Still Falling (16 page)

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Authors: Bella Costa

BOOK: Still Falling
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“They got a little soaked.
The Concierge will have them cleaned and
delivered to you when they are ready.”

She was about to ask how they got soaked but
her courage failed her at the last minute.

“Serena, you condition last night was
Do have any idea how
dangerous the position was you put yourself in?”

“Marco, it’s nice of you to pretend to
But it’s none of your business.”

His face looked like a thunderstorm with
lightning flashing in his eyes.
shrunk a size, grateful for the large solid table between them.

She watched in dismay as the muscles
worked overtime under his sideburns.
slowly put his knife and fork down on his plate, his eyes piercing flaming hot
holes through hers.
He pushed himself
away from the table and skirted it in two easy strides, never breaking eye

Serena couldn’t breathe.

What have I done?
What’s he going to
Oh help!

He grabbed her wrists and pulled her up
from the table so brutally that her chair tipped backward, crashing onto the
floor and her cutlery clattered onto the table, noisily.

In an instant her arms were crushed
between them as one of his circled her waist and held her hard while the other
pulled a handful of hair back effectively forcing her face to tilt up to meet
His mouth bruised her lips as he
forced her mouth open, invading her with his tongue.
His breath was ragged and smelled of
He withdrew his tongue and
sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, biting it painfully.

“Breathe!” he groaned.

He held her tighter, pushing her hips
closer to him, twisting so she could feel his arousal against the soft hollow
of her belly.

“Breathe now!”

Serena gasped, eyes widening as she
regained some of her motor controls.

His tongue sought out hers again.

With a mind of their own, Serena’s fists
unfolded from the cramped position between them and flattened out against his

Mr. Chest!

Her touch spurred him on and his kiss
deepened with urgency as her tongue tentatively started to dance.

He pulled his head back looked at her
expectantly. Her nod was barely perceptible.
With heaving breaths their mouths met again, more
desperate this time.
With a
single sweep, he pushed her plate and cup aside and lifted her onto the edge of
the table.
Her legs did the most natural
thing in the world as they wrapped themselves around his hips.
Her hands moved across his chest and down
his sides to seek out the hem of his shirt desperate to get underneath and
touch his warm skin.

Still not trusting her not to run, he
kept one hand firmly wound in her hair while his other moved to cup her
His thumb strummed gently across
the hardened nipple like a guitarist.
Her breathing grew more ragged. Finally her hands found the edge of his
shirt and slid her hands underneath the light cotton.
They explored the contours of his ribs and
muscles like a blind person reading Braille.

is soooo wrong and I am soooo going to regret this!

Desire built up in her core like a
tightly wound spring and she tilted her hips into his looking for release.
She noted his sharp intake of breath and the
pause of his thumb on her breast.

wants me!

Leaving her mouth, he gazed into her

“Not here!

He wrapped her arms around his neck, and
then slid his hands from her knees along her thighs to the curve of her buttock
and with her legs still wrapped around his hips he lifted her and carried her
like that to the bedroom.

Serena was flooded with a wave of
Most of them she
Lust, desire....she was a
consenting adult and had slept with several boyfriends before.
There were a few that confused her
Right here, right now with Marco
it felt like the first time.

Marco knelt on the bed then leaned
forward tipping them both onto the huge mattress.
This was not how he imagined being with
Serena again.
He had wanted their next
time to be romantic, special,
This was just raw, wanton, passion.
He suddenly realised that despite convincing
himself it was over, he had always known there would be a next time.

Serena stretched out her legs so she
could use her feet to push her hip up against the bulge in his jeans.
This simple action brought Marco to his
He looked down at her stretched out waiting
for him.
Her lips were swollen from his
rough kisses and her chest heaved with the forcefulness of her breathing.
Quickly he pulled his T-shirt over his head
and let it fall somewhere behind him.
then grabbed the front tails of his linen shirt and pulled outward watching as
the buttons popped in tandem, exposing her soft creamy skin and her firm lace
clad breasts.
At last!

Serena was having trouble thinking as
the Linen shirt spread open like the covers of a book.
She half heartedly managed another quick
thank you to self for wearing decent underwear.
Marco leaned forward and trailed a path of kisses down her neck, pausing
to nibble on her collar bone before following her bra strap down to lace
forming the edge of cups.
one finger hooked under the flimsy lace and slowly pulled it down, his lips
covering the newly exposed skin until they found a proud nipple.

he is good!

She hadn’t thought it possible but her
severely aroused spring was wound even tighter and the need for release was
building to impossible levels.

With urgency her fingers reached down
and found the waist band of his soft, well worn jeans.
In there was all the release she needed.
She gasped as his mouth moved to the other

did he find the front clip of my bra? And how did he loosen it with one hand?

Her hips squirmed beneath his as damp
spread throughout her sex.
She needed
release fast but was nervous as well.

should I be nervous of this man?

One of her hands found the button of his
jeans and managed to undo it.
The zip
proved too much so she turned her attention to the hard bulge on the other

Marco gasped as her hands found him
through his now
stretched jeans.
She stroked the full length of his manhood,
each time braver than the last. He pushed his arousal into her hand on every
sweep down.

“Do you have any idea what you do to a
man?” He whispered against a taut nipple.

Empowered by his words, she stroked down
once more slightly squeezing this time.
All the way to the base of his manhood.
Instead of coming back up this time, she
reached her fingers further down and cupped his testicles, giving them a slight

The breath ripped from him taking his
control with it.
Quickly he pulled down
his zip and in one move brought his jeans and his boxers to his knees.
His arousal flew free and Serena wasted no
time taking control of it.

man is beautiful and right now, this minute, he is all
Every solid, amazing, inch!

She knew tomorrow she would be forgotten like
all his other women, but perhaps she could finally get him out of her system

She didn’t object when he snapped the
narrow elastic of her panties effectively shredding the lace as well.
Guiding him with her hand she lifted her hips
to meet him.

He paused at the entrance just for a
moment, delaying the promise of release.
Burying his head in her neck he thrust forward hard and held it there
filling her completely.
They both lay
very still.
Their breathing fast, ragged
and shallow was the only thing that moved.
The only noise.
Then slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Marco started to move.
His hips dancing a slow and
beautiful salsa against hers.
cadence began to pick up, Serena pushed off the bed with her feet, matching his
rhythm, pushing them both over the edge.

The lay like that for several minutes,
neither able to think or move.
Marco still inside her, Serena still holding him as she felt his
arousal calm.
The Hotel phone
rang in the room next door.
Marco moved
off her and pulled his jeans back to his hips he paused to look at her, his
eyes unreadable, before he strode off to get the phone.

God I miss him already.
This hasn’t
I want him more than ever now.

Serena rolled to her side, and pulled
the edges of his Linen shirt back around her, covering her legs as she curled
into a foetal position.
She sobbed
quietly lost in her own sad lonely thoughts.


Chapter thirty three


Marco spoke briefly to the concierge and
then crossed the room to let Gabrielle in.
His assistant waddled through the door, with three bags of shopping and
dumped them on the table next to the scattered crockery.
She looked at the fallen chair then at his
bare chest and grinned knowingly.

“Have you cancelled my meetings today?”
he asked her softly.

Georgia wasn’t
happy about her review being delayed but she’ll live and that blonde bimbo
you’re dating was spitting nails over the cancelled lunch.....
Hang on....!”
Gabrielle stood with one hand on her very pregnant bump and the other
pointing a finger first at the fallen chair, then the two scattered table settings,
then the bedroom door, then his bare chest.
Eyes wide open she studied his forlorn face.

“I’m guessing that’s not blonde bimbo in

Gabrielle had worked for Marco from his
first day.
She had huge respect for him
as an employer.
She was the only person
in the company that could speak her mind and get away with it.
When it came to his private life, she took no

This was the first time he actually
looked ashamed and uncomfortable about her teasing.

“Well this is a whole new level of
What is she underage?
Actually a bloke?”

Shaking his head, Marco walked past
Gabrielle to the little kitchen area.
“It’s Serena.” He said quietly.

Said Gabrielle

Marco had been a nightmare for well over
six months when Serena ran.
There had
been a lot of gossip but no one had figured out why she left so suddenly.
She could tell he was torn and confused.
For a man who was always in such control it
was hard to see him like this.

“Well I’ve brought the clothes and
toiletries you asked for.
You said you
might need me to pick someone up?”

“No, it’s okay.
I’ll handle it.
Thanks Gabby.”

“No sweat boss.
And Marco...” She said half way to the
“Keep the door locked.”

Marco stood in the kitchenette staring
at the door Gabrielle had just closed, deep in thought.
He felt
more empty
than he had ever felt in his life.
Even more than when Serena disappeared from his life.

She deserves better than me.
What the hell have I done?
As if she doesn’t have enough trouble with
that kid she is with.
Serena deserves
better than both of us.
Marcus thought
sullenly .Knowing he would have to deal with her eventually he picked up the
shopping bags and went back to the bedroom.
His heart stopped when he saw her lying there, curled up in a tight ball
with her back to him.


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