Stepbrother Virgin

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Authors: Annie George

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Stepbrother Virgin

By Annie George

This book is a standalone erotic story. It is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18, due to explicit scenes, language, and situations.

Susie had taken care of her billionaire mother as long as she could remember. She’d run the household and kept the hired help from quitting in frustration. But learning her mother had gotten married…again…and her new stepdad and stepbrother would be moving in might just push her over the edge.

Buck had taken care of his destitute dad as long as he could remember. If Buck didn’t bring home his salary from working at the golf course, they wouldn’t have a place to live or enough to eat. He hasn’t even found the time, or inclination, to lose that pesky virginity he’s been holding on to. Now Buck has just been informed that not only has his dad gotten married, but they have to move into the mansion his stepmother owns by the end of the month…not to mention he has a new stepsister as well.

Neither Susie nor Buck expected to immediately be attracted to each other, but at least Buck’s virginity is no longer an issue. While sleeping with your stepsibling every night seems like a taboo thing to do, it might not be an issue too much longer when their parents’ relationship starts to crumble.




A, thank you for encouraging my crazy ideas and never telling me they’re stupid. They
be stupid, but you’re right there with me on my crazy train. Thank you.

My street team- you guys support me in whatever crazy idea I have. You have no idea how much it means. You’re the best!



Chapter One


Buck Thompson shook his head. People never ceased to amaze him…in some not so good ways.

“Pop, you can’t be serious. How long have you known this woman?”

“Long enough, boy, and don’t take that tone with me.”

Buck sighed and ran his hand over his face in frustration. It seemed like his entire life he’d taken care of his dad. He’d always been more level headed and down to earth than his old man. Buck was only twenty two years old, but sometimes he felt forty two.

“Sorry, Pop. Go ahead.”

“Loraine and I met about a month ago. She brought her car in for some work, and it was love at first sight for us both. She didn’t want to wait, and neither did I. We went down to the courthouse today and got married. I wanted you to be there, but I knew you had to work.”

Buck bet he did. All he did was work. He worked at the golf course as a groundskeeper. He’d been working there since he’d graduated high school. The wages were all right, enough to keep both him and his dad fed, but Buck longed for more.

“Yeah, I had to work. What’s she do for a living?”

“What do you mean?”

Buck repressed a sigh. “Work, Pop. Where does she work?”

“Oh, well that’s the thing. She doesn’t.”

Buck felt nauseous. The last thing he needed was to have to figure out how he’d earn enough money to feed not only him and his dad, but Pop’s new wife as well.

“She doesn’t work?”

“Nope. She’s got money. She don’t need to work.”


“It’s for real this time, son. I swear.”

“That’s what you said the last time.”

“I know, but Kiki was lying when she told me she had an inheritance.”

Buck barely kept himself from snorting. Inheritance his ass. He knew his dad had married her because she was young and had fake tits. “So this one’s got money?”

has money. Apparently her first husband was killed while on the job because of faulty equipment and she got a huge settlement. Then her latest husband died leaving her a shit load of money.”

“Uh huh.” Buck barely listened as his dad continued to talk about his new wife and where she lived and how much money she had. Movement in his peripheral vision caught his eye. He looked over at four women in a golf cart driving crazily across the eighth hole.

“Hey, Pop, I gotta go.”

“Did you hear me, son? We’re going to her place to eat tonight and you need to be there.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll see you at home later?”

“Sure thing. You’ll see, you’ll like Loraine. I’m sure of it.”

“Okay, Pop. Later.”

“Bye, son.”

Buck clicked off his phone and shoved it in his back pocket. He immediately climbed into the golf cart sitting behind him and started after the women. He’d worked damn hard that morning making sure the green was as perfect as he could make it. If the crazy chick driving that golf cart like she was a Nascar driver continued cutting across the pristine manicured course, there’d be hell to pay.


* * *

Susie held on for dear life as Maureen drove crazily across the golf course. She laughed as they hit a bump and all of them almost went flying out of their seats.

“Faster, Mo!” Loretta shouted.

“Yeah, go over there,” Rachel pointed. “See what happens if you gun it over that hill.”

Susie kept quiet and mentally shook her head. Mo was going to get them all killed, but she hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time. She was twenty one and this was the first time in a long time she actually felt her age. Taking care of the entire household was stressful and as a result of dealing with all the people she had to manage with on a daily basis, she knew a career in human resources wasn’t in her future.

Just before they reached the hill, and before Mo could “gun it,” another golf cart came flying from out of nowhere and cut them off. Mo shrieked, Loretta swore loudly, Rachel laughed crazily, and Susie squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the inevitable collision.

When nothing happened, except for them all almost being thrown out of their seats from the centrifugal force of Mo standing on the brake petal, Susie cautiously cracked her eyes open.

A man was standing in front of their cart with his hands crossed over his bare chest, seemingly unconcerned he’d almost been run over. Susie noticed that the chest his arms were crossed over was very muscular. He was scowling at them as if they’d just run over a puppy or something. Like usual, Mo didn’t hold back her words.

“What the ever loving fuck was that?”

“What the fuck was what?” the man standing there retorted caustically.

Susie held her breath. Uh oh. He had no idea what he’d just done.

Mo stood up from the driver’s seat of the little golf cart and went to stand in front of the man. “You almost killed us.”

Not giving Mo a chance to continue, or indeed
her tirade, the man broke in. “You see that?” he asked, pointing behind them.

Susie turned to look where he was pointing, and knew her friends were doing the same thing. She saw nothing but green as far as she could see. She turned back and eyed the man critically. He was probably about their age, it was hard to tell exactly. His T-shirt was tucked into the back of his pants and hanging down to the back of his knees. He had a smattering of chest hair, a scruffy, well groomed beard and a hint of a tattoo showing on his left hip. He had broad shoulders, the kind Susie had seen on swimmers in the Olympics. His jeans were well worn and the sneakers on his feet had definitely seen better days.

The golf cart behind him didn’t have a backseat, instead it had a sort of truck bed, and was filled with all sorts of gardening materials. There were shovels, bags of dirt, a rake, and a bunch of other equipment Susie couldn’t identify. It finally dawned on her that he most likely worked at the golf course and was obviously in charge of the gardening, or whatever it was called.

“See what?” Susie was shaken out of her perusal of the guy in front of them with Mo’s acidic words.

“The fact that behind you are two long ass grooves in the grass where you stupidly drove your golf cart. You’re supposed to stay on the concrete driveways. This is not the fucking beach or the mountains where you can just decide to go off-roading. Besides that, your friends were rattling around in that cart like they were kernels in a fucking popcorn maker and if you’d’ve hit that hill and gone over it, since none of you are wearing seatbelts, you all, most likely, would have been seriously hurt when you landed after you flew out of the cart.” His words were one long run-on sentence, but his meaning was clear.

“Jesus, you might be a hottie, but you are one serious fuddy-duddy.” That was Rachel, but she wasn’t talking under her breath.

“Look, I spend a lot of time working to make sure this course is pristine and in top shape for people like your rich daddies to play golf on. As I said, if you want to go mudding, find a jeep and go up to the mountains. If you want to play in the sand, go to the beach and fuck off. But you do not drive a fucking golf cart like a bat out of hell through
golf course and fuck up the greens and the sod.”

Susie just stared at the man. He was right, of course he was, but he was being kind of a dick about it. And she certainly didn’t like his comment about their daddies, why was it
were always the rich ones? She spoke up. “Not everyone has a daddy, asshole. And my
comes here to play golf. She’s got money, you jerk, she can pay to have the stupid grass paved over more than once.”

“It’s sod, it’s not paved,” was his odd comment.

“Whatever,” Susie waved her hand in the air dismissing his words. “My point is, loosen up. Seriously. Whatever stick is up your ass needs to come out. We’re fine. You’re fine. We were just letting off some steam. “

“Well, let it off somewhere other than my golf course.”

Loretta chuckled. “
golf course? I don’t think it’s yours. Hell, we could probably go back and talk to Mr. Dawson and get your ass fired anyway. How about it girls…” Loretta turned to her friends, “You saw him make a pass at me and grab my ass, right?”

Susie felt uncomfortable for the first time. It was one thing to get in an argument with the guy, it was another thing altogether to lie to get him fired.

“Yeah, catcalling and making obscene gestures isn’t something Mr. Dawson would want his employees doing. Especially to young vulnerable girls like us…who have rich parents.”

Susie could actually see the disdain that rolled off of the guy in front of them. If he was upset before, now he was absolutely
. His eyes swept over the four of them and then settled back on Loretta.

“Get your ass back in that cart and get the fuck out of here.”

Loretta just rolled her eyes. “Figures, chicken shit. Come on, ladies. I think there are some mimosas calling our name back at the bar.”

Susie climbed back into the back of the golf cart and grabbed ahold of the side. Mo gunned it and took off like a bat out of hell. The wheels turning left deep gauges in the earth. The last Susie saw of the man was him looking furiously at the back of the cart as they sped back the way they came away from him.

“What an asshole,” Rachel said.

“Yeah, seriously. What the hell ever,” Loretta agreed.

“We did fuck up the grass,” Susie said tentatively.

“Who the hell cares,” Mo bit out. “We just gave him something to do. It’s not like it’s that hard working here. He should’ve thanked us for saving him from boredom.”

Susie kept her mouth shut. She had no idea what the guy did all day, but from the look of his dirty clothes and his sweaty chest, she didn’t think he just sat around all day being bored. She didn’t say anything though, knowing her friends would nit-pick the entire episode to death if the subject didn’t get changed.

“Hey, I forgot to tell you guys,” she exclaimed. “My mother got married!”


“Holy shit!”

“No way!”

“Yeah, she met ‘the love of her life,’ her words, not mine, last month when she brought the Jag in because it was making that funny noise. The guy is about ten years older than her and is a mechanic.”

“No Shit?”

Susie ignored Mo’s comment and continued on. “Yeah, apparently he’s like, completely broke, and will be moving into our house.”

“Really? That’s not a big deal, right? I mean, you always complain about how big the house is and how it’s way too big for just you and your mother,” Rachel questioned, holding on for dear life as Mo took a corner too fast.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want her to marry again. You know how awful her other three husbands were. Shit, Larry made a pass at me at the dinner table one night and my mom was completely oblivious. I had to start hiding whenever I knew he was going to be around. It wasn’t until she caught him in bed with Bambi, her yoga instructor, that she kicked him out and divorced him. Then there was Steve, yeah, you know what as asshole
was. Then she married Edgar...”

“Yeah, the eighty four year old gross old man.” Loretta commiserated.

“Yup. She figured if the young guys weren’t doing it for her, she’d go for an old one.”

“Didn’t she get like three gazillion dollars out of that one?” Mo asked as she pulled into a parking space for golf carts in front of the clubhouse.

“Yeah. He didn’t have any kids and changed his will so she got most of it. You guys know she didn’t need the money, but I can’t say I’m sad Edgar’s gone. That perverted old man pinched my ass every chance he could, and mother thought it was funny.”

“So what’s the draw of
guy?” Rachel asked, genuinely confused.

“I have no idea. I haven’t ever met him. Mother just told me today that they got married. But she did tell me something else.” She paused for dramatic effect.


“That I’m no longer an only child. My new dad has a son. I’m a stepsister, and my new stepbrother is moving in along with his dad.”

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