Stepbrother Virgin (6 page)

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Authors: Annie George

BOOK: Stepbrother Virgin
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“My room. I need to erase the memory of all that shit by eating you, then fucking you. Maybe if I put your taste in my mouth instead of the pissed off taste I’ve got in my throat, I can function for the rest of the day.”

Susie smiled broadly. She was all for that.

Chapter Ten




Susie sat on the couch in the townhouse and blindly watched the television. She was a bit nervous, as Buck said he wanted to try something different when he got home. Susie had no idea what that something different could be, as she thought they’d done just about everything they could do already. They’d worked their way through the list she’d made that first night, and then some. They’d already christened every room and every piece of furniture in their house. They’d even tried anal sex. It wasn’t something Susie wanted to do every night, but Buck had taken his time and gone as slow as she needed, and she’d found some enjoyment out of it.

The last three months had had their ups and downs. Her mother hadn’t completely forgiven her, but she hadn’t barred her from the house either. Susie still went over there every week to make sure all was well. She might be irritated with her mother, but she didn’t want her to end up on the streets or be taken advantage of by the employees either. The new house manager was working out very well. Everyone seemed to like her and even her mother grudgingly admitted she was doing a good job.

Buck’s pop was settling into his new routine as well. Since neither Loraine nor Patrick contested the divorce, it was settled quickly and the million dollars was transferred into an account Buck had set up in his dad’s name. Patrick didn’t have direct access to it, he had to go through the account manager, and Buck. He complained bitterly at first, but since he had a good place to live, food on the table, and he could use all of his own salary for booze, he’d settled down fairly quickly.

Buck continued to work at the golf course, but Mr. Dawson had been proud of the way he’d stepped up to take care of his father and had taken him under his wing. If things went the way Mr. Dawson suggested, Buck would quickly be moving up the ranks at the club.

Susie bit her thumb and jiggled her leg. She’d gotten some information from the local community college about finishing up her degree and moving on to get her Bachelor’s. She wasn’t sure exactly what she wanted to do, except that she preferred to work with numbers instead of people. She’d had enough of that to last a lifetime.

The conversation she and Buck had all those months ago had been weighing on her mind more and more. Somehow she’d fallen completely head over heels in love with her stepbrother. Well, technically they weren’t stepbrother and stepsister anymore, but they still called each other “Sis” and “Bro” all the time.

But Susie wanted more. She had no idea what Buck thought of her. Since he’d been a virgin when they’d met, she didn’t want him to suddenly get the itch to try out other women. They still had sex almost every night, but just the thought of Buck giving his cock to any other woman made her insanely jealous. It was
dick, dammit. Hers.

The sound of a key in the lock surprised Susie and she turned stood up and faced the door as Buck walked in. He was sweaty and had dirt stains on his clothes, but it only made her hotter for him.

“Hey. How was your day?”

“Good. Yours? See your mother today?”

“Yeah. All seems well there. You hungry?”

“No. Stopped on my way home. You?”

“Not really.”

They looked at each other across the room for a moment before Buck turned and locked the door. He turned back to her. “I have to shower. While I’m cleaning up, I want you on our bed, naked, hands over your head. I’ll be in as soon as I’m done.”

“I’m nervous.” The words came out of her mouth without thought.

Buck smiled and laughed a short laugh. “I’m not going to say you shouldn’t be, if that’s what you’re hoping, but I’m thinking you’re going to love everything I do to you tonight.”

“Oh Jesus.”

“Go on. Head upstairs. I’ll be up in a sec.”

“Ok, Bro.”


Buck followed Susie up the stairs. He was hard just thinking about what he had in store for her. He wasn’t one to watch porn, but he’d seen a video online that had stuck with him. He’d wanted to try it for ages, and tonight was finally the night. He’d ordered what he needed and knew they were in a solid place in their relationship. He couldn’t wait to try it out.

Buck wanted to take their relationship to
next level, but wasn’t sure how. He was in love with his former stepsister and wanted her, and everyone else, to know it. He wanted to publically claim her and make her promise that her pussy was his and his alone. He wasn’t ready to propose marriage, wasn’t sure when he would be. But he didn’t worry too much about that as he knew Susie felt the same way about marriage as he did. They didn’t have very good role models in that area, and it’d be a fuck of a big step if they did ever get there.

But he needed her to acknowledge what was between them was more than fucking. More than just being roommates, more than being fucking stepsiblings. It might have started out that way, but it wasn’t anymore.

Buck smiled at the sound of Susie opening and closing drawers in the bedroom as he stepped into the shower. The three shower heads felt amazing on his skin, but he didn’t dawdle. He had a plan and needed to see it through.

He stopped out of the shower and rapidly wiped his body down with a towel, taking off most of the moisture from his skin. He brushed his teeth quickly and dabbed on a bit of cologne. He knew how much Susie loved the smell of it on his skin.

He strode into the bedroom and felt his cock jump at the sight of Susie on their bed. She’d done just as he asked. She was completely naked and had her hands resting above her head on the pillow.

Instead of heading toward her on the bed, Buck entered their walk-in closet and got a bag he’d hidden behind some of his clothes in the back corner. He brought it back into the room and put it down on the floor next to the bed.

He leaned over and caressed Susie’s arms, from her palms, down to her shoulders, then back up. “Relax, Sis, this is gonna be fun.”

“For you or me?”

Buck smirked, she knew him so well. “For both of us.”

“What’s in the bag?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Lift up, I need to move the comforter out of the way.”

Susie did as he asked and lifted her ass just enough so Buck could push the sheet and blankets out of his way to the foot of the bed.

“God, you smell delicious.” Buck leaned down and nudged her legs open. When Susie’s legs opened enough so he could see her glistening pussy, Buck rewarded her with a long lick between her folds. “And you taste even more delicious.”

Susie moaned and shifted under him.

“Keep your arms above your head.” Buck didn’t wait to see if she did as he asked, knowing she would, and he leaned down and brought out one of the items in the bag. It was a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a long piece of rope.

“Holy shit, Buck.”

They’d played around with restraints before, but this was the first time they would use actual wrist cuffs. There was a wide band of leather that buckled shut. The inside was lined with fur so as not to hurt the wearer and there were two large silver rings on the outside. Buck leaned over and grasped Susie’s right wrist and buckled the cuff on. He then did the same to her other wrist.

“How do they feel?”


“They don’t hurt? I didn’t make them too tight?”

Susie shook her head and looked up at him with wide eyes.

“Okay, next step then.” Buck took his time tying the ropes to the slats in the headboard. He made sure they were just the right length and that they were tied securely. When he was sure they were just how he wanted them, he turned his attention back to Susie.

“Wrist.” His dick jumped when she didn’t say anything, but simply held her right wrist to him for him to attach to the rope. He did the same with the other wrist.

“Now, how does that feel?”

Buck watched as Susie tested her bonds. Her arms were bent at the elbow so she had some room to move, but he knew the minute she realized how vulnerable she was when her eyes dilated and she looked up at him uncertainly.

“You are fucking gorgeous, Sis. I swear I’m not going to do anything you won’t like. No blood, no knives, no torture. Just pleasure. Yours, then mine. Okay?”

“Okay, I’m just not sure why this feels so different than before.”

“Because it is.”

Susie smiled at him. “That didn’t make any sense.”

Buck leaned down and kissed her, but didn’t elaborate. “You ready for more?”


“Yeah. More.”

“I guess.”

Buck leaned down and pulled out the next item from his bag. It was another set of cuffs, this time for her ankles.

“Uh, Buck, we don’t have a footboard to attach anything to.”

“Why don’t you let me worry about that?”

“Shit, okay. Yeah.”

Buck went through the same process of buckling on the ankle cuffs, making sure they were snug, but not too tight, before pulling out a long bar with hooks on each end.

“Oh fuck me. Is that what I think it is?”

“Yup, a spreader bar. I’m going to attach your ankles to it and you won’t be able to close your legs to me.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary, Buck.”

“Well, if we don’t need it, great, but I’m going to truss you up anyway, just in case. I’ll give you a choice though.”

“Nice of you,” Susie said sarcastically, but with a smile on her face.

“Knees up, or legs lying flat?”

Buck watched as Susie thought through her options. He could almost see her thinking.

“Legs flat.”

He chuckled, knowing for what he had in mind, legs flat would actually be harder for her, and easier for him. “You got it.” He got to work buckling her ankle cuffs to the pole. Once he was done he turned a screw and slowly expanded the bar, spreading her legs further and further apart.

“Hey!” Susie complained lifting her neck to look down at his handiwork.

“Easy, Sis,” Buck soothed, putting a hand on her stomach. “You’re good.” He separated her legs until they were as spread as he could make them and still have her be comfortable. He retightened the screw on the pole until it was tight again. “Test it.”

Susie rolled her feet, but the pole didn’t move. She lifted her knees, but could only lift them around six inches before she dropped them back to the mattress. “Uh, this is…awkward.”

“No, it’s beautiful. I have access to every part of you and you can’t stop me.”


“Again, stop doubting me, Sis. I’m not going to hurt you.” Buck spent some time reassuring Susie, running his hands up and down her legs, massaging and caressing her. He leaned over and kissed her stomach, then the undersides of her breasts, then her neck, and finally he gave her his mouth. As they kissed, Buck used his hands to massage her tits and to pinch and pull on her nipples. Finally he pulled his mouth away as one of his hands snaked down to her pussy.

“I love this pussy. You’re always so wet for me. You can take me as hard as I wanna give it to you. It tastes fucking fantastic. I can’t get over it.”


“I have no idea what other pussy tastes like, but I know you’ve ruined me for life. Seriously, Susie. I don’t even give a shit about any other woman but you. I want this pussy for myself. For always.”

“Oh my God, Buck.”

“Shhh, before you say anything, I want to see what I can make this pussy do.”

“What do you mean?”

“You always come so beautiful for me. You get so fucking wet my cock thinks it’s entered heaven every time it gets inside you. But I don’t think you’ve gotten as wet as I think you can get.”

“Huh? Buck, seriously, you make me come at least twice before you’ll put your dick in. That’s as wet as it gets.”

Buck didn’t respond, but leaned over to the mysterious bag on the floor one more time. He fiddled with something near the floor and then finally sat up. He was holding a Hitachi massager.

“Oh Jesus fuck.”

The massager was electric and he’d plugged it in while he’d been near the floor. The device had two settings, low and high, and had a large round rubber head on it. It was designed to massage out kinks in people’s backs, but every women knew that wasn’t the best use for it.

“I saw a video online once. Ever heard of forced orgasms, Susie?”

“Buck, no.”

“Your mouth says no, but your tits say yes.” Her nipples had grown tight at his words and Buck could see her squirming on the bed. “I want to see how this works. I’ve seen women actually squirt come out of their pussy while their man uses this on them.”

“I don’t think those videos are real.”

“Oh, they’re real all right. Come on, what do you have to lose?”

“I’m not sure about this.”

“I know. And you weren’t sure about anal sex either. Or that time we had sex on the balcony. Or when you came to see me at work and I fucked you against the door of the storage shed…and all those times worked out all right in the end, yeah?”

“Yeah, but…”

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