were immune to the cold.” He couldn’t help but to smile.

myth, I assure you,” her voice was shaky. The water stopped and there was a
sound of fabric against skin. Damn, the scent of cookies was so much stronger
now. All that lemon buttery goodness accosted his senses and he had to suppress
a moan. He’d just have to try harder to keep his fix on the scent of vampire
that lurked just beneath. The need to drool eased up a whole lot.

can open your eyes now,” she said.

short hair was mussed from being towelled. It was still dripping and rivulets
snaked their way down her neck and shoulders. The large bath towel stopped high
on her thighs. Beneath the terry cloth were two shapely legs. One thing was for
sure, he’d been wrong about her not being a classic beauty. Her skin was surely
made from the smoothest buttermilk. Her complexion spoke of utter perfection.
Those large, blue eyes were encased in the longest lashes he had ever seen.
They fused as she narrowed her eyes at him. “Can we go inside, I’m freezing.”
Her lips were blue and shivering. They were also plump…the female was one of his
enemy, he reminded himself.

turned and opened the door for her, closing it behind them. She made for the
fireplace, standing as close to the flames as she could. After searching in his
closet for a few beats, he pulled out a shirt and, as an afterthought, a pair
of boxers. Her legs were so long that he was afraid the shirt wouldn’t cover
much. He handed the clothing items to her and she inclined her head in thanks.
A yellow tinged bruise still marred her right cheek, but that was all that
remained of her injuries, or at least those that he could see.

order us some food.”

you.” She widened her eyes at him, gesturing to the clothes in her hands.

He closed his eyes while she dressed.

can’t you just take me back tonight?”

I said earlier, it’s complicated. They will be searching for you and I don’t
want to inadvertently lead them here. Once the dust settles, I’ll drop you in
Sweetwater. You have my word.”

can open your eyes now.”

noticed how her nipples spiked the t-shirt material. How obscenely good she
looked in his clothes. She licked her lips, his eyes moving to her lush mouth.
She was a fucking bloodsucker. What the hell was he doing checking her out?


hit him.

Chapter 3



cabin was toasty but she still felt half naked, especially with the big wolf in
such close proximity. Despite the heat, she was tempted to ask him for a
sweater. What stopped her though was the fact that they were different species,
the male would not be interested in her in that way.

back towards him, she noticed a predatory gleam in his eyes. The way he kept
running them over her was unnerving. Did he really mistrust her so badly that he
had to stalk her every move?

cursed softly and shook his head. “You don’t eat solid food do you?”

that was what that look was all about. That had taken him a while to figure out.
It was one of the reasons why she was so desperate to get back to her own kind.
Stephany abhorred the taking of blood and avoided it as much as possible. She
had an
with Brant’s brother, Xavier, drinking from him only
when it was absolutely necessary and then taking only from his wrist. The neck
was just too intimate for her liking.  

pinched the bridge of his nose.

do eat solid food and partake of regular…liquids, but…” She pursed her lips. It
had been days since she’d last taken. The need to drink was starting to ride
her hard. Though there was just no way she was taking from a wolf…a stranger.

need blood.” His eyes bore into her. His muscles at his neck roped.

hurt her to admit weakness. “It can wait,” she lied cursing herself. She was
used to waiting until the last possible moment to drink. Mostly, because she
disliked it so intensely. As a result, she was really good at keeping a handle
on the urge. But she was only a vampire after all and needs were needs. If she
didn’t drink within the next few hours, she would start to go into hunt mode.
Claws, fangs, red eyes…it wasn’t pretty. Vampires in hunt mode were downright
dangerous…not of sound mind. The thought of losing control like that scared the
blood out of her, yet the thought of drinking from a wolf left her cold.

was so screwed.

Just let me go. I beg you, Ward. Point me in the direction of civilization and
I’ll be fine.”

a long way from home, vampire. Deep in the wilderness. Far away from the civilization
that you are comfortable with. You wouldn’t make it halfway.”

bet you I would make it.”

don’t have to bet, because I know for a fact that you wouldn’t. It’s cold in
these parts and there are creatures even a vampire would have a hard time
contending with.”

take me back. I can’t be here. Please.” Her chest heaved. The thought of having
to stay was too much for her to bear. It was as if the realization that she was
stuck in this cabin with this wolf suddenly dawned on her. Up until right now,
she’d held some hope that she could get herself out of this. It was becoming
abundantly clear though that she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and the
need to drink was riding her hard. The thing she hated more than drinking was
losing it and going into all out hunt mode, but she’d be damned if she’d take
from a wolf. There had to be another way. If there was, she would find it.

shook his head. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

curse hovered on the tip of her tongue, but she forced it down. “You don’t

eyes softened. “Understand what? I plan on keeping you safe, on giving you
everything you need to make your stay here as comfortable as possible.”

the food,” she said.

narrowed his eyes for a few beats. The wolf was too observant for her liking.
Just when she was sure that he would interrogate her further, he nodded once.
“Follow me.”

felt her brow knit. “I thought I had to stay indoors.”


she approached, he turned and made for the front door. Stephany moved in next
to him as they arrived at the exit. Ward turned his green eyes on her for a
brief second, his hand closed on her wrist. His flesh was hot to the touch, his
fingers felt calloused as they brushed her skin. The musky scent of wolf
enveloped her. For the first time, she realized what the scent truly
encompassed. More than just musky wild animal, it was also distinctly male with
earthy undertones. He must’ve showered recently, prior to her arriving, because
he smelled clean with just a hint of soap. Not altogether unpleasant. In fact,
the longer she stayed in the wolves company the less prominent the smell of
wolf became. It was happening quicker than she thought possible. Scowling, she
preferred it when the scent offended her.

cracked the door just enough to put his head through. With the sheet of hard
wood directly in front of her, it was impossible to see anything. Not that she
really wanted to look outside anyway. What if she accidentally spotted one of
those ‘secrets’ that Ward had warned her about? What could be so bad that it
would warrant her having to stay indefinitely? Stephany shuddered at the
thought. For what felt like the hundredth time since arriving, she wished the
alpha would just let her go.

fangs lengthened at the sound of his heartbeat.
Strong and sure.
smell of wolf may have grown to be less prominent, but that musky animal scent still
didn’t enthuse her. His blood would surely taste just as uncivilized, like
sandwich spread instead of duck liver pate. She grit her teeth, trying to get
her fangs to retract. It wouldn’t be long and she wouldn’t give a damn what his
blood tasted like, she’d drink anyway.

one of the males bring food and drink,” Ward said.

heard about the vampire, he wants to meet with you ASAP.” A low murmur from a
male just outside, but her advanced hearing meant that she caught every word.

kind of have my hands full at the moment.”

was insistent,” the male said.

Make my wishes clear. I’ll handle this myself. There is nothing to be concerned
about.” His grip on her tightened.

Do vampires eat?” There was a low chuckle followed by, “I hear she’s not bad
looking…for a vampire…is that why you’ve holed yourself up in there with her?”

growled, the sound causing goose bumps to rise.

chuckle. “Be very careful, Ward. Luna will not wait for you for much longer,
she would have your balls if—”

A snarl that made her pull back, his grip keeping her at his side. Ward turned
his head to her, his eyes softened as they locked with hers. “You have nothing
to fear,” he whispered. “I’m sorry you have been forced to hear the bumbling of
an idiot. Ignore him please.” The big wolf turned back to the opening.

shit. Sorry, Ward, is she right there?”

do as I ask, Rushe,” Ward said, although the words were softly spoken, Stephany
could hear the underlying menace. “I don’t want to have to tear you another
asshole,” he growled.

Ward. No problem. Don’t worry about the food or Gage. I’ll sort it all out for

closed the door and released her arm.

Luna your mate? I’m sorry, am I keeping you from her?” She shook her head. “Look,
just let me go, you should go back to your female…”

is not my mate…at least, not yet.” His face was a mix of emotions. Brow
creased, eyes staring at a spot somewhere past her shoulder, his jaw set. Ward
finally looked her straight on. “You were taken by accident, I will personally
ensure your safety. I may not be mated”—his eyes narrowed—“but do not be
concerned.” He put his hands up. “We are forced together for a few days but I
won’t try anything. I mean, you’re a vampire and I am a wolf.” He threw her a
half smile. Somehow managing to look handsome…for a wolf. “Our kind doesn’t
mix.” His face grew stern. “Hayden and Sawyer obviously need more work, they
have clearly been blabbing to the rest of the pack about you… ‘
not bad
looking for a vampire’
”—he made a frustrated noise—“I will beat their
asses…” He added the last more to himself than to her.

suddenly seemed to remember that she was there. “Make yourself at home.” He
gestured around the small cabin. The space was dominated by a large,
comfortable looking bed with a small sitting area to the one side. There was
even a small kitchenette.

wanted to argue further, but knew it would not help. She glanced past the bed
and made for a sofa. Ward followed her, taking the opposite chair. They sat for
a time in uncomfortable silence. She mentally shrugged, it was as good a time
as any to find out more about why he hated her species so much.  Maybe even to
try to learn a little more about those so called secrets they had. Not because
she thought they were doing anything that would really threaten her species,
but more because it interested her. It wasn’t like she had anything better to
do. “So vampires have all the money and power and that’s why you hate us?”

stormy expression that clouded his features made her wish that she’d kept her
mouth shut.

get something straight, you don’t have all the money and you only think you
have all the power. Your kings are arrogant dickheads, but that doesn’t mean I hate

do have all the power.”

a dying breed.” He growled sending shivers up her spine.

are all dying breeds.”

didn’t respond, which worried her. Of all the species, vampires and the wolves
were the worst afflicted.

shrugged. “We have a shortage of females and your females are mostly
infertile.” He purposefully dropped his eyes to her narrow hips.

are not infertile.” She flashed her fangs his way. It was a touchy subject. For
an unknown reason, his words stung. She may not be infertile, but her
physiological makeup meant that she could not birth young. Stephany couldn’t
understand why his words bugged her so much. She didn’t want to reproduce, just
like she didn’t want to mate. By blood, she didn’t want any type of
relationship of that sort with a male.

be so testy, vampire. Be more careful, you should know that showing a male your
canines is considered an invitation to rut.”

are fangs not canines. In vampire it’s considered a ‘fuck you’.” She tried not
to show her shock at having said such a bad word.

must have noticed her discomfort because his lips twitched. “Yeah fuck, rut
same thing.”   

couldn’t help the gasp that escaped.

laughed. “Are all vampire females so…uptight? I had heard that your species was
highly sexual. I guess the information was wrong.”

sure, Stephany thought to herself, vampires rutted like rabbits on Viagra
infused blood. Most did anyway. She wasn’t one of them though. Trying to
maintain eye contact with the big male, she pursed her lips.

it’s any consolation, wolves are just as highly sexed. It’s not a big deal,
must be a species thing. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

highly sexed.” She blurted, and then immediately regretted the
outburst. After accidentally losing control all those years ago, she prided
herself on her impeccable willpower. No sex, not ever, she didn’t even get the
urge any more. Not even while drinking blood. It had been many years since
she’d gone into heat, so many years since she felt the intimate touch of
another that she’d forgotten what it even felt like.

folded his arms across his massive chest. From her seated position he looked
even bigger, way more imposing. Stephany found that she wasn’t afraid of him
though. His eyes raked down her body moving ever so slowly before coming back
up again. He paused for the longest time on her breasts, her nipples had the
audacity to tighten under his scrutiny. It was the stress of being so
thoroughly gawked at that caused her body to react. It had absolutely nothing
to do with being turned on in any way.  

eyes locked with hers. “
highly sexed. If you say so.”

the hell was that supposed to mean?
Stephany bristled, she felt her eyes narrow and her hands became knots at her
sides. “What do you know anyway? You know nothing about me, wolf.”

am a male. I know enough.”

sound of frustration escaped but she shut her mouth, unwilling to argue any further.
Let the wolf believe what he wanted, she knew better.

making it sound like you don’t rut. I don’t believe that”—he paused, his green
eyes bore into her—“I refuse to believe it.”

my business and I’m not acknowledging or denying either way but I’m curious,
why would you have such a hard time believing that I don’t rut?” This wasn’t a
conversation she should be having with this male, but she couldn’t help
herself. For whatever reason it irked her that he seemed to think she was some
vampire hussy. Although hussy was a bit harsh since most single vampire females
rutted at will. It was considered normal amongst their kind.

made a deep growling sound and let his arms fall to his sides. His hands were
big, strong looking. She was sure he could crush a male’s skull with a single
squeeze. “I find it hard to believe that a female like you doesn’t rut… and often…”

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